
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | wip | dnp
My fav and most expensive finished G1 has a tarnish tertiary! [url=][img][/img][/url] I love duo toned crackle, I get so excited when I can make it work!
My fav and most expensive finished G1 has a tarnish tertiary! 90028689_350.png

I love duo toned crackle, I get so excited when I can make it work!
[quote]Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?[/quote] i do actually!! my boy, [url=]morpho[/url], was meant to be an inventor when i was first giving all my dragons lore & jobs, but i haven't updated his bio in forever... i imagine he's better at the technical side of things like actually building things than he is coming up with ideas. he really wants to make something original but he's having trouble thinking of anything, poor guy
Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?
i do actually!! my boy, morpho, was meant to be an inventor when i was first giving all my dragons lore & jobs, but i haven't updated his bio in forever... i imagine he's better at the technical side of things like actually building things than he is coming up with ideas. he really wants to make something original but he's having trouble thinking of anything, poor guy
they/worm/she | 19 | frt +3 | pings ok!
art shop | wishlist | tumblr | usd commissions
[center][i]Do you have any superstitious dragons?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] i guess.... [b]Seaborn[/b] counts? he's the leader of a [s]cult[/s] group that strongly believes in the Stormcatcher. [/columns] [center][i]Do you have a dragon that is truly best friends with their familiar?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Landon[/b] sometimes has anxiety from his visions of the past, and his familiar [i]Indigo[/i] is definitely good at comforting this poor snake. [/columns] [center][i]Who would be the absolute worst hatchling sitter?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] a lot of options with this one, but the worst by far would be [b]Catalyst[/b]. that poor hatchling would be either scarred for life or crying. there's a reason why we have a Nocturne hatchling sitter. [/columns] [center][i]Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] if it weren't for his scientist friend [i]Divine[/i], [b]Roseate[/b] would NOT have any working inventions. [/columns] [size=1] shh i know i've posted Seaborn and Roseate already... but no one else fits...[/size]
Do you have any superstitious dragons?

92366303_350.png i guess.... Seaborn counts? he's the leader of a cult group that strongly believes in the Stormcatcher.
Do you have a dragon that is truly best friends with their familiar?

93433554_350.png Landon sometimes has anxiety from his visions of the past, and his familiar Indigo is definitely good at comforting this poor snake.
Who would be the absolute worst hatchling sitter?

92994997_350.png a lot of options with this one, but the worst by far would be Catalyst. that poor hatchling would be either scarred for life or crying. there's a reason why we have a Nocturne hatchling sitter.
Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?

93689441_350.png if it weren't for his scientist friend Divine, Roseate would NOT have any working inventions.

shh i know i've posted Seaborn and Roseate already... but no one else fits...
[center][img][/img][/center] [color= 013A20]@HawkMartian || You nailed it! Sending your prize! @kilorechoy || YOU ARE SO FUNNY! I didn't know what expect when I opened your image link, but you delivered. I'm not going to send 100g, but I'll send you 50g. @CamoSnek || VERY close, but #6 is incorrect! Hint: use the database!! Hehe And to anyone else that wants to make an attempt at the crossword, there are still some gems up for grabs!!

@HawkMartian || You nailed it! Sending your prize!

@kilorechoy || YOU ARE SO FUNNY! I didn't know what expect when I opened your image link, but you delivered. I'm not going to send 100g, but I'll send you 50g.

@CamoSnek || VERY close, but #6 is incorrect! Hint: use the database!! Hehe

And to anyone else that wants to make an attempt at the crossword, there are still some gems up for grabs!!
fixed my crossword! Thank you for telling me about the database, am currently kicking myself for not thinking to look there sooner lmaooo. bonus doodle of the Little Guy who caused me so much trouble :3
fixed my crossword! Thank you for telling me about the database, am currently kicking myself for not thinking to look there sooner lmaooo. bonus doodle of the Little Guy who caused me so much trouble :3
[center][img][/img][/center] [color= 013A20] @CamoSnek || Yay, and that makes three! I loved the little doodle, I posted the little best friend in our staff server. Will send everyone their game prizes tonight!

