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TOPIC | Overwatch
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I play when I get off work/ away from other games. It's like my cool-off game between games.
I main Reinhardt/Sombra on PS4, granted I dabble in other characters and hold up fine. Except with Hanzo, Genji Winston, Zarya, Doomfist... I did okay with Doomfist once and my eyes lit up like "OOOOOH hoh hoh hooo I get it" but since then I haven't managed him just right..
I play when I get off work/ away from other games. It's like my cool-off game between games.
I main Reinhardt/Sombra on PS4, granted I dabble in other characters and hold up fine. Except with Hanzo, Genji Winston, Zarya, Doomfist... I did okay with Doomfist once and my eyes lit up like "OOOOOH hoh hoh hooo I get it" but since then I haven't managed him just right..
I ended up dropping...a lot of SR at the end of last season. My best friend and I have set a goal to climb to diamond again...though it may take a few more seasons ;_;

However, I'm excited for the new holiday event! There aren't any new skins yet which I'm biting at the bit to get, but Mercy's and Junkrat's are probably my favorites right now, though I don't think I'll be dropping 3000 for either of them \o.o/

Follow up: Hey, Blizzard. Can we please be consistent about our lore? I love the new McCree short but you went and changed Deadlock and McCree lore and...guys
I ended up dropping...a lot of SR at the end of last season. My best friend and I have set a goal to climb to diamond again...though it may take a few more seasons ;_;

However, I'm excited for the new holiday event! There aren't any new skins yet which I'm biting at the bit to get, but Mercy's and Junkrat's are probably my favorites right now, though I don't think I'll be dropping 3000 for either of them \o.o/

Follow up: Hey, Blizzard. Can we please be consistent about our lore? I love the new McCree short but you went and changed Deadlock and McCree lore and...guys
Previously: LittleDoctor
im already tracer
im already tracer
just started playing overwatch again after a three month break :,) even though ashe as a character is super bland and boring, i actually really like playing her. a little more practice and she could definitely be my third dps main. i need to get back into playing reaper too...

i'm also really looking forward to the next season of owl just so i can spend all my credits on hangzhou spark skins lmao (i LOVE pink)
just started playing overwatch again after a three month break :,) even though ashe as a character is super bland and boring, i actually really like playing her. a little more practice and she could definitely be my third dps main. i need to get back into playing reaper too...

i'm also really looking forward to the next season of owl just so i can spend all my credits on hangzhou spark skins lmao (i LOVE pink)
Overwatch lore is such a mess of timelines and what if's! The in game dialogue is amusing no less.
Overwatch lore is such a mess of timelines and what if's! The in game dialogue is amusing no less.
I LOVE overwatch. The lore and characters are absolutely avesome. McCree is the best boi
I LOVE overwatch. The lore and characters are absolutely avesome. McCree is the best boi
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+ 10 fr time

Okay, so, Blizzard. I love getting lore drops. I love getting hints at lore drops in previous media that only then make sense in new lights. But, what I would really want is a timeline. Just, put out one big document that just gives us times. Like, when was Deadlock founded, because you've changed that twice now. The Omnic Crisis?

Also, next up is the Lunar New Year's event. I'm hoping for some themed skins like Zarya, Pharah, Genji, and Mercy from last year. Hopefully, Soldier 76 or Reaper will get skins.

Also, also. It's been confirmed, I believe, that Blizzard is working on its newest story for the Archive event. Which is great. Please let it be more Blackwatch.
Okay, so, Blizzard. I love getting lore drops. I love getting hints at lore drops in previous media that only then make sense in new lights. But, what I would really want is a timeline. Just, put out one big document that just gives us times. Like, when was Deadlock founded, because you've changed that twice now. The Omnic Crisis?

Also, next up is the Lunar New Year's event. I'm hoping for some themed skins like Zarya, Pharah, Genji, and Mercy from last year. Hopefully, Soldier 76 or Reaper will get skins.

Also, also. It's been confirmed, I believe, that Blizzard is working on its newest story for the Archive event. Which is great. Please let it be more Blackwatch.
Previously: LittleDoctor
I was thinking about actually playing this game (only in it for the lore at the moment) and was wondering if I should? I've never played a game in this style before and have no idea how it works, so I would like to know what I'm getting into. Anything I should know/watch for?
I was thinking about actually playing this game (only in it for the lore at the moment) and was wondering if I should? I've never played a game in this style before and have no idea how it works, so I would like to know what I'm getting into. Anything I should know/watch for?
The game is set up as a first-person team based shooter. However, unlike games like Call of Duty or Fortnite, Overwatch has different characters with different abilities. Some characters specialize in healing, others in doing damage, some in taking damage. It is very similar to Team Fortress 2. There are objectives in each match that you need to complete. For example, some objectives are to capture a control point. Other objectives are to move a "payload" from location A to B.

Personally, I never played first-person shooters, and Overwatch was my first. It is a lot of fun to play. There is the quick play games, the arcade, competitive games, and custom games. If you're interested, check out some gameplay videos on YouTube to see if it's a game style your interested in. If not, Overwatch often has free play weekends, where you can try to game for free first.

The biggest issue with the game is toxicity in chat in competitive games.
The game is set up as a first-person team based shooter. However, unlike games like Call of Duty or Fortnite, Overwatch has different characters with different abilities. Some characters specialize in healing, others in doing damage, some in taking damage. It is very similar to Team Fortress 2. There are objectives in each match that you need to complete. For example, some objectives are to capture a control point. Other objectives are to move a "payload" from location A to B.

Personally, I never played first-person shooters, and Overwatch was my first. It is a lot of fun to play. There is the quick play games, the arcade, competitive games, and custom games. If you're interested, check out some gameplay videos on YouTube to see if it's a game style your interested in. If not, Overwatch often has free play weekends, where you can try to game for free first.

The biggest issue with the game is toxicity in chat in competitive games.
Previously: LittleDoctor
I recently got an Xbox of my own. I'd play on my friend's game, and I thought I was a McCree DPS main until indiscovered Im really, really bad at McCree. However, I apparently am an amazing Mercy/Symmetra main, somehow.
I recently got an Xbox of my own. I'd play on my friend's game, and I thought I was a McCree DPS main until indiscovered Im really, really bad at McCree. However, I apparently am an amazing Mercy/Symmetra main, somehow.
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