@Micklanis Oof, that's quite the range there. If you actually wind up on copper/copper/mint, it'll be like winning the lottery. Still, if you get one, I'd be happy to buy it.

TOPIC | Copper Cave - Subspecies Hub

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@Micklanis Oof, that's quite the range there. If you actually wind up on copper/copper/mint, it'll be like winning the lottery. Still, if you get one, I'd be happy to buy it.
@AnnieFelis It is a bigger range than I'd like. Unfortunately there arent many copper copper on the market that are g1. My plan is to slowly down to smaller ranges.
@AnnieFelis It is a bigger range than I'd like. Unfortunately there arent many copper copper on the market that are g1. My plan is to slowly down to smaller ranges.
@AnnieFelis So I hatched out a clutch from that pair.
I got a copper stone jade baby. I can get a pretty good range but it will not be g2.
@AnnieFelis So I hatched out a clutch from that pair.
I got a copper stone jade baby. I can get a pretty good range but it will not be g2.
I got a copper stone jade baby. I can get a pretty good range but it will not be g2.

I think I have some copper copper mints if they can help. :D
Can check my lair page. I'm not currently breeding anything but I can if it'll help folks. ^^
(all my current CC's / projects)
I think I have some copper copper mints if they can help. :D

Can check my lair page. I'm not currently breeding anything but I can if it'll help folks. ^^
(all my current CC's / projects)
I think I have some copper copper mints if they can help. :D

Can check my lair page. I'm not currently breeding anything but I can if it'll help folks. ^^
(all my current CC's / projects)
@Micklanis I don't mind if they're not gen two. I'm not worried about breed/bloodline purity, only that the babies aren't related to #27939376 and #39887755. And possibly #87877745, which I found in somebody's lair, and I think they will list them on the AH eventually, and just haven't yet (I'll give it a few days before messaging them).
Edit: Come to think of it, I ought to grab that imperial I spotted when I have the chance. Her bloodline is mostly just project dragons bred and exalted in that person's lair, so the odds of her being related to other CC-colored dragons on the AH is low.
Edit: Come to think of it, I ought to grab that imperial I spotted when I have the chance. Her bloodline is mostly just project dragons bred and exalted in that person's lair, so the odds of her being related to other CC-colored dragons on the AH is low.
@Micklanis I don't mind if they're not gen two. I'm not worried about breed/bloodline purity, only that the babies aren't related to #27939376 and #39887755. And possibly #87877745, which I found in somebody's lair, and I think they will list them on the AH eventually, and just haven't yet (I'll give it a few days before messaging them).
Edit: Come to think of it, I ought to grab that imperial I spotted when I have the chance. Her bloodline is mostly just project dragons bred and exalted in that person's lair, so the odds of her being related to other CC-colored dragons on the AH is low.
Edit: Come to think of it, I ought to grab that imperial I spotted when I have the chance. Her bloodline is mostly just project dragons bred and exalted in that person's lair, so the odds of her being related to other CC-colored dragons on the AH is low.
@Rosekitten That would help quite a bit! I checked and my pair isn't related to Pyotr or Lafluma, so we could manage to breed the right colors for a breeding pair.
It seems most CCs are more towards the cerulean end of things and not as much mint/spearmint. That's partially why I never did this project:
If I get a pair that can breed copper/copper/mint then I can do this as well:
I put all my CCs in storage except for my gaolers since for a while the AH was saturated with modern breed copper dragons. I think there's some potential with ancients, though...especially if I can get a sandsurge pair, and I spruce up that veilspun pair.
@Rosekitten That would help quite a bit! I checked and my pair isn't related to Pyotr or Lafluma, so we could manage to breed the right colors for a breeding pair.
It seems most CCs are more towards the cerulean end of things and not as much mint/spearmint. That's partially why I never did this project:

If I get a pair that can breed copper/copper/mint then I can do this as well:

I put all my CCs in storage except for my gaolers since for a while the AH was saturated with modern breed copper dragons. I think there's some potential with ancients, though...especially if I can get a sandsurge pair, and I spruce up that veilspun pair.
It seems most CCs are more towards the cerulean end of things and not as much mint/spearmint. That's partially why I never did this project:

If I get a pair that can breed copper/copper/mint then I can do this as well:

I put all my CCs in storage except for my gaolers since for a while the AH was saturated with modern breed copper dragons. I think there's some potential with ancients, though...especially if I can get a sandsurge pair, and I spruce up that veilspun pair.
I have the Copper Copper Pistashio derg, I am gonna breed change and regen tonight. After my stone bab comes of age I will have a better range to work with.
I have the Copper Copper Pistashio derg, I am gonna breed change and regen tonight. After my stone bab comes of age I will have a better range to work with.
I have the Copper Copper Pistashio derg, I am gonna breed change and regen tonight. After my stone bab comes of age I will have a better range to work with.
I have the Copper Copper Pistashio derg, I am gonna breed change and regen tonight. After my stone bab comes of age I will have a better range to work with.
Welp, I found a new subspecies to collect. I bought a girl that qualifies color-wise, but I need to regene her. And then, of course, I need to find her a mate. I even have lore working its way up in my brain already, and I only bought her 10 minutes ago. XD
I think I have mints and spearmints haha.. XD Just let me know if you want to borrow them or if you want me to try to put them on a nest and see what we get :D
I know I had a rough time getting mint on my strawberry pair .. D:
Welcome to the Copper Cave dragons. ^^ I'm always adding lore and updates.. (fast as I can.. I'm sadly an adult with adult things that draw my time away.. )
I think I have mints and spearmints haha.. XD Just let me know if you want to borrow them or if you want me to try to put them on a nest and see what we get :D
I know I had a rough time getting mint on my strawberry pair .. D:
Welcome to the Copper Cave dragons. ^^ I'm always adding lore and updates.. (fast as I can.. I'm sadly an adult with adult things that draw my time away.. )
I think I have mints and spearmints haha.. XD Just let me know if you want to borrow them or if you want me to try to put them on a nest and see what we get :D
I know I had a rough time getting mint on my strawberry pair .. D:
Welcome to the Copper Cave dragons. ^^ I'm always adding lore and updates.. (fast as I can.. I'm sadly an adult with adult things that draw my time away.. )
I think I have mints and spearmints haha.. XD Just let me know if you want to borrow them or if you want me to try to put them on a nest and see what we get :D
I know I had a rough time getting mint on my strawberry pair .. D:
Welcome to the Copper Cave dragons. ^^ I'm always adding lore and updates.. (fast as I can.. I'm sadly an adult with adult things that draw my time away.. )
Oh I wanted to offer it @Rosekitten I kinda do some hobby coding for bios. I could see about whipping something into shape for Copper Cave
Oh I wanted to offer it @Rosekitten I kinda do some hobby coding for bios. I could see about whipping something into shape for Copper Cave

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