@CamoSnek || Yay, and that makes three! I loved the little doodle, I posted the little best friend in our staff server.

Will send everyone their game prizes tonight!

(Hope y’all are ready for some epic dragons next week!!)

(Hope y’all are ready for some epic dragons next week!!)
I struggle with tone!
Feel free to ping me whenever!
Remember, be nice-
wwwwwwwww 92n1dwB.png" alt="92n1dwB.jpg
Lost Crown
[/img][nextcol] Lost Crown [/columns]
okok time for me to do this,,,, [b]Do you have any superstitious dragons?[/b] Allium (she/her) definitely is, partly due to being partners with a Literal God which leads her to believes things that happen are caused by things more supernatural than they actually are. [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Do you have a dragon that is truly best friends with their familiar?[/b] This question was MADE for Felicia (they/them)!!! them and their furry fiddle are extremely close :3 [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Who would be the absolute worst hatchling sitter?[/b] Absolutely Ember (any pronouns). He [I]loves[/] hatchlings, but fails when it comes to keeping them from getting into trouble (it encourages it LOL) [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?[/b] Pansy (they/them)! They frequently make tons of gadgets and stuff in their spare time even if they don't turn out very helpful [url=][img][/img][/url]
okok time for me to do this,,,,

Do you have any superstitious dragons?
Allium (she/her) definitely is, partly due to being partners with a Literal God which leads her to believes things that happen are caused by things more supernatural than they actually are.

Do you have a dragon that is truly best friends with their familiar?
This question was MADE for Felicia (they/them)!!! them and their furry fiddle are extremely close :3

Who would be the absolute worst hatchling sitter?
Absolutely Ember (any pronouns). He loves[/] hatchlings, but fails when it comes to keeping them from getting into trouble (it encourages it LOL)

Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?
Pansy (they/them)! They frequently make tons of gadgets and stuff in their spare time even if they don't turn out very helpful
Name: Monty
Will Wood
Accent: rest in peace or pieces
Skin: Fishin Fiddles
LF this skin
[center][size=2][url=]Main Page[/url] | [url=]This Week's Page & Edition Archive[/url] [url=]Rules & Qualifications[/url] | [url=]Applications for Topics[/url] | [url=]Staff Applications[/url] | [url=]Front Page Badge[/url][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][quote][b]Hi everyone![/b] It is the freakin' weekend!! Yay! We hope you all had a great week!! [/quote][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=from liteweaver]Hello! A note! So, we've had our newsletter for 2 months, soon-to be going on to three months. Wow, you guys weren't joking when you said "it's difficult to keep up with" when I first posted the interest topic. But I have been pleasantly and consistently surprised at how lovely the staff team is behind the scenes, and how kind and engaging you, our readers, are! We'll keep at it as long as we can. Thank you so so so much for all of your funny PMs, comments, and feedback. You are all very much appreciated. I do want to touch base on a few things! [list] [*]Applications are still permanently open. It's not really even an application, you just need to: [b]send me (@liteweaver) a PM with what you like to do, like are you a numbers person, an artist, coding, proofreading, staff emotional support, etc, and I'll send you a link to the server. [/b] We have added a few new faces in the last couple of weeks, and I am really glad to have, meet, and get to know everyone. I promise that you do not always have to be active. As someone that always seems to be busy with off-site things, I totally get it. You can always pop in, and offer a quick "Hey, you made an error!", and that in itself is a huge help! [*]Yay! We have a really big changes coming up - they are a lot of fun. So keep an eye for them! [/list] Lastly, I wanted to tell everyone that we officially have 300+ people on the pinglist! It's actually pretty close to 350. We are really glad we're able to engage with you all (even the lurkers), so without further's the newest edition. [center][img][/img][/center][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]Come say hi, and grab a badge![/i] [b]By:[/b] Caelight[/center] [quote=april badges] These badges are very lovely. Thank you, Caelight! There are two! The umbrella is for April 6th, and the eclipse badge is to celebrate the eclipse that happened this week. [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center][/quote] ----- -----
Hi everyone! It is the freakin' weekend!! Yay! We hope you all had a great week!!

