
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Most divine dragon above you!
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I [i]love[/i] these sort of things, they're so much fun! I wanted to make one of my own. By divine I mean which dragon looks like it could be some sort of deity the most and why? You may choose to use pre-existing lore or not. War god, goddess of the underworld, ocean god, goddess of love and beauty...any typical archetype of mythological deities. I'll start! And I'll be using my friend's dragon (@Orru) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Halo! She has a gentle, caring light about her; as such, she would be somewhat like a mother deity, a goddess of life perhaps. Her strength comes from her compassion for all creatures, and she is the one that the hopeless pray to. She is a patron of abandoned hatchlings and views them all as her children. [b]Edit: I'm so glad I made this thread because it's really taking off and everyone's enjoying it :'D[/b]
I love these sort of things, they're so much fun! I wanted to make one of my own. By divine I mean which dragon looks like it could be some sort of deity the most and why? You may choose to use pre-existing lore or not. War god, goddess of the underworld, ocean god, goddess of love and beauty...any typical archetype of mythological deities. I'll start! And I'll be using my friend's dragon (@Orru)


Halo! She has a gentle, caring light about her; as such, she would be somewhat like a mother deity, a goddess of life perhaps. Her strength comes from her compassion for all creatures, and she is the one that the hopeless pray to. She is a patron of abandoned hatchlings and views them all as her children.

Edit: I'm so glad I made this thread because it's really taking off and everyone's enjoying it :'D
@klefaeries [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She reminds me of a Godess of War. At first glance her name seems to be Leviathan, which also adds to the feeling of war and destruction. As everyone knows, fire wreaks havoc and destruction.


She reminds me of a Godess of War. At first glance her name seems to be Leviathan, which also adds to the feeling of war and destruction. As everyone knows, fire wreaks havoc and destruction.
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@UlvDakota [url=] [img][/img] [/url] to me, I can picture this girl being a goddess that watches over and protects the souls of the dead! she would be associated with graveyards, the afterlife, peace/rest, etc! people would ask her to look after their deceased loved ones and pay tribute to her to ensure they have a happy eternity!


to me, I can picture this girl being a goddess that watches over and protects the souls of the dead! she would be associated with graveyards, the afterlife, peace/rest, etc! people would ask her to look after their deceased loved ones and pay tribute to her to ensure they have a happy eternity!
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@Zyli [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She looks like a goddess of knowledge. The dove following her is one of her attendants and the flowers around her neck and plant in her mouth are things considered sacred to her. These specific plants would likely be left at altars dedicated to her.


She looks like a goddess of knowledge. The dove following her is one of her attendants and the flowers around her neck and plant in her mouth are things considered sacred to her. These specific plants would likely be left at altars dedicated to her.
@Zyll [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Seems like a deity of time. But not the time that moves forward. The.. Inbetweens. The pauses. Like one that rules what might have been. But never came to be. The forgotten deity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit: Damn.. ninjas.. @elani [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Getting hot in here... Seems like a sun goddess. But not the benevolent kind. She seems more like a harbringer. One that makes volcanoes erupt, or causing forest fires and droughts.


Seems like a deity of time. But not the time that moves forward.

The.. Inbetweens. The pauses.
Like one that rules what might have been. But never came to be.

The forgotten deity.


Edit: Damn.. ninjas..



Getting hot in here... Seems like a sun goddess. But not the benevolent kind.
She seems more like a harbringer.

One that makes volcanoes erupt, or causing forest fires and droughts.
[color=#800040]@elani [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ignis immediately caught my attention, but then I saw Tephra, and I couldn't stop thinking that she must be a powerful fire goddess, the spirit of an active volcano; powerful, majestic and striking fear and awe into anyone who dares to lay eyes on her. Great job on her apparel and accent! She looks truly stunning. Edit: whoops, looks like I got nija'd as well :D @Neprinny [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aaaaaah, so many amazing dragons to choose from! In the end I chose Whistle, because she reminds me of a gentle summer breeze. I can totally imagine her as a wind goddess!


Ignis immediately caught my attention, but then I saw Tephra, and I couldn't stop thinking that she must be a powerful fire goddess, the spirit of an active volcano; powerful, majestic and striking fear and awe into anyone who dares to lay eyes on her. Great job on her apparel and accent! She looks truly stunning.

Edit: whoops, looks like I got nija'd as well :D



Aaaaaah, so many amazing dragons to choose from! In the end I chose Whistle, because she reminds me of a gentle summer breeze. I can totally imagine her as a wind goddess!
@applejuice [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Idk what I like from him, but god just look at him, he is so lovely and divine in a wierd way <3 <3


Idk what I like from him, but god just look at him, he is so lovely and divine in a wierd way <3 <3
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@applejuice [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I have no idea what kind of god he is, but I am definitely getting that god vibe from him. --- NINJA'D???? @Nulume [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Goddess of Disease, anyone?


I have no idea what kind of god he is, but I am definitely getting that god vibe from him.





Goddess of Disease, anyone?
@Frillshark [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'd see her as some kind of goddess of death, with the whole fall/halloween thing going on lol.


I'd see her as some kind of goddess of death, with the whole fall/halloween thing going on lol.
[font=book antique]@nayiru [url=] [img][/img] [/url] he looks like an age-old god of the void


he looks like an age-old god of the void
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they/them; +17fr
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