
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | ~Triskele Nests~ [11 Elements] [NEW!]
1 2 ... 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 ... 2995 2996
@Thaliia @1moon1spirit Feel free to send your pairs on over~ [emoji=snowflake size=1]
@Thaliia @1moon1spirit

Feel free to send your pairs on over~
@Hanelli @MisanthropicCat @DangItMoonMoon @TerminalEternity
Could i get a nest pls?
@Hanelli @MisanthropicCat @DangItMoonMoon @TerminalEternity
Could i get a nest pls?
vbbFDY.png vbbFDY.png

'ello, I can take your pair!

'ello, I can take your pair!
b42b30e632d83cf09d973c85176c5cec4d17d865.png x- @RoyalSorceress
x- she/her/they/them
x- FR+2
x- about
x- wishlist
x- icon dragon

Thanks so much! I'll top them off food-wise real quick and then send them over. ^.^

Thanks so much! I'll top them off food-wise real quick and then send them over. ^.^
[emoji=fire rune size=1] @LucisAbsentia @KitchenHero @MustardTheCat [emoji=fire rune size=1] Looking for two fire nests, doesn't have to be the same person. Food sent with parents so if you want something specific, please say so.
@LucisAbsentia @KitchenHero @MustardTheCat

Looking for two fire nests, doesn't have to be the same person. Food sent with parents so if you want something specific, please say so.
b42b30e632d83cf09d973c85176c5cec4d17d865.png x- @RoyalSorceress
x- she/her/they/them
x- FR+2
x- about
x- wishlist
x- icon dragon
@RoyalSorceress, I've got both of your nests free. Insects would be great. :)
@RoyalSorceress, I've got both of your nests free. Insects would be great. :)
@soulykins @1moon1spirit

I can take your nests!
@soulykins @1moon1spirit

I can take your nests!
If I haven't answered your ping for a fire nest yet, I am working through a backlog!
@meowmeow2023 If you still need a nest I have one open now \o/
@meowmeow2023 If you still need a nest I have one open now \o/
@CheshireCats @Qhersek @Sides

One plague nest please :D
@CheshireCats @Qhersek @Sides

One plague nest please :D
Noctua_Link_Item.png BS31-1.pngBS32-1.pngBS33-1.png
@Hanelli do you have a nest open?
@Hanelli do you have a nest open?
1 2 ... 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 ... 2995 2996