from liteweaver wrote:
Hello! A note! So, we've had our newsletter for 2 months, soon-to be going on to three months. Wow, you guys weren't joking when you said "it's difficult to keep up with" when I first posted the interest topic. But I have been pleasantly and consistently surprised at how lovely the staff team is behind the scenes, and how kind and engaging you, our readers, are! We'll keep at it as long as we can. Thank you so so so much for all of your funny PMs, comments, and feedback. You are all very much appreciated.

I do want to touch base on a few things!
  • Applications are still permanently open. It's not really even an application, you just need to: send me (@liteweaver) a PM with what you like to do, like are you a numbers person, an artist, coding, proofreading, staff emotional support, etc, and I'll send you a link to the server.

    We have added a few new faces in the last couple of weeks, and I am really glad to have, meet, and get to know everyone. I promise that you do not always have to be active. As someone that always seems to be busy with off-site things, I totally get it. You can always pop in, and offer a quick "Hey, you made an error!", and that in itself is a huge help!
  • Yay! We have a really big changes coming up - they are a lot of fun. So keep an eye for them!

Lastly, I wanted to tell everyone that we officially have 300+ people on the pinglist! It's actually pretty close to 350. We are really glad we're able to engage with you all (even the lurkers), so without further's the newest edition.


Come say hi, and grab a badge!
By: Caelight
april badges wrote:
These badges are very lovely. Thank you, Caelight! There are two! The umbrella is for April 6th, and the eclipse badge is to celebrate the eclipse that happened this week.

[center][img][/img] [i]a small sample of some topics that i found while clicking around the forums and sort of lurking.[/i][/center] [quote=some topics you may enjoy] I am eating my favorite chips, and drinking peach kombucha as I browse the forums. Random aside: I spent 1 year finding a flavor and brand that I like. But back to the topics. [b]Raffles & Giveaways:[/b] You can find some really pretty dragons being given away on this topic: [url=][b]Brisk Breeze Raffle[/b][/url]. I am team small lair until the end of time, but the Auraboas that are listed as prizes make me want to indulge in the AH for some new dragons. Ooooh, calling all UMA fans and Gen 1 fans! [url=][b]This user is celebrating their FR anniversary with a very beautiful and generous giveaway[/b][/url]. Oh, and there are eggs. Wait, I'm still scrolling down on the prizes as I type, there are a lot of them!!! I hope you win something if you enter. Flight Rising user Teg741 is hosting a [url=][b]Millionaire Walk[/b][/url]! You have a chance to win up to 75,000 treasure a day. There's also a pinglist if you just want to follow along. [b]Flight Rising Discussion:[/b] Imagine my surprise when I clicked into this topic and saw my own username on the second post. This IS an old topic, hahaha. [url=][b]What would you do if your username was in the next Flight Rising update?[/b][/url] I see that this is a reoccurring topic in the forums. How do you join in on dom? If you're looking for some tips or have some other advice to offer a fellow player looking to join in the planning and dom community within their flight, [url=][b]here you go.[/b][/url] Do you have a problem with having a lot of dragons? I mean, do you love dragons and take full advantage of the game mechanics that allow you to have 500+ dragons? [url=][b]One of your fellow big lair havers, has a few questions for you!![/b] [/url] [b]Adoptables:[/b] I could actually look through the adoptable forum for hours, so I am doing a speed run of some of my favorites from today! [b][url=]echo's gao adopts [/url] - [url=]silly little critters[/url] - [url=]duke's drawings (hatchlings)[/url] - [url=]ruedile's adopt shop[/url] (omg look at the wings and the toe beans) [/b] [b]Dragon Share:[/b] [emoji=treefrog size=1] We might not all be able to go on a tropic vacation right now, but you can [url=][b]show off your tropical dragons[/b][/url]! This last topic is both a dragon share and a forum game, and no matter how you define it, it looks like quite a bit of fun. [url=][b]Post a dragon based off of the last letter of the previous dragon's name.[/b][/url] [/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]A nice refresher for navigating around Flight Rising![/i] [b]By:[/b] CrumbledCandy[/center] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]We all tried to recruit one person at some point, I bet. So good news! Great way to introduce the game just dropped! [/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]Scary statistics? We shed some sparkly sunlight on someone’s supposed situation! Skin sadness is of no significance! [/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]How is the egg market? Here's a look at Nocturne and Plague egg prices throughout the week! Stonks![/i] [b]By:[/b] gumiho & banner by Caelight[/center] [quote=April 7, 2024 - April 12, 2024 @ 6pm][columns][item=unhatched nocturne egg][nextcol][size=2] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]240g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]239g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]OOPSg[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]239g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]239g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]235g[/i][/columns] [columns][item=unhatched plague egg][nextcol][size=2] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]270g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]250g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]OOPSg[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]275g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]275g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]275g[/i][/columns][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img][/center]
a small sample of some topics that i found while clicking around the forums and sort of lurking.
some topics you may enjoy wrote:
I am eating my favorite chips, and drinking peach kombucha as I browse the forums. Random aside: I spent 1 year finding a flavor and brand that I like. But back to the topics.

