[size=3][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_3398356]Welcome[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450842]Artists[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450843]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450844]Links[/url] | [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSoF8tEDdHCHYpNs5-UhcB0uUy7avQFirRUSznclkvA/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]
[center][font=Book Antiqua][size=7][color=Mediumorchid]Welcome to Arcanart[/color][/size][/font]
[size=4][color=indigo][i]You find yourself wandering through a crowded forest of lavender trees (when did you get here?), and before long you notice the softly glowing periwinkle petals swirling around you. The Starwood Strand. The petals gain a mind of their own, quickly circling you and flowing off ahead. You give chase. Unsure of how much time had passed, you find where the petals came to rest -- circling around an oddly new-but-old looking tome.
You pick it up and find that it appears to be a catalog of artisans! Would you like to place an order?[/i][/color][/size]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=indigo][size=7]Open February 16-22[/color][/size][/font]
[size=4][color=mediumorchid]This is Arcane's Art for Fodder thread!
Here you can find a variety of Arcane Artists, Writers, and more, who will be accepting levelled dragons in exchange for their craft. All dragons will be exalted this week to aid Arcane's dominance efforts.
Continue below to see what we have to offer this week.[/color][/center][/size]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=indigo][size=6]Who to Contact For...[/size][/color][/font][/center]
[size=4][color=mediumorchid][b]General:[/b] Nurry
[b]Spreadsheet:[/b] Nurry, LavenderAmethyst, QueenAlais
[b]Arcane Dom Team:[/b] QueenAlais, Aerii, Neffi[/color][/size]
[center][size=3][color=indigo][i]Graphics/Coding by Fantastea[/i][/color][/size][/center][/columns]
Welcome to Arcanart
You find yourself wandering through a crowded forest of lavender trees (when did you get here?), and before long you notice the softly glowing periwinkle petals swirling around you. The Starwood Strand. The petals gain a mind of their own, quickly circling you and flowing off ahead. You give chase. Unsure of how much time had passed, you find where the petals came to rest -- circling around an oddly new-but-old looking tome.
You pick it up and find that it appears to be a catalog of artisans! Would you like to place an order?
Open February 16-22
This is Arcane's Art for Fodder thread!
Here you can find a variety of Arcane Artists, Writers, and more, who will be accepting levelled dragons in exchange for their craft. All dragons will be exalted this week to aid Arcane's dominance efforts.
Continue below to see what we have to offer this week.
Who to Contact For...
General: Nurry
Spreadsheet: Nurry, LavenderAmethyst, QueenAlais
Arcane Dom Team: QueenAlais, Aerii, Neffi
Graphics/Coding by Fantastea
[size=3][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_3398356]Welcome[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450842]Artists[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450843]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450844]Links[/url] | [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSoF8tEDdHCHYpNs5-UhcB0uUy7avQFirRUSznclkvA/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]
[center][emoji=arcane rune size=1][/center]
[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSoF8tEDdHCHYpNs5-UhcB0uUy7avQFirRUSznclkvA/edit?usp=sharing][b]Available receivers can be found on this spreadsheet, as well as the status of your orders.[/b][/url][/font][/size][/center]
[center][emoji=arcane rune size=1][/center][/columns]
[size=3][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_3398356]Welcome[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450842]Artists[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450843]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450844]Links[/url] | [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSoF8tEDdHCHYpNs5-UhcB0uUy7avQFirRUSznclkvA/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]
[list][*][size=4][color=indigo]This thread is open to [u]All Flights![/u]
[*][size=4][color=indigo]All dragons sent [u]will be exalted [b]this week[/b][/u].
[list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Unless otherwise stated, we are [u]only accepting levels.[/u]
[*][size=4][color=indigo]Dragons must be a minimum of [u]level 5[/u].
[*][size=4][color=indigo]Please send dragons in a 1-way CR or a [u]2t[/u] Private Auction[/list]
[*][size=4][color=indigo]Levels are cumulative. For example, three level 5s is 15 levels, five level 5s is 25 levels.
[*][size=4][color=indigo]Dragon must be sent by at least 23:00 FRT on the Saturday the push ends. Artists may set different times depending on their schedules/timezones, so check with them before the end of the push.[/list][/color][/size]
[nextcol][list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Artists have the right to:
[list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Change price/slot numbers/availability.
