
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Custom Progenitor Dragon
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Columba still has her original colors of Maize/Emerald/Spring! When I was new to FR in 2015, I decided I hated her Spring tertiary because at the time, I didn't like how it looked with any of the available genes. It was before Skink and Spinner and all the other genes that come with accent colors. So I exalted her, and my random progen, too. She wasn't even gened! I really did her wrong. Like many people, I soon regretted exalting my progens. Fortunately, the site began offering a "progen return" service in 2016. The sign-ups and returns happened in batches and took a while to happen, but I was lucky: I'd signed up quickly, and Columba and my random progen both returned home August 10, 2016. They've been here ever since, properly gened and dressed up as they deserve. I did scatterscroll my random into something quite lovely, but I've learned to appreciate Columba's colors. She's probably due a gene update now, maybe something like this - [img],1748,9452,17134,15746,22836,22837&xt=dressing.png[/img]


Columba still has her original colors of Maize/Emerald/Spring! When I was new to FR in 2015, I decided I hated her Spring tertiary because at the time, I didn't like how it looked with any of the available genes. It was before Skink and Spinner and all the other genes that come with accent colors.

So I exalted her, and my random progen, too. She wasn't even gened! I really did her wrong.

Like many people, I soon regretted exalting my progens. Fortunately, the site began offering a "progen return" service in 2016. The sign-ups and returns happened in batches and took a while to happen, but I was lucky: I'd signed up quickly, and Columba and my random progen both returned home August 10, 2016. They've been here ever since, properly gened and dressed up as they deserve.

I did scatterscroll my random into something quite lovely, but I've learned to appreciate Columba's colors. She's probably due a gene update now, maybe something like this -


[img][/img] I was originally in arcane and this was the Tundra I created shes my arcane rep

I was originally in arcane and this was the Tundra I created shes my arcane rep

[center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] [b]Traxia[/b] ----- She hasn't changed as much as I'd like [i]by any means,[/i] but she has changed a little! Above she is obviously wearing apparel and a skin, but you can still see her. I want her to be wasp/bee/runes (possible scales) in the longrun, but I'm always unable to afford that! Wasp/Bee is pretty expensive, so of course, it's the one I decided on. Wanting her to be something other than triple basic azure and gold (a combo that I love! I wish her tert wasn't crimson though...), I gave her Paint for the time being. Piebald changes her look and gets rid of so much of the azure I love, so I haven't gened with it. This was her originally: [center][img][/img][/center] And her intended final outcome when I am rich: [center][morphology=465506][/center] *cries for a thousand years*

She hasn't changed as much as I'd like by any means, but she has changed a little! Above she is obviously wearing apparel and a skin, but you can still see her. I want her to be wasp/bee/runes (possible scales) in the longrun, but I'm always unable to afford that! Wasp/Bee is pretty expensive, so of course, it's the one I decided on. Wanting her to be something other than triple basic azure and gold (a combo that I love! I wish her tert wasn't crimson though...), I gave her Paint for the time being. Piebald changes her look and gets rid of so much of the azure I love, so I haven't gened with it.

This was her originally:

And her intended final outcome when I am rich:
Traxi Final

*cries for a thousand years*
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] My boy Sara. Gave him glowing eyes but otherwise he's the same as when I joined. Clan patriarch and mate of Janus. Sara was a lost egg that was never found. He hatched and grew up alone, jealously watching dragon families and clans from afar but too afraid to approach. When he reached adulthood he went to the Tidelord and was granted his own lair. Sara likes to wander. Growing up without a home he developed the need to keep moving and takes advantage of this when he hunts and scavenges. On these sojourns he has more than once come across lost hatchlings and, remembering his own lonely childhood, brings them back with him. Sometimes he even finds lost adult dragons who follow him home and they are welcomed. Needless to say Sara's clan has grown large, and he couldn't be happier with his new, big family.


My boy Sara. Gave him glowing eyes but otherwise he's the same as when I joined.

Clan patriarch and mate of Janus. Sara was a lost egg that was never found. He hatched and grew up alone, jealously watching dragon families and clans from afar but too afraid to approach. When he reached adulthood he went to the Tidelord and was granted his own lair.

Sara likes to wander. Growing up without a home he developed the need to keep moving and takes advantage of this when he hunts and scavenges. On these sojourns he has more than once come across lost hatchlings and, remembering his own lonely childhood, brings them back with him. Sometimes he even finds lost adult dragons who follow him home and they are welcomed.

Needless to say Sara's clan has grown large, and he couldn't be happier with his new, big family.
Traveling around Sornieth:
Light | Earth
Taxare! I'm deeply fond of him, and he and my random progenitor (a mirror) are the perfect match. Aside from adding primary and secondary genes (I saved up for Facet for ages) he's stayed unchanged since I first made the account. [img][/img] I'm still settling on his apparel, and his tert wound up being lemon, which ... is probably never going to fit with his whole look no matter what I do with it. Maybe one of these days I'll invest in a nice accent instead.
Taxare! I'm deeply fond of him, and he and my random progenitor (a mirror) are the perfect match. Aside from adding primary and secondary genes (I saved up for Facet for ages) he's stayed unchanged since I first made the account.


I'm still settling on his apparel, and his tert wound up being lemon, which ... is probably never going to fit with his whole look no matter what I do with it. Maybe one of these days I'll invest in a nice accent instead.
Meet Niaomi! When I first joined a while back, she looked like this: [img][/img] This is what she looks like now! She's undergone a [b]LOT[/b] of changes. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Meet Niaomi!

When I first joined a while back, she looked like this:

This is what she looks like now! She's undergone a LOT of changes.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meet Mahavah, the War Mother. She has remained the matriarch of the clan despite sharing the seat of power with two others. Her battle sense is stronger than her maternal intuition, but the clan will always call her the Mother and treat reserved respect and deep affection. Being a guardian she has found her "charge" in the clan as a whole. Everyone and everything within its borders, be it by name or physical territory, are hers to keep and protect. I was finally able to spend a few chunks of funds to finish giving her genes so she was no longer lacking. I still want to get her glimmer but underbelly is a decent temporary substitute, I should think. I also need to fix up her bio.


Meet Mahavah, the War Mother. She has remained the matriarch of the clan despite sharing the seat of power with two others. Her battle sense is stronger than her maternal intuition, but the clan will always call her the Mother and treat reserved respect and deep affection. Being a guardian she has found her "charge" in the clan as a whole. Everyone and everything within its borders, be it by name or physical territory, are hers to keep and protect.

I was finally able to spend a few chunks of funds to finish giving her genes so she was no longer lacking. I still want to get her glimmer but underbelly is a decent temporary substitute, I should think. I also need to fix up her bio.
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I've been on FR for years and I was one of the people who exalted my progen, then began to regret so when I could get her back I jumped on the chance. She is now very, [i]very[/i] spoiled. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] And how she started - [center][morphology=465738][/center]
I've been on FR for years and I was one of the people who exalted my progen, then began to regret so when I could get her back I jumped on the chance. She is now very, very spoiled.

And how she started -
Not Found
___Art + Social Media

___Avalon Isle Hatchery
This is my custom Omnia. After joining two years ago, I finally decided to do something with her, I brought her back from the Stormcatcher's service and now she keeps a watchful eye on the clan. [url=][img][/img][/url] I just need a Petals scroll and she'll be done!
This is my custom Omnia. After joining two years ago, I finally decided to do something with her, I brought her back from the Stormcatcher's service and now she keeps a watchful eye on the clan.
I just need a Petals scroll and she'll be done!
So carry me from these walls, brother of mine. Show me the world outside, it has to be true. I'm counting on you to be my wings and my eyes.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] She still needs Savannah and Morph but she's so pretty... her mate (underbelly, python, and trail is needed for him) and daughter aren't half bad either. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]


She still needs Savannah and Morph but she's so pretty... her mate (underbelly, python, and trail is needed for him) and daughter aren't half bad either.

