
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Ping the parents of your favourites
Interesting idea! Going to contact a couple of the active users (wow I did not know I had so many...) @angelsbees [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This guy right here, I bought from you at least a couple months ago. I'm posting here to let you know how he is doing. He has 11 kids, most from his gorgeous mate, Starflower, who is coincidentally my favourite dragon in my lair =) Alas, all the kids of his I had I exalted or sold, save for the first, a lady PC who has moved on another gorgeous lair! She gave birth to Windchime, a cute little grandchild that I decided to buy so he could live with his awesome grandpa. I am planning to rename him to match his mate and grandkid, but have no ideas! If you would like to suggest a name, feel free =) ~~~~~ @PolarBear666 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This lovely gal I adopted from you a long while ago, and she has been doing well! 7 offspring, all with unique names, and 2 of them remain, residing in different lairs. Thanks so much for adopting her out to me! ~~~~~ @Evaria [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This gal was traded from a trading lair full of adopted dragons, where you dropped her off (wow that is confusing). As you can see, I definately had some fun dressing her up ;) 5 offspring with similar bright colour schemes, including one lovely PC gal who still resides in my lair. I'm glad I spotted her~ ~~~~~ @ImmortalWitness [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Bought this wonderful triple ice boy from you a while back (don't remember when exactly!). I see you have bred him for a while before me, so I continued the trend ;) Currently breeding him with a skydancer with high chance of triple orca babies, 2nd time on a nest so far. Hope I suceed =) ~~~ @Chartreuse [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This lovely gal that I adopted from you was probably one of the first dragons I adopted. She is currently on my first page, and has 7 kids. Her last baby is a perfect match to her mother, save for the eyes! One boy still resides in the front page of my lair, all glammed up =) ~~~ @Ynyr [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This gal, was probably one of the most expensive dragons I bought! lol but she sure looks amazing with all that apparel =) 12 offspring, with only one unnamed... my mistake =( She has served me well though, and will stay in my front page. I just love the apparel on her! ~~~ @jesterjokes [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This lovely boy, I saw in the AH and knew I had to buy him! Reminds me of paradise (and name matches that thought). One of eight offspring (a zombie skydancer of all things =P) still lives on to serve her lair~
Interesting idea! Going to contact a couple of the active users (wow I did not know I had so many...)



This guy right here, I bought from you at least a couple months ago. I'm posting here to let you know how he is doing. He has 11 kids, most from his gorgeous mate, Starflower, who is coincidentally my favourite dragon in my lair =) Alas, all the kids of his I had I exalted or sold, save for the first, a lady PC who has moved on another gorgeous lair! She gave birth to Windchime, a cute little grandchild that I decided to buy so he could live with his awesome grandpa.

I am planning to rename him to match his mate and grandkid, but have no ideas! If you would like to suggest a name, feel free =)




This lovely gal I adopted from you a long while ago, and she has been doing well! 7 offspring, all with unique names, and 2 of them remain, residing in different lairs. Thanks so much for adopting her out to me!




This gal was traded from a trading lair full of adopted dragons, where you dropped her off (wow that is confusing). As you can see, I definately had some fun dressing her up ;) 5 offspring with similar bright colour schemes, including one lovely PC gal who still resides in my lair. I'm glad I spotted her~




Bought this wonderful triple ice boy from you a while back (don't remember when exactly!). I see you have bred him for a while before me, so I continued the trend ;) Currently breeding him with a skydancer with high chance of triple orca babies, 2nd time on a nest so far. Hope I suceed =)




This lovely gal that I adopted from you was probably one of the first dragons I adopted. She is currently on my first page, and has 7 kids. Her last baby is a perfect match to her mother, save for the eyes! One boy still resides in the front page of my lair, all glammed up =)




This gal, was probably one of the most expensive dragons I bought! lol but she sure looks amazing with all that apparel =) 12 offspring, with only one unnamed... my mistake =( She has served me well though, and will stay in my front page. I just love the apparel on her!