[*][size=4][color=indigo]Refuse an order for any reason.[/list]
[*][size=4][color=indigo]Artists require payment [u]before[/u] starting work.
[*][size=4][color=indigo]If either an artist or customer stops responding while either art or payment is owed, please contact the ArcanArt thread runner or a member of the Arcane Dom Team.
[*][size=4][color=indigo]If a customer is unable to complete payment before the end of the push, but they have already paid more than 50%, they can discuss an alternative deadline with the artist. If less than 50% has been paid, it is up to the artist whether they extend a deadline or refund what has been paid (in treasure). [/size][/list]
[color=indigo][size=4][i]You flip through the book and find an artisan, or few, that catches your eye. As soon as you've decided in your mind that yes, [u]you would like some custom art[/u], a feathered quill and a slip of parchment appear in a poof of spacey ink and starwood petals. The parchment has questions pre-written on it, and two words across the top:[/size][/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]Order Form[/size][/font]
[center][color=mediumorchid][font=book antiqua][size=6][b]How to Order[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]
[color=indigo][size=4][b]1.[/b] Browse through the list of artists in the next post. Check what they offer, the level cost, and if they still have open slots.
[b]2.[/b] When you'd like to order, fill out the order form below and post it in this thread.
[indent][size=4][color=indigo][b]Note:[/b] Some artists may have their own order form they'd like you to use instead. Please do so if that is the case.[/indent]
[color=indigo][size=4][b]3.[/b] [u]Wait[/u] for confirmation of your order before sending any dragons.
[b]4.[/b] When the artist pings you back and confirms your order, you can then start sending levelled dragons in whichever way the artist prefers (receiver, CR, or PA). [/columns]
[center][size=4]Please check [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSoF8tEDdHCHYpNs5-UhcB0uUy7avQFirRUSznclkvA/edit?usp=sharing]THIS SPREADSHEET FOR RECEIVERS[/url] before sending dragons. Thank you![/size][/center]
[code][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center]
[b]Artist:[/b] @ Artist
[b]Art Type:[/b]
[b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)
[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)
[b]Notes&Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)
- This thread is open to All Flights!
- All dragons sent will be exalted this week.
- Unless otherwise stated, we are only accepting levels.
- Dragons must be a minimum of level 5.
- Please send dragons in a 1-way CR or a 2t Private Auction
- Levels are cumulative. For example, three level 5s is 15 levels, five level 5s is 25 levels.
- Dragon must be sent by at least 23:00 FRT on the Saturday the push ends. Artists may set different times depending on their schedules/timezones, so check with them before the end of the push.
- Artists have the right to:
- Change price/slot numbers/availability.
- Refuse an order for any reason.
- Artists require payment before starting work.
- If either an artist or customer stops responding while either art or payment is owed, please contact the ArcanArt thread runner or a member of the Arcane Dom Team.
- If a customer is unable to complete payment before the end of the push, but they have already paid more than 50%, they can discuss an alternative deadline with the artist. If less than 50% has been paid, it is up to the artist whether they extend a deadline or refund what has been paid (in treasure).
You flip through the book and find an artisan, or few, that catches your eye. As soon as you've decided in your mind that yes, you would like some custom art, a feathered quill and a slip of parchment appear in a poof of spacey ink and starwood petals. The parchment has questions pre-written on it, and two words across the top:
Order Form
How to Order
1. Browse through the list of artists in the next post. Check what they offer, the level cost, and if they still have open slots.
2. When you'd like to order, fill out the order form below and post it in this thread.
Note: Some artists may have their own order form they'd like you to use instead. Please do so if that is the case.
3. Wait for confirmation of your order before sending any dragons.
4. When the artist pings you back and confirms your order, you can then start sending levelled dragons in whichever way the artist prefers (receiver, CR, or PA).
