
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | how did you choose your coli dragons?
I've swapped my coli dragons a lot.
Rn I'm trying to make my new coli team have all similiar colors. I want to have as few dragons in my lair as possible, and making my "main lair" dragons my coli dragons is just convenient.

So each of them have elements that are built for 1 specific venue or more.
So fire, plague, wind, arcane. I believe the only element im missing now is nature (for ghost-light)

Their lore is a funeral business, so it's not very coli-related. But I like them.

Basically, just pick whichever dragons you like, and mind the amount of space you have and the elements you're using. ^_^
I've swapped my coli dragons a lot.
Rn I'm trying to make my new coli team have all similiar colors. I want to have as few dragons in my lair as possible, and making my "main lair" dragons my coli dragons is just convenient.

So each of them have elements that are built for 1 specific venue or more.
So fire, plague, wind, arcane. I believe the only element im missing now is nature (for ghost-light)

Their lore is a funeral business, so it's not very coli-related. But I like them.

Basically, just pick whichever dragons you like, and mind the amount of space you have and the elements you're using. ^_^
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • i'm actually the prettiest yiny princess
Since I knew I'd be spending a lot of time staring at them, I picked dragons that I thought looked really neat. I was using the Culex guide when I started out, so I went with Guardians since they make good glass cannons. Cataracta, Byakuen, and Kokueno were my first leveled team, with Tsunami and Fulgurata to follow.

Nowadays I still pick dragons that I find visually appealing, but I'm not locked into warrior types. I've leveled a few mages and a few specialty builds like Mire Monk, Healbot, and Ghostbuster. I also make an effort to level dragons of different flights so that when a new build drops, I can re-stat a level 25 that's well-suited to the job. Now and then I've leveled a dragon to 25 simply because I really liked looking at them. :P Ixchel and Kyara are examples of that.

Coli level does play into the lore. My Healbot had to train to 25 in order to maximize his healing abilities, but the conflict between fighting and his desired role left him with nightmares for a long time. I didn't set out for that in his lore--it just happened. So now I feel guilty if I take him into the Coli. Some of the boss familiars also refused to bond with anyone who wasn't a 25.
Since I knew I'd be spending a lot of time staring at them, I picked dragons that I thought looked really neat. I was using the Culex guide when I started out, so I went with Guardians since they make good glass cannons. Cataracta, Byakuen, and Kokueno were my first leveled team, with Tsunami and Fulgurata to follow.

Nowadays I still pick dragons that I find visually appealing, but I'm not locked into warrior types. I've leveled a few mages and a few specialty builds like Mire Monk, Healbot, and Ghostbuster. I also make an effort to level dragons of different flights so that when a new build drops, I can re-stat a level 25 that's well-suited to the job. Now and then I've leveled a dragon to 25 simply because I really liked looking at them. :P Ixchel and Kyara are examples of that.

Coli level does play into the lore. My Healbot had to train to 25 in order to maximize his healing abilities, but the conflict between fighting and his desired role left him with nightmares for a long time. I didn't set out for that in his lore--it just happened. So now I feel guilty if I take him into the Coli. Some of the boss familiars also refused to bond with anyone who wasn't a 25.
My first coli team was made up of some of my first dragons, then I switched around to one of my more recent dragons when I found out HOW to coli-train. Now I have a trend of cerise primary G1s as mire fliers, and my own subspecies as mages/healers!
My first coli team was made up of some of my first dragons, then I switched around to one of my more recent dragons when I found out HOW to coli-train. Now I have a trend of cerise primary G1s as mire fliers, and my own subspecies as mages/healers!
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They were two siblings my coworker/friend gave me as a gift when I started! I thought the idea of warrior siblings was really cool, haha. They do have a bit of lore about their status as fighters, and are the canon fodder trainers of the clan. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Viscera isn't quite level 25 yet, but I started training her up specifically because of her lore as a very violent, vicious dragon. >_>; [url=][img][/img][/url]
They were two siblings my coworker/friend gave me as a gift when I started! I thought the idea of warrior siblings was really cool, haha. They do have a bit of lore about their status as fighters, and are the canon fodder trainers of the clan.


Viscera isn't quite level 25 yet, but I started training her up specifically because of her lore as a very violent, vicious dragon. >_>;
Panopticon was a gift from another user, then Echo and Damus were originally fandragons who canonically do quite a lot of violence in the name of enforcement so it made sense at the time they were my coli team.
Panopticon was a gift from another user, then Echo and Damus were originally fandragons who canonically do quite a lot of violence in the name of enforcement so it made sense at the time they were my coli team.
Book of Eldritch Horror
-He/They, +8 FR Time
-Lore and Fandragon enthusiast, love to talk!
-Wishlist! / Skin Idea Generator
Lurching Tome
"I need Coli dragons. I shall pick these."
"I need Coli dragons. I shall pick these."
Feeling burnt out of Flight Rising? Check out my GUIDE !

Honestly, we ended up with three male imperials in our main permas tab that we loved, and we wanted to see the three of them all lined up every time we had to do coli farming. So we just... leveled them all up, statted and stoned them, and now they're our farming team. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] We used a fodder trainer to get them all to level 25 during NOTN. Could we have picked better elements? Oh absolutely, but we cared more about having pretty fodder grinders than 100% effective ones. We also have YOU, an album fandragon who fits the gradient of the three farmers super well, that we trained up to 25 in the same NOTN. We're considering making him a fodder-trainer, but his element isn't the best for it. [url=][img][/img][/url] We do have a couple more level 25s we use... [url=]Koi[/url] is our fodder trainer / mire mage. We bought her at level 25 because she was the prettiest one on the AH within our budget, lol. Then lastly, [url=]Copernicus[/url] was received through one of Arcane's dom efforts, where they would give arcane players level 25 dragons fit for grinding at a discounted rate to help with dominance. Unfortunately we've left the flight, but he was a crucial part of our earlier coli days! Your own flight might have something similar if you look around the dominance forums!
Honestly, we ended up with three male imperials in our main permas tab that we loved, and we wanted to see the three of them all lined up every time we had to do coli farming. So we just... leveled them all up, statted and stoned them, and now they're our farming team.
We used a fodder trainer to get them all to level 25 during NOTN.

Could we have picked better elements? Oh absolutely, but we cared more about having pretty fodder grinders than 100% effective ones.

We also have YOU, an album fandragon who fits the gradient of the three farmers super well, that we trained up to 25 in the same NOTN. We're considering making him a fodder-trainer, but his element isn't the best for it.

We do have a couple more level 25s we use...

Koi is our fodder trainer / mire mage. We bought her at level 25 because she was the prettiest one on the AH within our budget, lol.

Then lastly, Copernicus was received through one of Arcane's dom efforts, where they would give arcane players level 25 dragons fit for grinding at a discounted rate to help with dominance. Unfortunately we've left the flight, but he was a crucial part of our earlier coli days! Your own flight might have something similar if you look around the dominance forums!
..... .....
they were my two progens and an Imperial my friend gave me when I joined, and they were my coli team because I didn't have any others yet.

it didn't take long for my hoarding habit to kick in, but they're still my main battlers. My custom progen Iris is statted as a Mire Flyer now and trains all my fodder. My random progen Chet is statted to one-shot all the non-bosses in the Kelp Beds, and the Imperial is their battle mage who does the heals and rallies when I want to be in higher level venues. they are the founders of my clan and the closest thing my pack of distracted anarchists has to clan leaders.

I trained the three of them up together from scratch and then stalled at Harpy's Roost for ages because I needed to experience how the coli worked before I could focus on the coli build guides. It was a learning curve and I'm glad I did it, but I've never done it again. I've trained a bunch of other dragons to lvl 25 but these days I just do it by running them with Iris and a fodder dragon in the Mire.

It's certainly easier to buy one trained. Should you do that? Depends how you learn, how much time or money you can spend - it'll cost one or the other - how you feel about grinding and frustration and how attached you get to the dragons you fight with.
they were my two progens and an Imperial my friend gave me when I joined, and they were my coli team because I didn't have any others yet.

it didn't take long for my hoarding habit to kick in, but they're still my main battlers. My custom progen Iris is statted as a Mire Flyer now and trains all my fodder. My random progen Chet is statted to one-shot all the non-bosses in the Kelp Beds, and the Imperial is their battle mage who does the heals and rallies when I want to be in higher level venues. they are the founders of my clan and the closest thing my pack of distracted anarchists has to clan leaders.

I trained the three of them up together from scratch and then stalled at Harpy's Roost for ages because I needed to experience how the coli worked before I could focus on the coli build guides. It was a learning curve and I'm glad I did it, but I've never done it again. I've trained a bunch of other dragons to lvl 25 but these days I just do it by running them with Iris and a fodder dragon in the Mire.

It's certainly easier to buy one trained. Should you do that? Depends how you learn, how much time or money you can spend - it'll cost one or the other - how you feel about grinding and frustration and how attached you get to the dragons you fight with.
My first coli team (Arote, Luloven, and . . . don’t remember at ALL who the third dragon was, I’ve gone through a lot of level 25s that I ended up giving to friends over the years) was just based on the dragons I had when I started. All my current 25s are in my first lair tab.

Then other dragons I’ve leveled are mostly “I want another level 25 arcane dragon” and “I want a level 25 of X other element”

I think it’d be cool to one day have 2-3 dragons at level 25 of each element—both in order to make the most efficient elemental spread for each area, and also just have a bunch of builds available to play with w/out having to reset my stones.
My first coli team (Arote, Luloven, and . . . don’t remember at ALL who the third dragon was, I’ve gone through a lot of level 25s that I ended up giving to friends over the years) was just based on the dragons I had when I started. All my current 25s are in my first lair tab.

Then other dragons I’ve leveled are mostly “I want another level 25 arcane dragon” and “I want a level 25 of X other element”

I think it’d be cool to one day have 2-3 dragons at level 25 of each element—both in order to make the most efficient elemental spread for each area, and also just have a bunch of builds available to play with w/out having to reset my stones.
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All of my dragons in my main clan are coli dragons of various builds. It helps that I have a very small clan; at the largest it was 15 dragons, now I'm down to 10. My main team for the coliseum consists of my mire flyer, ghostbuster, and recently my shattered glass cannon. The team used to have one of Sedona builds but after testing the shattered cannon, I found I like the quick flow.

In short, all of the dragons I plan on keeping I level up to 25 and if I have the battle stones, I set them up to a coli build.
All of my dragons in my main clan are coli dragons of various builds. It helps that I have a very small clan; at the largest it was 15 dragons, now I'm down to 10. My main team for the coliseum consists of my mire flyer, ghostbuster, and recently my shattered glass cannon. The team used to have one of Sedona builds but after testing the shattered cannon, I found I like the quick flow.

In short, all of the dragons I plan on keeping I level up to 25 and if I have the battle stones, I set them up to a coli build.
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