

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Prox's Semi-realistic Portraits [0/3]
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@Ushirinaki of course!

@Nemosia firefly is fine! although i would like to ask for an extra 25G for the primal eyes, since they're on the more complex side - so a total of 225G? completion will most likely be next weekend.
@Ushirinaki of course!

@Nemosia firefly is fine! although i would like to ask for an extra 25G for the primal eyes, since they're on the more complex side - so a total of 225G? completion will most likely be next weekend.
xmlgN0y.pngEjiA3Qx.pngJd11RO1.png EmmCMoX.pngBAB6nL2.png3vULgKZ.pngHqpNOk1.png
Yay, thank you so much for your time! Could I ask how much these two would cost? c: [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Background type:[/b] Whatever you see fit! I enjoy all of those backgrounds (especially the floral or photo!) and I'm terrible at decision making haha. [b]Background colour(s):[/b] ^^ [b]Payment:[/b] I'll probably do a mix of treasure and gems c: [b]Other:[/b] Nothing else I can think of, thank you again!!
Yay, thank you so much for your time!
Could I ask how much these two would cost? c:




Background type: Whatever you see fit! I enjoy all of those backgrounds (especially the floral or photo!) and I'm terrible at decision making haha.
Background colour(s): ^^
Payment: I'll probably do a mix of treasure and gems c:
Other: Nothing else I can think of, thank you again!!
QRVupBA.png ACOZFAh.png hh5n4WA.png

@Ushirinaki that'd be 600G/kT, however you'd like to split it! ETA most likely next weekend :]
@Ushirinaki that'd be 600G/kT, however you'd like to split it! ETA most likely next weekend :]
xmlgN0y.pngEjiA3Qx.pngJd11RO1.png EmmCMoX.pngBAB6nL2.png3vULgKZ.pngHqpNOk1.png
Hello @Proxima
Sure, payment sent~
Hello @Proxima
Sure, payment sent~
Can't tell if a slot is still open, but if so I'd love to grab one!! [b]Dragon: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [b]Background type: [/b][plain, gradient, simple, or photo] - One of the foresty-photo ones would be nice, especially if it could feel kind of Shadow-territory Background colour(s): [default is I pick for you] [b]Payment:[/b] [gems, treature, mixed] Treasure [b]Other: [/b][any other relevant information - eg. use alternate pose features, different eye colour, etc] (if possible could her eye color be more like the scry/faceted--doesn't have to be actually faceted, just brighter than the normal dark purple, as her eyes are more lilac/have more pop to them) Thank you, these are incredible!
Can't tell if a slot is still open, but if so I'd love to grab one!!


Background type: [plain, gradient, simple, or photo] - One of the foresty-photo ones would be nice, especially if it could feel kind of Shadow-territory
Background colour(s): [default is I pick for you]

Payment: [gems, treature, mixed] Treasure

Other: [any other relevant information - eg. use alternate pose features, different eye colour, etc] (if possible could her eye color be more like the scry/faceted--doesn't have to be actually faceted, just brighter than the normal dark purple, as her eyes are more lilac/have more pop to them)

Thank you, these are incredible!

@Storrie i do still have slots, just slow-moving! so that's 250kT, ETA maybe this weekend but given backlog, possibly the weekend after :)
@Storrie i do still have slots, just slow-moving! so that's 250kT, ETA maybe this weekend but given backlog, possibly the weekend after :)
xmlgN0y.pngEjiA3Qx.pngJd11RO1.png EmmCMoX.pngBAB6nL2.png3vULgKZ.pngHqpNOk1.png
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