

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | RP Training Grounds (open, all welcome!)
Oh, praise Lightweaver, Helan thought, visibly relieved to have someone from his flight of origin there. The fae, too spent to take to the air as he normally would with dragons larger than himself, simply turned his head to observe the speaker. As he briefly scanned her, he couldn't help but think the skydancer was a bit odd - a unfamiliar, but not unpleasant, flowery smell clung to her voluminous brown cloak.

Finally, he replied, coughing self-consciously to clear his throat. "Hello." The brightly colored fae deadpanned for a second, unsure of how to proceed. "I, your cloak. It's very pretty. Smells nice." He winced inwardly - he sounded like an awkward teenage spiral, not a veteran clan representative. He was supposed to...yes, gather information on other clans, especially from Light. He'd try that.

"Where are you from? We just moved from the Sundial Terraces - it was getting a little crowded for us." He had sat up by now, stretching his wings a little to try and get the muscles to stop pulsing in pain so he could take flight.
Oh, praise Lightweaver, Helan thought, visibly relieved to have someone from his flight of origin there. The fae, too spent to take to the air as he normally would with dragons larger than himself, simply turned his head to observe the speaker. As he briefly scanned her, he couldn't help but think the skydancer was a bit odd - a unfamiliar, but not unpleasant, flowery smell clung to her voluminous brown cloak.

Finally, he replied, coughing self-consciously to clear his throat. "Hello." The brightly colored fae deadpanned for a second, unsure of how to proceed. "I, your cloak. It's very pretty. Smells nice." He winced inwardly - he sounded like an awkward teenage spiral, not a veteran clan representative. He was supposed to...yes, gather information on other clans, especially from Light. He'd try that.

"Where are you from? We just moved from the Sundial Terraces - it was getting a little crowded for us." He had sat up by now, stretching his wings a little to try and get the muscles to stop pulsing in pain so he could take flight.

Her head tilted some as she listened to his shy speaking, a slightly amused expression crossing her dark features. "Thank you." she replied with a small head bow, watching the fae with some interest now. A snow streak soon made itself known aswell, having been laying on her bare back for a snooze, and was now staring at the little dragon curiously.

She pulled out a book and her quill set from beside the stone and began writing some in it as he spoke. She then looked up to answer. "The Everbloom Gardens. I've been there for as long as I can remember. First by myself, and then when the clan I am now in found me." she told him, the snow streak ruffling up its feathers and going back to roosting
@Ravensheim @Nimphy @amapup @JustPeachy

Arindel was growing way too nervous of the new dragons. He whispered quietly to Rivi, before darting off back towards their home.

"Eh-heh. Sorry for crashing inta' you guys." she churred, crests lowering and her shoulders slumping apologetically. "Arindel's still trying ta get the hang of flying. H-he's alright as long as he doesn't look down!"

Her head tilted some as she listened to his shy speaking, a slightly amused expression crossing her dark features. "Thank you." she replied with a small head bow, watching the fae with some interest now. A snow streak soon made itself known aswell, having been laying on her bare back for a snooze, and was now staring at the little dragon curiously.

She pulled out a book and her quill set from beside the stone and began writing some in it as he spoke. She then looked up to answer. "The Everbloom Gardens. I've been there for as long as I can remember. First by myself, and then when the clan I am now in found me." she told him, the snow streak ruffling up its feathers and going back to roosting
@Ravensheim @Nimphy @amapup @JustPeachy

Arindel was growing way too nervous of the new dragons. He whispered quietly to Rivi, before darting off back towards their home.

"Eh-heh. Sorry for crashing inta' you guys." she churred, crests lowering and her shoulders slumping apologetically. "Arindel's still trying ta get the hang of flying. H-he's alright as long as he doesn't look down!"

Helan finally composed himself and took to the air, small wings fluttering at first but stabilizing into an even hover a few feet from the skydancer's face.

"Ah - Nature. A fascinating flight, to be sure - I have the greatest respect for your scholars. I can't say I've been there before, though - what's it like?" Helan's voice had changed with his confidence, setting into an even baritone somehow lacking the monotone chord of the rest of his species. He continued,"I've been around locally - I grew up in Light, but spent a lot of time negotiating with Shadow, and we live in Lightning now."

Helan paused, perplexed, as the skydancer pulled out a quill and book and wrote in it mid-conversation. It wasn't that he couldn't relate - Light dragons were avid notetakers - but rather her attitude as she did, as if she was reading the answer to a homework problem she had just worked out. He pushed up his spectacles with a neat claw, unsure how to react, especially as the tall, thin avian on her back eyed him with - he thought - a predatory glare.

Helan finally composed himself and took to the air, small wings fluttering at first but stabilizing into an even hover a few feet from the skydancer's face.

"Ah - Nature. A fascinating flight, to be sure - I have the greatest respect for your scholars. I can't say I've been there before, though - what's it like?" Helan's voice had changed with his confidence, setting into an even baritone somehow lacking the monotone chord of the rest of his species. He continued,"I've been around locally - I grew up in Light, but spent a lot of time negotiating with Shadow, and we live in Lightning now."

Helan paused, perplexed, as the skydancer pulled out a quill and book and wrote in it mid-conversation. It wasn't that he couldn't relate - Light dragons were avid notetakers - but rather her attitude as she did, as if she was reading the answer to a homework problem she had just worked out. He pushed up his spectacles with a neat claw, unsure how to react, especially as the tall, thin avian on her back eyed him with - he thought - a predatory glare.

A light bap from Bellatrix's wing put the bird in it's place. It let out a surprise squawk, before settling down between her wings. She then looked up and noticed his perplexed look. She gave him a momentary confused look, before it donned on her.

