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TOPIC | [CLOBBER] No-Hit Workshop & Portal
INCREDIBLY clever use of battle stones, I no longer hate grinding level 25 venues, absolute peak. I have never seen a build utilize so many "non-standard" battle stones at once so effectively, and it works super super well (especially the discipline build). It takes a little bit of thought to use, though, and battles do take around twice as long as a standard scratch-eliminate trio of farmers with all of the clobberer's dead turns (especially on normal packs). Even still, it feels absolutely DISGUSTING to lock every enemy out of moving ever and I highly recommend this build for this experience alone.
INCREDIBLY clever use of battle stones, I no longer hate grinding level 25 venues, absolute peak. I have never seen a build utilize so many "non-standard" battle stones at once so effectively, and it works super super well (especially the discipline build). It takes a little bit of thought to use, though, and battles do take around twice as long as a standard scratch-eliminate trio of farmers with all of the clobberer's dead turns (especially on normal packs). Even still, it feels absolutely DISGUSTING to lock every enemy out of moving ever and I highly recommend this build for this experience alone.
E180CB7.png Rz7ZJcJ.png ftsPxVm.png
Excellent! I'm glad it worked so well for you! And I agree, I feel like this is the best and cheapest utility build I've ever come up with.

By the way, have you been doing Contuse with the Clobberer's free turns? Two Contuse = one 133 Scratch's damage, meaning you can use up the 'dead' turns where you have extra breath and eliminate the last enemy in a typical 3-pack early.
Excellent! I'm glad it worked so well for you! And I agree, I feel like this is the best and cheapest utility build I've ever come up with.

By the way, have you been doing Contuse with the Clobberer's free turns? Two Contuse = one 133 Scratch's damage, meaning you can use up the 'dead' turns where you have extra breath and eliminate the last enemy in a typical 3-pack early.

  An image of a brown and gold Gaoler dragon with Phantom, Paint, and Fans.
@888 FOR REALLLL I've never quite gotten builds like Sedona or anticitank to work out for me despite their cheaper cost and/or changes to gameplay since it was just always more time efficient to use scratch+elim and the novelty of alternative builds didn't outweigh the efficiency. And anyway as long as you get hit, any grinding session tends to lose steam at some point, and this build fixes that issue entirely with one easy trick (just don't get hit)

Ooh, I'll have to give that a shot! Sounds like it'll have good results :]
@888 FOR REALLLL I've never quite gotten builds like Sedona or anticitank to work out for me despite their cheaper cost and/or changes to gameplay since it was just always more time efficient to use scratch+elim and the novelty of alternative builds didn't outweigh the efficiency. And anyway as long as you get hit, any grinding session tends to lose steam at some point, and this build fixes that issue entirely with one easy trick (just don't get hit)

Ooh, I'll have to give that a shot! Sounds like it'll have good results :]
E180CB7.png Rz7ZJcJ.png ftsPxVm.png
This changes the game. I was initially hesitant but figured I had a spare unstatted lvl 25 so it couldn't hurt. Whew, what a difference! I'm filled with so much unearned confidence; literally the only thing to end my runs has been idling out, meaning the only thing that can kill me is me. Thank you so much for the guide, looking forward to convert more of my fellow Coli rats to the Clobber Collective! (Coalition? Bonk Buddies?)
This changes the game. I was initially hesitant but figured I had a spare unstatted lvl 25 so it couldn't hurt. Whew, what a difference! I'm filled with so much unearned confidence; literally the only thing to end my runs has been idling out, meaning the only thing that can kill me is me. Thank you so much for the guide, looking forward to convert more of my fellow Coli rats to the Clobber Collective! (Coalition? Bonk Buddies?)
@koobi self ping for later
@koobi self ping for later
I've been toying around a bit with pairing this build up with just 1 other dragon, more similarly statted to a mire flyer. So that you can keep going in the mire to level a third dragon up long term.

This doesn't work for speedy fodder leveling, because it's got a slow start (you do still need to start on a mage pack... or a wartoad) and the battles take longer than they would with a regular mire build. But it could be really nice for leveling dragons up to level 25. Especially if you don't want to restart frequently, once you get going you are on your way indefinitely.

I probably will post a better writeup sometime.
I've been toying around a bit with pairing this build up with just 1 other dragon, more similarly statted to a mire flyer. So that you can keep going in the mire to level a third dragon up long term.

