
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Kilonian’s Every Color Challenge (why)
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Wishing you luck! those bright blue accents are super striking. love the lore you've come up with too.
Wishing you luck! those bright blue accents are super striking. love the lore you've come up with too.
lJQFrFF.png ww7QpZEh_o.gif hey, i'm savato!
fgKwRJl7_o.gif he/him they/them ae/aer/aers
fgKwRJl7_o.gif FR time +0
fgKwRJl7_o.gif IKTR players: please click here!
Hey! I’m glad you like her so much! I think she’s pretty stunning too!
Let me know if you’d like me to ping you when I finish writing her backstory! :)

I also loved her blue accents! Most of the midnight dragons I saw had purple accents, so I found her extra unique and stunning!
And I’m so glad you like the Lore! I’m pretty proud of it! :D
If you’d like, I can ping you when I finish the backstory for her!
Hey! I’m glad you like her so much! I think she’s pretty stunning too!
Let me know if you’d like me to ping you when I finish writing her backstory! :)

I also loved her blue accents! Most of the midnight dragons I saw had purple accents, so I found her extra unique and stunning!
And I’m so glad you like the Lore! I’m pretty proud of it! :D
If you’d like, I can ping you when I finish the backstory for her!
qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
@Kilonian Yes! Feel free to ping me five times if you have to!
@Kilonian Yes! Feel free to ping me five times if you have to!
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine
Haha, will do! XD
Haha, will do! XD
qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
I keep thinking I have a favourite and then you post a new dragon and a new story and I have a NEW favourite!!! xD

Zostera's story is deep and I can't wait to hear it!!
I keep thinking I have a favourite and then you post a new dragon and a new story and I have a NEW favourite!!! xD

Zostera's story is deep and I can't wait to hear it!!
[center][b]Dragon 24: Shadow[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Meet Shadow! Shadow has been around for a long time. 8 years to be exact, much longer than most dragons ever get to (if ridgebacks could grow beards, he would have a long one!). He is tall, big, and often seems a bit intimidating to the younger dragons of the clan. However, those brave enough to venture into his cave will only find a jolly old dragon who loves telling stories from his youth, and making horrible dad jokes that only Brightsoul finds funny. He has a creaky, raspy laugh that can be heard for miles when he really gets going. Listener was quite frightened the first time she heard it, but now, despite the loudness, knows it means that Shadow is happy. He loves to let the littler dragons climb all over him (even letting them hang off of his long nose!) and frequently offers to babysit and watch them so their parents can get a break. Life wasn’t always easy for Shadow, but he’s come out of it a joyful, funny, and patient dragon who will never stop learning to love this life! ———————— Hey all! I’m super excited to share Shadow with you all (and yes, I see the irony of a Shadow colored dragon named Shadow, but hes had that name for so long that it feels wrong to change it!) I got this guy from a user who sold him to me for very cheap by oldie standards, and I’m so excited that I get to have him join this challenge! I LOVE old dragons, so I was super excited to get my hands on him! I was a bit intimidated when coming up with a personality this time, but I’m pretty happy with the one I landed on! Also, something extra cool about him is that one of his offspring is a 2-letter named dragon! Super cool! Anyways, I hope you love this old guy as much as I now do! :) See you all next time! :D @pinglist-29438[/center]
Dragon 24: Shadow

Meet Shadow!

Shadow has been around for a long time. 8 years to be exact, much longer than most dragons ever get to (if ridgebacks could grow beards, he would have a long one!). He is tall, big, and often seems a bit intimidating to the younger dragons of the clan. However, those brave enough to venture into his cave will only find a jolly old dragon who loves telling stories from his youth, and making horrible dad jokes that only Brightsoul finds funny.

He has a creaky, raspy laugh that can be heard for miles when he really gets going. Listener was quite frightened the first time she heard it, but now, despite the loudness, knows it means that Shadow is happy.

He loves to let the littler dragons climb all over him (even letting them hang off of his long nose!) and frequently offers to babysit and watch them so their parents can get a break.

Life wasn’t always easy for Shadow, but he’s come out of it a joyful, funny, and patient dragon who will never stop learning to love this life!


Hey all! I’m super excited to share Shadow with you all (and yes, I see the irony of a Shadow colored dragon named Shadow, but hes had that name for so long that it feels wrong to change it!)

I got this guy from a user who sold him to me for very cheap by oldie standards, and I’m so excited that I get to have him join this challenge! I LOVE old dragons, so I was super excited to get my hands on him! I was a bit intimidated when coming up with a personality this time, but I’m pretty happy with the one I landed on!

Also, something extra cool about him is that one of his offspring is a 2-letter named dragon! Super cool!

Anyways, I hope you love this old guy as much as I now do! :)

See you all next time! :D

@Kilos Every Color Challenge
qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
Ridgeback!! he is SO pretty though, didn't even notice he has circuit too lol
Ridgeback!! he is SO pretty though, didn't even notice he has circuit too lol

Ridgebacks have been growing on me lately (especially males, love those snoots!) so I’m so happy to add one to the group!

And I know! I though he had glimmer until I checked, and the only place I can even see it at all is the very top edge of his wing lol

Ridgebacks have been growing on me lately (especially males, love those snoots!) so I’m so happy to add one to the group!

And I know! I though he had glimmer until I checked, and the only place I can even see it at all is the very top edge of his wing lol
qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
[center][b]Dragon 25: Blackberry[/b][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Meet Barbara (Just ‘Barb’ is fine!) Barbara, or just ‘Barb’ as everyone calls her, is the epitome of the concept of a “rich wine aunt”. You know, she’s the kind of lady who isn’t in a relationship and doesn’t have any kinds of her own, but loves all her nieces and nephews to death, and everyone thinks is just the coolest person ever. She will help the kids go behind parents backs to do fun things, and slip them cash whenever she gets the chance. She is somehow fabulously wealthy, and loves giving extravagant gifts whenever she gets the opportunity. For example, when Smudge began to show an interest in art, she bought her the most expensive paint set she could find, along with a stack of canvases taller than Smudge herself and a fancy easel. Smudge insisted she didn’t need all of this and it was too much, but Barb insisted. Another time, after Leif timidly showed her his collection of rocks, she went to the nearest gem shop and bought him one of those tall Amethyst Geodes. He had never dreamed he’d ever had one, and after asking her about 10 times if she was sure he could have it, he proudly displayed it on a small table surrounded by all his other rocks. Some say that Barb is superficial, trying to buy everyone’s affection and approval, and, as Quarrel once rudely muttered, ‘throwing money at all her problems’ (he did shut up about it after she bought him a brand new outfit for his upcoming auditions). And yes, maybe she does use money quite a lot to show she cares, but that is truly only because she doesn’t really know any other way to show it. She is very emotionally closed off, and while alway willing to listen to the problems of others, find it very hard to open up to anyone about her own, let alone follow her own advice. Giving gifts is the only way she feels she can express her love for her family. Her family is always trying to show her that they don’t need her money, that her company is more than enough, but Barb has a long way to go before she’s ready to believe that. She’ll get there though, and while she will probably never stop giving everyone expensive stuff, hopefully one day it will just be for fun, and Barb will learn that sometimes just saying “I love you” is worth more than anything money can buy. ——————————— Hello Everyone! Happy 25 dragons! I actually can’t believe I’ve already collected 25 dragons, it literally feels like I just got Zeck (#10) like a week ago. Regardless, I’m super excited and happy to have made it this far, and I’m so thankful for everyone following me on this journey! And no worries, I have no plans to stop anytime soon! I’m having too much fun! :D Today’s dragon was yet another gift from @Adrasci, who I’ll never stop thanking profusely! Their generosity has allowed me to keep making wonderful stories, and also add some truly unique and beautiful dragons to this collection! So, once again, thank you so much! <3 Barb was fun to write for (hence the extra long lore for her today) and has one of the most unique color schemes I’ve seen in a while! The dark reds and dark pinks go as well together! I hope you all love her as much as I do! :) Stay tuned tomorrow! I’ve got a special dragon lined up that’s I’m very excited to share with you all! :) See you then! :) @pinglist-29438 [/center]
Dragon 25: Blackberry

Meet Barbara (Just ‘Barb’ is fine!)

Barbara, or just ‘Barb’ as everyone calls her, is the epitome of the concept of a “rich wine aunt”.

You know, she’s the kind of lady who isn’t in a relationship and doesn’t have any kinds of her own, but loves all her nieces and nephews to death, and everyone thinks is just the coolest person ever. She will help the kids go behind parents backs to do fun things, and slip them cash whenever she gets the chance.

She is somehow fabulously wealthy, and loves giving extravagant gifts whenever she gets the opportunity. For example, when Smudge began to show an interest in art, she bought her the most expensive paint set she could find, along with a stack of canvases taller than Smudge herself and a fancy easel. Smudge insisted she didn’t need all of this and it was too much, but Barb insisted. Another time, after Leif timidly showed her his collection of rocks, she went to the nearest gem shop and bought him one of those tall Amethyst Geodes. He had never dreamed he’d ever had one, and after asking her about 10 times if she was sure he could have it, he proudly displayed it on a small table surrounded by all his other rocks.

Some say that Barb is superficial, trying to buy everyone’s affection and approval, and, as Quarrel once rudely muttered, ‘throwing money at all her problems’ (he did shut up about it after she bought him a brand new outfit for his upcoming auditions). And yes, maybe she does use money quite a lot to show she cares, but that is truly only because she doesn’t really know any other way to show it. She is very emotionally closed off, and while alway willing to listen to the problems of others, find it very hard to open up to anyone about her own, let alone follow her own advice.

Giving gifts is the only way she feels she can express her love for her family.

Her family is always trying to show her that they don’t need her money, that her company is more than enough, but Barb has a long way to go before she’s ready to believe that.

She’ll get there though, and while she will probably never stop giving everyone expensive stuff, hopefully one day it will just be for fun, and Barb will learn that sometimes just saying “I love you” is worth more than anything money can buy.


Hello Everyone! Happy 25 dragons! I actually can’t believe I’ve already collected 25 dragons, it literally feels like I just got Zeck (#10) like a week ago. Regardless, I’m super excited and happy to have made it this far, and I’m so thankful for everyone following me on this journey! And no worries, I have no plans to stop anytime soon! I’m having too much fun! :D

Today’s dragon was yet another gift from @Adrasci, who I’ll never stop thanking profusely! Their generosity has allowed me to keep making wonderful stories, and also add some truly unique and beautiful dragons to this collection! So, once again, thank you so much! <3

Barb was fun to write for (hence the extra long lore for her today) and has one of the most unique color schemes I’ve seen in a while! The dark reds and dark pinks go as well together! I hope you all love her as much as I do! :)

Stay tuned tomorrow! I’ve got a special dragon lined up that’s I’m very excited to share with you all! :)

See you then! :)

@Kilos Every Color Challenge
qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
i don't know how you keep nailing the personalities for these dragons perfectly, Barb does look like she's the wealthy kind (and literally looks a bit like wine)
i don't know how you keep nailing the personalities for these dragons perfectly, Barb does look like she's the wealthy kind (and literally looks a bit like wine)
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