
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Ping the parents of your favourites
[s]This looks like fun[/s] @Mundanli I bought this guy off of the AH because I was looking for a potato dragon AND a Snapper, and your dragon fit the bill. He went with a different name, so I bought him a renaming scroll and [b]BOOM[/b]! Meet your very expensive Snapper cutie Sir Potato II! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- @theautumnroad I bought this dragon off the the AH also when I started (I believe, but if not them I'm unsure) and I've been in love with her ever since. She was one of the few dragons to stay in my lair after I completely dumped the Lore I had right out of the den- which caused some dragons to get exalted. She has stayed for the basic reasons of me really, really, [i]really[/i] liking all the shades of blue and I really loving Pearlcatchers (since Pearls are my birthstone xD). So I introduce you to my blue beauty WaterSong! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- @mikakagehira I bought him some time after the lore-wreak (or before, I completely forgot) and he's mainly staying for the same purpose as Watersong- for the love of blue. I honestly have no memories on why I bought him, but he's in a good home where he'll get spoiled in the nearby future. :) This dragon is IceWing! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- @Cathii is the closest one since her parent's parents (or Grandparents, really) lives in your clan, so maybe you might've been the owners of her parents? I'm not sure. Anyways, she's the oldest dragon to not be exalted after the lore-wreak (her being in the 4th slot, formerly and being close to Wisher, another Imperial) and even though I have no idea why I love her, she's the one closest to my heart. Maybe because she reminds me of computers? Who knows. This is TechnoStorm, my female Imperial without a mate and children (which she'll get, shortly). [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
This looks like fun

@Mundanli I bought this guy off of the AH because I was looking for a potato dragon AND a Snapper, and your dragon fit the bill. He went with a different name, so I bought him a renaming scroll and BOOM! Meet your very expensive Snapper cutie Sir Potato II!


@theautumnroad I bought this dragon off the the AH also when I started (I believe, but if not them I'm unsure) and I've been in love with her ever since. She was one of the few dragons to stay in my lair after I completely dumped the Lore I had right out of the den- which caused some dragons to get exalted. She has stayed for the basic reasons of me really, really, really liking all the shades of blue and I really loving Pearlcatchers (since Pearls are my birthstone xD). So I introduce you to my blue beauty WaterSong!


@mikakagehira I bought him some time after the lore-wreak (or before, I completely forgot) and he's mainly staying for the same purpose as Watersong- for the love of blue. I honestly have no memories on why I bought him, but he's in a good home where he'll get spoiled in the nearby future. :) This dragon is IceWing!


@Cathii is the closest one since her parent's parents (or Grandparents, really) lives in your clan, so maybe you might've been the owners of her parents? I'm not sure. Anyways, she's the oldest dragon to not be exalted after the lore-wreak (her being in the 4th slot, formerly and being close to Wisher, another Imperial) and even though I have no idea why I love her, she's the one closest to my heart. Maybe because she reminds me of computers? Who knows. This is TechnoStorm, my female Imperial without a mate and children (which she'll get, shortly).

earth_3.png seasweptdreams / awkward / procrastinating

please ping me to get my attention!
in need of fan dragons!

do NOT get mystic messenger if you can't handle getting up @ 3am
@Myah I got this girl [url=] [img][/img] [/url] from Proteus and Echo. And I know that you probably aren't even on the site anymore, judging by the state of your lair and your post dates, but I wanted to say thank you. Vanlanthiriel doesn't have any lore yet, but she's the best oracle in my clan <3
I got this girl


from Proteus and Echo. And I know that you probably aren't even on the site anymore, judging by the state of your lair and your post dates, but I wanted to say thank you. Vanlanthiriel doesn't have any lore yet, but she's the best oracle in my clan <3
@yijioui Thank you Sonatine and Zephyr for producing my pride and joy c: He was one of my very first impulse buys upon joining and I have never been able to part with him since! And I don't believe I ever will <3 he will certainly live a spoiled life. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Aywren Still working my way up to affording the apparel this guy deserves! I bought both him and his sister very early in the game, and though I departed with her (with extreme difficulty) he has a permanent position in my clan's top five ranks as the Wind ambassador. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Thank you Sonatine and Zephyr for producing my pride and joy c:
He was one of my very first impulse buys upon joining and I have never been able to part with him since! And I don't believe I ever will <3 he will certainly live a spoiled life.


Still working my way up to affording the apparel this guy deserves! I bought both him and his sister very early in the game, and though I departed with her (with extreme difficulty) he has a permanent position in my clan's top five ranks as the Wind ambassador.


Aha, I just came back! Good timing :P. I was without internet for a long while.

She is beautiful <3, I'm so glad!

Aha, I just came back! Good timing :P. I was without internet for a long while.

