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TOPIC | Tiny Little Questions
I'm borrowing this thread idea from another forum. This thread is for asking small questions, things that don't really need to clutter up this part of the forum with individual threads of their own because they can be answered in one or two posts. Hopefully we can perhaps keep this topic bumped up high so people can use it easily. Be sure to check the [url=] Frequently Asked Questions[/url] thread because it has a majority of the common questions I've seen in this forum answered. ___________________________________________________________________________________ A quick answer to what's sure to be a regular question. [quote name="Salmastryon" date="2013-06-24 10:04:50" url="main.php?p=mb&board=help&page=1&id=133644#147784"] [img][/img] A user made one with the elemental icons on it can be found [url=]here[/url].[/quote] (updating this because I just realized it was very, very wrong 10/21/22) ___________________________________________________________________________________ I've got plenty of questions to season this thread with, but I'll start with the most pressing for me right now. The Brightshine Jubilee has started. 1) How long is it going to last? 2) Where do I find those [i]Immaculate Tablets[/i] the Festive Favors page asks for? (A different thread mentioned scavenging in the Light Area, but all that turned up for me is parchment and bones and branches.) Edit for #2: Hah, you do find them in the Light Area, but they aren't common, unless I'm just unlucky, get ready to spend all your turns there to get about 10.
I'm borrowing this thread idea from another forum.

This thread is for asking small questions, things that don't really need to clutter up this part of the forum with individual threads of their own because they can be answered in one or two posts. Hopefully we can perhaps keep this topic bumped up high so people can use it easily.

Be sure to check the Frequently Asked Questions thread because it has a majority of the common questions I've seen in this forum answered.


A quick answer to what's sure to be a regular question.

A user made one with the elemental icons on it can be found here.
(updating this because I just realized it was very, very wrong 10/21/22)

I've got plenty of questions to season this thread with, but I'll start with the most pressing for me right now.

The Brightshine Jubilee has started.

1) How long is it going to last?
2) Where do I find those Immaculate Tablets the Festive Favors page asks for? (A different thread mentioned scavenging in the Light Area, but all that turned up for me is parchment and bones and branches.)

Edit for #2: Hah, you do find them in the Light Area, but they aren't common, unless I'm just unlucky, get ready to spend all your turns there to get about 10.
Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
QF3R6o0.png mFu1NtF.png
1) It will last all week!
2) You find them by gathering in the Light region. It's not every time, it's random. You can also get them fighting in the Coliseum. According to Undel, you'll get them commonly from Light enemies and uncommonly from others.

Edit: I've seen people get 31 today from gathering, it's pure luck (or lack thereof)!
1) It will last all week!
2) You find them by gathering in the Light region. It's not every time, it's random. You can also get them fighting in the Coliseum. According to Undel, you'll get them commonly from Light enemies and uncommonly from others.

Edit: I've seen people get 31 today from gathering, it's pure luck (or lack thereof)!
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
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Honestly, the best way to find this out is check the for sale forums. Last I knew, it was ~80-100 treasure per gem. It really is dictated though by whomever is selling the gems for the least amount of treasure.

You might want to throw a link to the FAQ thread there at the top post as well. That way people can check there for answers as well.

Another common question

Question: Me and X both have the same IP and both want to play, but the ToU says only one account per person. Can X still play on their own account?
Answer: Yes. The IP address can be the same. The important part is that each of you play only on one account.
Honestly, the best way to find this out is check the for sale forums. Last I knew, it was ~80-100 treasure per gem. It really is dictated though by whomever is selling the gems for the least amount of treasure.

You might want to throw a link to the FAQ thread there at the top post as well. That way people can check there for answers as well.

Another common question

Question: Me and X both have the same IP and both want to play, but the ToU says only one account per person. Can X still play on their own account?
Answer: Yes. The IP address can be the same. The important part is that each of you play only on one account.
I'm back, but life is being complicated. It probably will take awhile for me to reply, because I log on irratically.
Bless you for using this thread in such a manner. :D

1. I've noticed Crim asking for tablets with our Gods' sign on them. Do you pick these up while scavenging, or are they rare items that have to be bought?

2. Where do you get the Dragon God plushies from? Again, can they be gotten while scavenging? Or are they kickstarter-only items?

3. On a more current note, what's up with the Auction House? Are they doing repairs on it or something? Honestly the last I heard about it was that they had installed the new options at the top, and then suddenly it was down. Did we break it or something?

