
Level 1 Aether
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Aether
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Plush Atelier Lope


Scene: Enchanted Library


4.32 m
4.8 m
536.5 kg


Primary Gene
Candy (Aether)
Candy (Aether)
Secondary Gene
Icing (Aether)
Icing (Aether)
Tertiary Gene
Contour (Aether)
Contour (Aether)


Nov 24, 2023
(6 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none






by @vulturereyy


Nibbling on this book gives what could be described as a rainbow of flavors. You open it to see many pages of incredible description, but what is it describing? Not something tangible, at least. You track the description, getting lost in the book as you do, until suddenly, you hear… music? Is that what this book is describing? You take another bite and hear a beautiful melody. Talk about a meal and a show!
You find the graphic novel section, and return with a comic containing a faint purple glow. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be binded with some sort of enmagicked thread, and opening the comic reveals why: the pictures move! You watch as characters dance across the page, positively enchanted.
The ink on the first few pages of this book is colorful and bright, yet as you flick through the stuck-together pages, you see the rainbow begin to swirl together into a bright brown hue. The page after says: This color is every color together. Seeing every Dragon together in cooperation is my dream come true. Behind that there seem to be signatures and self portraits of varying quality of the book's previous owners- ending for now with a mischievous Aether with paper in its mouth.

Fine calligraphy swirls across this book's glossy pages, printed in full color to display every detail. These pieces are more experimental than the calligraphy that you're familiar with; one shapes a mountain landscape in lines of poetry instead of pigment. Another one titled ‘Butterfly Waltz’ depicts a musical score spiraling outwards from the center of the page. Intrigued, you glance at the cover and see that the artist is called Scribbles the Archivist. Where have you heard that name before...?
You find the graphic novel section, and return with a comic containing a faint purple glow. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be binded with some sort of enmagicked thread, and opening the comic reveals why: the pictures move! You watch as characters dance across the page, positively enchanted.

Fine calligraphy swirls across this book's glossy pages, printed in full color to display every detail. These pieces are more experimental than the calligraphy that you're familiar with; one shapes a mountain landscape in lines of poetry instead of pigment. Another one titled ‘Butterfly Waltz’ depicts a musical score spiraling outwards from the center of the page. Intrigued, you glance at the cover and see that the artist is called Scribbles the Archivist. Where have you heard that name before...?
It's a pop-up book! The pages jump out at you with forests and mountains of watercolour and ink, accompanied by the whimsy of the author's handwritten prose. As you read through the rest of the book, however, you find that quite a lot of the chapters have been taken to be made into pastries… At the very least, there's an Aether out there happy to have eaten a particularly sweet tome.
You make a beeline towards a zine table on the opposite end of the hall. Among the brochures you spot a bright yellow booklet called ‘The ABCs of DIY’. There really is a tutorial in here for everyone- how to dye apparel, make gene scrolls, navigate by the stars- but you're drawn to a section on how to unionize one's workplace. You leave the table with several copies in your bag: one for you, more for your colleagues.
You pull a spiral-bound notebook from its display shelf, looking for a light yet appetizing read. To your equal dismay and intrigue, the pages are not made from inked paper but from galvanized aluminum sheets embossed with type. Ah- it must have been made by a Fire dragon! Something this sturdy would withstand the flames of the furnace.

You make a beeline towards a zine table on the opposite end of the hall. Among the brochures you spot a bright yellow booklet called ‘The ABCs of DIY’. There really is a tutorial in here for everyone- how to dye apparel, make gene scrolls, navigate by the stars- but you're drawn to a section on how to unionize one's workplace. You leave the table with several copies in your bag: one for you, more for your colleagues.

Nibbling on this book gives what could be described as a rainbow of flavors. You open it to see many pages of incredible description, but what is it describing? Not something tangible, at least. You track the description, getting lost in the book as you do, until suddenly, you hear… music? Is that what this book is describing? You take another bite and hear a beautiful melody. Talk about a meal and a show
This book is incredibly thick and heavy. There is nothing on the cover to indicate what it is. Opening it and skimming through reveals you have a treasure trove in your claws. The book is written in an unknown script, but seems to contain large sections based on astronomy, cosmology, botany, medicine, and there are several recipes. This book will be fun to decipher, provided your appetite doesn’t get the better of you.

