LF 1x1 or small group rp~

JadeFeffers' Clan
Clan Info

Triangulum Adoptivus

Fleeing, moving, running to hide
They swim they walk they roam they glide.
A place to escape their past or start anew
Enemies, friends, lovers, royalty too.
No matter by birth or urgent migration
These dragons live in this roughly forged nation.
There are constables, citizens, Loners, and Gangs
They've all fought battles with their minds and their fangs.
There is constant conflict though all in all there is peace,
They do not notice the golden tick in their fleece.
Balance or chaos- which will spring faster
or will Triangulum Adoptivus fall to Disaster?
Alliances and rivalries alike are forged every day within this clan- and they are blissfully unaware of the turmoil within it that may destroy them.

Basic Mun info:
Name: Jay Feir
Age: 20-something
status: married <3
Fandoms and ships: Borderlands||Homestuck||Vocaloid

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I will instigate the frillish if you don't want to paly again. Ont he upswing if you paly again you will probably get the finneon because your accuracy is up by two