
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | CFCE (private nest exchange) OPEN
Hey there, I can host your nest. Some meat would be great if you have it, thank you!
Hey there, I can host your nest. Some meat would be great if you have it, thank you!

I can host! No need to send food (u.u)

I can host! No need to send food (u.u)
CI8IffR.png K • A • I • X • I • N
Hatchery_____Art Shop
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Clan Lore
hello, i'm looking for nests tomorrow! please let me know what food you'd like! 2 earth 1 wind 2 arcane [quote=Earth CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Earth Sprite][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Britty, @Coward, @CRT, @dandelionfires, @fantasygill, @fearfax, @furbyworm, @Inverness, @Kiln, @LadyBee, @NewtBrainedMin, @Ophestra, @RabbitSpirit, @reliquiaen, @sublimevoide, @TigersMane, @Wyll[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Pennywhistle[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] [quote=Wind CFCE Hosts][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@argylion, @Deoxtri, @HappyUnlucky, @JupiterImpact, @Kael1030, @KaitoWang, @Mindedabsence, @nightwolf95, @Serpenthyne, @Sinjin, @sockmonkeygerald, @StarionVT, @SUNMUTT, @SuzyChi[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @torreywolf[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] [quote=Arcane CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Enchanting Goblin][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@8Spitfire8, @Altarea, @arcaneidolriots, @Asterodea, @Bluesette, @carpecat, @ceryskies, @ChromaBoreala, @CrownedLadybug, @DruidicOracle, @ElvenArtist, @Greylag, @KameTurtle, @KhepriRose, @KittyTheLioness, @lokisaurus, @MyDiamond, @SeymourKrelborn, @velvetpaws[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
hello, i'm looking for nests tomorrow! please let me know what food you'd like!

2 earth
1 wind
2 arcane
Earth CFCE Hosts wrote:
Earth Sprite o @Britty, @Coward, @CRT, @dandelionfires, @fantasygill, @fearfax, @furbyworm, @Inverness, @Kiln, @LadyBee, @NewtBrainedMin, @Ophestra, @RabbitSpirit, @reliquiaen, @sublimevoide, @TigersMane, @Wyll

Flight moderator: @Pennywhistle

Please host for current CFCE members only!
Wind CFCE Hosts wrote:
Jqlkxca.png o @argylion, @Deoxtri, @HappyUnlucky, @JupiterImpact, @Kael1030, @KaitoWang, @Mindedabsence, @nightwolf95, @Serpenthyne, @Sinjin, @sockmonkeygerald, @StarionVT, @SUNMUTT, @SuzyChi

Flight moderator: @torreywolf

Please host for current CFCE members only!
Arcane CFCE Hosts wrote:
Enchanting Goblin o @8Spitfire8, @Altarea, @arcaneidolriots, @Asterodea, @Bluesette, @carpecat, @ceryskies, @ChromaBoreala, @CrownedLadybug, @DruidicOracle, @ElvenArtist, @Greylag, @KameTurtle, @KhepriRose, @KittyTheLioness, @lokisaurus, @MyDiamond, @SeymourKrelborn, @velvetpaws

Flight moderator: @

Please host for current CFCE members only!
Scorchpaw Prowler

I can take your wind! fish would be good c:

I can take your wind! fish would be good c:
@lynxedlight I can take your Arcane, no food needed :)
@lynxedlight I can take your Arcane, no food needed :)
LF a Nature nest, please let me know if you want any food :)
LF a Nature nest, please let me know if you want any food :)
@Kalia I can host! Any food is fine. :)
@Kalia I can host! Any food is fine. :)
@lynxedlight i can take both earths if you still need? any food is fine c:
@lynxedlight i can take both earths if you still need? any food is fine c:
......................................... tumblr-pa5yx1-Ks-ZM1tecpo4o1-100.png ...
the reliquary
''it's not over yet''
familiar collector • fr +8 • pears!
[quote=Earth CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Boulder Nymph][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Britty, @Coward, @CRT, @dandelionfires, @fantasygill, @fearfax, @furbyworm, @Inverness, @Kiln, @LadyBee, @NewtBrainedMin, @Ophestra, @RabbitSpirit, @reliquiaen, @sublimevoide, @TigersMane, @Wyll[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Pennywhistle[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] Hi Earth! (: Looking for 1 nest for today/tomorrow (I may be logging off soon) but let me know what kind of food you would like!
Earth CFCE Hosts wrote:
Boulder Nymph o @Britty, @Coward, @CRT, @dandelionfires, @fantasygill, @fearfax, @furbyworm, @Inverness, @Kiln, @LadyBee, @NewtBrainedMin, @Ophestra, @RabbitSpirit, @reliquiaen, @sublimevoide, @TigersMane, @Wyll

Flight moderator: @Pennywhistle

Please host for current CFCE members only!

Hi Earth! (:

Looking for 1 nest for today/tomorrow (I may be logging off soon) but let me know what kind of food you would like!
RMQGZO6.png ______________________________xxx challenge i'm doing :)