

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Rogues (open!)
@DragonSeeker I mean I need to find a good pic for my character
@DragonSeeker I mean I need to find a good pic for my character
@DuskChaser Oh. :P Do you wanna start us off? X3
@DuskChaser Oh. :P Do you wanna start us off? X3
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
((@DragonSeeker for real oh my goodness this is a huge honor!
Give me a sec and I'll give us a good starter and ill use this spot to do it in ))

((@DragonSeeker for real oh my goodness this is a huge honor!
Give me a sec and I'll give us a good starter and ill use this spot to do it in ))

@DuskChaser Tysm!! XD lol right now I'm like too lazy to do it myself and everyone else is like gone so yeah. And I'm trying to draw but failing because I'm reading an awesome comic so yup I'm a goner.
@DuskChaser Tysm!! XD lol right now I'm like too lazy to do it myself and everyone else is like gone so yeah. And I'm trying to draw but failing because I'm reading an awesome comic so yup I'm a goner.
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"

I'm going to bed so I won't be able to answer until tomorrow ~ also I add another character if you would like to check him out

I'm going to bed so I won't be able to answer until tomorrow ~ also I add another character if you would like to check him out
((@DragonSeeker, @Annekin, @Wolf97973, @HummingKnight, @HisMajestyJareth please tell me if I forgot anyone.))

It had been a couple of weeks since "Trine" has stepped off the train into M4RK.
She noticed a routine as she holed up on her closet sized apartment. She'd gotten it cheap because the past renter had gone crazy and ripped apart several people. It kinda reminded her of her /12 crazed distant uncle who did unsavory things to any humans he came across.
There was several groups that patrolled or stole. The police did just enough to look like they were working. *She snorted and continued typing away at the Asus slim tablet/laptop she'd sniped at the last min off ebay.*

Google search:The Rogues searching...searching...searching... try again by refining your search.

*She almost slammed down the lid, taking a breath she placed her head in her hands and wracked her brain. Tapping her head while she gritted her teeth. Then she got up and stretched.
Narrowing her eyes she grabbed her precious asus, threw on her cabbie hat and headed outside. Her apartment never needed to be locked up thanks to the last tennet. Besides no one could handle the smell.*
"Time to snark me some usb drives and a digital camera."
((@DragonSeeker, @Annekin, @Wolf97973, @HummingKnight, @HisMajestyJareth please tell me if I forgot anyone.))

It had been a couple of weeks since "Trine" has stepped off the train into M4RK.
She noticed a routine as she holed up on her closet sized apartment. She'd gotten it cheap because the past renter had gone crazy and ripped apart several people. It kinda reminded her of her /12 crazed distant uncle who did unsavory things to any humans he came across.
There was several groups that patrolled or stole. The police did just enough to look like they were working. *She snorted and continued typing away at the Asus slim tablet/laptop she'd sniped at the last min off ebay.*

Google search:The Rogues searching...searching...searching... try again by refining your search.

*She almost slammed down the lid, taking a breath she placed her head in her hands and wracked her brain. Tapping her head while she gritted her teeth. Then she got up and stretched.
Narrowing her eyes she grabbed her precious asus, threw on her cabbie hat and headed outside. Her apartment never needed to be locked up thanks to the last tennet. Besides no one could handle the smell.*
"Time to snark me some usb drives and a digital camera."
@DuskChaser Amaze. I don't think you missed anyone, and, ASUS FOR THE WIN :D @Annekin @Wolf97973 @HummingKnight OKay!! :D @HisMajestyJareth

