
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | avi's corner of the easel || [t/g/usd]
@c4uni thank you!! i sent a CR. as far as canvas size, something about as tall as the typical screen (700-1000px) for the height and then as long as you need for the width (~500-800px but less is ok if you need it that way :) dw!!)
@c4uni thank you!! i sent a CR. as far as canvas size, something about as tall as the typical screen (700-1000px) for the height and then as long as you need for the width (~500-800px but less is ok if you need it that way :) dw!!)
@Dokja Hi! I've finished your order for Star Gaze - moving on to Araxlas, now! I hope I've done him justice. If you'd like for me to change anything, please feel free to tell me! [center][img][/img][/center]
@Dokja Hi! I've finished your order for Star Gaze - moving on to Araxlas, now! I hope I've done him justice. If you'd like for me to change anything, please feel free to tell me!
AAAH HE LOOKS SO GOOD!! I love his expression and your coloring, I can't stop staring at it eeee <3 if I could ask for a teeny thing, do you think you can alter his eye color a bit? It might actually be my screen again (if so, I apologize!) but it's looking a little teal on my end. Do you think you could change it to be more green? Something around #355E3B/hunter green?

Other than that, he looks perfect!!
AAAH HE LOOKS SO GOOD!! I love his expression and your coloring, I can't stop staring at it eeee <3 if I could ask for a teeny thing, do you think you can alter his eye color a bit? It might actually be my screen again (if so, I apologize!) but it's looking a little teal on my end. Do you think you could change it to be more green? Something around #355E3B/hunter green?

Other than that, he looks perfect!!
Itty-Bitty by Emmy11

FR Time + 15

@Dokja No, no, you're all good! This is completely on my end - somehow his in-game eyes look more blue on my laptop screen so I used the wrong colours. I'm so sorry for all the incorrect colour usage! [center][img][/img][/center]
@Dokja No, no, you're all good! This is completely on my end - somehow his in-game eyes look more blue on my laptop screen so I used the wrong colours. I'm so sorry for all the incorrect colour usage!
It's totally okay, no worries!! I'm sorry for all the nitpicking with colors too, you're doing great! ;u; and this latest image you sent of Star Gaze is perfect!! THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 I love it!!
It's totally okay, no worries!! I'm sorry for all the nitpicking with colors too, you're doing great! ;u; and this latest image you sent of Star Gaze is perfect!! THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 I love it!!
Itty-Bitty by Emmy11

FR Time + 15

@Dokja Hello! Back with Araxlas Fin. I hope you like it! If there's anything you'd like for me to change/adjust, please let me know! [center][img][/img][/center]
@Dokja Hello! Back with Araxlas Fin. I hope you like it! If there's anything you'd like for me to change/adjust, please let me know!
I LOVE HIM!! I absolutely adore how you color, especially his and Star Gaze's hair--they look so soft eeee :D thank you so much for taking the time to draw them!!
I LOVE HIM!! I absolutely adore how you color, especially his and Star Gaze's hair--they look so soft eeee :D thank you so much for taking the time to draw them!!
Itty-Bitty by Emmy11

FR Time + 15

Omggg gahhh your art is AMAZING !!! I keep overthinking the pricing and getting confused (not an issue with your pricing chart it's great, totally my fuzzy brain haha ^^) so just to make sure: does the sketch tier get flat colored? or are the colored pieces the next tier up?

Either way, I am super interested in getting a comm!!

Character: Coda (toyhouse link --> )
Order Type: Full body
Style: Sketch
Payment: USD
Extras: Could you include a dragonfly or damselfly in the picture, whether it be on her finger or just flying by? (It's okay if not!)
Notes: Could you make the mood kind of wistful? However you interpret that is fine by me :3 Some notes about her personality is that she's super friendly and almost comes across as ditzy because she's hyper active and over imaginative. Despite her ref being drawn in a chibi style she is college age.

Also, I might have overlooked it but are you able to take USD through paypal, ko-fi, or cashapp? :0
Omggg gahhh your art is AMAZING !!! I keep overthinking the pricing and getting confused (not an issue with your pricing chart it's great, totally my fuzzy brain haha ^^) so just to make sure: does the sketch tier get flat colored? or are the colored pieces the next tier up?

Either way, I am super interested in getting a comm!!

Character: Coda (toyhouse link --> )
Order Type: Full body
Style: Sketch
Payment: USD
Extras: Could you include a dragonfly or damselfly in the picture, whether it be on her finger or just flying by? (It's okay if not!)
Notes: Could you make the mood kind of wistful? However you interpret that is fine by me :3 Some notes about her personality is that she's super friendly and almost comes across as ditzy because she's hyper active and over imaginative. Despite her ref being drawn in a chibi style she is college age.

Also, I might have overlooked it but are you able to take USD through paypal, ko-fi, or cashapp? :0
Hello! Would it be possible to pay partly in RL currency and partly in gems?
Hello! Would it be possible to pay partly in RL currency and partly in gems?
@oruroo ahhh, tysm!! I'm glad you like my art. For sketches, it's either either black/white or flat, yeah! Coda looks so cute! Love her colour scheme <3 and I can definitely add either of those insects!

I can take USD through PayPal - not quite sure how to use Kofi/Cash app ^^;

@TheMunchkin for sure, perfectly alright to split it like that! ^_^
@oruroo ahhh, tysm!! I'm glad you like my art. For sketches, it's either either black/white or flat, yeah! Coda looks so cute! Love her colour scheme <3 and I can definitely add either of those insects!

I can take USD through PayPal - not quite sure how to use Kofi/Cash app ^^;

@TheMunchkin for sure, perfectly alright to split it like that! ^_^