
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 21
out of
Earth icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Pearlcatcher
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Poison Dart Frog Companion
Friend Gecko
Friend Red Eared Slider
Marsh Frog Companion
Aged Book Collection
Loamy Garden Hat
Swamp Kelpie Mane
Corn Snake
Haunting Amber Nightshroud
Simple Gold Bracelets
Desert Rain Frog Companion
Horned Frog Companion
Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion
Friend Anole
Frostbreath Skink




Scene: Ancient Propagations


5.06 m
4.25 m
445.72 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 25, 2023
(2 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none




Sornieth Herpetological Society
Est. 2023


Hello, and welcome to the Sornieth Herpetological Society!

I'm Flandres, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have always been interested in reptiles and amphibians since I was a hatchling. I want to share this interest with everyone on Sornieth, which I hope to accomplish with research and hard work. I will list below every item I can find that has something to do with herps. I expect this to take some time, as I am only one dragon after all. Any help in identifying herpetological objects and beings would be greatly appreciated, just send a message to my clan if you find something I missed! Dragons, of course, count as reptiles, but it would take too much time to catalog the population of the planet. I suggest doing your own research if you are curious about dragons, we are quite interesting creatures.


Journal Entry July 30th 2023

Today, while out gathering supplies, our team of fighters encountered a Hydra! It was a hard-fought and dangerous battle, but our team was successful in obtaining the specimen so I could study it up close. It is a very wise and extremely strong creature, I shall enjoy my time spent with it. ~Flandres

Journal Entry February 10th 2024

Happy Lunar New Year! Year of the dragon, very exciting! ~Flandres

Journal Entry November 29th 2024

Greetings, it's been awhile! I spent some time recently re-organizing the society's collections. In addition, I have decided to catalog any dragon markings and/or characteristics that could be considered herpetological in nature. There are quite a few, including some very unique physical features of some ancient species - my favorite of them being what is known as Pachy among Dusthides. I know, studying dragons is a slippery slope, there are just so many things to learn about us! But once I am interested in something it's hard for me to not have it on my mind - almost constantly.

Oh! I have also made quite the number of little friends as I like to call them, and hope to meet many more. Sometimes it's nice to just spend time relaxing with them, unwinding after a long day of research.

Looking forward to Night of the Nocturne next month, there tend to be a lot of new familiars appearing around that time. ~Flandres

Journal Entry December 11th 2024

Arlo unveiled a new dig site, and there are SIX new herpetological familiars for us to discover! ~Flandres

Journal Entry December 22nd 2024

Night of the Nocturne has begun! And with it comes four new adorable toy-like familiars! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and finds lots of strange chests and Nocturne eggs! Happy hunting! ~Flandres

Journal Entry January 10th 2025

Happy New Year, everydragon! I had a wonderful holiday season, I hope you all did as well. I'm always on the lookout for new herpetological discoveries, and I have a big one to share today! Previously only showing up on Everlux dragons, the Gecko gene is now appearing on every dragon species, both modern and ancient! Such a lovely, spotty gene, I'm rather jealous of those whos hides are now adorned by it, I must admit. I will be adding it to the gene catalog right away!

Oh, and don't forget to visit Galore, she has some glorious gecko related gifts for all! ~Flandres


Herpetological creatures considered to be food:

Panther Anole Coral Snake Newt Olive Sea Snake River Warden Reedhopper Hellbender Emerald Ratsnake Balsas Anole Nightrage Axolotl Cave Gecko Blue Bandit Snapping Turtle Onyx Cobra Amethyst Striker Opal Cobra Emerald Striker Blackwing Croaker Leg Heartred Croaker Leg Blueridge Fin Greatshell Fin Toad Puddlehopper Dreamwaker Chameleon Coiled Burnserpent Writhing Treesnake Wartoad Trainee Molten Tadpole Juvenile Prairie Skink Green-throated Skink Weird Purple Skink Flatback Sea Turtle Leatherback Sea Turtle Amelanistic Racer Blue Racer Banded Rattlesnake Bluebite Rattler Lesser Land Iguana Marine Iguana Garden Tender Speckled Tortoise Anomalous Frog Watchful Viper Hornworm Viper


