
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [DOM] A Dom Shop [off]
@Runi Sure! The total turns out to be: [list] [*]Tincture of Dissolution x10: 255,000t [i](25,500t x 10)[/i] [*]Scroll of Renaming x30: 153,000t [i](5,100t x 30)[/i] [*]Autumn Sphinx x10: 195,500t [i](19,550t x 10)[/i] ----- = 603,500t [/list] Feel free to send the funds over ^^

Sure! The total turns out to be:
  • Tincture of Dissolution x10: 255,000t (25,500t x 10)
  • Scroll of Renaming x30: 153,000t (5,100t x 30)
  • Autumn Sphinx x10: 195,500t (19,550t x 10)
    = 603,500t
Feel free to send the funds over ^^
aw heck now i have nothing to put here again

Of course! I've added Tertiary Gene: Peacock to the list (thanks for helping me fix it hh!)-- You can go ahead & send over the funds! (the total is: 144,500t)


Sure thing! (the total is: 306,000t)

Of course! I've added Tertiary Gene: Peacock to the list (thanks for helping me fix it hh!)-- You can go ahead & send over the funds! (the total is: 144,500t)


Sure thing! (the total is: 306,000t)
aw heck now i have nothing to put here again
@Zeldo Hello! Can I please order a [item=Breed Change: Pearlcatcher] and a [item=Primary Gene: Tapir]? c:
Hello! Can I please order a Breed Change: Pearlcatcher and a Primary Gene: Tapir ? c:

Art by
~ Crazy
@Crazini Sure thing! The total pans out to be: [list] [*]Breed Change: Pearlcatcher: 212,500t [*]Primary Gene: Tapir: 157,250t ----- = 369,750t You may send over the funds when you can ^^

Sure thing! The total pans out to be:
  • Breed Change: Pearlcatcher: 212,500t
  • Primary Gene: Tapir: 157,250t
    = 369,750t

    You may send over the funds when you can ^^
aw heck now i have nothing to put here again
Could you buy 2 scrolls of renaming for me?
Could you buy 2 scrolls of renaming for me?
signature by Sanrixian
@Ferrates Of course! The total is: [list] [*]Scroll of Renaming x2: 10,200 [i](5,100t x 2)[/i] ----- =10,200t Feel free to send over the funds when ready ^^

Of course! The total is:
  • Scroll of Renaming x2: 10,200 (5,100t x 2)

    Feel free to send over the funds when ready ^^
aw heck now i have nothing to put here again
@Zeldo Hi! Could I order 7 autumn sphinxes please? The total would be 136850t, right? ^^
@Zeldo Hi! Could I order 7 autumn sphinxes please? The total would be 136850t, right? ^^

That is correct! You can go ahead & send over the funds when ya can

That is correct! You can go ahead & send over the funds when ya can
aw heck now i have nothing to put here again
@Zeldo Could you get me a spiral scroll?
@Zeldo Could you get me a spiral scroll?

Sure! The total is 276,250t; you can go ahead & send over the funds when ready!

Sure! The total is 276,250t; you can go ahead & send over the funds when ready!
aw heck now i have nothing to put here again