
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Shouldn’t have made it but did?
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[center][emoji=block size=1] [center][i] SCREAMING!! These guys are gorgeous!! Ahh! I love both posts so much, the colors, the sparkle!! So pretty!!<333
SCREAMING!! These guys are gorgeous!! Ahh! I love both posts so much, the colors, the sparkle!! So pretty!!<333
i almost never save my own hatchery dragons, but yesterday, i hatched a primal from my favourite pair... i couldn't let myself sell him, especially because a) happy birthday flight rising!!!, and b) i got a dragon at pride later that day that fits him literally perfectly (i'll upload pictures soon, but i do have the oc drawings of them). [url=][img][/img][/url]
i almost never save my own hatchery dragons, but yesterday, i hatched a primal from my favourite pair... i couldn't let myself sell him, especially because a) happy birthday flight rising!!!, and b) i got a dragon at pride later that day that fits him literally perfectly (i'll upload pictures soon, but i do have the oc drawings of them).



Adorable Arcane Hatchery! you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
@TransDisaster [center][emoji=block size=1] [center][i] Awww! They are absolutely adorable! I love the pinks and pastels!! I’m so glad you kept that one, it’s absolutely cutesy cute!! <33
Awww! They are absolutely adorable! I love the pinks and pastels!! I’m so glad you kept that one, it’s absolutely cutesy cute!! <33
I have a couple of these! Tilgong was a fodder dragon boarded in my lair for the LvA battle last year, when the Rockbreakers skin was released. It was such a perfect match I traded in a replacement dragon and kept Tilgong for myself! [url=][img][/img][/url] Both of the below are children from one of my fodder pairs; I kept Antares because of his primal eyes (my first self-hatched primal!) and Maddock because the blue accents in copper starmap looked really cool. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Even though Maddock was technically born first, Antares is the big bro in their lore!
I have a couple of these!

Tilgong was a fodder dragon boarded in my lair for the LvA battle last year, when the Rockbreakers skin was released. It was such a perfect match I traded in a replacement dragon and kept Tilgong for myself!


Both of the below are children from one of my fodder pairs; I kept Antares because of his primal eyes (my first self-hatched primal!) and Maddock because the blue accents in copper starmap looked really cool.


Even though Maddock was technically born first, Antares is the big bro in their lore!
[center][emoji=block size=1] [center][i] Awww!! Look at the little baby!! Both are just to die for! I love the colors and the skins/accents, and ahh!! So cool!
Awww!! Look at the little baby!! Both are just to die for! I love the colors and the skins/accents, and ahh!! So cool!
Aethiopica came into my lair as fodder. I didn't have any interest in multigaze and I don't like triple gem genes, but his secondary was the perfect color for this fest skin I'd always liked, and I tried it on him and he never took it off again. He's one of my favorite dragons now. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Aethiopica came into my lair as fodder. I didn't have any interest in multigaze and I don't like triple gem genes, but his secondary was the perfect color for this fest skin I'd always liked, and I tried it on him and he never took it off again. He's one of my favorite dragons now.

[url=][img][/img][/url] Darius was completely intended to be fodder. He had sat in my hibden for days without me ever thinking about him. Then I just happened to preview him with the skin he has, and it was so perfect I had to keep him

Darius was completely intended to be fodder. He had sat in my hibden for days without me ever thinking about him. Then I just happened to preview him with the skin he has, and it was so perfect I had to keep him
0GeVlna.png The sea
collects the lost.
Do you head somewhere,
This guy went from fodder to costing me so much money because I happened to preview a skin on him... [url=][img][/img][/url]
This guy went from fodder to costing me so much money because I happened to preview a skin on him...