Herpetological materials:

Clay Fertility Statue Stone Fertility Statue Intact Clay Relief Intact Stone Relief Ancestral Incense Common Podid Claws Southmarsh Podid Claws Crackled Scales Molted Scales Oozing Tusk Slimy Tusk Shadow Serpentskin Snakeskin Pilco Segments Serrated Pilco Shell Verdant Shell Terra Shell Toxic Igueel Fan Igueel Leather Watchful Viperpillar Segment Hornworm Viperpillar Segment


Herpetological apparel:

Paper Fae Masque Paper Guardian Masque Paper Tundra Masque Paper Mirror Masque Paper Pearlcatcher Masque Paper Ridgeback Masque Paper Spiral Masque Paper Snapper Masque Paper Skydancer Masque Paper Imperial Masque Paper Wildclaw Masque Paper Coatl Masque Paper Nocturne Masque Paper Bogsneak Masque
Azure Dinosaur Arm Guards Azure Dinosaur Breastplate Azure Dinosaur Helmet Azure Dinosaur Leg Guards Azure Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Azure Dinosaur Tail Guard Azure Dinosaur Wing Guard
Dark Dinosaur Arm Guards Dark Dinosaur Breastplate Dark Dinosaur Helmet Dark Dinosaur Leg Guards Dark Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Dark Dinosaur Tail Guard Dark Dinosaur Wing Guard
Dusty Dinosaur Arm Guards Dusty Dinosaur Breastplate Dusty Dinosaur Helmet Dusty Dinosaur Leg Guards Dusty Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Dusty Dinosaur Tail Guard Dusty Dinosaur Wing Guard
Gold Dinosaur Arm Guards Gold Dinosaur Breastplate Gold Dinosaur Helmet Gold Dinosaur Leg Guards Gold Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Gold Dinosaur Tail Guard Gold Dinosaur Wing Guard
Jade Dinosaur Arm Guards Jade Dinosaur Breastplate Jade Dinosaur Helmet Jade Dinosaur Leg Guards Jade Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Jade Dinosaur Tail Guard Jade Dinosaur Wing Guard
Moonstone Dinosaur Arm Guards Moonstone Dinosaur Breastplate Moonstone Dinosaur Helmet Moonstone Dinosaur Leg Guards Moonstone Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Moonstone Dinosaur Tail Guard Moonstone Dinosaur Wing Guard
Scarlet Dinosaur Arm Guards Scarlet Dinosaur Breastplate Scarlet Dinosaur Helmet Scarlet Dinosaur Leg Guards Scarlet Dinosaur Shoulder Guard Scarlet Dinosaur Tail Guard Scarlet Dinosaur Wing Guard
LuminaxCon Lanyard Luminax Mascot Luminax Plushie
Corn Snake
Friend Anole Friend Gecko Friend Red Eared Slider
Desert Rain Frog Companion Horned Frog Companion Marsh Frog Companion Poison Dart Frog Companion Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion
Frostbreath Skink


Other herpetological items:

Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet Heavy Earthshaker Idol Playful Windsinger Puppet Furry Icewarden Puppet Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll Soft Lightweaver Idol Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll Faded Shadowbinder Effigy Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll Exotic Arcanist Idol
Unhatched Fire Egg Unhatched Earth Egg Unhatched Wind Egg Unhatched Ice Egg Unhatched Plague Egg Unhatched Nature Egg Unhatched Light Egg Unhatched Lightning Egg Unhatched Shadow Egg Unhatched Water Egg Unhatched Arcane Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Bogsneak Egg Dormant Obelisk Statue Clanbound Unhatched Aether Egg Clanbound Unhatched Auraboa Egg Clanbound Unhatched Banescale Egg Clanbound Unhatched Dusthide Egg Clanbound Unhatched Everlux Egg
Canopic Jar
Nocturne Puppet
Arcanist Meteorite Miniature Earthshaker Stone Statue Flamecaller Terracotta Figure Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting Icewarden Ice Sculpture Lightweaver Marble Bust Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw Shadowbinder Onyx Idol Stormcatcher Scrap Metal Welding Tidelord Seashell Decoration Windsinger Painted Vase
Tadhop Beanie Crocheted Tadhop Hat
Catercroak Incense Bowl Personalized Incense Bowl


