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TOPIC | Weird childhood stories.
U h m . . .

There was a time in sixth grade, where little ol me went with a friend to a firetruck / fireman appreciation festival. It was cool, there was hot dogs and you got to look at all these different types of trucks and look at the fire station.

While that sounded friend decided to take a look at a police truck / thing where they would hold a group of criminals? Idek.

So we're sitting in here, talking about what we liked the best all stuff, then my friend starts playing with this..uh. "cup holder". She, legit, said "Hey Becca (My name), come look at this awesome cupholder!"

Little kid me thought, "Wow that's a cool cupholder!" so I started to play around with it while my friend was talking to her parents about something. While I was playing with this "cup holder", I hatched an awesome idea "I want to stick my hand through this."

Curiousity killed the cat indeed, because right as I stuck my hand in, the "CUP HOLDER" snapped shut onto my wrist. "no problem" I thought and tried to get out of it but...I soon realized....That this wasn't a cup holder, this was a full blown wall handcuff and I just handcuffed myself to the wall of this van.

I was now freaking out because I was handcuffed and my friend's family was leaving. They asked me what was wrong....why I wasn't moving and I just sitting there, "I'm stuck!" I say.

Yeah well, then the police officer came back and said he needed the truck, saw me stuck and decided to make little old me freak out by saying "I don't think I have the keys to that."

Needless to say, I was freaking out and just...never again can look at a cupholder the same way again.
U h m . . .

There was a time in sixth grade, where little ol me went with a friend to a firetruck / fireman appreciation festival. It was cool, there was hot dogs and you got to look at all these different types of trucks and look at the fire station.

While that sounded friend decided to take a look at a police truck / thing where they would hold a group of criminals? Idek.

So we're sitting in here, talking about what we liked the best all stuff, then my friend starts playing with this..uh. "cup holder". She, legit, said "Hey Becca (My name), come look at this awesome cupholder!"

Little kid me thought, "Wow that's a cool cupholder!" so I started to play around with it while my friend was talking to her parents about something. While I was playing with this "cup holder", I hatched an awesome idea "I want to stick my hand through this."

Curiousity killed the cat indeed, because right as I stuck my hand in, the "CUP HOLDER" snapped shut onto my wrist. "no problem" I thought and tried to get out of it but...I soon realized....That this wasn't a cup holder, this was a full blown wall handcuff and I just handcuffed myself to the wall of this van.

I was now freaking out because I was handcuffed and my friend's family was leaving. They asked me what was wrong....why I wasn't moving and I just sitting there, "I'm stuck!" I say.

Yeah well, then the police officer came back and said he needed the truck, saw me stuck and decided to make little old me freak out by saying "I don't think I have the keys to that."

Needless to say, I was freaking out and just...never again can look at a cupholder the same way again.
Used to be Bearteeth
call me bear
I once ran around my kindergarden room with my top off and i'm pretty sure i got to sit on the naughty chair to atone for what i did

also i fell off my bed at my grandparents house (not sure why) and i started crying for help bc i thought the wasps were after me and were gonna sting me into oblivion

and again i had a habit of bringing small toys to school and i'm 100% sure some of the stuff i brang there got lost. it stopped when i got into year 4 or 5 idk
I once ran around my kindergarden room with my top off and i'm pretty sure i got to sit on the naughty chair to atone for what i did

also i fell off my bed at my grandparents house (not sure why) and i started crying for help bc i thought the wasps were after me and were gonna sting me into oblivion

and again i had a habit of bringing small toys to school and i'm 100% sure some of the stuff i brang there got lost. it stopped when i got into year 4 or 5 idk
Oh man, do I have stories! (not as good as some here, but imo they're pretty good)

So, I'm a VERY anti social person, it's been that way since I was born (Pre-k was an exception). I was also a tomboy when I was little and so I normally played by myself on the swing set or looked at ants (ants will be important in a later story) and the girls in my class and the teachers would ask me why I didn't play with others and I would always simply shrug and say stuff like "I just don't." and I started going to these counselor meetings where I would play with the counselor and she would ask me questions which I would just shrug and say very vague answers as I played with her mini piano. I always thought it was just a prize for being really good so I always became really excited when she would come.

