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i knew there was something off about her friend but i didnt wanna say anything... but crap just hit the fan between the two so ig i was right. i feel so bad for her
i knew there was something off about her friend but i didnt wanna say anything... but crap just hit the fan between the two so ig i was right. i feel so bad for her
eESLWsA.gif finn + blurr | he/him | 16
neurodivergent (please use tonetags!)
i'll make this look nicer eventually.
it's a zero, NOT an O!
art shop
skin shop
[font=georgia][size=4]I am so afraid. I am so ashamed. I am so confused. I am so, [i]so[/i] tired...[/size] ~~~ [quote name="Radioshock" date="2024-11-06 17:40:15" ] This is a "post your current thoughts" thread, and currently, a lot of us just so happen to have thoughts about the same thing and share similar sentiments. Big hugs to everyone [emoji=familiar heart size=1]. [/quote] [font=georgia][size=4]Thank you, I needed this [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I am so afraid. I am so ashamed. I am so confused. I am so, so tired...
Radioshock wrote on 2024-11-06 17:40:15:
This is a "post your current thoughts" thread, and currently, a lot of us just so happen to have thoughts about the same thing and share similar sentiments. Big hugs to everyone .
Thank you, I needed this
where am i
where am i
it’s so painful, no one in my biologically related “family” understands what this will mean for me and others in the future. i feel so powerless and so unloved.
it’s so painful, no one in my biologically related “family” understands what this will mean for me and others in the future. i feel so powerless and so unloved.
tumblr_inline_pafumapXAW1r16a5d_540.png tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.png
The Beetlejuice Musical sums up the US right now
The Beetlejuice Musical sums up the US right now
.oOo.JvT6zxD.png .oOo.
I'm not one of the people [i]directly[/i] affected by the current real events, so maybe I'm naive, but... a reminder to everyone to stay kind. Stay kind to yourselves, stay kind to others, and please don't get angry with the people who are, at the end of the day, on the same side as you. Fight the real enemy, not one another. And please, I know it's hard, but just keep living and finding joy in any way you can. You are valued and your life is important, and you [i]can[/i] change the world: even if it's just by creating art or making a nice meal, donating what you can spare to a good cause, making a stranger smile, or merely just by [i]living[/i], you are making the world a better place. Please stay strong and take care of yourselves. Hugs to everyone who needs them. You can get through this. We all can [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I'm not one of the people directly affected by the current real events, so maybe I'm naive, but... a reminder to everyone to stay kind. Stay kind to yourselves, stay kind to others, and please don't get angry with the people who are, at the end of the day, on the same side as you. Fight the real enemy, not one another.

And please, I know it's hard, but just keep living and finding joy in any way you can. You are valued and your life is important, and you can change the world: even if it's just by creating art or making a nice meal, donating what you can spare to a good cause, making a stranger smile, or merely just by living, you are making the world a better place.

Please stay strong and take care of yourselves. Hugs to everyone who needs them. You can get through this. We all can
sedge122 | it/they | avatar dragon | skin shop | free stuff
pings are always alright! note that my username is sedge122 (not sedge112)
a banner showing autumn trees with red and gold leaves
Finally finished the piece for my friend and shared it with her. I'm admittedly a little nervous about if she'll like it, but she's complimented some of my other pieces and sketches before, so hopefully I'm just overthinking it

Also just finished the first season of The Magnus Archives. Not usually interested in podcast-type stuff, but I'm really enjoying it so far!
Finally finished the piece for my friend and shared it with her. I'm admittedly a little nervous about if she'll like it, but she's complimented some of my other pieces and sketches before, so hopefully I'm just overthinking it

Also just finished the first season of The Magnus Archives. Not usually interested in podcast-type stuff, but I'm really enjoying it so far!
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i am so, so sorry for so many people right now. i don't live there, not even close, and i may not be effected by it at all, ever. but i am sorry. is secondhand grief a thing?
i am so, so sorry for so many people right now. i don't live there, not even close, and i may not be effected by it at all, ever. but i am sorry. is secondhand grief a thing?
uk3-Ig-UG-1.png xxxallothere | call me val!
.xxit/she | fr +21

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[quote name="allothere" date="2024-11-06 22:51:10" ] i am so, so sorry for so many people right now. i don't live there, not even close, and i may not be effected by it at all, ever. but i am sorry. is secondhand grief a thing? [/quote] Yep. Empathy, that’s secondhand grief.
allothere wrote on 2024-11-06 22:51:10:
i am so, so sorry for so many people right now. i don't live there, not even close, and i may not be effected by it at all, ever. but i am sorry. is secondhand grief a thing?

Yep. Empathy, that’s secondhand grief.
@Beeff oh! well, that surprises me. i'm a person who experiences little to no empathy, hence why i didn't really recognise it ^^" suppose that makes sense, though. ty
@Beeff oh! well, that surprises me. i'm a person who experiences little to no empathy, hence why i didn't really recognise it ^^" suppose that makes sense, though. ty
uk3-Ig-UG-1.png xxxallothere | call me val!
.xxit/she | fr +21

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