

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | RP Training Grounds (open, all welcome!)
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"You're welcome!"

The flexible, alien tendrils shaped themselves into -another- pair of forelimbs, stretching out with splayed paws to touch the ground. MRSA trotted for a few meters before closing his wings. "Yes, I caught you!" he replies to the trembling Imperial as he let them both down. His extra legs lost their shape, re-formatting into shapeless tentacles again, coiling around his shoulders and forelimbs.

Brimming with pride, he grinned down at his two newest friends, then at Kayza. "Do not worry! I have done this many times before...the two dragons are intact and happy!" he crows again, beckoning her foward to come join them. Having been shunned for most of his adult life left him very susceptible to nice thank yous and general flattery....and there was plenty to go around here.

"You're welcome!"

The flexible, alien tendrils shaped themselves into -another- pair of forelimbs, stretching out with splayed paws to touch the ground. MRSA trotted for a few meters before closing his wings. "Yes, I caught you!" he replies to the trembling Imperial as he let them both down. His extra legs lost their shape, re-formatting into shapeless tentacles again, coiling around his shoulders and forelimbs.

Brimming with pride, he grinned down at his two newest friends, then at Kayza. "Do not worry! I have done this many times before...the two dragons are intact and happy!" he crows again, beckoning her foward to come join them. Having been shunned for most of his adult life left him very susceptible to nice thank yous and general flattery....and there was plenty to go around here.

Kal blinked a few times, and stared at "Mersa"'s extra limbs.m
Just what...
It was not like she had never seen extra limbs, but it was usually sign of mutation, and they were definitely not artificial. After staring for a while, Kal decided to let it go.
"So... What should we do here? Why are all these people gathered?"
Kal blinked a few times, and stared at "Mersa"'s extra limbs.m
Just what...
It was not like she had never seen extra limbs, but it was usually sign of mutation, and they were definitely not artificial. After staring for a while, Kal decided to let it go.
"So... What should we do here? Why are all these people gathered?"
Wishlist | They/Them or Xe/Zir | Please ping me!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "That hatchling needs flying lessons" Mortifin remarked. The comment was not specifically directed anywhere, the spiral more attentive to the current commotion, although it was within hearing range of the Imperial he had been chatting with. He did small looping spirals in the air, observing with greater interest as the ridgeback he had been eyeing swooped up and caught the renegade flyer in its arms. So the dragon was certainly not an aggressive fellow. It wasn't long after the successful catch that the fae he had previously deemed unworldly began flapping in his direction, squeaking for help. Wasn't there a large enough crowd as it was? He made a cross between a sigh and a snort, giving the Imperial a sidelong glance. "Looks like we have no choice now." Ignoring the direct call would be extremely rude, an impression he didn't care to make at the moment. Besides, if the swelling crowd didn't prove too immense it may be his opportunity to learn more about that unusual creature. Mortifin took off, winging his way through the throng of dragons. Passing another fae talking aloud, he offered a quip as answer to her question. "What do you think happens when you cry for help?" He paused midair as he reached the main scene. All dragons fine, as expected. A part of him felt like rolling his eyes. Now that he was close to the mysterious creature, he noticed it's hide and the rescued creatures were covered in a thick dark ooze, some of it dripping to the floor. He swooped downwards and landed where some of it had fallen, eyes shining. Was it blood? He stuck a claw in it experimentally, since the other two had seemed unharmed, watching intently as the substance easily slipped off his scales when he raised his hand. This was no blood or any organic substance he had ever encountered. So absorbed was he with the puddle that he almost missed the limbs depositing the two dragons nearby morph back into tentacles. Mortifin raised his head up towards the towering mass of the dragon, his eyes gleaming fierce from beneath his hood and his inner self filled with uncharacteristic awe. What [i]was[/i] this creature? (ooc: sorry late reply)

"That hatchling needs flying lessons" Mortifin remarked. The comment was not specifically directed anywhere, the spiral more attentive to the current commotion, although it was within hearing range of the Imperial he had been chatting with. He did small looping spirals in the air, observing with greater interest as the ridgeback he had been eyeing swooped up and caught the renegade flyer in its arms. So the dragon was certainly not an aggressive fellow. It wasn't long after the successful catch that the fae he had previously deemed unworldly began flapping in his direction, squeaking for help. Wasn't there a large enough crowd as it was?