This Aether family cookbook has an interesting gimmick; the pages taste just like the recipe written on it. You're curious to know how they managed it, was it magic? Too bad the cookbook is entirely unusable. Many of the pages are melted beyond comprehension due to the decades of licking. Yuck.

How incredibly odd! The contents of this book don't seem to match the cover at all. In fact, the contents aren't like much of anything you've ever seen before, closer to the symbols depicting the Gaolers' Orders rather than modern language. Yet the words of the book seem to rearrange themselves in a way you can read as you gaze at the gloss of the ink- Reythala's Diary. You think maybe you should exchange this for a different book- or maybe…

This book is neat and crisp inside. Er. Crisp? Too crisp, apparently, as you flip through it you find tooth marks dotting the inner pages. It looks like someone had a snack- on a book about spices and herbology no less! One can only wonder if the taste was as savory as the writing.
This book is… wet! It’s waterlogged! It even has bits of seaweed sticking out of it like makeshift bookmarks! You pry open the book’s cover to see if the introduction will give you storage or care instructions, only to read Property of The Deep Public Library. Go figure.

This book is incredibly thick and heavy. There is nothing on the cover to indicate what it is. Opening it and skimming through reveals you have a treasure trove in your claws. The book is written in an unknown script, but seems to contain large sections based on astronomy, cosmology, botany, medicine, and there are several recipes. This book will be fun to decipher, provided your appetite doesn’t get the better of you.

You make a beeline towards a zine table on the opposite end of the hall. Among the brochures you spot a bright yellow booklet called ‘The ABCs of DIY’. There really is a tutorial in here for everyone- how to dye apparel, make gene scrolls, navigate by the stars- but you're drawn to a section on how to unionize one's workplace. You leave the table with several copies in your bag: one for you, more for your colleagues.

At last! The secret diary of the Arcanist is yours to read. Finally, you will know what items he has on his Wishlist. No dragon is safe from a gift crime, and neither is a god! You turn the pages to reveal what's hidden within and.. IT EXPLODES? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? All that good paper, gone to waste!
The cover of this book has a fanciful pattern. Opening it reveals entirely blank pages. What? You flip through the pages until you see a bit of motion at the first page. There is a single dot of ink. It begins to dance around the page, morphing into a line and splitting into several others, each creating patterns of their own. They begin to dance all through the book as the pages flip on their own. What is going on?

This book is clearly from the Viridian Labyrinth. It has deteriorated from humidity quite a bit. It has a lot of earthy tones to it. Opening it reveals that it is a documentation of earlier searches for Auraboa!

Your gaze is drawn to a magnificent old grimoire in its very own display case. Your heart pounds faster when you see the book's title: Mundus arcanorum, editio prima. The world of Arcane magic, first edition. Damn the cost, you're not leaving without it! To your surprise, the vendor gives you both the book and the case. ’It's lead-lined,’ she explains. ‘This book came from the Arcanist's personal library, so the radiation lingers.’ Is this meal too hot to handle?
This novella's simple cover- a lone dragon standing amidst a blighted, crystalline wasteland- catches your eye. You're drawn into a tale of alien visitation, an inter-flight arms race, and one dragon's struggle to reach an artifact of unthinkable power. The tang of grief, very like umeboshi, lingers on your tongue as you ponder the weight of choice & sacrifice. You do not walk away unsatisfied.

Fine calligraphy swirls across this book's glossy pages, printed in full color to display every detail. These pieces are more experimental than the calligraphy that you're familiar with; one shapes a mountain landscape in lines of poetry instead of pigment. Another one titled ‘Butterfly Waltz’ depicts a musical score spiraling outwards from the center of the page. Intrigued, you glance at the cover and see that the artist is called Scribbles the Archivist. Where have you heard that name before...?

This novella's simple cover- a lone dragon standing amidst a blighted, crystalline wasteland- catches your eye. You're drawn into a tale of alien visitation, an inter-flight arms race, and one dragon's struggle to reach an artifact of unthinkable power. The tang of grief, very like umeboshi, lingers on your tongue as you ponder the weight of choice & sacrifice. You do not walk away unsatisfied.

