
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Fashion Theme Week: Imperials!
[center][i][b]DeathSeeker[/b][/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i][b]Toxin[/b][/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i][b]Grimm[/b][/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (I'm actually still working on their outfits ^^)[/center]






(I'm actually still working on their outfits ^^)
So uh... I like the sage clothes. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
So uh... I like the sage clothes.



[center]THE CALL HAS BEEN ANSWERED. IMPCEPTION - AN IMP WITHIN AN IMP WITHIN AN IMP - HAS BEEN SUMMONED. LET ME SHARE WITH YOU THE FEAST OF IMPS WITHIN MY LAIR. [s][i]Crap I can only post three[/i][/s] First I would like to introduce Arafinwe, one of the triplets. The triplets are an [i]imp[/i]ortant part of Legion, a war mongering Plague clan whose ultimate goal is to take over all of Sornieth. Arafinwe is the youngest triplet, behind his older brother Nolofinwe, and then his older sister, Lalwende. Arafinwe is the jaws and brawn behind the triplets and their brutal ways. He is the force behind Nolofinwe's brain and plots. He is also the one that suggested the triplets take in an orphaned and crippled Coatl, so there is an odd gentleness about him that is reserved only for Ainairos and his siblings. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Up next is possibly the most [i]imp[/i]ortant dragon in my lair. Saitou, the silent leader. Saitou was a gift to me from one of my best friends who has since left FR for personal reasons. His mate, however, remains in her lair. Saitou is designed and named after the character from my favorite game series, and my favorite anime series, who is quite possibly the anime version of me. Saitou Hajime from Hakuouki. He is peaceful and serene, and only wants to spend his time gazing at the cherry blossoms without anyone to interrupt him, rather than waging a war. In all honesty, I relate a lot to his character, and I think that's one reason why this dragon is so important to me and my clan. In my lore, he's one of the three leaders of Auroral Dissonance, the Arcane clan with high values. He leads the battalion portion, where Valor leads the healers and Lorien leads the elders and babysits the youngsters. Despite being the war leader, he truly doesn't want to fight, he just wants peace and quiet, somewhere where he can read and write and enjoy his tea and cherry blossoms alongside his mate. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And finally, I choose another [i]imp[/i]ortant dragon, Aduial. Originally, he was just a dragon that I bought from my best friend @ZenithNadir after the colorwheel expansion, but then... I really fell in love with him and he began to take on a life of his own. Since the CWE was kind of like a comet - we saw it coming, and we could see the trail of it along the way, it kind of formed in my head like he was a comet, so that's what he became. Before he was a dragon, he was a comet, who was passing by Sornieth when he saw the most beautiful being he had ever seen. He fell in love instantly, and because he couldn't have her or the life he wanted in the beautiful land that is Sornieth, he decided to crash into the land and destroy it all... That is... Until his mate, Anduin, used her magic to turn him into a dragon. Doing so caused part of space to be contained within his wings. Now, alongside his mate and her brother Lasgalen and his mate Galanta, he founded the Celestial Runners, a family tree project designed to equip all clans in Sornieth with a special mage versed both in Sornieth's magic and in an unknown, mysterious celestial magic. He is one of the best dragons in my lair, and I adore him, not just because of who bred him, but because he is such an i[i]imp[/i]ortant part of my clan lore. The Celestial Runners and the Night Warriors will be the ones to defeat the warlord Cassius and Legion, and I adore them for that. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] If I could list more, I would definitely talk everyone's ears off about my babies, but I'm only allowed three, so you don't have to suffer much. Lol.

Crap I can only post three

First I would like to introduce Arafinwe, one of the triplets. The triplets are an important part of Legion, a war mongering Plague clan whose ultimate goal is to take over all of Sornieth. Arafinwe is the youngest triplet, behind his older brother Nolofinwe, and then his older sister, Lalwende. Arafinwe is the jaws and brawn behind the triplets and their brutal ways. He is the force behind Nolofinwe's brain and plots. He is also the one that suggested the triplets take in an orphaned and crippled Coatl, so there is an odd gentleness about him that is reserved only for Ainairos and his siblings.


