

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Real You (Closed)
@Amentia @Cyva @starfall379

Hey ya'll!! I know it has felt like forever and I am pumped to get this rp started again! So, I am just gonna wait to see if you guys are going to continue doing this and if you are then just ping me and I will put out a post. Ok? :)
@Amentia @Cyva @starfall379

Hey ya'll!! I know it has felt like forever and I am pumped to get this rp started again! So, I am just gonna wait to see if you guys are going to continue doing this and if you are then just ping me and I will put out a post. Ok? :)
@invisibleink12 so psyched
@invisibleink12 so psyched

@invisibleink12 Lets do this! :D

@invisibleink12 Lets do this! :D

Heck yea!! Whoooohhh

Heck yea!! Whoooohhh


@Amentia @Cyva @starfall379

I huffed and began to walk inside, it was not very pleasant weather outside and I didn't feel like chatting with this twitty girl for much longer. Glancing back at Shiane and Elizaveta, he had put his knife away and she had removed her excess clothing, because of the weird weather. She had strange markings all over her body. They piqued my curiosity, but not enough to ask her about it. There were tons of people all over camp with wierd scars and markings on their bodies, just none as big. I tried to convey a message through my eyes, just lets go! If they were reluctant to leave, then we could take this girl to the camp leader/founder. He would decide what to do with her, if not leave her alone. By this time, I had made it under the eaves of the porch. Sitting on one of the tree stumps beside a small table, I took some pebbles out of my pocket and practiced my telekinesis, waiting to see what my newfound friends and the wolf girl would do.
@Amentia @Cyva @starfall379

I huffed and began to walk inside, it was not very pleasant weather outside and I didn't feel like chatting with this twitty girl for much longer. Glancing back at Shiane and Elizaveta, he had put his knife away and she had removed her excess clothing, because of the weird weather. She had strange markings all over her body. They piqued my curiosity, but not enough to ask her about it. There were tons of people all over camp with wierd scars and markings on their bodies, just none as big. I tried to convey a message through my eyes, just lets go! If they were reluctant to leave, then we could take this girl to the camp leader/founder. He would decide what to do with her, if not leave her alone. By this time, I had made it under the eaves of the porch. Sitting on one of the tree stumps beside a small table, I took some pebbles out of my pocket and practiced my telekinesis, waiting to see what my newfound friends and the wolf girl would do.
Shiane stopped after walking under the porch, and leaned against the wall. He didn't know these people, yet he seemed comfortable around them--at the same time he feared them. His personality were split into two parts; each debating and fighting with one another. One part wanted to be loud and extremely defensive, to not trust these people he just met. However, he did want to trust them and be his quiet self. The boy was afraid of acceptance; that's really all there was to it.

Shiane looked at Ajana who seemed to be trying to say something. He sighed, unsure whether he should open his mouth to speak.

@Cyva @Invisibleink12 @starfall379
Shiane stopped after walking under the porch, and leaned against the wall. He didn't know these people, yet he seemed comfortable around them--at the same time he feared them. His personality were split into two parts; each debating and fighting with one another. One part wanted to be loud and extremely defensive, to not trust these people he just met. However, he did want to trust them and be his quiet self. The boy was afraid of acceptance; that's really all there was to it.

Shiane looked at Ajana who seemed to be trying to say something. He sighed, unsure whether he should open his mouth to speak.

@Cyva @Invisibleink12 @starfall379


The other girl who didn't have the tattoos glared at the other boy and girl. Telling them a message with her eyes. Wow, what I ever do to her. Hmph. Apparently someone here doesn't like me already. She then walked over to a small tree stump pulling a pebble out of her pocket then setting it on the table like she was going to do something with it. Then she did do something, somehow she lifted it up without making any physical connection with it. Then I realized, she was testing me. Figuring it would be the only reason for her to do it here and now. Unless she wanted to show off, wait actually she might be actually be idiotic enough to do both now.

Just saying when you live alone in the wild you have to do something in your free time.

Using some telekinesis I lifted a rock about the size of her head and put it over onto the table in front of her. Barely hiding a smirk I looked over at her with questioning eyes. My eyes spoke for me 'You want to go there sweetheart?' The other boy kept glancing at the girl trying to decide whether or not he should get into this.

@Amentia @Cyva @Invisibleink12
The other girl who didn't have the tattoos glared at the other boy and girl. Telling them a message with her eyes. Wow, what I ever do to her. Hmph. Apparently someone here doesn't like me already. She then walked over to a small tree stump pulling a pebble out of her pocket then setting it on the table like she was going to do something with it. Then she did do something, somehow she lifted it up without making any physical connection with it. Then I realized, she was testing me. Figuring it would be the only reason for her to do it here and now. Unless she wanted to show off, wait actually she might be actually be idiotic enough to do both now.

Just saying when you live alone in the wild you have to do something in your free time.

Using some telekinesis I lifted a rock about the size of her head and put it over onto the table in front of her. Barely hiding a smirk I looked over at her with questioning eyes. My eyes spoke for me 'You want to go there sweetheart?' The other boy kept glancing at the girl trying to decide whether or not he should get into this.

@Amentia @Cyva @Invisibleink12
@starfall379 @Amentia @Cyva

I saw the bratty girl smirk and telepathically lift a pebble to land right in front of me. Her eyes said it all. In answer to the unspoken challenge, I thought, "Oh, its on honey! Get ready to eat my dust!" I pushed harder with my telekinetic connection and counteracted hers. I wacked her pebble into the side of a tree and sent mine soaring above the treetops, till it finally fell from view. I wasn't actually trying to show off before, but the wolf chick just took it the wrong way, and now, she was going to be put in her place. Back to her trees. Concentrating with all of my might, I slowly lifted the girl up herself. I was laughing so hard when I placed her gently on top of a giant tree. Still laughing, I brought my pebble back and continued to make it do elaborate tricks.
@starfall379 @Amentia @Cyva

I saw the bratty girl smirk and telepathically lift a pebble to land right in front of me. Her eyes said it all. In answer to the unspoken challenge, I thought, "Oh, its on honey! Get ready to eat my dust!" I pushed harder with my telekinetic connection and counteracted hers. I wacked her pebble into the side of a tree and sent mine soaring above the treetops, till it finally fell from view. I wasn't actually trying to show off before, but the wolf chick just took it the wrong way, and now, she was going to be put in her place. Back to her trees. Concentrating with all of my might, I slowly lifted the girl up herself. I was laughing so hard when I placed her gently on top of a giant tree. Still laughing, I brought my pebble back and continued to make it do elaborate tricks.
Fair warning- i've been in a really bad block lately and i'm not sure i'll be able to keep up since things suddenly got really busy. I don't want to drop this but I don't wanna hold anyone up so I kinda hafta. I'm so sorry @Invisibleink12
Fair warning- i've been in a really bad block lately and i'm not sure i'll be able to keep up since things suddenly got really busy. I don't want to drop this but I don't wanna hold anyone up so I kinda hafta. I'm so sorry @Invisibleink12
@Cyva Its totally ok if you don't really have anything to add, you don't have to drop out because of it. You could just post when you want, but ok. If you ever want to come back, just ping me! ;P
@Cyva Its totally ok if you don't really have anything to add, you don't have to drop out because of it. You could just post when you want, but ok. If you ever want to come back, just ping me! ;P