[quote name="YoungAndMenace" date=2017-12-10 16:10:39]
Okay why.
Who would eat crispy tarantulas.
Of all the things in the world.
YoungAndMenace wrote on 2017-12-10:
Okay why.
Who would eat crispy tarantulas.
Of all the things in the world.
Re: the tarantulas. Bugs in a can are g r e a t. I actually bought a tin of silkworms once. I like to think I'm a pretty adventurous eater, but as soon as I pulled off the lid and smelled that...[i]funk[/i], I just couldn't go through with it. If I had to describe it, I'd go with swamp mud squeezed through Satan's own gym socks and fermented in a jar some unwashed dude farted in at least six or seven times. I could smell that shit with my soul.
Also I saw sundae ramen got posted, did y'all know that guy also made some [url=http://peoplegettingreallymadatfood.tumblr.com/post/164414803711/dinotendies-poaches-fish-and-makes-some]delicious poached fish[/url]? And a [url=http://peoplegettingreallymadatfood.tumblr.com/post/165887529801/dinotendies-makes-a-deep-dish-pizzamore]deep dish pizza[/url]?
If you have any stale candy corn left over from spookmonth, I know just the thing.
Re: the tarantulas. Bugs in a can are g r e a t. I actually bought a tin of silkworms once. I like to think I'm a pretty adventurous eater, but as soon as I pulled off the lid and smelled that...
funk, I just couldn't go through with it. If I had to describe it, I'd go with swamp mud squeezed through Satan's own gym socks and fermented in a jar some unwashed dude farted in at least six or seven times. I could smell that **** with my soul.
Also I saw sundae ramen got posted, did y'all know that guy also made some
delicious poached fish? And a
deep dish pizza?
If you have any stale candy corn left over from spookmonth, I know just the thing.
I think I'd try the ramen burger.
Pigeons? Just remember that in old times, they used to eat a lot of birds that we don't eat anymore. (I don't know about pigeons for certain, though.) According to the zillion pounds of historical fiction I've read, swan was the fanciest delicacy, and usually presented with the wings put back on.
I think I'd try the ramen burger.
Pigeons? Just remember that in old times, they used to eat a lot of birds that we don't eat anymore. (I don't know about pigeons for certain, though.) According to the zillion pounds of historical fiction I've read, swan was the fanciest delicacy, and usually presented with the wings put back on.
[quote]Return of the meat pineapple![/quote]
[i]put it back[/i]
Return of the meat pineapple!
put it back
I have an entire folder titled "Cursed Images" full of food items that would fit in nicely in this thread. Here's one of em.

I have an entire folder titled "Cursed Images" full of food items that would fit in nicely in this thread. Here's one of em.
[quote name="Braixen" date=2017-12-11 05:43:05]
Braixen wrote on 2017-12-11:
[color=green]Returning with an old favorite of mine... microwaved winegums with defrosted spinach and horsemeat.
Returning with an old favorite of mine... microwaved winegums with defrosted spinach and horsemeat.
[quote name="Rhea" date=2017-12-13 18:34:04]
[color=green]Returning with an old favorite of mine... microwaved winegums with defrosted spinach and horsemeat.
w [i]hat[/i]
Rhea wrote on 2017-12-13:
Returning with an old favorite of mine... microwaved winegums with defrosted spinach and horsemeat.