Jon let out a sigh, staring at his laptop while quietly typing something out. A few other people on either side of him seemed to be typing away as well. Finally slamming the laptop shut, Jon got up and let the others know what he was doing. "I need to get out of this crammed place. You know what to do if something happens. Jacob, you're in charge until I notify you further." He said, pulling his jacket and gloves on. He walked out of the deserted warehouse quietly. Swinging a leg over his motorcycle and putting on his helmet, he turned the bike on and revved the engine once to get it warmed up. Pulling out of the near-empty parking lot, he let the bike zoom off toward M4RK.
Unfortunately, there was a police car he didn't notice, and it turned it's lights and sirens on before going after him. Sighing, Jon pulled over and waited as the police car slowed down and someone got out of the car.
"Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" The policeman asked.
"Yes, officer, I do. And I don't intend on taking a warning or a ticket." Jon replied, elbowing the man full force in the face and then zooming off again. The policeman was knocked out cold, and nothing else seemed to happen as he pulled into one of his favorite places. The local bar.
He picked up quite a few stragglers and new recruits at the bar, and tonight he knew he was running low on some of the Techies. Thankfully, nobody knew his face at the bar, and nobody except a select few of his group knew that he was involved in the Rogues.
He entered the bar unnoticed, and sat down at a table in the corner of the bar.
@DuskChaser Amaze. I don't think you missed anyone, and, ASUS FOR THE WIN :D @Annekin @Wolf97973 @HummingKnight OKay!! :D @HisMajestyJareth

Jon let out a sigh, staring at his laptop while quietly typing something out. A few other people on either side of him seemed to be typing away as well. Finally slamming the laptop shut, Jon got up and let the others know what he was doing. "I need to get out of this crammed place. You know what to do if something happens. Jacob, you're in charge until I notify you further." He said, pulling his jacket and gloves on. He walked out of the deserted warehouse quietly. Swinging a leg over his motorcycle and putting on his helmet, he turned the bike on and revved the engine once to get it warmed up. Pulling out of the near-empty parking lot, he let the bike zoom off toward M4RK.
Unfortunately, there was a police car he didn't notice, and it turned it's lights and sirens on before going after him. Sighing, Jon pulled over and waited as the police car slowed down and someone got out of the car.
"Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" The policeman asked.
"Yes, officer, I do. And I don't intend on taking a warning or a ticket." Jon replied, elbowing the man full force in the face and then zooming off again. The policeman was knocked out cold, and nothing else seemed to happen as he pulled into one of his favorite places. The local bar.
He picked up quite a few stragglers and new recruits at the bar, and tonight he knew he was running low on some of the Techies. Thankfully, nobody knew his face at the bar, and nobody except a select few of his group knew that he was involved in the Rogues.
He entered the bar unnoticed, and sat down at a table in the corner of the bar.
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
@DragonSeeker, @Annekin, @Duskchaser, @HummingKnight, @HisMajestyJareth ((changed her age))
Kendall was drawing on the hood of her car with Shadow laying near by. She was parked in an abandoned lot. Shadow barked as cars went by,"Hush" she said finishing the sketch of Shadow. She sighed then tucked her notebook away and walked over to him patting his head. Then she opened the door letting Shadow in her car then hoping in herself. She turned on the car and pulled out of the lot cruising down the road, She flipped through the channels until she found one she liked. Kendall was driving down the road in her Challenger, Shadow sitting in the passenger seat, 'there is so much traffic' she thought not that far into their ride.
The traffic got worse so she decided to take a detour passing by the Rouges main base, an abandoned warehouse. She took a right, when she saw Jon and the officer, she smiled as she passed them. She followed Jon to the bar parking next to his motorcycle, leaving Shadow in the car with the window down. Kendall pulled on her hoodie letting it cover her ears and it was large enough to hide her tail as well. She walked into the bar and sat next to him in the corner. "What ya doing" she asked. Ordering a drink with her fake ID.
@DragonSeeker, @Annekin, @Duskchaser, @HummingKnight, @HisMajestyJareth ((changed her age))
Kendall was drawing on the hood of her car with Shadow laying near by. She was parked in an abandoned lot. Shadow barked as cars went by,"Hush" she said finishing the sketch of Shadow. She sighed then tucked her notebook away and walked over to him patting his head. Then she opened the door letting Shadow in her car then hoping in herself. She turned on the car and pulled out of the lot cruising down the road, She flipped through the channels until she found one she liked. Kendall was driving down the road in her Challenger, Shadow sitting in the passenger seat, 'there is so much traffic' she thought not that far into their ride.
The traffic got worse so she decided to take a detour passing by the Rouges main base, an abandoned warehouse. She took a right, when she saw Jon and the officer, she smiled as she passed them. She followed Jon to the bar parking next to his motorcycle, leaving Shadow in the car with the window down. Kendall pulled on her hoodie letting it cover her ears and it was large enough to hide her tail as well. She walked into the bar and sat next to him in the corner. "What ya doing" she asked. Ordering a drink with her fake ID.
@DragonSeeker I hope you're still accepting, this sounds super cool! [b]Name:[/b] Maya Reyn [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Race:[/b] Human mutant [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Add-ons:[/b] Large wings sprouting from back, one of which is cybernetic. She also has an ocular implant that allows her to see infared and x-ray. She also has a few hairs that are several thousand times as thick, hard, and very sharp, similar to porcupine quills. [b]Appearance:[/b] Maya has layered, wavy black hair that fades to a caramel at the tips, a color which matches her eyes peeking out from under bangs. She is decently tall and well-muscled, especially her shoulders and back where her wings attach. She has a pale complexion because she is often inside typing away at her computer. Her one natural wing is long and slender, perfect for fast, agile flight, but not very good for soaring. The back of the wing is black, and the underside is black-and-white barred. [b]Works with:[/b] Herself, but hopes to eventually work with the Rogues [b]Powers:[/b] Enhanced strength [b]Status:[/b] Thief and hacker-for-hire [b]Other:[/b] Maya was experimented on as an embryo, and a small amount of avian DNA was inserted into her genetic code, giving her wings. One of her wings was defective due to incorrect genome sequencing and DNA splicing, and so it was replaced with a cybernetic one. An implant was put into her right eye that allowed her to see different wavelengths, but also allowed the scientists to track her. Once Maya escaped the lab, she was able to find someone to disable the GPS capabilities, but kept intact the x-ray and infared filters. From then on, she decided to disable the people who created her so they wouldn't be able to torture other innocent children with the ordeals she went through. [img][/img] [img][/img]

