

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Yourself as a Dragon RP *CLOSED*
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"Yaaaaay!" she squeaked.

"Yaaaaay!" she squeaked.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
@Tolkien Accepted!

@Polygone @KayJayStarr @Ikilou @Harknessy @Swimpiku @Digimon11

Sorry for the late answer! Been really busy with work the past few days and have only really had time to log on here to feed my dragons!)

Hiss giggled as she watched Nessy take the quill, very happy the other dragon seemed to enjoy it. At the Skydancer's question, the Coatl nodded, then quickly wrote, 'I've only done one or two before, though... What's your idea?'
@Tolkien Accepted!

@Polygone @KayJayStarr @Ikilou @Harknessy @Swimpiku @Digimon11

Sorry for the late answer! Been really busy with work the past few days and have only really had time to log on here to feed my dragons!)

Hiss giggled as she watched Nessy take the quill, very happy the other dragon seemed to enjoy it. At the Skydancer's question, the Coatl nodded, then quickly wrote, 'I've only done one or two before, though... What's your idea?'

"Yay? Hoping that's to the story and not to my being left clanless.." Poly just kept sitting, getting even more confused of the Spiral's actions.

"Yay? Hoping that's to the story and not to my being left clanless.." Poly just kept sitting, getting even more confused of the Spiral's actions.

Praise the sun! \o/
@polygone @ikilou @swimpiku @kayjaystarr @digimon11 @mutty @Tolkien

Nessy winked at Hiss. "Well, after your guardian sees us writing back and forth go over there with an Inkpot filled with water instead of ink" Nessy produced one from her bag and quickly filled it with a little water from a gourd. "Then trip over me since I will be followimg you and spill the water on him. He'll think it was ink on his scales for a minute or so but then will realize it was a bit of harmless water. Should cheer him up if he has any sense of humor"

Nessy grinned widely at Hiss. This was the most she felt comfortable doing right now especially towards a crabby guardian
@polygone @ikilou @swimpiku @kayjaystarr @digimon11 @mutty @Tolkien

Nessy winked at Hiss. "Well, after your guardian sees us writing back and forth go over there with an Inkpot filled with water instead of ink" Nessy produced one from her bag and quickly filled it with a little water from a gourd. "Then trip over me since I will be followimg you and spill the water on him. He'll think it was ink on his scales for a minute or so but then will realize it was a bit of harmless water. Should cheer him up if he has any sense of humor"

Nessy grinned widely at Hiss. This was the most she felt comfortable doing right now especially towards a crabby guardian
If responding to me please PING me!

I probably won't see it otherwise. :3

Aiuna sat up quickly. "N-no! It was to the story, I just love them!" she said quickly, trying to apologize.

Zventrate gave her an odd look, for she never stutters.

Aiuna sat up quickly. "N-no! It was to the story, I just love them!" she said quickly, trying to apologize.

Zventrate gave her an odd look, for she never stutters.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
(She still wrapped around Poly or no?)

"Ah. Well all right then. I guess a story it is then." Poly smiles, waiting to see their response and thinking of what to tell before beginning.
(She still wrapped around Poly or no?)

"Ah. Well all right then. I guess a story it is then." Poly smiles, waiting to see their response and thinking of what to tell before beginning.

Praise the sun! \o/
@polygone (haha yep she is!)

Aiuna squeaked happily and rested her head on top of Poly's. Zventrate settled himself down into the back and sighed in content.
@polygone (haha yep she is!)

Aiuna squeaked happily and rested her head on top of Poly's. Zventrate settled himself down into the back and sighed in content.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic

"Hmmm...Well I'm not really sure where I should start.." He paused a moment, laughing to himself when thinking of starting it off long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, despite that being highly impractical and absolutely nonsensical. After all there couldn't possibly be a way to get out that far, if there was some Arcane clan would've done so by now...but oh well. "I guess with my first clan. All Mirrors, had two brothers and didn't actually spend much time with my parents after I hatched. They were too busy hunting. Actually the clan was getting just big enough that they all decided to split into two groups, me and one of my brothers were separated from the rest of our family while we were still technically hatchlings and learning how to hunt." He stopped to see what the other two's response was before going on..

"Hmmm...Well I'm not really sure where I should start.." He paused a moment, laughing to himself when thinking of starting it off long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, despite that being highly impractical and absolutely nonsensical. After all there couldn't possibly be a way to get out that far, if there was some Arcane clan would've done so by now...but oh well. "I guess with my first clan. All Mirrors, had two brothers and didn't actually spend much time with my parents after I hatched. They were too busy hunting. Actually the clan was getting just big enough that they all decided to split into two groups, me and one of my brothers were separated from the rest of our family while we were still technically hatchlings and learning how to hunt." He stopped to see what the other two's response was before going on..

Praise the sun! \o/

Aiuna sat, curled around Poly with her jaw dropped. "They made Hatchlings hunt?!" she gasped.

Aiuna sat, curled around Poly with her jaw dropped. "They made Hatchlings hunt?!" she gasped.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic

Poly shrugs, figuring that was pretty common knowledge as far as meat-eating dragons go. "Well yeah, it's kind of an important skill to learn. That and fishing. Not like we were going after anything particularly dangerous."

Poly shrugs, figuring that was pretty common knowledge as far as meat-eating dragons go. "Well yeah, it's kind of an important skill to learn. That and fishing. Not like we were going after anything particularly dangerous."

Praise the sun! \o/
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