[i]You step forward into the pool of colors, and they blend together in you mind, revealing a hidden room with a small dragon curled in the corner. "Hello there," you say, but all the little dragon does is tremble. You need to take him out of this place immediately, and get him somewhere they can help him.
[i]As you reach your hand into the bright colors, an image appears before you. It is a centaur, battle-ready and at your command. He will aid you in any battles! And... something to do chores for you.
[item=centaur berserker][item=steadfast sweeper]
[i]You push your hand into the mess of bright red, not knowing what to expect. When you pull your hand back, it's holding a pouch. A pouch full of potions.
[item=minor health potion]x40 [item=health potion]x20
@SoaringFlame You step forward into the pool of colors, and they blend together in you mind, revealing a hidden room with a small dragon curled in the corner. "Hello there," you say, but all the little dragon does is tremble. You need to take him out of this place immediately, and get him somewhere they can help him.
@TFBacon As you reach your hand into the bright colors, an image appears before you. It is a centaur, battle-ready and at your command. He will aid you in any battles! And... something to do chores for you.
Centaur Berserker
With a beard like that, you know he means business.
Steadfast Sweeper
Everything is all fine and good until these grow arms and you've got eight thousand of them all pouring water into the same well.
@aziraphale1001 You push your hand into the mess of bright red, not knowing what to expect. When you pull your hand back, it's holding a pouch. A pouch full of potions.
The first door is old and wooden. There are many scratches on it, of varying ages and types. The hinges are old and rusted, but look to be in good enough condition to open the door.
The second door is yellow, and somehow feels inviting, despite appearing to just be a plain yellow door.
The third door is made of cold metal, polished to the point of being almost mirrorlike, but scuffed and scratched in a few places. There are no gaps between it and its frame, making it a fully sealed door, and while you can see a lock on it, it isn’t actually locked.
The first door is old and wooden. There are many scratches on it, of varying ages and types. The hinges are old and rusted, but look to be in good enough condition to open the door.
The second door is yellow, and somehow feels inviting, despite appearing to just be a plain yellow door.
The third door is made of cold metal, polished to the point of being almost mirrorlike, but scuffed and scratched in a few places. There are no gaps between it and its frame, making it a fully sealed door, and while you can see a lock on it, it isn’t actually locked.
[s](I will post the door results soon! I need to do a couple things and hopefully expand my lair first though... I had forgotten my lair space was full and I need to expand it so I can shuffle some dragons around and send one out.)[/s]
Surprisingly, when you push on the door to open it, the seemingly-rusted hinges glide smoothly and silently. It is then that you notice the dark staining on the bottom of the door, and the corresponding trail of dripped oil leading into the room.
Inside the room, staring out of the window on the far wall in confusion, is an oilslick cockatrice. Its rainbow colors are vibrant in the sunlight, and judging by the oil on the windowpane, it has been trying to get out, not realizing there is glass in the way.
Upon seeing you, it rushes to its previously-unnoticed gooey nest, standing over it protectively. The ten chicks inside scramble to climb onto its back, their oil-coated feathers blending into its own perfectly. Luckily, the cockatrice is not too wary to accept some firefish and flower treats, so you are able to lure it out of the room and take it and its chicks home with you.
[item=oilslick cockatrice][item=oilslick gigante chicken]x10[item=firefish]x15[item=blue rose]x20
The corridor that greets you on the other side doesn't seem to match up with what you saw on the outside of this building- there shouldn't be much space on the other side for a corridor, but it stretches on into the distance, curving slightly to the left and lined with doors.
After a thoroughly confusing experience wandering it for a while, you successfully escape, and find yourself back home. You can't help but feel like the experience has left its mark on you, though- perhaps it's the spiral eyes, or the ghostly hands that seem to surround you now. Whatever the case, you decide to write down what happened and send the letter to your dear friend [size=2][s]Jonah Magnus[/s][/size] to see if they can figure out what's going on.