He made a cross between a sigh and a snort, giving the Imperial a sidelong glance. "Looks like we have no choice now." Ignoring the direct call would be extremely rude, an impression he didn't care to make at the moment. Besides, if the swelling crowd didn't prove too immense it may be his opportunity to learn more about that unusual creature. Mortifin took off, winging his way through the throng of dragons. Passing another fae talking aloud, he offered a quip as answer to her question. "What do you think happens when you cry for help?" He paused midair as he reached the main scene. All dragons fine, as expected. A part of him felt like rolling his eyes. Now that he was close to the mysterious creature, he noticed it's hide and the rescued creatures were covered in a thick dark ooze, some of it dripping to the floor. He swooped downwards and landed where some of it had fallen, eyes shining. Was it blood? He stuck a claw in it experimentally, since the other two had seemed unharmed, watching intently as the substance easily slipped off his scales when he raised his hand. This was no blood or any organic substance he had ever encountered. So absorbed was he with the puddle that he almost missed the limbs depositing the two dragons nearby morph back into tentacles. Mortifin raised his head up towards the towering mass of the dragon, his eyes gleaming fierce from beneath his hood and his inner self filled with uncharacteristic awe. What was this creature?

(ooc: sorry late reply)
Kazya settled on a rock near the Ridgeback and glared at him and then sighed. "That was really, really dangerous." she told him. "Also brave but dangerous. And um," she stared at the Ridgeback's extra limbs and then to Kal, who had appeared to notice them too, "a-are you okay?" This last question was addressed to the two dragons whom Mersa had just saved.

Nobody seems to be bringing it up. Maybe its something that they can do? I've never seen one like him before. Maybe its normal.
Kazya settled on a rock near the Ridgeback and glared at him and then sighed. "That was really, really dangerous." she told him. "Also brave but dangerous. And um," she stared at the Ridgeback's extra limbs and then to Kal, who had appeared to notice them too, "a-are you okay?" This last question was addressed to the two dragons whom Mersa had just saved.

Nobody seems to be bringing it up. Maybe its something that they can do? I've never seen one like him before. Maybe its normal.
Rivi gave Arindel's head a small pat, before flitting off his neck and landing near Kayza, a few blue feathers trailing behind her. "Peachy keen!" she chimed with the nod of her head and the flap of her crests.

Arindel just stayed low to the ground and close to Rivi, nervously examining all the faces in silence.

"Oh, don't mind my companion, here." she told them, patting Arindel's cheek. "He's just real shy."
Rivi gave Arindel's head a small pat, before flitting off his neck and landing near Kayza, a few blue feathers trailing behind her. "Peachy keen!" she chimed with the nod of her head and the flap of her crests.

Arindel just stayed low to the ground and close to Rivi, nervously examining all the faces in silence.

"Oh, don't mind my companion, here." she told them, patting Arindel's cheek. "He's just real shy."
MRSA shrugs his spines, eyes rolling in different directions, before he starts grinning again. "I know. But so exciting! I have not had such in quite a while. Better than hitting the ground, yes?" he replies, head held high and proud. He would have a grand story for the matriarch, and new friends to prove its veracity.

"The clan mother told me this was a place for every flight and kind of dragon to...what was the word...mingle? She said I needed to learn how to mingle. So she sent me here," he says to Kal, mimicking the gesture Kazya had taught him, bowing lightly to the former. It was then MRSA catches sight of the other Fae staring pointedly at the now inert wreathe of tendrils which hang from his shoulders.

"Ah, you think I am injured and sick? Do not worry! I was born like this. I also find them very useful when both hands are full."

Thankfully he doesn't demonstrate any further...mostly because something else has caught his attention. Three separate eyes watched a hooded Spiral inspect a puddle of shed ooze; whatever it was, the cool, viscous liquid held latent traces of shadowy magic...kind of expected since the dragon...thing was of the Tangled Wood. The rich amethyst eyes ascertained that. Still, how could the shadows produce something like that? It also seemed to defy its otherwise terrifying appearance, waving jerkily at him in what it thought was a friendly gesture.

(sorry for the delay, I had to go fixify some things at work @_@)
MRSA shrugs his spines, eyes rolling in different directions, before he starts grinning again. "I know. But so exciting! I have not had such in quite a while. Better than hitting the ground, yes?" he replies, head held high and proud. He would have a grand story for the matriarch, and new friends to prove its veracity.

"The clan mother told me this was a place for every flight and kind of dragon to...what was the word...mingle? She said I needed to learn how to mingle. So she sent me here," he says to Kal, mimicking the gesture Kazya had taught him, bowing lightly to the former. It was then MRSA catches sight of the other Fae staring pointedly at the now inert wreathe of tendrils which hang from his shoulders.

"Ah, you think I am injured and sick? Do not worry! I was born like this. I also find them very useful when both hands are full."