This lovely boy, I saw in the AH and knew I had to buy him! Reminds me of paradise (and name matches that thought). One of eight offspring (a zombie skydancer of all things =P) still lives on to serve her lair~

@naboru [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Earwen is a dragon I got from a friend when they decided to quit FR, and I love her coloration a lot. If I ever get around to writing lore for my dragons, she'll be one of the first I do it for after my progens. and all my other favorite dragons are children of dragons i own or are Gen1, lol.


Earwen is a dragon I got from a friend when they decided to quit FR, and I love her coloration a lot. If I ever get around to writing lore for my dragons, she'll be one of the first I do it for after my progens.

and all my other favorite dragons are children of dragons i own or are Gen1, lol.
Ohboy, here we go. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Coluhdrops Hello! I know you no longer own Chai and Joelle, but I still have that pretty little piebald imp boy you gave me a year ago on the 14th of this month. I couldn't express how excited I was to get a piebald dragon! And then you went and just gave him to me haha. I definitely remember that. So now he resides in the first spot in my lair, next to his mate, Venicia, as the leader of my clan. He's since received Peregrine, but I still love him dearly. [s]And clearly, I still don't know how to dress him[/s] I want to thank you immensely for giving me this lovely dragon! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Kyouki You've heard from me before just how much I love my girl Komorebi, but here I am again, to tell you I love her just as much or even more ahaha. I bought this dragon at a time of emotional distress, and I was drawn to her colours. Now here she is, the pixel dragon embodiment of all that is good and pure in the world. An she's got lots of art now, too! Thank you so very much for selling her to me! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @RaccoonDragon Again, you've heard from me about Jupiter (then named London), but I'll tell you again how utterly in love with her I am. I'm still so stunned her parents, a blue Coatl and a pirate-esque Imperial, made her what she is xD I gave her Spinner, but decided not to give her Skink as I loved her piebald too much. As you can see, she's decked out in all her gilded glory, with some art (and more on the way), a bio, and a prestigious position in my clan as head of the Court! Thank you again for allowing me to purchase such a gorgeous dragon. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Sariteiya Hello! Back in March, I purchased this lovely boy from you, purely on impulse. I'm now proud to say he's on the front page of my lair, has art, and has a bio and a lovely mate by the name of Ljosalfar. I also bought that accent, just for him <3 I still don't understand why he appeals to me so much, but his wide, innocent Wind eyes have always called to me. Thanks again for selling him to me! [/center]
Ohboy, here we go.


@Coluhdrops Hello! I know you no longer own Chai and Joelle, but I still have that pretty little piebald imp boy you gave me a year ago on the 14th of this month. I couldn't express how excited I was to get a piebald dragon! And then you went and just gave him to me haha. I definitely remember that.
So now he resides in the first spot in my lair, next to his mate, Venicia, as the leader of my clan. He's since received Peregrine, but I still love him dearly.
And clearly, I still don't know how to dress him
I want to thank you immensely for giving me this lovely dragon!


@Kyouki You've heard from me before just how much I love my girl Komorebi, but here I am again, to tell you I love her just as much or even more ahaha. I bought this dragon at a time of emotional distress, and I was drawn to her colours. Now here she is, the pixel dragon embodiment of all that is good and pure in the world. An she's got lots of art now, too! Thank you so very much for selling her to me!


@RaccoonDragon Again, you've heard from me about Jupiter (then named London), but I'll tell you again how utterly in love with her I am. I'm still so stunned her parents, a blue Coatl and a pirate-esque Imperial, made her what she is xD I gave her Spinner, but decided not to give her Skink as I loved her piebald too much. As you can see, she's decked out in all her gilded glory, with some art (and more on the way), a bio, and a prestigious position in my clan as head of the Court! Thank you again for allowing me to purchase such a gorgeous dragon.