[center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center]
[b]Artist:[/b] @ Artist
[b]Art Type:[/b]
[b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)
[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)
[b]Notes&Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)
[size=3][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_3398356]Welcome[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450842]Artists[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450843]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356/1#post_58450844]Links[/url] | [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dSoF8tEDdHCHYpNs5-UhcB0uUy7avQFirRUSznclkvA/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]
[center][size=6][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid]Ah, there's the glitter.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][size=4][i]You finish perusing the mysterious tome, and whether you ordered or not, as soon as you close the covers on the book it leaps from your claws, twirling in the air for all but a moment before *POP*! It disappears in a poof of starwood petals, sparkles, and...
[u]are those stickers?[/u][/size][/i][/color]
[color=mediumorchid][size=4]Choose whichever image you'd like from below to put in your signature, clan profile, bios, wherever you like! They will all link back to this thread.[/size][/color]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JBk2zUx.png[/img][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TpW465u.gif[/img]
[size=2]Artist: Fantastea[/size]
Static: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356][img]https://i.imgur.com/JBk2zUx.png[/img][/url]
Animated: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356][img]https://i.imgur.com/TpW465u.gif[/img][/url][/code][/center]
[size=6][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid]Till next time...[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[center][color=indigo][i][size=4]Once you start to think that maybe you do really ought to be heading back home (not that you have any idea which way to go), you aren't given even a moment to worry about that when an intense gust of wind bursts through from around the trees. It comes seemingly from everywhere at once, surrounding you with stardust and starwood petals. Clenching your eyes shut (mostly to keep the sparkles out, honestly), it feels like a brief moment and an eternity all at once.
And then everything is still. And you slowly open your eyes.
And you're right back where you were, before you had even started going for a walk.
The only difference now is the commission receipt in your claws, and the slight pink shimmer to your scales that you never used to have. (You hope that washes off easily...)
[s](It doesn't.)[/s][/size][/i][/color][/center]
[size=6][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid]Thank you for visiting ArcanArt![/color][/font][/size]
~[emoji=arcane rune size=1]~[/center]
Ah, there's the glitter.
You finish perusing the mysterious tome, and whether you ordered or not, as soon as you close the covers on the book it leaps from your claws, twirling in the air for all but a moment before *POP*! It disappears in a poof of starwood petals, sparkles, and...
are those stickers?
Choose whichever image you'd like from below to put in your signature, clan profile, bios, wherever you like! They will all link back to this thread.
Artist: Fantastea
Static: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356][img]https://i.imgur.com/JBk2zUx.png[/img][/url]
Animated: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3398356][img]https://i.imgur.com/TpW465u.gif[/img][/url]
Till next time...
Once you start to think that maybe you do really ought to be heading back home (not that you have any idea which way to go), you aren't given even a moment to worry about that when an intense gust of wind bursts through from around the trees. It comes seemingly from everywhere at once, surrounding you with stardust and starwood petals. Clenching your eyes shut (mostly to keep the sparkles out, honestly), it feels like a brief moment and an eternity all at once.
And then everything is still. And you slowly open your eyes.
And you're right back where you were, before you had even started going for a walk.
The only difference now is the commission receipt in your claws, and the slight pink shimmer to your scales that you never used to have. (You hope that washes off easily...)
(It doesn't.)
Thank you for visiting ArcanArt!

[size=3][color=indigo][i]hi, i'm[/i][/color][/size]
[font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]markicha![/color][/size][/font]
[size=3][color=indigo]i offer you sketch portraits of your characters in exchange for those sweet dragon levels! i plan on drawing throughout the week and delivering the orders quickly. i'm +11 fr time, but check in pretty often, so feel free to reach out any time! [/color][/size]
[center][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid][size=6]status: [b]closed![/b][/size][/color][/font]
[color=indigo]1. [b]Tapi [/b] - done!
2. [b]rufusdrumknott [/b]- done!
3. [b]Fujiko18[/b] - done!
[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]sketch busts [/color][/font][/center]
[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [color=indigo][size=5]price - [b]600 levels[/b][/size][/color] [emoji=arcane rune size=1]
[color=indigo][size=4]send payment to[b] markicha [/b](me)[/size][/color]
[quote="will do"]
things i will gladly draw for you:[color=transparent]xx...xxxxx[/color]
[quote="won't do"]
things i would rather not draw:
[*]overly complex designs (super detailed
skins/apparel will be simplified, sorry!)
[*]anything against FR ToS
[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]order form:[/color][/font]
[center][quote name="order form"]
i'd like to make an order!