You find the graphic novel section, and return with a comic containing a faint purple glow. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be binded with some sort of enmagicked thread, and opening the comic reveals why: the pictures move! You watch as characters dance across the page, positively enchanted.
The ink on the first few pages of this book is colorful and bright, yet as you flick through the stuck-together pages, you see the rainbow begin to swirl together into a bright brown hue. The page after says: This color is every color together. Seeing every Dragon together in cooperation is my dream come true. Behind that there seem to be signatures and self portraits of varying quality of the book's previous owners- ending for now with a mischievous Aether with paper in its mouth.
Your gaze is drawn to a magnificent old grimoire in its very own display case. Your heart pounds faster when you see the book's title: Mundus arcanorum, editio prima. The world of Arcane magic, first edition. Damn the cost, you're not leaving without it! To your surprise, the vendor gives you both the book and the case. ’It's lead-lined,’ she explains. ‘This book came from the Arcanist's personal library, so the radiation lingers.’ Is this meal too hot to handle?

You find the graphic novel section, and return with a comic containing a faint purple glow. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be binded with some sort of enmagicked thread, and opening the comic reveals why: the pictures move! You watch as characters dance across the page, positively enchanted.

The ink on the first few pages of this book is colorful and bright, yet as you flick through the stuck-together pages, you see the rainbow begin to swirl together into a bright brown hue. The page after says: This color is every color together. Seeing every Dragon together in cooperation is my dream come true. Behind that there seem to be signatures and self portraits of varying quality of the book's previous owners- ending for now with a mischievous Aether with paper in its mouth.
Your gaze is drawn to a magnificent old grimoire in its very own display case. Your heart pounds faster when you see the book's title: Mundus arcanorum, editio prima. The world of Arcane magic, first edition. Damn the cost, you're not leaving without it! To your surprise, the vendor gives you both the book and the case. ’It's lead-lined,’ she explains. ‘This book came from the Arcanist's personal library, so the radiation lingers.’ Is this meal too hot to handle?

You set your eyes on a coloring book laid out on one of the tables. Interestingly, it's named Easy Instant Meals — each page is a mouthwatering inking of a popular food, carefully thickly lined to make it a piece of cake to color in. The pages are of good quality, yet easily rippable, which you'd imagine is a plus for Aethers who like on-the-go snacks. It’s honestly making you wish you could also eat books.

This book is neat and crisp inside. Er. Crisp? Too crisp, apparently, as you flip through it you find tooth marks dotting the inner pages. It looks like someone had a snack- on a book about spices and herbology no less! One can only wonder if the taste was as savory as the writing.

You pull out a dessert cookbook from the nearest shelves so you can make some goods for your clanmates, but a quick skim through the pages reveals only… increasingly complex origami folds? It's certainly in the style of a cookbook, albeit the ingredients and tools solely consist of 1x Patterned Paper and 2x Your Claws, but you have no idea how knowing the way to fold an origami Arcanist’s supposed to help you make biscuits.
This book is incredibly thick and heavy. There is nothing on the cover to indicate what it is. Opening it and skimming through reveals you have a treasure trove in your claws. The book is written in an unknown script, but seems to contain large sections based on astronomy, cosmology, botany, medicine, and there are several recipes. This book will be fun to decipher, provided your appetite doesn’t get the better of you.

This book's paper is far smaller than the outer cover. The writing is miniscule and hand-done as well! It seems to be a translation of modern to older Sornieth language, written from the point of view of a Veilspun authoress. Just holding this makes you feel more knowledgeable of the long-lost secrets of the world.
This book is rather light and has clearly been through a lot. You open it to find that the pages are strange. They look to be torn sections of scroll paper from other sources! They are bound to the leather rather loosely, and the tears aren’t clean, you almost think they were chewed off. A quick nibble tells you the book tastes… wrong? Something illicit may have happened here.

This Aether family cookbook has an interesting gimmick; the pages taste just like the recipe written on it. You're curious to know how they managed it, was it magic? Too bad the cookbook is entirely unusable. Many of the pages are melted beyond comprehension due to the decades of licking. Yuck.

This book is- oh, oh no! As you open it, several small moths seem to fly out. If this wasn't already as well as ruinedd by the Aether bite marks on the outside, the moths did an amazing job on the inside. Perhaps you can trade this in for another book?

At last! The secret diary of the Arcanist is yours to read. Finally, you will know what items he has on his Wishlist. No dragon is safe from a gift crime, and neither is a god! You turn the pages to reveal what's hidden within and.. IT EXPLODES? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? All that good paper, gone to waste!
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Exalting Scrapbook to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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