

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Closed RP--Thorns and Tempests
Hayato turned to Achurn and said, "I shall return shortly, if you have any more to report, find Cass and she will relay the message to me. I must go meet with our mother to discuss important matters.", before turning towards the front gate and taking flight to where his mother had said to meet. He silently prayed it would fare better than the last time they met.

Hayato turned to Achurn and said, "I shall return shortly, if you have any more to report, find Cass and she will relay the message to me. I must go meet with our mother to discuss important matters.", before turning towards the front gate and taking flight to where his mother had said to meet. He silently prayed it would fare better than the last time they met.

Coar stepped forth with a nod, scooping the hatchlings close with his tail, despite their squeaks and roars of protest. Korra lowered her head and clicked softly, crooning to them,
"I will be back soon, my little ones."
With that, she padded toward the hold entrance, unfurled her great denim wings, and pounded gracefully into the air with her tail streaming behind her. Deep inside, worry began to blossom, for her son had nearly slaughtered her the last time they had met.

Coar stepped forth with a nod, scooping the hatchlings close with his tail, despite their squeaks and roars of protest. Korra lowered her head and clicked softly, crooning to them,
"I will be back soon, my little ones."
With that, she padded toward the hold entrance, unfurled her great denim wings, and pounded gracefully into the air with her tail streaming behind her. Deep inside, worry began to blossom, for her son had nearly slaughtered her the last time they had met.

Hayato soared close to the ground, his eyes ever watchful. He spotted the area where his mother had said to meet him, and descended to the ridge. He waited patiently for his mother to arrive, seeing as the Tempest had the larger territory of the two clans.

Hayato soared close to the ground, his eyes ever watchful. He spotted the area where his mother had said to meet him, and descended to the ridge. He waited patiently for his mother to arrive, seeing as the Tempest had the larger territory of the two clans.

Her wings beat against the air as she soared about, narrowly dodging between trees and bushes. Her tail streamed out gracefully behind her like a black snake. The plateau came into sight after minutes and minutes of flying, which felt like hours of anticipation and worry. At last she slowly lowered herself toward the perch, landing upon all fours and folding her wings neatly across her back. Her heart sank with fear as she eyed her son.
"What is it you've come to speak to me about, Hayato?"

Her wings beat against the air as she soared about, narrowly dodging between trees and bushes. Her tail streamed out gracefully behind her like a black snake. The plateau came into sight after minutes and minutes of flying, which felt like hours of anticipation and worry. At last she slowly lowered herself toward the perch, landing upon all fours and folding her wings neatly across her back. Her heart sank with fear as she eyed her son.
"What is it you've come to speak to me about, Hayato?"

Hayato looked his mother in the eyes and said, "I am afraid. Afraid for your safety. I have tried to count it on Coar to keep you safe but I fear that Polish has been attempting to manipulate him to aid in your demise.", his eyes betraying his calm composure.

Hayato looked his mother in the eyes and said, "I am afraid. Afraid for your safety. I have tried to count it on Coar to keep you safe but I fear that Polish has been attempting to manipulate him to aid in your demise.", his eyes betraying his calm composure.

She was silent for several long, thoughtful seconds. Too much had been happening for her to focus on such things lately, much to her dismay. It had only now come to her attention how stoic and quiet her son had grown over time since she had returned to the Tempest.
"I fear that Coar is slowly falling to his father's command. I have had these suspicions since the week after you and your brother had been born... and I am afraid that your thoughts toward him, his treachery, may indeed be correct."

She was silent for several long, thoughtful seconds. Too much had been happening for her to focus on such things lately, much to her dismay. It had only now come to her attention how stoic and quiet her son had grown over time since she had returned to the Tempest.
"I fear that Coar is slowly falling to his father's command. I have had these suspicions since the week after you and your brother had been born... and I am afraid that your thoughts toward him, his treachery, may indeed be correct."

"I fear that Polish is planning to kill you mother, and he expects me and Coar to aid him in this act. The last words Polish had ever said to me was that I would be useful in killing you. I am not sure if this is just paranoia but we must keep an eye on him. I fear not all is as well as we thought mother.", he said, the words echoing in his mind

"I fear that Polish is planning to kill you mother, and he expects me and Coar to aid him in this act. The last words Polish had ever said to me was that I would be useful in killing you. I am not sure if this is just paranoia but we must keep an eye on him. I fear not all is as well as we thought mother.", he said, the words echoing in his mind

"I have feared such since he began to mistreat your brother and force me to abandon you," she began, her gaze softening at the thoughts of such things. Indeed, Polish was a horrible father. It was within her deepest regret that she had two hatchlings without a proper father. She herself knew the pain of missing such a figure.
"I will keep a closer watch on him than usual."

"I have feared such since he began to mistreat your brother and force me to abandon you," she began, her gaze softening at the thoughts of such things. Indeed, Polish was a horrible father. It was within her deepest regret that she had two hatchlings without a proper father. She herself knew the pain of missing such a figure.
"I will keep a closer watch on him than usual."

"Though it is not what I would choose to do, I will trust your judgement this time mother. Be weary, Polish most likely has allies in other flights and will use them if necessary.", Hayato said, his calmness slowly fading. He, himself was not sure of what he was feeling. He had always felt hatred towards his mother but now all he could focus on was keeping her safe.

"Though it is not what I would choose to do, I will trust your judgement this time mother. Be weary, Polish most likely has allies in other flights and will use them if necessary.", Hayato said, his calmness slowly fading. He, himself was not sure of what he was feeling. He had always felt hatred towards his mother but now all he could focus on was keeping her safe.

Her gaze suddenly grew more serious, as though some harsh realization had come over her. She had seen Polish conversing with drakes of other flights before in secret, though had never been able to confirm the plans were directly against her. She nodded her head with a mumble of approval. Deep within her heart, it stung that her son could not trust her due to the actions of others.
"I will be cautious," she reassured him, "and I will keep a close eye on his whereabouts. I will report to you immediately if anything happens. I may need Wolfthorne's help if Polish has as many allies as I believe he does."

Her gaze suddenly grew more serious, as though some harsh realization had come over her. She had seen Polish conversing with drakes of other flights before in secret, though had never been able to confirm the plans were directly against her. She nodded her head with a mumble of approval. Deep within her heart, it stung that her son could not trust her due to the actions of others.
"I will be cautious," she reassured him, "and I will keep a close eye on his whereabouts. I will report to you immediately if anything happens. I may need Wolfthorne's help if Polish has as many allies as I believe he does."