Thankfully he doesn't demonstrate any further...mostly because something else has caught his attention. Three separate eyes watched a hooded Spiral inspect a puddle of shed ooze; whatever it was, the cool, viscous liquid held latent traces of shadowy magic...kind of expected since the dragon...thing was of the Tangled Wood. The rich amethyst eyes ascertained that. Still, how could the shadows produce something like that? It also seemed to defy its otherwise terrifying appearance, waving jerkily at him in what it thought was a friendly gesture.

(sorry for the delay, I had to go fixify some things at work @_@)
So this was the place that the warriors had told him of. There certainly were many dragons around, but that just helped to intimidate Hadrian more. He understood what that fae had meant about being shy. Here he was, still hiding behind a rock. Instead of climbing atop the large object, he had found himself digging a little area under the rock that he could hide in. He had never seen this many of his kin before, not even in his adoptive home!

He supposed that he should talk to someone, maybe one of them was feeling lonely? What if one of them was feeling left out and sad? He didn't want to be the reason one of them felt bad, so the small pearlcatcher peaked his head out to look around for anyone who wasn't occupied and/or was looking down. By now, his head had popped out far enough for the sunlight to glint off the top of his iridescent, opaque gems which enthralled everyone in his cave.

(Hello, yes. I am new. Anyone else got a dragon who isn't talking right now? Err, I'd suggest pinging me in a post if you respond because otherwise I'll forget this post entirely...)
So this was the place that the warriors had told him of. There certainly were many dragons around, but that just helped to intimidate Hadrian more. He understood what that fae had meant about being shy. Here he was, still hiding behind a rock. Instead of climbing atop the large object, he had found himself digging a little area under the rock that he could hide in. He had never seen this many of his kin before, not even in his adoptive home!

He supposed that he should talk to someone, maybe one of them was feeling lonely? What if one of them was feeling left out and sad? He didn't want to be the reason one of them felt bad, so the small pearlcatcher peaked his head out to look around for anyone who wasn't occupied and/or was looking down. By now, his head had popped out far enough for the sunlight to glint off the top of his iridescent, opaque gems which enthralled everyone in his cave.

(Hello, yes. I am new. Anyone else got a dragon who isn't talking right now? Err, I'd suggest pinging me in a post if you respond because otherwise I'll forget this post entirely...)
Hi guys!
Hi guys!
@FlamingNobody (Hello! I just joined this too :b)

Helan flapped desperately into the clearing, heaving tiny, wheezy breaths. She's going to kill me, the fae thought in despair - his clan leader had ordered him to attend this meeting, but what with their recent move from Light flight, adjusting to the fast-paced, nonsensical new lifestyle their Lightning neighbors embraced, and overseeing the logistics of moving fifty-odd dragons and their possessions, he was under a little pressure. He just hoped it hasn't already ended, and wouldn't have to crawl back to the stone-faced skydancer in shame.

Noticing the several dragons arguing, talking, and spellcasting, Helan sighed in relief, flopping onto a boulder with an undignified smack, not noticing its inhabitant below. Maybe he'd just catch his breath for a bit before speaking to some other dragons - he was desperate for someone sane, especially after his long flight from their new den in the furthest corner of Carrion Canyon. Scanning the field through neatly rimmed spectacles, he groaned inwardly, realizing not a single other dragon shared his golden-yellow eyes. So much for a break of sanity, Helan pondered in despair. Maybe another few minutes, then I'll talk to someone.
@FlamingNobody (Hello! I just joined this too :b)

Helan flapped desperately into the clearing, heaving tiny, wheezy breaths. She's going to kill me, the fae thought in despair - his clan leader had ordered him to attend this meeting, but what with their recent move from Light flight, adjusting to the fast-paced, nonsensical new lifestyle their Lightning neighbors embraced, and overseeing the logistics of moving fifty-odd dragons and their possessions, he was under a little pressure. He just hoped it hasn't already ended, and wouldn't have to crawl back to the stone-faced skydancer in shame.

Noticing the several dragons arguing, talking, and spellcasting, Helan sighed in relief, flopping onto a boulder with an undignified smack, not noticing its inhabitant below. Maybe he'd just catch his breath for a bit before speaking to some other dragons - he was desperate for someone sane, especially after his long flight from their new den in the furthest corner of Carrion Canyon. Scanning the field through neatly rimmed spectacles, he groaned inwardly, realizing not a single other dragon shared his golden-yellow eyes. So much for a break of sanity, Helan pondered in despair. Maybe another few minutes, then I'll talk to someone.

A silver facet-crested skydancer picked her head up from her laying position at the sound of the smack above her on the boulder she laid beside. She turned to see what had fallen onto the stone, gold eyes faintly shining against an obisidian bar face.


A silver facet-crested skydancer picked her head up from her laying position at the sound of the smack above her on the boulder she laid beside. She turned to see what had fallen onto the stone, gold eyes faintly shining against an obisidian bar face.

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