She is beautiful <3, I'm so glad!
sorry for random pings but this is taking me down memory lane~ @LunarQuadrants I bought a hatchling from you, and he was the first dragon I EVER bought on FR c; [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I still love him to death and I'm trying to work in some lore for him ~ @Wolf2046 I bought this guy for my first fodder and just didn't have the heart to exalt him < 3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ~ @Saramis @KeriSamuraiGirl @ValkiraK It seems you're all inactive but I bought hatchlings from you back when I had just started as well! I believe they were my 3rd, 4th, and 5th dragons I ever bought [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ~ And finally, one of my newest purchases @Keebahnator , I bought a dragon who just grew up today on rollover. She's now a lesbian assassin who definitely blends in with her surroundings. Your pair has brought light into this sin lair [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
sorry for random pings but this is taking me down memory lane~
@LunarQuadrants I bought a hatchling from you, and he was the first dragon I EVER bought on FR c;


I still love him to death and I'm trying to work in some lore for him


@Wolf2046 I bought this guy for my first fodder and just didn't have the heart to exalt him < 3



@Saramis @KeriSamuraiGirl @ValkiraK It seems you're all inactive but I bought hatchlings from you back when I had just started as well! I believe they were my 3rd, 4th, and 5th dragons I ever bought





And finally, one of my newest purchases
@Keebahnator , I bought a dragon who just grew up today on rollover. She's now a lesbian assassin who definitely blends in with her surroundings. Your pair has brought light into this sin lair

Y'all, I love this thread. Know why? Bc of the number of active dragons still on this site that I was not expecting. But first, shout out to two of my faves... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Peps @paddingpaw [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and Demon @canina I could not resist either one. As it should be. Now, on to the pleasant surprises... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rei @narif Fam, I gotta tell u, she is my oldest dragon and one of my oldest gening projects and like 1 of 4 w her colors at the time of purchase and I don't even think I bought her from u but I got her for like 16k I think and now she's SAILOR MARS how bout that but I was SHOCKED she still had an active parent like hallelujah look at that [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dawnmist @Ardruna Man again I was so shocked I couldn't even remember that I got her from u it's been so long and ur on my friends list I think. I dunno if I ever told u I think I did but she got that shimmer. She might even get glimmer someday. And I just got her a new mate who will be ready in a few weeks after a long time of not breeding. But I remember I was playing in the scrying workshop dissatisfied with my progen like 'if I could have any custom windy what would it look like?' and I made her look like the sky and I found her [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Heddy @fourthage Again I was shocked bc I think I got her for 5k on the fly bc I happened to see her expiring soon and like this was when I was moving to a glimmer exclusive lair but I love snaps and I still have her and I even breed obs bellies w her. I got her bc she reminds me of the romance between 2 of my Skyrim characters and this is her tactfully sneaking into the Thalmor embassy holla~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mirk @flarechaser My. First. Glimmer. The first one I felt was worth it to drop that kind of cash on. He answered the door for trick or treaters last year and he is still kicking it. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rohirram @sunsong43 Needs a better name. But u need to know that he was named that on the fly bc he is literally the only fodder bought to exalt that I have ever kept. And he's cherub and I hate cherub now but I still like him he's my fruit salad bby and he's on his second attempt right now at making more fruit salad bbys the first attempt being on my birthday last month [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dutiful @hisseefit Named after the first dragon I ever bought. He was a tiger imp too. She's an upgrade with much better genes but the same nostalgic feel and I was happy to find her~ And finally @tearzofmercury [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I DID IT [url=] [img][/img] [/url] IT WAS ME [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I BOUGHT ALL THOSE TUNDRAS [url=] [img][/img] [/url] TO MAKE SAILOR MOON DRAGONS [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I DON'T KNOW WHO SOLD MERCURY BC BOTH PARENTS ARE EXALTED BUT SPECIAL THANKS! Seriously, I had a screenshot at one point, but all five of these were lined up just like this in the ah for 20k a pop and I had to do it. I just had to. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Special thanks to @iequinomin for MiniMoon. I bought him b4 the Tundras he wasn't gonna be MiniMoon but he fit right in~
Y'all, I love this thread. Know why? Bc of the number of active dragons still on this site that I was not expecting. But first, shout out to two of my faves...


Peps @paddingpaw


and Demon @canina

I could not resist either one. As it should be. Now, on to the pleasant surprises...