@Sariteiya Hello! Back in March, I purchased this lovely boy from you, purely on impulse. I'm now proud to say he's on the front page of my lair, has art, and has a bio and a lovely mate by the name of Ljosalfar. I also bought that accent, just for him <3 I still don't understand why he appeals to me so much, but his wide, innocent Wind eyes have always called to me. Thanks again for selling him to me!

-Art Shop
-Looking for WC Scrolls!
-Accent Shop
No probs! :D she looks awesome! :D
No probs! :D she looks awesome! :D

Oh my goodness, thanks! I won't lie, I tend to creep the sold children of my dragons, and I was so thrilled to see how much love you put into Cedanicus. I'm definitely proud he came out of my lair!

Oh my goodness, thanks! I won't lie, I tend to creep the sold children of my dragons, and I was so thrilled to see how much love you put into Cedanicus. I'm definitely proud he came out of my lair!
[center]@WitchOfTheWind I could not thank you more for putting little Chenoa up on the auction house, I fell in love instantly; since I got her, she's gotten Stained but she's not finished just yet! She still needs her accent and a few more apparel pieces :D Now that I have her lore done, I'll have to get art of her when I get the chance. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -------- @Foxcaelestin Deva's a bit of an older girl but since I got her, I gave her Cherub / Butterfly and well, eheh.. I've loved her since the day I picked her up. She was gorgeous before and she's even more gorgeous now--though I have to say the fact that her dad is still unnamed a year later has always made me laugh xD She has lore, just not in her bio :'D [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -------- @ryuuji You know I love pestering you :D I can't thank you enough for giving me the chance to get not one, but two babies from that amazing pair <3 I still have to get art of them together :) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] -------- Slapping you four together since you guys are the proud parents of my non-heterosexual pairs! @Starfait for Gardenia, @KingBagel for Lieu, who will get her lore soon, @garnetismyfav for Momoka, whose lore is directly tied into Evelyn's, I'll get around to her individual lore soon, promise, and @Lytic for Evelyn herself! I adore these four dragons more than words can describe, and really can't wait to get art of them ;u; Gardenia and Lieu are going to be my hatchery representatives when I can find someone to draw the banner ;-; Momoka and Evelyn keep things entertaining for me, and I really can't wait to get ship art of them either, with Evelyn all wrapped around Momoka.. It'll be so cute ;u; [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] -------- @kisaeri I haven't had Ametza here too long, but she's very special to me and I adore her to pieces <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] -------- @SilverFoxDemon Can't thank you enough for not selling Natius to anyone else, you sly fox you >u> <3 She has yet to be properly spoiled, but soon enough! [url=][img][/img][/url]
I could not thank you more for putting little Chenoa up on the auction house, I fell in love instantly; since I got her, she's gotten Stained but she's not finished just yet! She still needs her accent and a few more apparel pieces :D Now that I have her lore done, I'll have to get art of her when I get the chance.


Deva's a bit of an older girl but since I got her, I gave her Cherub / Butterfly and well, eheh.. I've loved her since the day I picked her up. She was gorgeous before and she's even more gorgeous now--though I have to say the fact that her dad is still unnamed a year later has always made me laugh xD

She has lore, just not in her bio :'D


You know I love pestering you :D I can't thank you enough for giving me the chance to get not one, but two babies from that amazing pair <3 I still have to get art of them together :)

Slapping you four together since you guys are the proud parents of my non-heterosexual pairs!
@Starfait for Gardenia, @KingBagel for Lieu, who will get her lore soon, @garnetismyfav for Momoka, whose lore is directly tied into Evelyn's, I'll get around to her individual lore soon, promise, and @Lytic for Evelyn herself!

I adore these four dragons more than words can describe, and really can't wait to get art of them ;u; Gardenia and Lieu are going to be my hatchery representatives when I can find someone to draw the banner ;-; Momoka and Evelyn keep things entertaining for me, and I really can't wait to get ship art of them either, with Evelyn all wrapped around Momoka.. It'll be so cute ;u;


I haven't had Ametza here too long, but she's very special to me and I adore her to pieces <3

Can't thank you enough for not selling Natius to anyone else, you sly fox you >u> <3 She has yet to be properly spoiled, but soon enough!
80757570p.png 77134736p.png

Wow, I'm super happy to see that you like her! She looks so nice in her apparel!

