
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Full Outfit Sets or Ragtag?
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mix and match for sure. i don’t think a single dragon of mine is wearing more than three pieces from the same set, let alone a full set.
mix and match for sure. i don’t think a single dragon of mine is wearing more than three pieces from the same set, let alone a full set.
Mostly mix and match, but sometimes I use one full set and then add little details from like 10 different sets (for example, Eclipse has a full set + bits and pieces from 9 other sets)
Mostly mix and match, but sometimes I use one full set and then add little details from like 10 different sets (for example, Eclipse has a full set + bits and pieces from 9 other sets)
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+10 FR time

Avatar dragon
..... ......uQzj9nj.png
I'm all for mix-and-matching, but sometimes a full or near-complete set just fits sooooo well, but then I feel like I'm "cheating," so I throw on some color-matching items to mix things up again. xD
I'm all for mix-and-matching, but sometimes a full or near-complete set just fits sooooo well, but then I feel like I'm "cheating," so I throw on some color-matching items to mix things up again. xD
If I use too many pieces of a set it feels like "Nope, that's too much". Must mix and match.
If I use too many pieces of a set it feels like "Nope, that's too much". Must mix and match.
~* SCB *~
* accent *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *
Mix and match~ I think the closest I've gotten to a full set is with the Filigree Armor.
Mix and match~ I think the closest I've gotten to a full set is with the Filigree Armor.
exclusively mis-matched! just one set feels too samey to me
exclusively mis-matched! just one set feels too samey to me
mx5 #339872
· he/she
· fr time +3
· avatar dragon
I always do a mix and match
I always do a mix and match
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I hoard Crunchy Moth Legs (Its weird, I know). Current Leg total: 1796
definitely the mix n match approach- you’d be surprised what matches well together
definitely the mix n match approach- you’d be surprised what matches well together
I do both depending on how much I like the set and if that set fits what I am trying to achieve.
I do both depending on how much I like the set and if that set fits what I am trying to achieve.
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I love hearing everyone's reasoning and preference! (:
I love hearing everyone's reasoning and preference! (:
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