@/markicha [i][remove the /][/i]
[b]username:[/b] [i][your username][/i]
[b]notes:[/b] [i][personality, facial expression, details you'd like included, etc.
can leave blank if you don't have anything specific in mind] [/i]
[b]background color[/b]: [i][black, white or transparent][/i]
[i][image, widget or link][/i]
[center][size=3][color=indigo]a pinglist for future arcanart slots:[/color][/size]
xxx xxx
hi, i'm
i offer you sketch portraits of your characters in exchange for those sweet dragon levels! i plan on drawing throughout the week and delivering the orders quickly. i'm +11 fr time, but check in pretty often, so feel free to reach out any time!
status: closed!
1. Tapi - done!
2. rufusdrumknott - done!
3. Fujiko18 - done!
sketch busts
price - 600 levels
send payment to markicha (me)
will do wrote:
things i will gladly draw for you: xx...xxxxx
- dragons/monsters
- humans
- anthro
- ferals
won't do wrote:
things i would rather not draw:
- mecha
- overly complex designs (super detailed
skins/apparel will be simplified, sorry!)
- anything against FR ToS
order form:
order form wrote:
i'd like to make an order!
@/markicha [remove the /]
username: [your username]
notes: [personality, facial expression, details you'd like included, etc.
can leave blank if you don't have anything specific in mind]
background color: [black, white or transparent]
[image, widget or link]
a pinglist for future arcanart slots:
[center][size=6][b][color=#d91ad2]ArcanArtist: Tirtouga678 [/color][/size][/b]
[center][emoji=pink star size=2][/center]
Accepting Orders/[s]Slots Full[/s]
[u][b]Send payment to:[/b][/u]
[center][emoji=pink star size=2][/center]
[size=3][color=indigo]Heya, Tirtouga here! I'm mainly looking to take on uncoloured sketch commissions this round, but feel free to order anything you want. You're welcome to reach out if you have any questions c:[/color][/size][/center]
[center][quote="Will Do"]
Happy to draw:
[list][*]Humans/humanoids (preferred)
[*]Ferals (FR dragons or otherwise)
[center][quote="Won't Do"]
Would rather not draw:
[list][*]Anything against FR TOS
[*]Couple art
[*]Mecha/full armour (partial armour ok!)[/list][/quote][/center][/columns]
[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]Pricing[/color][/font]
[color=indigo][size=4]1. coloured options available
[b]Art Type | Uncoloured | Coloured[/b]
Bust | 100 levels | 250 levels
Chibi | 50 levels | 150 levels
Complexity Charge - +50 levels[/size][/color]
[color=indigo][size=4]2. uncoloured only
Halfbody sketch | 150 levels
Fullbody sketch | 200 levels
Doodle sheet | 250 levels[/size][/color]
[size=3][b]Order Form:[/b]
[code][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center]
[b]Artist:[/b] @Tirtouga678
[b]Art Type:[/b]
[b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)
[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)
[b]Notes & Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)
[b]Pose requests:[/b] (if any/applicable)[/code]
[color=indigo]If you're interested, please add yourselves to the pinglist below! Also, a quick note that orders for this push will be delivered after the push ends due to IRL commitments. Thank you for your understanding, and have a nice day ^^
ArcanArtist: Tirtouga678
Accepting Orders/Slots Full
Send payment to:
Heya, Tirtouga here! I'm mainly looking to take on uncoloured sketch commissions this round, but feel free to order anything you want. You're welcome to reach out if you have any questions c:
Will Do wrote:
Happy to draw:
- Humans/humanoids (preferred)
- Ferals (FR dragons or otherwise)
- OCs
- Fanart
Won't Do wrote:
Would rather not draw:
- Anything against FR TOS
- Couple art
- Mecha/full armour (partial armour ok!)
1. coloured options available
Art Type | Uncoloured | Coloured
Bust | 100 levels | 250 levels
Chibi | 50 levels | 150 levels
Complexity Charge - +50 levels
2. uncoloured only
Halfbody sketch | 150 levels
Fullbody sketch | 200 levels
Doodle sheet | 250 levels
Order Form:
[center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center]
[b]Artist:[/b] @
[b]Art Type:[/b]
[b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)
[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)
[b]Notes & Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)
[b]Pose requests:[/b] (if any/applicable)
If you're interested, please add yourselves to the pinglist below! Also, a quick note that orders for this push will be delivered after the push ends due to IRL commitments. Thank you for your understanding, and have a nice day ^^
Tirtouga | FR +15 | she/her
[size=5][b][color=#D81293]ArcanArtist: @HollowedRabbit[/color][/b][/size]
[b][color=#FF78E6][size=5]Status: Closed!
See you next time!
Slots Available: Unlimited[/size][/color][/b]
Please send all dragons directly to me!
[b][color=#D81293][size=6]Waiting List:
[color=#FF78E6]1.) Closed
2.) Closed
3.) Closed
4.) Closed
5.) Closed[nextcol][color=transparent][b][size=5]______________[color=#FF78E6]
6.) Closed
7.) Closed
8.) Closed
9.) Closed
10.) Closed[nextcol][b][color=#FF78E6][size=5]
11.) Closed
12.) Closed
13.) Closed
14.) Closed
15.) Closed[/columns]
[size=5][b][color=#D81293]Pixel Adoptables[/color]
[/b][/size]Coatl, Tundra, Fae, Skydancer, Spiral, Obelisk, Pearlcatcher, and Wildclaw breeds available!
You will receive the original (signature sized!) adopt as well as a 3x version.
Additional sizes available on request.
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L-Cn5vLBREak5KTkD39XM08sptIIWUiZME4gYQJHqFs/edit?usp=sharing]Click here for a link to all completed genes![/url][size=5][b][color=#D81293]
Starting Price: 100 levels
New Gene (White): +20 levels
New Complex Gene (Yellow): +30 levels
Resize: Free on request!
New Breed*: 650 levels
[/color][size=1]*I will work on new breeds when I have free time. Paying will bump it to the top of my priorities. All new breeds come with all basic genes, as well as stained and underbelly already unlocked.
Due to the restrictions of the base, I am unable to do skins, accents, or apparel.
I WILL do special eyes, and scar apparel. These come at no extra cost.
Pearlcatchers will be allowed custom pearls upon request and an additional fee of 20 levels.
[size=5][b][color=#D81293]Finished Pieces/Examples[/color][/b][/size][/size]
ArcanArtist: @HollowedRabbit
Status: Closed!
See you next time!
Slots Available: Unlimited
Please send all dragons directly to me!
Waiting List:
1.) Closed
2.) Closed
3.) Closed
4.) Closed
5.) Closed
6.) Closed
7.) Closed
8.) Closed
9.) Closed
10.) Closed
11.) Closed
12.) Closed
13.) Closed
14.) Closed
15.) Closed
Pixel Adoptables
Coatl, Tundra, Fae, Skydancer, Spiral, Obelisk, Pearlcatcher, and Wildclaw breeds available!

You will receive the original (signature sized!) adopt as well as a 3x version.
Additional sizes available on request.
Click here for a link to all completed genes!
Starting Price: 100 levels
New Gene (White): +20 levels
New Complex Gene (Yellow): +30 levels
Resize: Free on request!
New Breed*: 650 levels
*I will work on new breeds when I have free time. Paying will bump it to the top of my priorities. All new breeds come with all basic genes, as well as stained and underbelly already unlocked.

Due to the restrictions of the base, I am unable to do skins, accents, or apparel.
I WILL do special eyes, and scar apparel. These come at no extra cost.
Pearlcatchers will be allowed custom pearls upon request and an additional fee of 20 levels.

Finished Pieces/Examples

[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]Jaymie[/color][/size][/font]
Digital Headshots
Fishie Adopts[/i][/color][/size][/center]
Accepting Orders
[u][b]Send Dragons To[/b][/u]
An Online Receiver, please![/size][/color]
[size=3][color=indigo]Hello, everyone!! I'll be offering my fishie adopts and also my square icons for this Arcanart - for those you'll receive a fully colored/shaded headshot/bust with a very simple/abstract background. When ordering, please let me know what expression they should display and some general aesthetics! Thank you!![/color][/size][/center]
[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]Fishie Adopts![/color][/font]
[color=indigo][size=4][b]Pufferfish:[/b] 70 Levels
[b]Goldfish/Betta/Axolotl[/b]: 80 Levels
[b]Shark[/b]: 90 Levels[/size]
Linebreaking Genes: +10 Levels
Tiny Apparel: Free
Small Apparel: +7 Levels each
Large Apparel: +12 Levels each
Accents: +15 Levels
No full skins or super intricate/detailed accents please!
Some apparel pieces will not work on these guys - most body and leg pieces won't fit. If you're not sure, please ask![/color][/size]
Finished Examples:
[url=https://i.ibb.co/xtzsdQwh/IMG-1294.png]x[/url] | [url=https://i.ibb.co/v4jYMRJH/IMG-1300.png]x[/url] | [url=https://i.ibb.co/zVp22wFP/IMG-13032.png]x[/url] | [url=https://i.ibb.co/mrty9rvY/IMG-1306.png]x[/url][/center]
[center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]Icons[/color][/font]
[color=indigo][size=4][b]1200 Levels[/b][/size]
+100 levels for complexity fee - lots of apparel, complex character designs, and intricate accents will all get this fee.
Also accepting treasure/gems for payment![/color][/size]
[quote="Will Do"]
[list][*]Any dragon species!
[*]Some apparel
[*]Feral/Anthro OCs
[quote="Won't Do"]
[*]Full coverage skins
[*]Dense amounts of apparel
[*]Full mecs/robots
[*]Anything against FR TOS[/list][/quote][/columns]
[center][size=3][color=indigo]These lists may be altered at any time. Anything against FR ToS is automatically on the Won't Do list. When in doubt, just ask. :)[/color][/size][/center]
[center][url=https://jd-art.carrd.co/assets/images/image03.png][img]https://i.ibb.co/k2Bn9VKN/image03.png[/img][/url] [url=https://i.ibb.co/9ZgjhXV/A2-A4-FAD7-206-A-4-C05-A953-354-F8-B6979-AC.png][img]https://i.ibb.co/KzQcgpkw/A2-A4-FAD7-206-A-4-C05-A953-354-F8-B6979-AC.png[/img][/url][/center]
Digital Headshots
Fishie Adopts
Accepting Orders
Send Dragons To
An Online Receiver, please!
Hello, everyone!! I'll be offering my fishie adopts and also my square icons for this Arcanart - for those you'll receive a fully colored/shaded headshot/bust with a very simple/abstract background. When ordering, please let me know what expression they should display and some general aesthetics! Thank you!!
Fishie Adopts!
Pufferfish: 70 Levels
Goldfish/Betta/Axolotl: 80 Levels
Shark: 90 Levels
Linebreaking Genes: +10 Levels
Tiny Apparel: Free
Small Apparel: +7 Levels each
Large Apparel: +12 Levels each
Accents: +15 Levels
No full skins or super intricate/detailed accents please!
Some apparel pieces will not work on these guys - most body and leg pieces won't fit. If you're not sure, please ask!
Finished Examples:
x |
x |
x |
1200 Levels
+100 levels for complexity fee - lots of apparel, complex character designs, and intricate accents will all get this fee.
Also accepting treasure/gems for payment!
Will Do wrote:
- Any dragon species!
- Accents
- Some apparel
- Feral/Anthro OCs
- Blood/Gore
Won't Do wrote:
- Humans
- Full coverage skins
- Dense amounts of apparel
- Full mecs/robots
- Anything against FR TOS
These lists may be altered at any time. Anything against FR ToS is automatically on the Won't Do list. When in doubt, just ask. :)
[center][pinglist=34145] [pinglist=34146][/center]
[center][size=6][b][color=#d91ad2]ARCANARTIST: PKRS[/color][/size][/b][/center]
[center][i][url=https://twitter.com/crowkerus]twitter[/url] | [url=https://crowkerus.carrd.co/]carrd[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3123437]pop-up shop thread[/url][/i]
[img]http://i.imgur.com/OOf4SrF.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OOf4SrF.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OOf4SrF.gif[/img][/center]
[center][color=FF78E6][size=5][b]Status: 0/3 SLOTS OPEN[/b][/size][/color]
Please send all dragons [b]to a receiver![/b]
What's up gamers, I'm Crow, and (almost) every time I do foddart I do something totally different. This time around, I am still drawing cute food because I really like doing it. Thanks for supporting Arcane!
