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TOPIC | Does anyone else keep unique/rare pets?
This is my axolotl, Kip. [img][/img]
This is my axolotl, Kip.

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I have gerbils. OK, so they're not exactly rare. But a lot of people don't really know what they are. "Eurgh, it's a mouse!", or "So it's just a hamster with a tail?" are the common responses.
I have gerbils. OK, so they're not exactly rare. But a lot of people don't really know what they are. "Eurgh, it's a mouse!", or "So it's just a hamster with a tail?" are the common responses.
@Cacti Do they require a dark room? I hear axolotl are very light sensitive. He is adorable in all his squishy salamander esque way...
@Cacti Do they require a dark room? I hear axolotl are very light sensitive. He is adorable in all his squishy salamander esque way...
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[quote name="Kiaeon" date="2013-12-15 16:50:32"]@Cacti Do they require a dark room? I hear axolotl are very light sensitive. He is adorable in all his squishy salamander esque way...[/quote] I don't have any direct lighting on him so the tank stays mostly dark. More importantly, he has two caves and lots of plants to retreat into if he wants privacy. They're nocturnal animals but he's usually out in the open :)
Kiaeon wrote on 2013-12-15 16:50:32:
@Cacti Do they require a dark room? I hear axolotl are very light sensitive. He is adorable in all his squishy salamander esque way...

I don't have any direct lighting on him so the tank stays mostly dark. More importantly, he has two caves and lots of plants to retreat into if he wants privacy. They're nocturnal animals but he's usually out in the open :)
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Here's an extremely relevant t-shirt.

Here's an extremely relevant t-shirt.
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i never had any exotic pets of my own. but i lived around a lot of them. i took care of my grandpas colony of 20 or so suger gliders after he died. he had a lot of exotic animals. he even had a couger before i was born, and a tiger that a circus was going to put down after it got sick and old. i barely remember the tiger though, it died when i was about 4.
i never had any exotic pets of my own. but i lived around a lot of them. i took care of my grandpas colony of 20 or so suger gliders after he died. he had a lot of exotic animals. he even had a couger before i was born, and a tiger that a circus was going to put down after it got sick and old. i barely remember the tiger though, it died when i was about 4.
Not very rare, but still considered 'exotic' - I've had rats for quite a few years. [img][/img] @WatchKeyPhone I had two gerbils when I was younger. They weren't friendly. Even with lots of handling and treats, all they wanted to do was escape and get away. :( I still liked them because they were adorable and soft (and I love every animal ever) but I never wanted any again.
Not very rare, but still considered 'exotic' - I've had rats for quite a few years.


I had two gerbils when I was younger. They weren't friendly. Even with lots of handling and treats, all they wanted to do was escape and get away. :( I still liked them because they were adorable and soft (and I love every animal ever) but I never wanted any again.
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The most exotic pet I have is a betta fish. I know...not that exotic, but the lengths I go to in order to make sure he is actually happy and healthy are far more than the average betta owner.

Now exotic PLANTS...I have a few of those.
The most exotic pet I have is a betta fish. I know...not that exotic, but the lengths I go to in order to make sure he is actually happy and healthy are far more than the average betta owner.

Now exotic PLANTS...I have a few of those.
[quote name="Zaptrac" date="2013-12-15 20:30:25"]i never had any exotic pets of my own. but i lived around a lot of them. i took care of my grandpas colony of 20 or so suger gliders after he died. he had a lot of exotic animals. he even had a couger before i was born, and a tiger that a circus was going to put down after it got sick and old. i barely remember the tiger though, it died when i was about 4.[/quote] That's awesome! I'm seriously considering adopting a serval once I make sure I have a comfortable living situation. Not exactly as exciting as a tiger, but I'm a huge fan of big cats.
Zaptrac wrote on 2013-12-15 20:30:25:
i never had any exotic pets of my own. but i lived around a lot of them. i took care of my grandpas colony of 20 or so suger gliders after he died. he had a lot of exotic animals. he even had a couger before i was born, and a tiger that a circus was going to put down after it got sick and old. i barely remember the tiger though, it died when i was about 4.

That's awesome! I'm seriously considering adopting a serval once I make sure I have a comfortable living situation. Not exactly as exciting as a tiger, but I'm a huge fan of big cats.
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[quote name="KnittyOctopus" date="2013-12-15 21:38:39"]The most exotic pet I have is a betta fish. I know...not that exotic, but the lengths I go to in order to make sure he is actually happy and healthy are far more than the average betta owner. Now exotic PLANTS...I have a few of those.[/quote] What kind of exotic plants? I keep a bunch of nepenthes and sarracenia mostly but I also have over 100 cacti (hence the name!) It's good that you treat your betta well. I have one in a 10g community tank and they have such a fiery personality. :)
KnittyOctopus wrote on 2013-12-15 21:38:39:
The most exotic pet I have is a betta fish. I know...not that exotic, but the lengths I go to in order to make sure he is actually happy and healthy are far more than the average betta owner.

Now exotic PLANTS...I have a few of those.

What kind of exotic plants? I keep a bunch of nepenthes and sarracenia mostly but I also have over 100 cacti (hence the name!)
It's good that you treat your betta well. I have one in a 10g community tank and they have such a fiery personality. :)
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