
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Ping the parents of your favourites
@Faulty - Hi there :) You own the parents of one of my favorite dragons, Psyche. I remember buying her when I was still fairly fresh on this site, and she's been a featured resident of my lair ever since. I love seeing that Argovause and Vellum are still active! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Faulty - Hi there :) You own the parents of one of my favorite dragons, Psyche. I remember buying her when I was still fairly fresh on this site, and she's been a featured resident of my lair ever since. I love seeing that Argovause and Vellum are still active!

@Joydom Wow, i'm so glad to hear that! I actually tend to check in once in a while on the children of the dragons I have (Kyungsoo actually stuck out to me when i checked on him!)

his mom, Lichor, is very near and dear to me. Thank you, this made me smile!
@Joydom Wow, i'm so glad to hear that! I actually tend to check in once in a while on the children of the dragons I have (Kyungsoo actually stuck out to me when i checked on him!)

his mom, Lichor, is very near and dear to me. Thank you, this made me smile!
@Goo Y'know, I have very few dragons in my lair who have been around as long as Darui, it's been two years, and I've gotten him to level 25. Both of his parents are still in the lair, that's amazing! Of course, he got a scroll and is now a ridgeback, but I still really appreciate this dragon! (also, wow, those two have quite a bit of grandkids) [img][/img]
@Goo Y'know, I have very few dragons in my lair who have been around as long as Darui, it's been two years, and I've gotten him to level 25. Both of his parents are still in the lair, that's amazing! Of course, he got a scroll and is now a ridgeback, but I still really appreciate this dragon! (also, wow, those two have quite a bit of grandkids)
@LisaHermelina [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I haven't had him very long at all but Tapio is one of my favorite dergs! I plan on spoiling him once I figure out what will be perfect for him! I also know his sister is getting love too because an irl friend bought her.


I haven't had him very long at all but Tapio is one of my favorite dergs! I plan on spoiling him once I figure out what will be perfect for him! I also know his sister is getting love too because an irl friend bought her.
@GayWeeb [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I forgot i got Fal from you. shes lovely. i thank @Kalvin [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Roy is one of my favs d:'] i was SO excited when i found a red/green/blue wildclaw. hes definitely a perma @Mayuli [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This little noodle is probably the only spiral I've had that i've really liked d:0 hes perfect for this accent too!


I forgot i got Fal from you. shes lovely. i thank



Roy is one of my favs d:'] i was SO excited when i found a red/green/blue wildclaw. hes definitely a perma



This little noodle is probably the only spiral I've had that i've really liked d:0 hes perfect for this accent too!
He / Xe / They
Deviantart at ProtoplanetaryNebula
+2h FR time

I have done this before but I just yesterday got a new boy who has very quickly become one of my very favourites so I want to do it again~ @Caleisto You own the parents, Eirys and Rainbowclaw, of one of my newest and already one of my favourite dragons, Calahan. I wasn't looking to buy a dragon, I was just curious as to what was in the AH, but then I saw him. I don't even like contour most times but with him? I just found him gorgeous, within seconds I had hit the purchase button. He already has one of my favourite accents and apparel I think looks nice and he isn't done yet. I am planning on getting him a pixie procession and lots of art. I may have only had him for a day but he is very loved already. Thank you for breeding such a lovely dragon. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I have done this before but I just yesterday got a new boy who has very quickly become one of my very favourites so I want to do it again~

You own the parents, Eirys and Rainbowclaw, of one of my newest and already one of my favourite dragons, Calahan.
I wasn't looking to buy a dragon, I was just curious as to what was in the AH, but then I saw him. I don't even like contour most times but with him? I just found him gorgeous, within seconds I had hit the purchase button. He already has one of my favourite accents and apparel I think looks nice and he isn't done yet. I am planning on getting him a pixie procession and lots of art. I may have only had him for a day but he is very loved already. Thank you for breeding such a lovely dragon.

968.png ...| #145955 |
...| She/Her |
...| INFP |
...| 23 |
...| FR+3 |
@alkeeros [url=] [img][/img] [/url] So... I'll admit it, I was going to wait for noodleboii here to grow up and then kick him to be the Arcanist's bookend. But then I got a lore idea for him. And, uh, long story short, noodleboii inspired three other impulse buys, about 500kt in apparel for him and his impulse buy friends when they all grow up, and full bios and art. Congratulations. The child is an assassin king and a permie, and I am broke. HE'S A BEAUTIFUL BASIC THOUGH SO WHAT CAN I SAY.


So... I'll admit it, I was going to wait for noodleboii here to grow up and then kick him to be the Arcanist's bookend. But then I got a lore idea for him. And, uh, long story short, noodleboii inspired three other impulse buys, about 500kt in apparel for him and his impulse buy friends when they all grow up, and full bios and art. Congratulations. The child is an assassin king and a permie, and I am broke.

@blazingsnark Glad you like him! He's from one of my regular nests and I'm glad there's someone who loves one of the hatchlings as much as I do!
@blazingsnark Glad you like him! He's from one of my regular nests and I'm glad there's someone who loves one of the hatchlings as much as I do!
@Danburite I bought this boy the first day I joined and he's still one of my most beloved dragons I have <3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Wispwalker AHhh I love my bab Jyoti to death ;-; I'm so happy I bought him from you!! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Glistoi And I bought Jyoti's mate Awnya from you! She's certainly one of my top favourites as well, [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I bought this boy the first day I joined and he's still one of my most beloved dragons I have <3


AHhh I love my bab Jyoti to death ;-; I'm so happy I bought him from you!!


And I bought Jyoti's mate Awnya from you! She's certainly one of my top favourites as well,

@SterlingKat Aw, thanks for the ping! I'm glad you like her. I love what you've done with her, she looks amazing!
@SterlingKat Aw, thanks for the ping! I'm glad you like her. I love what you've done with her, she looks amazing!