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TOPIC | gijinka a dragon above you
@Dreambasket Will be drawing Puff!! [url=][img][/img][/url] here the lad is! Apologies it's kind of messy I dont have much time hehe [img][/img] For the next person feel free to draw anyone in my lair!

Will be drawing Puff!!


here the lad is! Apologies it's kind of messy I dont have much time hehe

For the next person feel free to draw anyone in my lair!
Art Shop
(Link TBA)

claimz (next person: anyone who's not on sale is fine) ------- @DuckWasHere Sorry this took a bit! & sorry for picking the very first dragon lol, but Marmalade just looked too cool [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img]
(next person: anyone who's not on sale is fine)

@DuckWasHere Sorry this took a bit! & sorry for picking the very first dragon lol, but Marmalade just looked too cool


selling like a bazillions dragons, come get one that's the most [adjective of choice] for you
@shipwrecker I drew your lovely Haneuel! [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] I hope you like the design! I used the starmap gene to maybe give her some pretty starlike tattoos across her face and body! She's a super cool dragon!

I drew your lovely Haneuel!


I hope you like the design! I used the starmap gene to maybe give her some pretty starlike tattoos across her face and body! She's a super cool dragon!
[center] [size=2]@WiccanWave99 [s]It has been awhile since I have drawn a "Human" So Sure, I will Claim. ~ This should be interesting since I have only been drawing Dragons for the past few months XD ~[/s] I drew Sahara.. In my old school creepy style. [url=][img][/img][/url] --------------------------------------- Any Dragon [url=][u]Here[/u][/url] Would [emoji=familiar heart size=1] a Gijinka. ~ Bonus: If they do not already have A Gijinka ~[size=2] ( Excluding Periphery as he has gotten a new look and more lore since his last Gijinka was done. So Feel Free to draw him if you like drawing Creepy stuff XD )
It has been awhile since I have drawn a "Human" So Sure, I will Claim.
~ This should be interesting since I have only been drawing Dragons for the past few months XD ~

I drew Sahara.. In my old school creepy style.

Any Dragon Here Would a Gijinka.
~ Bonus: If they do not already have A Gijinka ~
( Excluding Periphery as he has gotten a new look and more lore since his last Gijinka was done. So Feel Free to draw him if you like drawing Creepy stuff XD )

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Left= RedGuy Right= Adopt Showcase

@TheAlmightySei [s]Claim![/s] Tried to gijinka Gertrude, I hope you like it!! [center][img][/img] ------------ Please try to avoid fodder dragons, fandergs, and sales, anyone else is free range though! @Meyry OMG I love it so much, it's perfect!! Thank you!![/center]
@TheAlmightySei Claim! Tried to gijinka Gertrude, I hope you like it!!
Please try to avoid fodder dragons, fandergs, and sales, anyone else is free range though!

@Meyry OMG I love it so much, it's perfect!! Thank you!!
A pixel sprite of a clown waving her arms up and down
was MissNevermind
@clowning [s]Claim!! [/s] I went with [url=]Elia![/url] [img][/img] Next Person: Anyone you'd like should be fine! But I'd prefer [url=]Folleto[/url], as he already has a set design! ^^


I went with Elia!


Next Person: Anyone you'd like should be fine! But I'd prefer Folleto, as he already has a set design! ^^
Claim @/Meyry I still have to color this but I thought that I'd post the uncolored version so you know that I didn't forget! [img][/img] _____________________________________________ Obsidians new design is preferred [url=][img][/img][/url] And Elisa (she's a chubby witch type) [url=][img][/img][/url] But feel free to draw any of the dragons in my lair. Some of them have [url=]gijinka designs[/url] already but you can make one of your own if you want. I'd prefer to get a gijinka for a dragon that doesn't have one yet. I'm also still open to having one of my sister's dragon's drawn for her as a surprise gift; Phim is her favorite; [url=][img][/img][/url] She mentioned shaved hair and fortune teller vibes. I drew a gijinka of her but I don't know if my sister posted it or not.
Claim @/Meyry

I still have to color this but I thought that I'd post the uncolored version so you know that I didn't forget!

Obsidians new design is preferred

And Elisa (she's a chubby witch type)

But feel free to draw any of the dragons in my lair. Some of them have gijinka designs already but you can make one of your own if you want. I'd prefer to get a gijinka for a dragon that doesn't have one yet.

I'm also still open to having one of my sister's dragon's drawn for her as a surprise gift;
Phim is her favorite;
She mentioned shaved hair and fortune teller vibes. I drew a gijinka of her but I don't know if my sister posted it or not.
@OnyxBat I drew Elizabet! [img][/img] ----- i would prefer the following, but others are cool if they don't suit your fancy. i have more trans than cis dragons and very few of them are silhouette scrolled, or binary. Watch out for the pronouns if listed. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
@OnyxBat I drew Elizabet!


i would prefer the following, but others are cool if they don't suit your fancy.
i have more trans than cis dragons and very few of them are silhouette scrolled, or binary. Watch out for the pronouns if listed.



246.png IT/XE/HE - 20

"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."
@BONUSDUCKS Sorry for taking so long, but here’s Morgausse! Tried an experimental chibi style, although I’m not entirely satisfied with it, isjdkd. [url=][img][/img][/url] For the next person, anyone in my lair or HibDen works! I’d prefer ones in my Lair’s first tab (both page one and two), but I do love all of my dragons that aren’t fodder.

Sorry for taking so long, but here’s Morgausse! Tried an experimental chibi style, although I’m not entirely satisfied with it, isjdkd.


For the next person, anyone in my lair or HibDen works! I’d prefer ones in my Lair’s first tab (both page one and two), but I do love all of my dragons that aren’t fodder.
87fTGkN.png ___ Regxlia | She/Her/Hers | FR+2
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[center] @Regxlia [url=][img][/img][/url] I decided to draw Iramyth. One with her facial markings and one without. Also Transparent Background and Non Transparent Background. ------------------------ [b] Non-Transparent Background [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] ---------- [b] Transparent Background [/b][size=2] (~ Feel Free To Re-Size, Not Sure how to do that without the background becoming black ~) (~If you DO know how to resize w/out the background changing, please tell me~) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size] ----------------------------------------------- [b]Next Person:[/b] Any Dragon [url=]Here[/url] would love art
I decided to draw Iramyth.

One with her facial markings and one without.
Transparent Background and Non Transparent Background.

Non-Transparent Background
Transparent Background
(~ Feel Free To Re-Size, Not Sure how to do that without the background becoming black ~)
(~If you DO know how to resize w/out the background changing, please tell me~)

Next Person:
Any Dragon Here would love art

Click Here And Sell Me Your Dragons
Wishlist1= Wishlist Troglodyte= Lineage Page
Left= RedGuy Right= Adopt Showcase