Now, when I was in Pre-k I had this crush on another kid and we'll call him 'Code'. Now, we had these princess dresses and there was a Bell one, which was the most popular. Now, to this day I'm pretty sure this one other girl had a crush on Code, and I HATED her. She was that kid that would get a tantrum and have to be dragged out of the room and to me I always saw that as annoying. One time we were playing house and it was a RACE to get the bella dress and be Code's wife. I'm pretty sure I won, but I'm not sure.

One more story, which has to do with the ants. So, I was a tomboy as a kid and loved bugs. I had a bug catching kit an everything. So anyways, there was this one other kid who I played with and we would watch the ants together. One day, for some cruel and twisted reason, I killed one and said as easy as could be "let's hold an ant funeral" and he thought it was a great idea. We had approximately 50 ant funerals, all ants killed on purpose just for our own amusement.
Oh man, do I have stories! (not as good as some here, but imo they're pretty good)

So, I'm a VERY anti social person, it's been that way since I was born (Pre-k was an exception). I was also a tomboy when I was little and so I normally played by myself on the swing set or looked at ants (ants will be important in a later story) and the girls in my class and the teachers would ask me why I didn't play with others and I would always simply shrug and say stuff like "I just don't." and I started going to these counselor meetings where I would play with the counselor and she would ask me questions which I would just shrug and say very vague answers as I played with her mini piano. I always thought it was just a prize for being really good so I always became really excited when she would come.

Now, when I was in Pre-k I had this crush on another kid and we'll call him 'Code'. Now, we had these princess dresses and there was a Bell one, which was the most popular. Now, to this day I'm pretty sure this one other girl had a crush on Code, and I HATED her. She was that kid that would get a tantrum and have to be dragged out of the room and to me I always saw that as annoying. One time we were playing house and it was a RACE to get the bella dress and be Code's wife. I'm pretty sure I won, but I'm not sure.

One more story, which has to do with the ants. So, I was a tomboy as a kid and loved bugs. I had a bug catching kit an everything. So anyways, there was this one other kid who I played with and we would watch the ants together. One day, for some cruel and twisted reason, I killed one and said as easy as could be "let's hold an ant funeral" and he thought it was a great idea. We had approximately 50 ant funerals, all ants killed on purpose just for our own amusement.
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Not really weird but kind of funny - when I was a kid mom told me that if you put salt on a mockingbird's tail it would walk into your hand.

So cue me, running around the yard with handfuls of salt.
Not really weird but kind of funny - when I was a kid mom told me that if you put salt on a mockingbird's tail it would walk into your hand.

So cue me, running around the yard with handfuls of salt.
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I once locked a kid in a port-a-potty at summer camp because she called me a lesbian as an insult and spread mean rumors about me and I saw this kid lock his friend in one and they had a good laugh about it so I'm like "huh what if I got revenge" but instead of using a woodchip, I used a metallic pen and she was trapped for ten minutes before the counselor a called an assembly and they found her when she didn't show up
I once locked a kid in a port-a-potty at summer camp because she called me a lesbian as an insult and spread mean rumors about me and I saw this kid lock his friend in one and they had a good laugh about it so I'm like "huh what if I got revenge" but instead of using a woodchip, I used a metallic pen and she was trapped for ten minutes before the counselor a called an assembly and they found her when she didn't show up
FR Blog
Main/Humor blog
When I was about 6, I thought I made friends with a hummingbird. Normally when I saw hummingbirds they would fly away, but this one didn't! It kept flying around the yard instead of leaving. So, I thought it was my friend. When it finally left I went outside every day for a couple days waiting for it to come back.
When I was about 6, I thought I made friends with a hummingbird. Normally when I saw hummingbirds they would fly away, but this one didn't! It kept flying around the yard instead of leaving. So, I thought it was my friend. When it finally left I went outside every day for a couple days waiting for it to come back.
A mini artwork of Lightweaver by Dovalore. A gold arrow/moon divider by dreamingcity.
FRT+1 | He/Him
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A Magnesium Amphiptere (Desert variant) from Dragon Cave.A male Pillow Dragon from Dragon Cave.
When I was really young (4 or 5, I forget~ (^_^') ), I had a theory that toys became alive at night and led lives just like humans, and when it became a certain time in the morning, they would rearrange themselves into the exact positions we last saw them in and go to sleep. I even did a mini experiment by putting my talking plush duck on the decorative spiral staircase end and then checking on it at around midnight to see if it had moved or changed positions or something. (> v <) Yeah, that was weird.
When I was really young (4 or 5, I forget~ (^_^') ), I had a theory that toys became alive at night and led lives just like humans, and when it became a certain time in the morning, they would rearrange themselves into the exact positions we last saw them in and go to sleep. I even did a mini experiment by putting my talking plush duck on the decorative spiral staircase end and then checking on it at around midnight to see if it had moved or changed positions or something. (> v <) Yeah, that was weird.
I love how all of these stories take place in either kindergarten-3rd grade or middle school XD

