
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Kilonian’s Every Color Challenge (why)
I [emoji=familiar heart size=1] how your rl & fr/life blend and merge and inspire each other!!! thanks for sharing not only their stories, but how those stories come to you ^^
I how your rl & fr/life blend and merge and inspire each other!!!

thanks for sharing not only their stories, but how those stories come to you ^^

I’m so glad youve been enjoying it!
And I’m glad you’ve also been enjoying the stories I’ve been telling! It’s been a lot of fun! :)

I’m so glad youve been enjoying it!
And I’m glad you’ve also been enjoying the stories I’ve been telling! It’s been a lot of fun! :)
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[center][b]Dragon 21: Obsidian[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Meet Taevon! Teavon was told from the day he hatched he was going to be a king. All the other dragons around him knew it the second they saw him. It wasn’t just the extra horns on his head forming a crown, or his wise eyes showing understanding beyond his years. It was the way he acted with his siblings, both guiding them with a firm claw and yet showing great kindness and understanding. Taevon didn’t have to be a king. He was always given a choice. Hatched for it or not, you cannot force someone to lead. But he did want to lead. And there was no better dragon for the role. It’s not often someone comes along who both wants the crown, and deserves it. Teavon does. And he will spend the rest of his days showing that he earns it. —————————— Hey everyone! I hope you love Taevon! I think he’s stunning! Today is a very special day for me, as it marks 6 years that my partner and I have been together! They make me so happy, and I’m super grateful that I get to share my life with them! They don’t play this game, but always love to see all the dragons I collect and hear all the fun things I do each day! This was also such a great color for this day, as it marks the last day of grey-spectrum dragons as we star to get into the rainbow of colors available, and I’m so excited! :) Taevon is a dragon that just represents good vibes all around, and as a male Gaoler, is one of my favorite breeds and poses! Also, I just love how dark he is! XXX obsidian is a very popular color combo, but I wanted to make sure I found a dragon that really emphasized how dark that can be, and I think I nailed it! Anyways, I’ve rambled on long enough, I hope you enjoy Taevon, and I hope you all have a lovely day! See you for the next dragon! <3 [s]@/pinglist[/center][/s] [center]^everyone was pinged, but I removed this in the edit (got the dragon number wrong, changed from 20 to 21) to avoid a double ping![/center]
Dragon 21: Obsidian
Meet Taevon!

Teavon was told from the day he hatched he was going to be a king. All the other dragons around him knew it the second they saw him. It wasn’t just the extra horns on his head forming a crown, or his wise eyes showing understanding beyond his years. It was the way he acted with his siblings, both guiding them with a firm claw and yet showing great kindness and understanding.

Taevon didn’t have to be a king. He was always given a choice. Hatched for it or not, you cannot force someone to lead.

But he did want to lead. And there was no better dragon for the role. It’s not often someone comes along who both wants the crown, and deserves it.

Teavon does.

And he will spend the rest of his days showing that he earns it.


Hey everyone! I hope you love Taevon! I think he’s stunning! Today is a very special day for me, as it marks 6 years that my partner and I have been together! They make me so happy, and I’m super grateful that I get to share my life with them!
They don’t play this game, but always love to see all the dragons I collect and hear all the fun things I do each day!

This was also such a great color for this day, as it marks the last day of grey-spectrum dragons as we star to get into the rainbow of colors available, and I’m so excited! :)

Taevon is a dragon that just represents good vibes all around, and as a male Gaoler, is one of my favorite breeds and poses! Also, I just love how dark he is! XXX obsidian is a very popular color combo, but I wanted to make sure I found a dragon that really emphasized how dark that can be, and I think I nailed it!

Anyways, I’ve rambled on long enough, I hope you enjoy Taevon, and I hope you all have a lovely day! See you for the next dragon! <3

^everyone was pinged, but I removed this in the edit (got the dragon number wrong, changed from 20 to 21) to avoid a double ping!
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I love the lore for him! It's a great way to work the gnarlhorns gene into the lore in my opinion. I think Taevon might be my favorite so far :D
I love the lore for him! It's a great way to work the gnarlhorns gene into the lore in my opinion. I think Taevon might be my favorite so far :D

Thank you! I’m so glad you like him so much!
And yeah, I never really saw it before, but the gnarlhorns do look like a crown, and once I noticed I just eent with it!

Thank you! I’m so glad you like him so much!
And yeah, I never really saw it before, but the gnarlhorns do look like a crown, and once I noticed I just eent with it!
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[center][b]Day 22: Eldritch[/b][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Meet Leif! Leif loves collecting rocks. And not just shiny gemstones or hidden geodes, literally just any cool rock. No matter where he is or what he is doing, he can always manage to find a rock that is calling to him. These rocks are special not because of their worth, but just because of the sentimental attachment he has to them. He has hundreds of rocks lining the shelves and tables in his cave, and if you asked, he would be able to tell you all about each and every one, no matter how ordinary it may seem. He frequently gifts his friends rocks he finds that make him think of them, and although not everyone gets it, they all keep them anyways. Leif in particular tries his best to find rocks that look like all of his friends colors and patterns to give to Zeck, so that he can hold them and think of others without having to touch them. Leif is a very empathetic and observant dragon, and although his attention is often drawn to the rocks he collects, he is one of the best dragons to talk to if you just need someone to listen. ——————————— Hello again everyone! I hope you love Leif! He was a gift from the user @Adrasci (who also gifted me Lutestring for the color Coal!) Thank you again for the wonderful gift, and for your generosity! <3 I’m also so excited because Leif is actually my first dusthide aside from the one I hatched on launch day, and I just love the bat gene on them! I’m so happy to have one, and I love his vibe so much! I also totally didn’t base his love of collecting random rocks off of my own life of anything… Anyways, hope you enjoy, and have a great day! See you all for the next one! :) @pinglist-29438[/center]
Day 22: Eldritch
Meet Leif!
Leif loves collecting rocks. And not just shiny gemstones or hidden geodes, literally just any cool rock. No matter where he is or what he is doing, he can always manage to find a rock that is calling to him. These rocks are special not because of their worth, but just because of the sentimental attachment he has to them.