I hope you're still accepting, this sounds super cool!

Name: Maya Reyn
Age: 27
Race: Human mutant
Gender: Female
Add-ons: Large wings sprouting from back, one of which is cybernetic. She also has an ocular implant that allows her to see infared and x-ray. She also has a few hairs that are several thousand times as thick, hard, and very sharp, similar to porcupine quills.
Appearance: Maya has layered, wavy black hair that fades to a caramel at the tips, a color which matches her eyes peeking out from under bangs. She is decently tall and well-muscled, especially her shoulders and back where her wings attach. She has a pale complexion because she is often inside typing away at her computer. Her one natural wing is long and slender, perfect for fast, agile flight, but not very good for soaring. The back of the wing is black, and the underside is black-and-white barred.
Works with: Herself, but hopes to eventually work with the Rogues
Powers: Enhanced strength
Status: Thief and hacker-for-hire
Other: Maya was experimented on as an embryo, and a small amount of avian DNA was inserted into her genetic code, giving her wings. One of her wings was defective due to incorrect genome sequencing and DNA splicing, and so it was replaced with a cybernetic one. An implant was put into her right eye that allowed her to see different wavelengths, but also allowed the scientists to track her. Once Maya escaped the lab, she was able to find someone to disable the GPS capabilities, but kept intact the x-ray and infared filters. From then on, she decided to disable the people who created her so they wouldn't be able to torture other innocent children with the ordeals she went through.


kOascjf.png HSk834N.png
they/them · EST · USA · writer · artist · scientist

@Amaranth41 Lovely! :D
@Amaranth41 Lovely! :D
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"