Up next is possibly the most important dragon in my lair. Saitou, the silent leader. Saitou was a gift to me from one of my best friends who has since left FR for personal reasons. His mate, however, remains in her lair. Saitou is designed and named after the character from my favorite game series, and my favorite anime series, who is quite possibly the anime version of me. Saitou Hajime from Hakuouki. He is peaceful and serene, and only wants to spend his time gazing at the cherry blossoms without anyone to interrupt him, rather than waging a war. In all honesty, I relate a lot to his character, and I think that's one reason why this dragon is so important to me and my clan. In my lore, he's one of the three leaders of Auroral Dissonance, the Arcane clan with high values. He leads the battalion portion, where Valor leads the healers and Lorien leads the elders and babysits the youngsters. Despite being the war leader, he truly doesn't want to fight, he just wants peace and quiet, somewhere where he can read and write and enjoy his tea and cherry blossoms alongside his mate.


And finally, I choose another important dragon, Aduial. Originally, he was just a dragon that I bought from my best friend @ZenithNadir after the colorwheel expansion, but then... I really fell in love with him and he began to take on a life of his own. Since the CWE was kind of like a comet - we saw it coming, and we could see the trail of it along the way, it kind of formed in my head like he was a comet, so that's what he became. Before he was a dragon, he was a comet, who was passing by Sornieth when he saw the most beautiful being he had ever seen. He fell in love instantly, and because he couldn't have her or the life he wanted in the beautiful land that is Sornieth, he decided to crash into the land and destroy it all... That is... Until his mate, Anduin, used her magic to turn him into a dragon. Doing so caused part of space to be contained within his wings. Now, alongside his mate and her brother Lasgalen and his mate Galanta, he founded the Celestial Runners, a family tree project designed to equip all clans in Sornieth with a special mage versed both in Sornieth's magic and in an unknown, mysterious celestial magic. He is one of the best dragons in my lair, and I adore him, not just because of who bred him, but because he is such an iimportant part of my clan lore. The Celestial Runners and the Night Warriors will be the ones to defeat the warlord Cassius and Legion, and I adore them for that.


If I could list more, I would definitely talk everyone's ears off about my babies, but I'm only allowed three, so you don't have to suffer much. Lol.
[center]I can hardly compete here but these are mine. :'3 Calypso [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Damian [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Baudelaire [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center]
I can hardly compete here but these are mine. :'3







Skyscale [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

My well dressed babies [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nina the Marsh Witch [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Samhain the Astral Seer [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And Ripplestream the Ocean Sorcerer
My well dressed babies


Nina the Marsh Witch


Samhain the Astral Seer


And Ripplestream the Ocean Sorcerer
Personal tumblr
Steven Universe tumblr
Art only tumblr
Can't pick a third so I'll just post two haha. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I just adore this dark Prince! He was one of my first dragons and I love him dearly. Enough to buy him "The moon" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I don't know what to say about this boy, but I love him.
Can't pick a third so I'll just post two haha.


I just adore this dark Prince! He was one of my first dragons and I love him dearly. Enough to buy him "The moon"


I don't know what to say about this boy, but I love him.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is my boy Dusk [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And Edgy child Koi


This is my boy Dusk


And Edgy child Koi
Here is my kind hearted LordLight
My devilish deep demon
Here is my favorite anime character Alucard
Here is my kind hearted LordLight
My devilish deep demon
Here is my favorite anime character Alucard
[url=][img][/img][/url] Ridiculously suave warrior, [b]Sonatino[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] The wandering paladin, [b]Althiriel[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] And [b]Avira[/b], court mage to refugee royalty.
Ridiculously suave warrior, Sonatino

The wandering paladin, Althiriel

And Avira, court mage to refugee royalty.