He has hundreds of rocks lining the shelves and tables in his cave, and if you asked, he would be able to tell you all about each and every one, no matter how ordinary it may seem.

He frequently gifts his friends rocks he finds that make him think of them, and although not everyone gets it, they all keep them anyways. Leif in particular tries his best to find rocks that look like all of his friends colors and patterns to give to Zeck, so that he can hold them and think of others without having to touch them.

Leif is a very empathetic and observant dragon, and although his attention is often drawn to the rocks he collects, he is one of the best dragons to talk to if you just need someone to listen.


Hello again everyone! I hope you love Leif! He was a gift from the user @Adrasci (who also gifted me Lutestring for the color Coal!) Thank you again for the wonderful gift, and for your generosity! <3

I’m also so excited because Leif is actually my first dusthide aside from the one I hatched on launch day, and I just love the bat gene on them! I’m so happy to have one, and I love his vibe so much!

I also totally didn’t base his love of collecting random rocks off of my own life of anything…

Anyways, hope you enjoy, and have a great day! See you all for the next one! :)

@Kilos Every Color Challenge
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Leif is literally me when i was younger wow-
i also love how he finds rocks similar to his friends to give to Zeck, that's just so wholesome!!
Leif is literally me when i was younger wow-
i also love how he finds rocks similar to his friends to give to Zeck, that's just so wholesome!!

I’m glad you can relate to the rock thing haha! I honestly still pick up neat rocks whenever I go someplace new.

And I’m glad you find the Zeck connection so wholesome! I love intertwining the lore of all of these dragons together!

I’m glad you can relate to the rock thing haha! I honestly still pick up neat rocks whenever I go someplace new.

And I’m glad you find the Zeck connection so wholesome! I love intertwining the lore of all of these dragons together!
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[center][b]Day 23: Midnight[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Meet Zostera! Zostera is a very complicated dragon. She was not a good dragon in her past. She did a lot of bad things, caused a lot of pain and suffering, and tore families apart. However, thanks to a mysterious backstory event that she has yet to share with anyone (but let’s just say it involves a bit of magic and some scary spirits) she is trying her best to start over and learn to be good. She is truly trying her best. She has no secret motive here, no deception planned. But still, it can be hard to trust when all you’ve known is deceit. She is living with this clan now, far from her old life and old self, but keeps to herself most days, hiding away in shame even though her new friends know nothing of who she used to be. She feels guilty when they ask her to hang out, or invite her to events, like she doesn’t deserve it. Smudge made her a painting once, of all of the color dragons together in one big portrait. Zostera felt she didn’t belong there. And yet, it hangs above her bed, and she smiles at it each night. Maybe one day, she thinks, she will be worthy of this life. Little does she know she has nothing to prove. Her friends already love her, and will never stop trying to make her feel like she belongs <3 —————————— Hey everyone! Back with today’s dragon! She’s soooo pretty, and I love a reformed villain, and I think I’ll actually write and post her backstory here next time I have to wait a few days for the next color dragon! But for now, I hope you like her, and I hope that she feels welcome! Not too much else to say today, just hope your day is nice, and I’ll see you all tomorrow (hopefully lol) for the next color! :) @pinglist-29438[/center]
Day 23: Midnight
Meet Zostera!

Zostera is a very complicated dragon. She was not a good dragon in her past. She did a lot of bad things, caused a lot of pain and suffering, and tore families apart. However, thanks to a mysterious backstory event that she has yet to share with anyone (but let’s just say it involves a bit of magic and some scary spirits) she is trying her best to start over and learn to be good.
She is truly trying her best.

She has no secret motive here, no deception planned.
But still, it can be hard to trust when all you’ve known is deceit.

She is living with this clan now, far from her old life and old self, but keeps to herself most days, hiding away in shame even though her new friends know nothing of who she used to be. She feels guilty when they ask her to hang out, or invite her to events, like she doesn’t deserve it.

Smudge made her a painting once, of all of the color dragons together in one big portrait.
Zostera felt she didn’t belong there.

And yet, it hangs above her bed, and she smiles at it each night.

Maybe one day, she thinks, she will be worthy of this life.

Little does she know she has nothing to prove. Her friends already love her, and will never stop trying to make her feel like she belongs <3


Hey everyone! Back with today’s dragon! She’s soooo pretty, and I love a reformed villain, and I think I’ll actually write and post her backstory here next time I have to wait a few days for the next color dragon! But for now, I hope you like her, and I hope that she feels welcome!

Not too much else to say today, just hope your day is nice, and I’ll see you all tomorrow (hopefully lol) for the next color! :)

@Kilos Every Color Challenge
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I think Zostera is my favorite thus far.
I think Zostera is my favorite thus far.
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine