
Sightless Seer of the Radiant Eye
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Energy: 48
out of
Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Marigold Flowerfall
Humble Dried Tea
Golden Sage Cover
Tanned Rogue Mask
Simple Gold Wing Cuffs
Chestnut Feathered Wings
Earthsong Haori
Duneglider Cape
Petal Jewels
Brown Renaissance Shirt
Resplendent Pants
Bone Antlers






7.88 m
9.17 m
895.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 23, 2015
(10 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 3 Coatl
EXP: 531 / 1401


hatesprit wrote on 2021-06-26 10:00:27:
by year:

13-14: armbands + emblems + year 1 apparel
Illuminated Armband Illuminated Emblem Sunchaser Jewelry

Searing Armband Searing Emblem
Starseer's Emblem
Infectionist's Armband Infectionist's Emblem Boneyard Tatters
Stonekeeper Armband Stonekeeper Emblem Eroded Crystalhide
Frigid Armband Frigid Emblem Frigid Fugitive Shackles
Shady Armband Shady Emblem Tricktrouper Crown
Whirlwind Armband Whirlwind Emblem Windbound Plumage
Diver Armband Diver Emblem Thresher Flatfins
Druidic Armband Druidic Emblem Naturalist Adornments

14-15: sashes + year 2 apparel
Illuminated Sash Sunguard Chest
Electrified Sash Golem Gauntlet
Searing Sash Magmatic Pauldrons
Starseer's Sash Companion Comet
Infectionist's Sash Runaway Rotclaw
Stonekeeper Sash Crystalhide Treads
Frigid Sash Chillspike Collar
Shady Sash Moonglow Thorns
Whirlwind Sash Gustborne Balloon
Diver Sash Seashell Mantle
Druidic Sash Leafy Gladeboughs

15-16: crowns + year 3 apparel
Illuminated Crown Solar Blades
Electrician's Crown Mesa Mechanojets
Searing Crown Will o' the Ember
Starseer's Crown Cosmologist Fieldtools
Infectionist's Crown Skeletal Chimes
Stonekeeper Crown Bluffclamber Belongings
Frigid Crown Chillspike Crown
Shady Crown Gloomwillow Guide
Whirlwind Crown Windbound Mask
Diver Crown Warmwater Wanderers
Druidic Crown Butterfly's Kiss

16-17: year 4 apparel
Luminous Legguards
Surgestream Coat
Black Iron Plates
Starlight Cloak
Scavenger's Tatters
Pyrite Pauldrons
Snowfall Robe
Trickster's Magic Cards
Bamboo Breeze Cape
Deeprealm Trident
Dryad's Guise

17-18: year 5 apparel
Hewn Philosopher's Veil
Highland Scavenger
Welder's Mask
Starwood Veil
Carapace Arm
Gem Thief
Icicle Chains
Bramble Mantle
Map Kit
Fin Jewels
Tree Warden's Garb

18-19: haloes + year 6 apparel
Luminous Halo Luminous Sundrapes
Voltaic Halo Voltaic Stormclaws
Conflagrant Halo Conflagrant Kilt
Spellwrought Halo Spellwrought Shardhide
Contaminated Halo Contaminated Infectalons
Crystalcourt Halo Crystalcourt Cascades
Glitterfreeze Halo Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe
Murkmirth Halo Murkmirth Tailcoat
Aerborne Halo Aerborne Gustgather
Fathomsearch Halo Fathomsearch Spirit Jug
Gladegift Halo Gladegift Garlands

19-20: standards + year 7 apparel
Standard of the Lightweaver Brightshine Raiments
Standard of the Stormcatcher Thundercrack Cogspanner
Standard of the Flamecaller Flameforger Crucible
Standard of the Arcanist Starfall Crystalcloak
Standard of the Plaguebringer Riot Hazebeacon
Standard of the Earthshaker Cairnstone Carry
Standard of the Icewarden Glacierguard Platemail
Standard of the Shadowbinder Shadowstrike
Standard of the Windsinger Reedcleft Resonance
Standard of the Tidelord Current Caller Raiment
Standard of the Gladekeeper Greenskeeper Treeshroud

20-21: year 8 apparel
Daybreak Decorations
Voltvolley Implements
Igneous Iguana
Feathery Fallout
Boneyard Bard
Gemologist's Discovery
Frostfaerie Wings
Void's Grasp
Airborne Parchment
Coral Crown
Nurtured Cluster

21-22: charms + year 9 apparel
Light's Charm Lustrous Mantle
Lightning's Charm Trailing Storm
Fire's Charm Incense Mantle
Arcane's Charm Bewitching Bangles
Plague's Charm Proto Wings
Earth's Charm Fossil Facsimile
Ice's Charm Rimeplate
Shadow's Charm Marshlurker's Drape
Wind's Charm Mistral Mantle
Water's Charm Current Catch
Nature's Charm Foliage Blind

22-23: auras + year 10 apparel
Light Aura Gilded Compass
Lightning Aura
Fire Aura
Arcane Aura
Plague Aura
Earth Aura
Ice Aura
Shadow Aura
Wind Aura
Water Aura
Nature Aura

then, by fest:

brightshine jubilee/light
Illuminated Armband Illuminated Emblem Sunchaser Jewelry Illuminated Sash Sunguard Chest Illuminated Crown Solar Blades Luminous Legguards Hewn Philosopher's Veil Luminous Halo Luminous Sundrapes Standard of the Lightweaver Brightshine Raiments Daybreak Decorations Light's Charm Lustrous Mantle Light Aura Gilded Compass

thundercrack carnivale/lightning
Electrified Sash Golem Gauntlet Electrician's Crown Mesa Mechanojets Surgestream Coat Highland Scavenger Voltaic Halo Voltaic Stormclaws Standard of the Stormcatcher Thundercrack Cogspanner Voltvolley Implements Lightning's Charm Trailing Storm

flameforger's festival/fire
Searing Armband Searing Emblem Searing Sash Magmatic Pauldrons Searing Crown Will o' the Ember Black Iron Plates Welder's Mask Conflagrant Halo Conflagrant Kilt Standard of the Flamecaller Flameforger Crucible Igneous Iguana Fire's Charm Incense Mantle

starfall celebration/arcane
Starseer's Emblem Starseer's Sash Companion Comet Starseer's Crown Cosmologist Fieldtools Starlight Cloak Starwood Veil Spellwrought Halo Spellwrought Shardhide Standard of the Arcanist Starfall Crystalcloak Feathery Fallout Arcane's Charm Bewitching Bangles

riot of rot/plague
Infectionist's Armband Infectionist's Emblem Boneyard Tatters Infectionist's Sash Runaway Rotclaw Infectionist's Crown Skeletal Chimes Scavenger's Tatters Carapace Arm Contaminated Halo Contaminated Infectalons Standard of the Plaguebringer Riot Hazebeacon Boneyard Bard Plague's Charm Proto Wings

rockbreaker's ceremony/earth
Stonekeeper Armband Stonekeeper Emblem Eroded Crystalhide Stonekeeper Sash Crystalhide Treads Stonekeeper Crown Bluffclamber Belongings Pyrite Pauldrons Gem Thief Crystalcourt Halo Crystalcourt Cascades Standard of the Earthshaker Cairnstone Carry Gemologist's Discovery Earth's Charm Fossil Facsimile

crystalline gala/ice
Frigid Armband Frigid Emblem Frigid Fugitive Shackles Frigid Sash Chillspike Collar Frigid Crown Chillspike Crown Snowfall Robe Icicle Chains Glitterfreeze Halo Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe Standard of the Icewarden Glacierguard Platemail Frostfaerie Wings Ice's Charm Rimeplate

trickmurk circus/shadow
Shady Armband Shady Emblem Tricktrouper Crown Shady Sash Moonglow Thorns Shady Crown Gloomwillow Guide Trickster's Magic Cards Bramble Mantle Murkmirth Halo Murkmirth Tailcoat Standard of the Shadowbinder Shadowstrike Void's Grasp Shadow's Charm Marshlurker's Drape

mistral jamboree/wind
Whirlwind Armband Whirlwind Emblem Windbound Plumage Whirlwind Sash Gustborne Balloon Whirlwind Crown Windbound Mask Bamboo Breeze Cape Map Kit Aerborne Halo Aerborne Gustgather Standard of the Windsinger Reedcleft Resonance Airborne Parchment Wind's Charm Mistral Mantle

wavecrest saturnalia/water
Diver Armband Diver Emblem Thresher Flatfins Diver Sash Seashell Mantle Diver Crown Warmwater Wanderers Deeprealm Trident Fin Jewels Fathomsearch Halo Fathomsearch Spirit Jug Standard of the Tidelord Current Caller Raiment Coral Crown Water's Charm Current Catch

greenskeeper gathering/nature
Druidic Armband Druidic Emblem Naturalist Adornments Druidic Sash Leafy Gladeboughs Druidic Crown Butterfly's Kiss Dryad's Guise Tree Warden's Garb Gladegift Halo Gladegift Garlands Standard of the Gladekeeper Greenskeeper Treeshroud Nurtured Cluster Nature's Charm Foliage Blind
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Exalting Hikari to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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