This doesn't work for speedy fodder leveling, because it's got a slow start (you do still need to start on a mage pack... or a wartoad) and the battles take longer than they would with a regular mire build. But it could be really nice for leveling dragons up to level 25. Especially if you don't want to restart frequently, once you get going you are on your way indefinitely.

I probably will post a better writeup sometime.
Hi! I'm Jake or Rads
lwN7WD5.png FRT+9 · he/him

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xx Silhouette of a flying dragon
@Radiations It's better to just level in the Workshop and Portal at that point. There's no point to levelling in a lvl 24 venue like the Mire when you're already using two trainers. I've already been playing around with a trainer build but haven't had time for a writeup yet. If you'd like, you should try to work with what I already have worked out using the 1 Disicpline build and these melee fighter stats: [url=][img][/img][/url] 119 STR is what you need for a rallied scratch elim to kill every non boss mob. Clobber goes first, must Haste itself and Rally the trainer. Two contuses at some point on a mob to act as the equivalent of a rallied scratch.
It's better to just level in the Workshop and Portal at that point. There's no point to levelling in a lvl 24 venue like the Mire when you're already using two trainers.

I've already been playing around with a trainer build but haven't had time for a writeup yet. If you'd like, you should try to work with what I already have worked out using the 1 Disicpline build and these melee fighter stats:
119 STR is what you need for a rallied scratch elim to kill every non boss mob. Clobber goes first, must Haste itself and Rally the trainer. Two contuses at some point on a mob to act as the equivalent of a rallied scratch.


  An image of a brown and gold Gaoler dragon with Phantom, Paint, and Fans.
My reason for going with the mire is that you'd be able to just rally-elim everything. But I'll have to try out what you've got going here! Thanks for sharing
My reason for going with the mire is that you'd be able to just rally-elim everything. But I'll have to try out what you've got going here! Thanks for sharing
Hi! I'm Jake or Rads
lwN7WD5.png FRT+9 · he/him

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xx Silhouette of a flying dragon
I have a variation of this build, but dedicated exclusively to killing the workshop bosses as I used to do a challenge where I would level a dragon to 25 exclusively off the workshop bosses.

Once the trainee was able to, I would give it the two ambush stones, meditate, and clobber + contuse jic. Max out the speed asap, don't need defenses if you aren't getting hit.

You use a Wind and a Shadow mage, mine are invested a bit defensively because you can get away with much less INT investment since the GW bosses are weaker in magic defense. Either mage will hit either boss with the element they are weak to. It takes a full breath gauge from both, but they kill the bosses extremely fast, probably faster if you were to forgo the defense and invest entirely in offense + speed. Especially if you have the little clobber aid, it melts those things' HP with no risk involved.
I have a variation of this build, but dedicated exclusively to killing the workshop bosses as I used to do a challenge where I would level a dragon to 25 exclusively off the workshop bosses.

Once the trainee was able to, I would give it the two ambush stones, meditate, and clobber + contuse jic. Max out the speed asap, don't need defenses if you aren't getting hit.

You use a Wind and a Shadow mage, mine are invested a bit defensively because you can get away with much less INT investment since the GW bosses are weaker in magic defense. Either mage will hit either boss with the element they are weak to. It takes a full breath gauge from both, but they kill the bosses extremely fast, probably faster if you were to forgo the defense and invest entirely in offense + speed. Especially if you have the little clobber aid, it melts those things' HP with no risk involved.
I'm TRYING to get into coli. So I have a few questions.

Is this meant for training fodder, getting items to sell, or both? (Or neither)

I've heard that this is a bit slower but more stable than 3 fighters, but does that also include in the long run?

For someone who's pretty new to coli, would you recommed using a clobber build, fighter only build or mage build?
I'm TRYING to get into coli. So I have a few questions.

Is this meant for training fodder, getting items to sell, or both? (Or neither)

I've heard that this is a bit slower but more stable than 3 fighters, but does that also include in the long run?

For someone who's pretty new to coli, would you recommed using a clobber build, fighter only build or mage build?
flesAQG.png _
"you see... I do not know this place,
yet this place seems to know me"

a7PORDU.png < > CVO9CEw.png

∞ wind --- she/her --- fr+9 ∞