Rei @narif

Fam, I gotta tell u, she is my oldest dragon and one of my oldest gening projects and like 1 of 4 w her colors at the time of purchase and I don't even think I bought her from u but I got her for like 16k I think and now she's SAILOR MARS how bout that but I was SHOCKED she still had an active parent like hallelujah look at that


Dawnmist @Ardruna

Man again I was so shocked I couldn't even remember that I got her from u it's been so long and ur on my friends list I think. I dunno if I ever told u I think I did but she got that shimmer. She might even get glimmer someday. And I just got her a new mate who will be ready in a few weeks after a long time of not breeding. But I remember I was playing in the scrying workshop dissatisfied with my progen like 'if I could have any custom windy what would it look like?' and I made her look like the sky and I found her


Heddy @fourthage

Again I was shocked bc I think I got her for 5k on the fly bc I happened to see her expiring soon and like this was when I was moving to a glimmer exclusive lair but I love snaps and I still have her and I even breed obs bellies w her. I got her bc she reminds me of the romance between 2 of my Skyrim characters and this is her tactfully sneaking into the Thalmor embassy holla~


Mirk @flarechaser

My. First. Glimmer. The first one I felt was worth it to drop that kind of cash on. He answered the door for trick or treaters last year and he is still kicking it.


Rohirram @sunsong43

Needs a better name. But u need to know that he was named that on the fly bc he is literally the only fodder bought to exalt that I have ever kept. And he's cherub and I hate cherub now but I still like him he's my fruit salad bby and he's on his second attempt right now at making more fruit salad bbys the first attempt being on my birthday last month


Dutiful @hisseefit

Named after the first dragon I ever bought. He was a tiger imp too. She's an upgrade with much better genes but the same nostalgic feel and I was happy to find her~

And finally











I DON'T KNOW WHO SOLD MERCURY BC BOTH PARENTS ARE EXALTED BUT SPECIAL THANKS! Seriously, I had a screenshot at one point, but all five of these were lined up just like this in the ah for 20k a pop and I had to do it. I just had to.


Special thanks to @iequinomin for MiniMoon. I bought him b4 the Tundras he wasn't gonna be MiniMoon but he fit right in~
@zktql i got this boy from u. dont know if u still play. made him my bubblegum boy :D Bubbleboy [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @BonnentRunes got these girl from u awhile ago. she represents an OC i am working on. wasnt expecting to find a SD with colors so perfect! Alaster Sunsong or just Sunsong [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @EllieAlice no i dont believe i have bruoght dragons from u yet. just wanted to tell u im happy to see that Rohirram has a home. would have keep him my self but i didnt have the room. and also i kind of like the name. makes him sound like he's from rohan if u have ever seen lord of the rings.
@zktql i got this boy from u. dont know if u still play. made him my bubblegum boy :D


got these girl from u awhile ago. she represents an OC i am working on. wasnt expecting to find a SD with colors so perfect!
Alaster Sunsong or just Sunsong


@EllieAlice no i dont believe i have bruoght dragons from u yet. just wanted to tell u im happy to see that Rohirram has a home. would have keep him my self but i didnt have the room. and also i kind of like the name. makes him sound like he's from rohan if u have ever seen lord of the rings.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] @skybluebre she is still not named but one of the most eye catching babies ever...I have had her since she was young



she is still not named but one of the most eye catching babies ever...I have had her since she was young
@Asriel7 your Cassian and, @LadyNycto your Venera have graced me with my beautiful Blush. She is beyond spoiled (just got her piece of art) and I just wanted to say thank you to both. I don't know who I originally bought her from, but I bought her for her accent and after searching the AH she caught my eye and I knew I had to have her. She's one of my favs and will always have a place in my lair. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] __________________________ @Nekomata your Ifrin and Pyrra gave me my Akemi and Sayuri and I want to say thank you. These two sisters cost me quite a bit but they will be members of my clan till the day I stop playing. They have lore, adopts, and a coded bio as well! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ____________________________ @Niabi Your Tidus and Sabina gave me my Camellia. I saw her on a post and had to have her, she already came with the art but the bio is from me and she has a place in my den for as long as I am going to be playing here. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Asriel7 your Cassian and, @LadyNycto your Venera have graced me with my beautiful Blush. She is beyond spoiled (just got her piece of art) and I just wanted to say thank you to both. I don't know who I originally bought her from, but I bought her for her accent and after searching the AH she caught my eye and I knew I had to have her.

She's one of my favs and will always have a place in my lair.


@Nekomata your Ifrin and Pyrra gave me my Akemi and Sayuri and I want to say thank you. These two sisters cost me quite a bit but they will be members of my clan till the day I stop playing. They have lore, adopts, and a coded bio as well!





Your Tidus and Sabina gave me my Camellia. I saw her on a post and had to have her, she already came with the art but the bio is from me and she has a place in my den for as long as I am going to be playing here.

  • here there be witches
  • infj / he / 24
  • 16 hours ahead
@CupcakeCass I bought this girl (Kaisi) from you back when I first started out and I still love her very very much! And I finally found her an accent that I think fits her extremely well! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I bought this girl (Kaisi) from you back when I first started out and I still love her very very much! And I finally found her an accent that I think fits her extremely well!