lalalalala V3FnPhO.png Tu0vcVq.png lala * Reedcleft Windflowers subspecies
* Court of Night and Shadow lineage
* The Annals of Fal'nieth lore project
Mortierite is beautiful! What a great save [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Almost half my lair is from [s]dragon dumpster diving[/s] browsing fodder - I have a bad habit of seeing a Skydancer's cute little baby face and immediately rescuing them no matter how bad their tertiary color is, sometimes alongside all their siblings (rip lair space). Going through my lair I have at least four fodder families where I adopted all of a nest... oops. I'll show two of my favorites from a clutch of four I took in all of: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Clarity's outfit isn't finished, but he and Sashi are longtime favorites of mine. Then, I have multiple dragons (at least three) that I've bought from someone's fodder tab. My beautiful girl Seashell was actually already leveled and one click away from being gone for good, but luckily the owner checked PMs first and was kind enough to let me buy her :,) I'm very grateful to all the users who have been open to my "please let me buy this dragon I will give you 30g" over the years. Here's Seashell, whose name is the user's default fodder name: [url=][img][/img][/url] Then I have my save with the best story, my beloved boy Skye (originally Skytwirl). I bought his brother Cielle (Gloompaw at the time) as a fodder-priced hatchling, but didn't have space to take both dragons and was trying to curb my impulse buying, so Skye got scooped up and I thought that was that. Imagine my surprise when nearly eight months later I was browsing fodder adults and saw "Skytwirl" near the fodder floor! He'd been bred and iirc correctly was mostly starving, but I recognized him immediately and instantly scooped him up, and he's been a favorite ever since - I love him dearly and he's super important in my (currently unwritten) lore. He may have a basic tert, but I think he's so pretty and he's the most spoiled dragon in my whole lair. [url=][img][/img][/url] I could literally post 20+ dragons to this thread, but I'll leave it with just two more fodder rescue favorites :,) here's Akira, my coli boy who manages to have 0 likes despite being one of my favorites, and Evolet, my softest Plague dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] There's so much pretty fodder! I feel like you can find really unique dragons if you're willing to sift through the listings.
Mortierite is beautiful! What a great save

Almost half my lair is from dragon dumpster diving browsing fodder - I have a bad habit of seeing a Skydancer's cute little baby face and immediately rescuing them no matter how bad their tertiary color is, sometimes alongside all their siblings (rip lair space). Going through my lair I have at least four fodder families where I adopted all of a nest... oops. I'll show two of my favorites from a clutch of four I took in all of:



Clarity's outfit isn't finished, but he and Sashi are longtime favorites of mine.

Then, I have multiple dragons (at least three) that I've bought from someone's fodder tab. My beautiful girl Seashell was actually already leveled and one click away from being gone for good, but luckily the owner checked PMs first and was kind enough to let me buy her :,) I'm very grateful to all the users who have been open to my "please let me buy this dragon I will give you 30g" over the years.

Here's Seashell, whose name is the user's default fodder name:


Then I have my save with the best story, my beloved boy Skye (originally Skytwirl). I bought his brother Cielle (Gloompaw at the time) as a fodder-priced hatchling, but didn't have space to take both dragons and was trying to curb my impulse buying, so Skye got scooped up and I thought that was that.

Imagine my surprise when nearly eight months later I was browsing fodder adults and saw "Skytwirl" near the fodder floor! He'd been bred and iirc correctly was mostly starving, but I recognized him immediately and instantly scooped him up, and he's been a favorite ever since - I love him dearly and he's super important in my (currently unwritten) lore. He may have a basic tert, but I think he's so pretty and he's the most spoiled dragon in my whole lair.


I could literally post 20+ dragons to this thread, but I'll leave it with just two more fodder rescue favorites :,) here's Akira, my coli boy who manages to have 0 likes despite being one of my favorites, and Evolet, my softest Plague dragon:



There's so much pretty fodder! I feel like you can find really unique dragons if you're willing to sift through the listings.

I haven't had him for long but I found this guy through browsing reddit and he was only 8g, which seemed criminally low for how visually appealing he is. Perfect example of a retro 70s color pallet so I named him Groovy and he instantly got a permanent spot in the lair. [url=][img][/img][/url] This was a similarly low-priced dragon that showed up on the Interesting AH thread. I'm a sucker for primal eyes so got him on a whim... then spent forever trying to make a scry that actually works, and I think I finally got it. [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img]
I haven't had him for long but I found this guy through browsing reddit and he was only 8g, which seemed criminally low for how visually appealing he is. Perfect example of a retro 70s color pallet so I named him Groovy and he instantly got a permanent spot in the lair.


This was a similarly low-priced dragon that showed up on the Interesting AH thread. I'm a sucker for primal eyes so got him on a whim... then spent forever trying to make a scry that actually works, and I think I finally got it.


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