
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Steal a Fandragon!
@GenderlessCrow I'm yoinking your Kaito because he's my favorite Vocaloid. I love seeing fandragons of this boy! [url=][img][/img][/url] For the next person, my fandergs are in The Convention!

I'm yoinking your Kaito because he's my favorite Vocaloid. I love seeing fandragons of this boy!

For the next person, my fandergs are in The Convention!
He/Him | Flamecaller Loyalist | Obelisk Enthusiast
@HeWasAGatorBoy [url=][img][/img][/url] tempted as i was to pick ford, i figured i'd steal star platinum and give him some love!! starmap / constellation works VERY well for him, and the use of the smoke for the yellow lines on his body (and the whole stand vibe tbh) is super clever!! love the apparel, and love the little joot familiar, too!!


tempted as i was to pick ford, i figured i'd steal star platinum and give him some love!! starmap / constellation works VERY well for him, and the use of the smoke for the yellow lines on his body (and the whole stand vibe tbh) is super clever!! love the apparel, and love the little joot familiar, too!!
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@shaqshrek [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm stealing Garatina. one of my favorite legendaries next to Suicune lol


I'm stealing Garatina. one of my favorite legendaries next to Suicune lol
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@IceDragonsSoul [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm stealing Ase, because... Well... *Aggressively gestures to self* Always gonna go for representation! He's so pretty, too! I love him! Next person, my references have IKTR and IDKTR in their bios and are catalogued with [url=]Legion[/url].


I'm stealing Ase, because... Well... *Aggressively gestures to self*
Always gonna go for representation! He's so pretty, too! I love him!

Next person, my references have IKTR and IDKTR in their bios and are catalogued with Legion.
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@KoenigVII [url=][img][/img][/url] pure coatls are generally my beloved,, also grillby which is extra points
pure coatls are generally my beloved,, also grillby which is extra points
NP: my fandragon tab is in hibden ----- @butterflyflower ooh i'm stealing this lovely Beetlejuice!! All those colors don't look like they'd make a beetlejuice, but with those genes... omg what a lovely dragon! [url=][img][/img][/url]
NP: my fandragon tab is in hibden
ooh i'm stealing this lovely Beetlejuice!! All those colors don't look like they'd make a beetlejuice, but with those genes... omg what a lovely dragon!
@Amordel [url=][img][/img][/url] Stealing Medic! He's just so silly....I love how you've dressed him he looks very well done!


Stealing Medic! He's just so silly....I love how you've dressed him he looks very well done!
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@CometBlaster [url=][img][/img][/url] Gonna casually steal Monty here, because I love gators, characters that are gators, and fandragons for gator characters! Plus, his colors and apparel are spot on! Next person, my references have IKTR and IDKTR in their bios and are catalogued with [url=]Legion[/url].


Gonna casually steal Monty here, because I love gators, characters that are gators, and fandragons for gator characters! Plus, his colors and apparel are spot on!

Next person, my references have IKTR and IDKTR in their bios and are catalogued with Legion.
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@KoenigVII [url=][img][/img][/url] I was super intrigued when I saw the entity on the list because I was curious about how you would even depict that, but you did an excellent job! I love the dread dancer set and it's jagged edges to represent it's spiky, alien nature, especially on a ridgeback [emoji=ridgeback star size=1]
I was super intrigued when I saw the entity on the list because I was curious about how you would even depict that, but you did an excellent job! I love the dread dancer set and it's jagged edges to represent it's spiky, alien nature, especially on a ridgeback
tumblr_inline_pi905v48pa1rhxln1_100.png - she/her
- FR Time
- 21 y/o
- Wishlist
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[url=][img][/img][/url] @RidgeButch i love your take on the moon presence, this is SO COOL. aberration fandragons are always some of my favorites, and she’s absolutely killing it, mmmwah! np: all my fandragons are in the den under “fandragons!”

@RidgeButch i love your take on the moon presence, this is SO COOL. aberration fandragons are always some of my favorites, and she’s absolutely killing it, mmmwah!

np: all my fandragons are in the den under “fandragons!”
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