"Oh! Pardon my sudden rudeness." she murred, lowering her head apologetically as she lightly twirled the quill in her claws. "I have a habit of documenting, well, almost everything. New friends. New companions." she then paused, and held a claw out to the fae. "Bellatrix Shimmerlight."

A light bap from Bellatrix's wing put the bird in it's place. It let out a surprise squawk, before settling down between her wings. She then looked up and noticed his perplexed look. She gave him a momentary confused look, before it donned on her.

"Oh! Pardon my sudden rudeness." she murred, lowering her head apologetically as she lightly twirled the quill in her claws. "I have a habit of documenting, well, almost everything. New friends. New companions." she then paused, and held a claw out to the fae. "Bellatrix Shimmerlight."

Helan stared for a second, still seeming confused, before darting down and putting his tiny paw out in turn. "Helan, of Clan Avikra. We don't really do surnames." He chuckled slightly. "Although I can respect the documentation. Makes it easier to trace a family line, I suppose." He still kept a wary eye on the bird - Helan was more scholar than warrior, and didn't doubt that the snow streak, nearly twice his size, could beat him easily if he got hungry.

Helan stared for a second, still seeming confused, before darting down and putting his tiny paw out in turn. "Helan, of Clan Avikra. We don't really do surnames." He chuckled slightly. "Although I can respect the documentation. Makes it easier to trace a family line, I suppose." He still kept a wary eye on the bird - Helan was more scholar than warrior, and didn't doubt that the snow streak, nearly twice his size, could beat him easily if he got hungry.

Bellatrix took the paw between her finger and thumb, and lightly shook. "Clan Nightglade. As for the surname, everyone in our little clan has one." she explained, putting the book and quill away.

"Not sure why, though. Our tiny co-leader thought it up. It's so families could be told apart or something."

Bellatrix took the paw between her finger and thumb, and lightly shook. "Clan Nightglade. As for the surname, everyone in our little clan has one." she explained, putting the book and quill away.

"Not sure why, though. Our tiny co-leader thought it up. It's so families could be told apart or something."

Helan allowed a small smile, or the fae equivalent, raising and widening the swirl-covered frills on his head.

"Our leader, Melisande, tried to give us matronymics once for that exact reason. It didn't work so well - my surname would have been Jeiniya. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. She gave up and told us just to keep our given names - she's an interesting one." Helan darted back up, this time turning out to scan the rest of the convened dragons - still trying not to turn his back on the bird.

Helan allowed a small smile, or the fae equivalent, raising and widening the swirl-covered frills on his head.

"Our leader, Melisande, tried to give us matronymics once for that exact reason. It didn't work so well - my surname would have been Jeiniya. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. She gave up and told us just to keep our given names - she's an interesting one." Helan darted back up, this time turning out to scan the rest of the convened dragons - still trying not to turn his back on the bird.

Bellatrix joined him in observing the other flights, noticing her feather-clad clan-leader talking to some others. "That's her over there, actually. She's quite the peculiar one." she said, crossing one wrist over the other. "Loves birds. So much so she turned the back end of our lair into an aviary." she chuckled lightly.

The streak continued to watch Helan, but more out of curiosity now, than predatory.

Bellatrix joined him in observing the other flights, noticing her feather-clad clan-leader talking to some others. "That's her over there, actually. She's quite the peculiar one." she said, crossing one wrist over the other. "Loves birds. So much so she turned the back end of our lair into an aviary." she chuckled lightly.

The streak continued to watch Helan, but more out of curiosity now, than predatory.
"Your clan leader, you say?" Helan smiled for real now, showing his teeth. "Ours loves them too, but she's more the kind to collect their skulls and eat them than keep an aviary." He paused, the smile slowly fading from his face. "Her familiar's probably the only living bird in our lair, actually - a cannibal sparrow. She has it clean the skulls she wants. It's a little...unsettling." He fluttered uncomfortably, adjusting his glasses again. "She's not here right now though - she has me do everything diplomatic."
"Your clan leader, you say?" Helan smiled for real now, showing his teeth. "Ours loves them too, but she's more the kind to collect their skulls and eat them than keep an aviary." He paused, the smile slowly fading from his face. "Her familiar's probably the only living bird in our lair, actually - a cannibal sparrow. She has it clean the skulls she wants. It's a little...unsettling." He fluttered uncomfortably, adjusting his glasses again. "She's not here right now though - she has me do everything diplomatic."

"I see. A rather formal clan you have, then." she said, taking the moment to write down these new notes. "Our clan is a tad.." she paused to mull the words in her head. "Laid back, I guess you could say? Casual..for lack of a better word. We're more a refuge than a clan of politics and diplomacies."

She then paused as everything else registered. "Oh dear." she breathed, then tilted her head. "Everyone in Nightglade is comprised of mostly plant, insect, and fish eaters. Though our other leader, Arindel, is omnivorous." she said. "Even my little dragonling is wanting to grow up to be a caretaker of sick and injured animals." she then added with a soft chuckle.

"I see. A rather formal clan you have, then." she said, taking the moment to write down these new notes. "Our clan is a tad.." she paused to mull the words in her head. "Laid back, I guess you could say? Casual..for lack of a better word. We're more a refuge than a clan of politics and diplomacies."

She then paused as everything else registered. "Oh dear." she breathed, then tilted her head. "Everyone in Nightglade is comprised of mostly plant, insect, and fish eaters. Though our other leader, Arindel, is omnivorous." she said. "Even my little dragonling is wanting to grow up to be a caretaker of sick and injured animals." she then added with a soft chuckle.