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TOPIC | Faire Runestones
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Runestones hasn't been working for me for weeks. The game just stops after the first level, or if you're on a level past, just randomly ends. It's rather frustrating since there aren't many games to play to begin with.
Runestones hasn't been working for me for weeks. The game just stops after the first level, or if you're on a level past, just randomly ends. It's rather frustrating since there aren't many games to play to begin with.
Have you tried the alternate link at the bottom? It's worked fine for me for the last few weeks (browsing bug threads now cause it's just stopped!)
Have you tried the alternate link at the bottom? It's worked fine for me for the last few weeks (browsing bug threads now cause it's just stopped!)
I try the alternate link every time with no success. It freezes up terribly, and there's never been a thing I can do about it. The game has pretty well never worked for me, and I don't understand why the bug hasn't been fixed by now. :c
I try the alternate link every time with no success. It freezes up terribly, and there's never been a thing I can do about it. The game has pretty well never worked for me, and I don't understand why the bug hasn't been fixed by now. :c
I have problems with that game, too. Was just trying to play it, but EVERY time when I cleared the first level, the clock would just keep ticking and nothing else would happen. Let the clock run out and it STILL won't let me move on to the next level. Every now and then I can manage to move on to the next level, but I just tried maybe 8 times and not one of them worked. :( It doesn't matter what computer I access the game from, it does the same all the time.
I have problems with that game, too. Was just trying to play it, but EVERY time when I cleared the first level, the clock would just keep ticking and nothing else would happen. Let the clock run out and it STILL won't let me move on to the next level. Every now and then I can manage to move on to the next level, but I just tried maybe 8 times and not one of them worked. :( It doesn't matter what computer I access the game from, it does the same all the time.
Brown River Recluse Queen of the River Spider Army Grey River Jumper
That's the exact problem I'm having Mew, to a T. It doesn't work no matter if I use my laptop, or my girlfriend's. Her account is having the same problem, also. I hope it gets fixed soon because I can't bear to do more puzzles for treasure. Buh... -_-;
That's the exact problem I'm having Mew, to a T. It doesn't work no matter if I use my laptop, or my girlfriend's. Her account is having the same problem, also. I hope it gets fixed soon because I can't bear to do more puzzles for treasure. Buh... -_-;
Yup, this happens to me too, which sucks, because Runestones is my favourite game, and my main source of treasure.
Yup, this happens to me too, which sucks, because Runestones is my favourite game, and my main source of treasure.
It's what I heard was a good source of treasure, and it's the only game thus far that doesn't make me sigh after two seconds. I wish it would work for all of five minutes, but unfortunately no. D:
It's what I heard was a good source of treasure, and it's the only game thus far that doesn't make me sigh after two seconds. I wish it would work for all of five minutes, but unfortunately no. D:
Same here.
I notice at the top it doesn't load the lucky streak score I have that day either when Runestones is bugging out. Runestones is my favourite game too.
Same here.
I notice at the top it doesn't load the lucky streak score I have that day either when Runestones is bugging out. Runestones is my favourite game too.
I've played the game, thought it was fine, and then received no treasure at all. That was equally, if not more, annoying. ;; Sorry to hear it's happening to so many others!
I've played the game, thought it was fine, and then received no treasure at all. That was equally, if not more, annoying. ;; Sorry to hear it's happening to so many others!
Every day I get this bug. When it does work I'll play for as long as I can but when I come back to it an hour or a few later, it bugs out. Or I just can't play at all because it bugs on the first level.

I hope they fix this. I can only do so many puzzles. >.
Every day I get this bug. When it does work I'll play for as long as I can but when I come back to it an hour or a few later, it bugs out. Or I just can't play at all because it bugs on the first level.

I hope they fix this. I can only do so many puzzles. >.
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