Reach for the stars...
[Image Description: A header image with the "Ancient Breeds" graphic logo in the upper left. In the lower right it reads "Aether: A new ancient breed." A pink and purple dragon with moth wings, six limbs, a squat face, branching horns, and two antennae flies across the magical birch forest background.]

We’re excited to announce that the next addition to our ancient breeds system, the Aether, have now been launched. Ancient Breeds are a way for the Flight Rising team to release more regular dragon content, with a few restrictions to make that possible. You can read about the ancient breed system in our Developer Update on the subject.
Aether dragons have descended from the stars! (or as close to them as they could manage.) The Astrolab research facility was levitated as high as the species could manage in efforts to get a better view of celestial bodies for their studies. This extreme levitation had the unfortunate side effect of sending facility into orbit with no way to return. It wasn't a complete catastrophe, as being in orbit gave the Aether a fantastic view of the stars! That is, until their main telescope detached and floated away and several others malfunctioned... but it's okay—they're back now, even if the Astrolab is in pieces!

You can read more about the reentry of the Aether into Sornieth in our short story, After Orbit, and gain some knowledge of their characteristics in the Encyclopedia.
If you’re looking to change your dragons into an Aether, breed change scrolls may be purchased from the treasure marketplace.
To celebrate the debut of the Aether breed, all active players can visit Galore’s Glorious Gifts and pick up unhatched aether-eggs if they wish to foster these paper-loving dragons in their lairs.
You will have until Wednesday, March 29th @ 06:00 server time to claim your gift.
Aether Genes: Unique & Parallel
It wouldn't be an Ancient Breed release without an impressive slate of unique and parallel genes!

[Alt text: Image is a gif of an Aether dragon in a starry forest scene. The rotates through various Aether genes as a preview for players.]
Unique Genes
You can pick up the following unique Aether genes in the Treasure & Gem Marketplace:
You can find the following unique Aether genes by completing a dig site plot in Ancient Aerie in Arlos Ancient Artifacts.
You can create the following unique Aether genes using Baldwin’s Bubbling Brew:
You can find the following unique Aether genes by battling monsters in the Coliseum:
Parallel Genes
In addition to the unique genes above, Aether can also exhibit some parallel genes that resemble those found in modern dragons. These genes will be available through the same type of gameplay (with the exception of Boulder, Myrid, Tide, Foam, Smirch, which are available through Baldwin) that their modern counterparts are. The parallel genes releasing today are:
Aether Forum Vista
You can show off your newfound Aether appreciation by sporting the following forum vista, now available in the Treasure Marketplace:
New Emojis
A set of fluffy Aether emojis are now available!

Ancient Plans
With the release of our 6th breed we wanted to touch base with everyone and discuss some of the challenges that Ancient breeds have presented—namely that each ancient requires a unique gene scroll item. The release of so many gene items has created item lists that are difficult to search and navigate, and many variants of each gene to hunt for.
Our engineers are hard at work on the achievements system and the site refactor; down the line we plan to address the Ancient gene influx, particularly in the Marketplace, Auction House, Scrying Workshop, and across site activities. We wanted to acknowledge the issue and your feedback about how this is negatively impacting your ability to navigate and find the genes you want, as this is one that will continue to grow with each ancient breed.
If you have suggestions regarding the sorting and aquisition of ancient genes, please post them to the Suggestions forum, as they will be more difficult to find if posted to an announcement topic.