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Yeah I really want to melee before dash, heck sometimes I melee too much, slowly getting the hang of left/right shuriken -> dash -> right shuriken -> melee -> dead squishy! Just some really awkward angles on the dash you gotta take at times to not overshoot too much. And actually aiming for headshots.

Now that's all I'm gonna think about when Rein yells "FIGHT ME!" haha, come at me, we're having a bar fight right here, right now. No I do not care that we're in russia and that it's freezing. Or that we're not in a bar, irrelevant facts!

Yeah I really want to melee before dash, heck sometimes I melee too much, slowly getting the hang of left/right shuriken -> dash -> right shuriken -> melee -> dead squishy! Just some really awkward angles on the dash you gotta take at times to not overshoot too much. And actually aiming for headshots.

Now that's all I'm gonna think about when Rein yells "FIGHT ME!" haha, come at me, we're having a bar fight right here, right now. No I do not care that we're in russia and that it's freezing. Or that we're not in a bar, irrelevant facts!

Huh... Never thought of using that combo! Instead of using a melee I just try to use a third shuriken/right click (but as I mentioned before my aim isn't the best. xD) I'll try using that combo when I'm playing online later! Perhaps we could play some matches together?

Huh... Never thought of using that combo! Instead of using a melee I just try to use a third shuriken/right click (but as I mentioned before my aim isn't the best. xD) I'll try using that combo when I'm playing online later! Perhaps we could play some matches together?

Sure can do, I'm from EU though so my ping playing on NA won't be the best. Buuut I can live with it so no worry there! Worst case I can hop on some less ping intensive characters like good ol Rein or Zarya.

I'm Nyx on the discord by the way so you can find me there, gonna be running afk for a bit now though to sort some stuff!

Sure can do, I'm from EU though so my ping playing on NA won't be the best. Buuut I can live with it so no worry there! Worst case I can hop on some less ping intensive characters like good ol Rein or Zarya.

I'm Nyx on the discord by the way so you can find me there, gonna be running afk for a bit now though to sort some stuff!

So um I was going to make a separate post for this but if anyone who reads this wants to play Overwatch on the PC Just tag me or whatever and I'll send you my battle tag-
I'm mostly going to be playing brawl, but if I get a decent amount of people we can go against each other and what not in custom games so?
I mean yeah.

Your Genji dragon is beautiful, 100/10

So um I was going to make a separate post for this but if anyone who reads this wants to play Overwatch on the PC Just tag me or whatever and I'll send you my battle tag-
I'm mostly going to be playing brawl, but if I get a decent amount of people we can go against each other and what not in custom games so?
I mean yeah.

Your Genji dragon is beautiful, 100/10

♥ she / they
♥ +3 Hours FR time
Wow. I didn't expect to find Overwatch peeps here. XD

But hello. I barely play anymore because, welp, college. But anyone who likes to have quickplay fun can drop me a line at Nyxus#11506
(warning: I play on the Asia server)

I mostly play support, especially Lucio. He's mah boi.
I'm also a Reinhardt tank or Roadhog. Sometimes D.Va if need be. Or Zarya. Or Winston. Okay I love all the tanks.

When it comes to offensive char, I mostly play Pharah or Dad 76 ~
Defense is mostly Junkrat with a lil salted Bastion on the side :P

@NovaRaptor... those dragons are so beautiful I'm crying ♥
Wow. I didn't expect to find Overwatch peeps here. XD

But hello. I barely play anymore because, welp, college. But anyone who likes to have quickplay fun can drop me a line at Nyxus#11506
(warning: I play on the Asia server)

I mostly play support, especially Lucio. He's mah boi.
I'm also a Reinhardt tank or Roadhog. Sometimes D.Va if need be. Or Zarya. Or Winston. Okay I love all the tanks.

When it comes to offensive char, I mostly play Pharah or Dad 76 ~
Defense is mostly Junkrat with a lil salted Bastion on the side :P

@NovaRaptor... those dragons are so beautiful I'm crying ♥
@FelixMcTrashy @Ensign23

Thanks so much! ;-; I have worked very hard on them! I'll add you guys later on!

Also, to anybody who didn't know about our discord or hasn't joined it yet, the invite link is now permanent! The minimum security required to join the discord is just to have an account for at least 5 minutes, that's it. This is simply to keep trolls and spam out of the discord to save me stress! Any OW player, regardless of console or country can join up and chat along with us!
@FelixMcTrashy @Ensign23

Thanks so much! ;-; I have worked very hard on them! I'll add you guys later on!

Also, to anybody who didn't know about our discord or hasn't joined it yet, the invite link is now permanent! The minimum security required to join the discord is just to have an account for at least 5 minutes, that's it. This is simply to keep trolls and spam out of the discord to save me stress! Any OW player, regardless of console or country can join up and chat along with us!
I just got this on the xbox... anyone got good tips for a newbie? My friend reccs Lucio to me since I'm not very good at offense. ;;

I haven't touched the game yet OTL
I just got this on the xbox... anyone got good tips for a newbie? My friend reccs Lucio to me since I'm not very good at offense. ;;

I haven't touched the game yet OTL
I'm on PC. I try to main one from each class. So...

Anyone want to play with me? Just hit me up with a message and we can play, I'm in the EU but I do play on the US servers too.
I'm on PC. I try to main one from each class. So...

Anyone want to play with me? Just hit me up with a message and we can play, I'm in the EU but I do play on the US servers too.
[img][/img] What an evolution!

What an evolution!
PC player here. I mainly play US, but I can try to play on EU (I've never done it and not sure what'll happen with ping and lag D: )

I'm a Reinhardt and Mei main, but I do switch around a lot during matches :P

Feel free to message me if you want to exchange Battletags. This game is like my current obsession haha.
PC player here. I mainly play US, but I can try to play on EU (I've never done it and not sure what'll happen with ping and lag D: )

I'm a Reinhardt and Mei main, but I do switch around a lot during matches :P

Feel free to message me if you want to exchange Battletags. This game is like my current obsession haha.
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I can't remember how to make signatures anymore lol
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