This wasn't funny at the time but I think it's hilarious in hindsight. We used to have this playset thing with a slide and whatnot in our basement. Right before my sister started first grade, we were playing there with some friends and we were literally playing cat and mouse I think. I was the cat and I was coming up the slide and they were backing up against the back wall/railing of the playset and my sister was in the back and she flipped backwards off the playset and landed face-first into a bin of hard plastic toys. So, she had to go to her first day of first grade with her eye all cut up and bruised.
I love how all of these stories take place in either kindergarten-3rd grade or middle school XD

This wasn't funny at the time but I think it's hilarious in hindsight. We used to have this playset thing with a slide and whatnot in our basement. Right before my sister started first grade, we were playing there with some friends and we were literally playing cat and mouse I think. I was the cat and I was coming up the slide and they were backing up against the back wall/railing of the playset and my sister was in the back and she flipped backwards off the playset and landed face-first into a bin of hard plastic toys. So, she had to go to her first day of first grade with her eye all cut up and bruised.
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My youngest brother punched my second youngest brother in the gut once for no reason when we were sitting on a swingset. Me being the horrible sister I am thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing as the youngest ran off and second youngest sat there clutching his stomach.
My youngest brother punched my second youngest brother in the gut once for no reason when we were sitting on a swingset. Me being the horrible sister I am thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing as the youngest ran off and second youngest sat there clutching his stomach.
A mini artwork of Lightweaver by Dovalore. A gold arrow/moon divider by dreamingcity.
FRT+1 | He/Him
Avatar | Wishlist | Art Shop
A Magnesium Amphiptere (Desert variant) from Dragon Cave.A male Pillow Dragon from Dragon Cave.
I have so many. All took place when I was 4-5 and my sister was 6-7. Mainly the adventures og my sister and I.

I was once mad at my piano teacher, so I slathered peanut butter all over her piano keys. I ended getting whooped in front of the entire class. Mind you this was the late 1990s in South Korea.

My sister and I stole fireworks from the local store and lit them behind our school on a day off.

My sister and I flooded our kitchen and played slip and slide, we were punished severely by our mother later that day.

I was playing hide and seek with my sister and she specifically told me not to go on the roof because there was a wasp nest, and guess where I hid? Right underneath the wasp nest. I don't know why, but I always got the urge to pee right when I was freaking hiding. So I stood up abruptly to hold my pee in and hit my head on the wasp nest. They went nuts and started stinging my all over my head/back and my sister found me after hearing my screams. She ran to get my dad and I ended up going to the hospital.