Raffles & Giveaways:
You can find some really pretty dragons being given away on this topic: Brisk Breeze Raffle. I am team small lair until the end of time, but the Auraboas that are listed as prizes make me want to indulge in the AH for some new dragons.

Ooooh, calling all UMA fans and Gen 1 fans! This user is celebrating their FR anniversary with a very beautiful and generous giveaway. Oh, and there are eggs. Wait, I'm still scrolling down on the prizes as I type, there are a lot of them!!! I hope you win something if you enter.

Flight Rising user Teg741 is hosting a Millionaire Walk! You have a chance to win up to 75,000 treasure a day. There's also a pinglist if you just want to follow along.

Flight Rising Discussion:
Imagine my surprise when I clicked into this topic and saw my own username on the second post. This IS an old topic, hahaha. What would you do if your username was in the next Flight Rising update?

I see that this is a reoccurring topic in the forums. How do you join in on dom? If you're looking for some tips or have some other advice to offer a fellow player looking to join in the planning and dom community within their flight, here you go.

Do you have a problem with having a lot of dragons? I mean, do you love dragons and take full advantage of the game mechanics that allow you to have 500+ dragons? One of your fellow big lair havers, has a few questions for you!!

I could actually look through the adoptable forum for hours, so I am doing a speed run of some of my favorites from today!

echo's gao adopts - silly little critters - duke's drawings (hatchlings) - ruedile's adopt shop (omg look at the wings and the toe beans)

Dragon Share:
We might not all be able to go on a tropic vacation right now, but you can show off your tropical dragons!

This last topic is both a dragon share and a forum game, and no matter how you define it, it looks like quite a bit of fun. Post a dragon based off of the last letter of the previous dragon's name.

A nice refresher for navigating around Flight Rising!
By: CrumbledCandy
We all tried to recruit one person at some point, I bet. So good news! Great way to introduce the game just dropped!
Scary statistics? We shed some sparkly sunlight on someone’s supposed situation! Skin sadness is of no significance!


How is the egg market? Here's a look at Nocturne and Plague egg prices throughout the week! Stonks!
By: gumiho & banner by Caelight
April 7, 2024 - April 12, 2024 @ 6pm wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg 240g 239g OOPSg 239g 239g 235g
Unhatched Plague Egg 270g 250g OOPSg 275g 275g 275g