Wow, I'm super happy to see that you like her! She looks so nice in her apparel!
hope I'm not bothering anyone! @Mempsis I've already talked about Valor's lore with you (thanks again for helping me with her backstory!) but I'm still so glad I found her c: she was the very first dragons I felt inspired to write lore for and I'm still working on plot stuff to post later. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----------------- @AnieR6 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Xyremita here was one of the first dragons I bought (and therefore became part of my colliseum grinding team since like, day 2 on fr) and lore-wise she's one of my two clan founders .w. Honestly most of her lore was inspired by her skin (the first coli skin I ever got) and I think it really suits her. Thanks for the cool gal! ------------------ @graphicChibi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ah man, I've had Audrey since my first or second day and I love him so much. He's the last core clan member that needs lore written out and honestly I've been having some trouble because he's such a positive guy (in stark contrast to everyone else who are pretty disgruntled and troubled). He's the real positive force that holds my clan together lore-wise and somehow has managed to befriend even the most prickly of dragons. Anyways, thanks for bringing him into the world! ------------------- @fleets [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I almost passed Aether up when I first saw her on the AH but I'm so glad I got her. She's the resident emotionally distant information broker (until she falls in loooooove) and I keep trying to draw her a gijinka but I'm not much of an artist. ah well, she's probably my favorite dragon in terms of appearance and I'm very glad she's here c: ---------------- @Daakshi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Uzumaki here is probably the best gene project I've ever pulled off, originally I got him to regene him as a PC with poison and toxin but after having him sit in my lair a while, I learned to love him as a spiral and when the new genes came out he was first on my list for them! One of these days I'm going to sit down and write some proper lore for him. Until then, his job is just to look fantastic c: I'm glad you bred him!
hope I'm not bothering anyone!

@Mempsis I've already talked about Valor's lore with you (thanks again for helping me with her backstory!) but I'm still so glad I found her c: she was the very first dragons I felt inspired to write lore for and I'm still working on plot stuff to post later.




Xyremita here was one of the first dragons I bought (and therefore became part of my colliseum grinding team since like, day 2 on fr) and lore-wise she's one of my two clan founders .w. Honestly most of her lore was inspired by her skin (the first coli skin I ever got) and I think it really suits her. Thanks for the cool gal!



ah man, I've had Audrey since my first or second day and I love him so much. He's the last core clan member that needs lore written out and honestly I've been having some trouble because he's such a positive guy (in stark contrast to everyone else who are pretty disgruntled and troubled). He's the real positive force that holds my clan together lore-wise and somehow has managed to befriend even the most prickly of dragons. Anyways, thanks for bringing him into the world!



I almost passed Aether up when I first saw her on the AH but I'm so glad I got her. She's the resident emotionally distant information broker (until she falls in loooooove) and I keep trying to draw her a gijinka but I'm not much of an artist. ah well, she's probably my favorite dragon in terms of appearance and I'm very glad she's here c:



Uzumaki here is probably the best gene project I've ever pulled off, originally I got him to regene him as a PC with poison and toxin but after having him sit in my lair a while, I learned to love him as a spiral and when the new genes came out he was first on my list for them! One of these days I'm going to sit down and write some proper lore for him. Until then, his job is just to look fantastic c: I'm glad you bred him!
always LF:
  • sunset, spearmint, overcast, iris petals and/or butterfly
  • moon, storm skink, spinner, poison, toxin
  • storm, denim-abyss, cerise, moon, radioactive, orca in general

So nice to see adopted babies! Glad she's got a good home ^__^

So nice to see adopted babies! Glad she's got a good home ^__^

So nice to see adopted babies! Glad she's got a good home ^__^

So nice to see adopted babies! Glad she's got a good home ^__^