H: 100kt
W: 100g
Partials ok! Done!
H: 100kt
W: 100g
Partials ok! Done!
H: 900g
W: 900kt
Status: finished! Thank you everyone!
H: 900g
W: 900kt
Status: finished! Thank you everyone!
Have: 600k treasure
Need: 600 gems
Full payments only, please. Just send a CR, I will accept as soon as I see it! First come, first serve, but I will update this as soon as I see an offer.
Completed, thank you!
Have: 600k treasure
Need: 600 gems
Full payments only, please. Just send a CR, I will accept as soon as I see it! First come, first serve, but I will update this as soon as I see an offer.
Completed, thank you!
have: 200g
want 200kt
have: 200g
want 200kt
adenar not anymore, but thank you for asking!
adenar not anymore, but thank you for asking!
have: 2mT
want: 2kG
partials ok! no need to ping, you can just send a CR :]
have: 2mT
want: 2kG
partials ok! no need to ping, you can just send a CR :]