Thank you to whoever answers!
Bless you for using this thread in such a manner. :D

1. I've noticed Crim asking for tablets with our Gods' sign on them. Do you pick these up while scavenging, or are they rare items that have to be bought?

2. Where do you get the Dragon God plushies from? Again, can they be gotten while scavenging? Or are they kickstarter-only items?

3. On a more current note, what's up with the Auction House? Are they doing repairs on it or something? Honestly the last I heard about it was that they had installed the new options at the top, and then suddenly it was down. Did we break it or something?

Thank you to whoever answers!

1) Those are called Runestones and they can be found by Digging, I believe.

2) You can find dragon god dolls by Scavenging.

3) I'm not sure why you're having trouble with the Auction House, it's working normally for me. :(

1) Those are called Runestones and they can be found by Digging, I believe.

2) You can find dragon god dolls by Scavenging.

3) I'm not sure why you're having trouble with the Auction House, it's working normally for me. :(
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
Volunteer Moderator :If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation, please feel free to use the Contact Us form.
@Mnemosyne Sounds like a bug or browser incompatibility to me. I tried using the auction house and everything is fine.

If you could report it, along with what browser/setup you were using at the time in the bug reports forum, one of our programmers will take a look at it. We are working to try and be compatible with all browser, and some require interesting work-arounds. :-)
@Mnemosyne Sounds like a bug or browser incompatibility to me. I tried using the auction house and everything is fine.

If you could report it, along with what browser/setup you were using at the time in the bug reports forum, one of our programmers will take a look at it. We are working to try and be compatible with all browser, and some require interesting work-arounds. :-)
Here's another common question to add:

What are materials for?
In the future, there may be a Crafting system implemented. Until then, materials can be sold in the Auction House, sold to Crim, and some can be traded with Swipp for other items such as apparel and familiars.
Here's another common question to add:

What are materials for?
In the future, there may be a Crafting system implemented. Until then, materials can be sold in the Auction House, sold to Crim, and some can be traded with Swipp for other items such as apparel and familiars.
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
Volunteer Moderator :If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation, please feel free to use the Contact Us form.
A bump and a new question.

I know Imperials were a Kickstarter bonus, but is there ever going to be a chance to get a gene change scroll for one?

A bump and a new question.

I know Imperials were a Kickstarter bonus, but is there ever going to be a chance to get a gene change scroll for one?

Long Patrol and Hibden
for forum games, please.
QF3R6o0.png mFu1NtF.png
The devs have said the scrolls themselves are exclusive to the kickstarter and will not be available again. So, the only way to get a scroll now is to hope someone hasn't used theirs and are willing to sell it. That being said, you can still acquire Imperials by buying them from someone. As more are born there will be more available.

Common Question
How much is x worth?
There is no official listing for how much other players are willing to pay for items. There are several ways to find out though.
1)Check if it is being sold on the AH and for how much.
2)If it is a dragon check the Dragons for Sale forum as well. Not only are dragons being sold there, but you can check the price lists of various breeders
3)Check the Items for Sale Forum to check item prices.
4)The Treasure to Gem ratio changes. It is best to look for an active and or recent trading topic to see what the current exchange is.
The devs have said the scrolls themselves are exclusive to the kickstarter and will not be available again. So, the only way to get a scroll now is to hope someone hasn't used theirs and are willing to sell it. That being said, you can still acquire Imperials by buying them from someone. As more are born there will be more available.

Common Question
How much is x worth?
There is no official listing for how much other players are willing to pay for items. There are several ways to find out though.
1)Check if it is being sold on the AH and for how much.
2)If it is a dragon check the Dragons for Sale forum as well. Not only are dragons being sold there, but you can check the price lists of various breeders
3)Check the Items for Sale Forum to check item prices.
4)The Treasure to Gem ratio changes. It is best to look for an active and or recent trading topic to see what the current exchange is.
I'm back, but life is being complicated. It probably will take awhile for me to reply, because I log on irratically.
In what way, if any, does a dragon's alignment matter? I'm Nature, so my first prog is also Nature, but I have collected two more- one Wind, one Lightning. Is this bad to do?
In what way, if any, does a dragon's alignment matter? I'm Nature, so my first prog is also Nature, but I have collected two more- one Wind, one Lightning. Is this bad to do?