[item=vial of hypnotic sight][item=haunting amber grasp][item=haunting amber clawrings][item=mirror]x10[item=writer's aid]
The door is heavy, and upon pulling it open, it releases a gust of cold air. Inside, you see what looks to be a walk-in freezer, but there is little food in it. Instead, most of the space is taken up by a pink dragon, coiled into a heap of shining pink scales and feathers. She is slow to awake, having been chilled into hibernation, but after a yawn that shows off some frighteningly sharp teeth, follows you out of the freezer.
She says she was working there, stocking the freezer, and accidentally let the door close behind her a little while ago. She comes home with you to warm up, as she apparently doesn't have a lair of her own, and brings a bit of food she had been supposed to stock the freezer with as thanks.
[item=wisp fruit]x15[item=myosotis]x10[item=slender ant]x5
(I will post the door results soon! I need to do a couple things and hopefully expand my lair first though... I had forgotten my lair space was full and I need to expand it so I can shuffle some dragons around and send one out.)
Surprisingly, when you push on the door to open it, the seemingly-rusted hinges glide smoothly and silently. It is then that you notice the dark staining on the bottom of the door, and the corresponding trail of dripped oil leading into the room.
Inside the room, staring out of the window on the far wall in confusion, is an oilslick cockatrice. Its rainbow colors are vibrant in the sunlight, and judging by the oil on the windowpane, it has been trying to get out, not realizing there is glass in the way.
Upon seeing you, it rushes to its previously-unnoticed gooey nest, standing over it protectively. The ten chicks inside scramble to climb onto its back, their oil-coated feathers blending into its own perfectly. Luckily, the cockatrice is not too wary to accept some firefish and flower treats, so you are able to lure it out of the room and take it and its chicks home with you.
Oilslick Cockatrice
These familiars are impossible to bathe, but they do reflect a beautiful array of colors in the sunlight!
Oilslick Gigante Chicken
At least they won't creak when they walk.
This fish is kinda fire.
Blue Rose
White roses can take on many colors by tinting their water. Plant connoisseurs have also tried to encourage them to take on other flavors as well. This one tastes faintly of blueberries.
The corridor that greets you on the other side doesn't seem to match up with what you saw on the outside of this building- there shouldn't be much space on the other side for a corridor, but it stretches on into the distance, curving slightly to the left and lined with doors.
After a thoroughly confusing experience wandering it for a while, you successfully escape, and find yourself back home. You can't help but feel like the experience has left its mark on you, though- perhaps it's the spiral eyes, or the ghostly hands that seem to surround you now. Whatever the case, you decide to write down what happened and send the letter to your dear friend Jonah Magnus to see if they can figure out what's going on.
Vial of Hypnotic Sight
Specialty Items
A vial that will change the eye type of one dragon to Swirl. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Haunting Amber Grasp
Ghastly hands of the coldest mist, reaching for the moonlight.
Haunting Amber Clawrings
A set of metallic rings and shining ghostly gems adorn the back legs and claws.
Nocturne dragons have trouble seeing themselves within the scratched glass, while other dragons have no problem. Curious, isn't it?
Writer's Aid
This critical quill will immediately scribble a wiggly line in red ink under any mistake the writer makes. Take care if out of red ink..
The door is heavy, and upon pulling it open, it releases a gust of cold air. Inside, you see what looks to be a walk-in freezer, but there is little food in it. Instead, most of the space is taken up by a pink dragon, coiled into a heap of shining pink scales and feathers. She is slow to awake, having been chilled into hibernation, but after a yawn that shows off some frighteningly sharp teeth, follows you out of the freezer.
She says she was working there, stocking the freezer, and accidentally let the door close behind her a little while ago. She comes home with you to warm up, as she apparently doesn't have a lair of her own, and brings a bit of food she had been supposed to stock the freezer with as thanks.
Wisp Fruit
This fruit is light, airy, and tasteless.
A beautiful flower with a forgettable name.
Slender Ant
Hatchlings love to tell scary stories about slender ants.