One day my sister and I decided to revisit our old home, it didn't occur to us that it was too far away. My sister had a bike, but I didn't so I ended up stealing one from the bike garage, which had all my neighbors and their neighbors bikes their. We were riding towards some random direction that we were sure was the way to our old house. I was behind and my sister stopped abruptly after seeing a stream. This stream was steep, and had concrete walls around it. I was going full speed and it wasn't my bike so I was unaware that the breaks were broken. In order to avoid hitting my sister I swerved the bike and flew off the edge of the sidewalk. The concrete cut my shins, and I broke my wrist. The only thing I was worried about was my brand new slipper that was floating down the stream. I was saved my a noodle delivery guy and he took me to his restaurant to have a bowl of ja jang myun. The next day, I saw a boy crying with his broken bike. Which may have or may not have been the one that I stole lol

I beat up a 1st grader on the bus, when I was in kindergarten and got kicked off the bus.

I almost married a boy in my neighborhood. I even put on a white dress and my moms red lipstick and clear high heels, but the groom, who was terrified btw, ended up running away. All the while my sister and the groom's sisters were all laughing.

My moms friend ended up taking my sister do the candy shop without me so I threw a fit the entire day. Finally my moms friend decided to take me to the candy shop as well. We were waiting for the light to change so we could walk across the street, but I ended up seeing the candy shop, went a little bonkers and I let go of my moms friend's hand and ran into the road. I got hit by a car and broke my leg. No candy for me.

It's a tradition in Korea to ask for salt when you wet your bed, so my mom forced me to go to my neighbors and ask for salt after I wet my bed.

One time my sister and I got into trouble and my mom made us strip down naked and raise our hands/sit on our knees outside our house, we had a gate to cover us, but a few of my moms friends ended up coming by that day. It was pretty embarrassing.

I have so many. All took place when I was 4-5 and my sister was 6-7. Mainly the adventures og my sister and I.

I was once mad at my piano teacher, so I slathered peanut butter all over her piano keys. I ended getting whooped in front of the entire class. Mind you this was the late 1990s in South Korea.

My sister and I stole fireworks from the local store and lit them behind our school on a day off.

My sister and I flooded our kitchen and played slip and slide, we were punished severely by our mother later that day.

I was playing hide and seek with my sister and she specifically told me not to go on the roof because there was a wasp nest, and guess where I hid? Right underneath the wasp nest. I don't know why, but I always got the urge to pee right when I was freaking hiding. So I stood up abruptly to hold my pee in and hit my head on the wasp nest. They went nuts and started stinging my all over my head/back and my sister found me after hearing my screams. She ran to get my dad and I ended up going to the hospital.

One day my sister and I decided to revisit our old home, it didn't occur to us that it was too far away. My sister had a bike, but I didn't so I ended up stealing one from the bike garage, which had all my neighbors and their neighbors bikes their. We were riding towards some random direction that we were sure was the way to our old house. I was behind and my sister stopped abruptly after seeing a stream. This stream was steep, and had concrete walls around it. I was going full speed and it wasn't my bike so I was unaware that the breaks were broken. In order to avoid hitting my sister I swerved the bike and flew off the edge of the sidewalk. The concrete cut my shins, and I broke my wrist. The only thing I was worried about was my brand new slipper that was floating down the stream. I was saved my a noodle delivery guy and he took me to his restaurant to have a bowl of ja jang myun. The next day, I saw a boy crying with his broken bike. Which may have or may not have been the one that I stole lol

I beat up a 1st grader on the bus, when I was in kindergarten and got kicked off the bus.

I almost married a boy in my neighborhood. I even put on a white dress and my moms red lipstick and clear high heels, but the groom, who was terrified btw, ended up running away. All the while my sister and the groom's sisters were all laughing.

My moms friend ended up taking my sister do the candy shop without me so I threw a fit the entire day. Finally my moms friend decided to take me to the candy shop as well. We were waiting for the light to change so we could walk across the street, but I ended up seeing the candy shop, went a little bonkers and I let go of my moms friend's hand and ran into the road. I got hit by a car and broke my leg. No candy for me.

It's a tradition in Korea to ask for salt when you wet your bed, so my mom forced me to go to my neighbors and ask for salt after I wet my bed.

One time my sister and I got into trouble and my mom made us strip down naked and raise our hands/sit on our knees outside our house, we had a gate to cover us, but a few of my moms friends ended up coming by that day. It was pretty embarrassing.