I have chronic wrist issues and a job, so art may take up to two months to complete - thanks for your patience! I will also not be working on art the week of 2/16-2/23, as I am very busy IRL at this time!
1. xenonentity
2. SakuraUni
3. Emmahaa
[color=D91293][size=5][b]Character Theme Cafe[/b][/size][/color]
[color=FF78E6][b]PER ITEM: 300 LEVELS[/b][/color]
You have a character. I wish to draw food. You tell me about your character and I will create for them a menu option in a character theme cafe. Food items are bespoke and hand drawn just for your character!
Up to two items per order/slot! Images will be provided as a transparent 800x800 PNG. I do not do progress sketches for this type of commission.
[sub]Character art on left by [url=https://bsky.app/profile/katriaarts.bsky.social]Cleo![/url][/sub]
[quote=Order Form]
[b]Subject:[/b] (insert your reference images here! Please read the special guidelines below for what kinds of characters I will and will not do.)
[b]Price:[/b] 300 levels (Please send to a receiver!)
[b]Special Orders:[/b] (Optional! Tell me a little about your character if you'd like to influence what food I turn them into. I will not take food requests, but I can totally incorporate visual motifs or specific ingredients you'd like - or if you just want to tell me about your character that's fine too! Alternately, if there's any food items or ingredients you'd prefer I avoid, please list those here too!)
[b][size=5]Will Do:[/size][/b]
[list][*] Dragons
[*] Original characters
[*] Canon characters from media that I DO know (incl. Pokemon (games), Project Sekai, Project Moon, and a handful of others - mostly video games)
[nextcol][b][size=5]Won't Do:[/size][/b]
[list][*] Canon characters from media that I DO NOT know (If you're unsure, ask! Worst I can say is no!)
[*] Orders without characters (this is a character theme cafe)
[*] Real people (even if they're yourself)
[*] Art can be credited to my Twitter or Toyhouse, both are @/crowkerus!
[*] If you've seen me in a previous foddart thread and would like an art option that I've done previously, please reach out and we can arrange something!
[center]I reserve the right to turn down any commission for any reason.[/center]
Status: 0/3 SLOTS OPEN
Please send all dragons
to a receiver!
What's up gamers, I'm Crow, and (almost) every time I do foddart I do something totally different. This time around, I am still drawing cute food because I really like doing it. Thanks for supporting Arcane!
I have chronic wrist issues and a job, so art may take up to two months to complete - thanks for your patience! I will also not be working on art the week of 2/16-2/23, as I am very busy IRL at this time!
1. xenonentity
2. SakuraUni
3. Emmahaa
Character Theme Cafe
You have a character. I wish to draw food. You tell me about your character and I will create for them a menu option in a character theme cafe. Food items are bespoke and hand drawn just for your character!
Up to two items per order/slot! Images will be provided as a transparent 800x800 PNG. I do not do progress sketches for this type of commission.
Character art on left by Cleo!
Order Form wrote:
Subject: (insert your reference images here! Please read the special guidelines below for what kinds of characters I will and will not do.)
Price: 300 levels (Please send to a receiver!)
Special Orders: (Optional! Tell me a little about your character if you'd like to influence what food I turn them into. I will not take food requests, but I can totally incorporate visual motifs or specific ingredients you'd like - or if you just want to tell me about your character that's fine too! Alternately, if there's any food items or ingredients you'd prefer I avoid, please list those here too!)
Will Do:
- Dragons
- Original characters
- Canon characters from media that I DO know (incl. Pokemon (games), Project Sekai, Project Moon, and a handful of others - mostly video games)
Won't Do:
- Canon characters from media that I DO NOT know (If you're unsure, ask! Worst I can say is no!)
- Orders without characters (this is a character theme cafe)
- Real people (even if they're yourself)
- Art can be credited to my Twitter or Toyhouse, both are @/crowkerus!
- If you've seen me in a previous foddart thread and would like an art option that I've done previously, please reach out and we can arrange something!
I reserve the right to turn down any commission for any reason.