Herpetological familiars:

Shattered Serpent Shadow Serpent Opheodrys Serthis Carmine Serthis Strangler Blooming Strangler Bramble Guardian Parasitic Fungus Citrine Cave Jewel Emerald Cave Jewel Cog Frog Southmarsh Podid Common Podid Psywurm Brilliant Psywurm Maned Cobra Spined Cobra Venomous Toridae Poisonous Toridae Blackwing Croaker Heartred Croaker Mistwatch Shellion Shellion Greatshell Blueridge Greatshell Swallowtail Buttersnake Colorburst Buttersnake Mottled Buttersnake Mimic Buttersnake Candycane Xolo Shimmering Xolo Serthis Potionmaster Serthis Alchemist Nephrite Chameleon Corundum Chameleon Ultramel Amphithere Ringlet Amphithere Loga Wartoad Molten Wartoad Depin Corrosive Depin Anomalous Skink Conjoined Skink Hawksbill Goliath Crystalhide Jester Venomblade Assassin Blueband Duelist Painted Marionette Wooden Marionette Agol Butter Caiman Gladeveins Needletooth Rosetail Tropical Caiman Serpenta Scarlet Serpenta Acid-Tongue Serpenta Marbled Serpenta Painted Protobeast Protobeast Boran Veteran Spellwall Boran Algae-Bottom Slarg Tar-Trooper Slarg Dainty Wavehopper Vivid Wavehopper Melon Marzal Cactus Marzal Ball-Jointed Bogsneak Bogsneak Puppet Serpentine Lamp Animated Armor Spirit Armor Flamescale Illusionist Flamescale Venomcaster Flamescale Spearman Flamescale Lancer Basalt Vent Hop Magma Runner Tunnel Hydra Hydra Serthis Loremaster Serthis Archivist Ophiotaurus Ashscale Ophiotaurus Five-toed Pilco Venomtooth Pilco Buttercup Strangler Rosaline Strangler Travelling Garden Terra Tortoise Palefoot Tadhop Ruffletail Tadhop Colubrid Column Serthis Support Watermelon Coleus Gecko Princess Petal Gecko Buff Laced Cockatrice Candy Cockatrice Bubble Brook Gecko Cosmo Gecko Firefly Cockatrice Quartz Cockatrice Giant White Toridae Sewer Toridae Spirit of Wind Ultimate Buttersnake Spirit of Water Regenerating Reedjumper Contaminated Ambassador Lithetail Assassin Roving Lionsnake Golden Lionsnake Pinpush Mirror Doll Four-Eyed Phylactery Scroll Stealer Kyorinrin Deadwood Strangler Frosttangle Strangler Dancing Chalice Vigorous Goblet Origami Steward Folded Friend Boran Alpha Cracked Crystal Bladebone Goliath Motley Marionette Fear Frog Terror Toad Spectre Wyvern Void Wyvern Ruffled Serpent Burning Virgo Toxic Igueel Igueel Matriarch Silverstring Harp Veilspun Verse Prickly Strangler Desert Strangler Gaboon Viperpillar Tricolor Viperpillar Marble Lightweaver Sandstone Stormcatcher Porphyry Flamecaller Cherry Blossom Strangler Cinnabar Plaguebringer Granite Earthshaker Infatuated Slarg Armored Iguanador Iguanador Jade Troodo Sunrise Troodo Lowjaw Minmi Shardback Minmi Styracavus Styrantrum Cerussite Icewarden Agate Shadowbinder Fluorite Windsinger Larimar Tidelord Malachite Gladekeeper Serrated Snake Bladed Boa Regal Bladebearer Undertide Fidget Toy Articulated Fidget Toy Nutcracker Snapper Nutcracker Virgo Locomoting Lilypad Bottlesnake Octavious Colossusbane Rose of Brightshine False Eye Depin Sandskink Larkspur of Thundercrack Poppy of Flameforger Catercroak Climbing Catercroak Hornworm Viperpillar Watchful Viperpillar Illumination Crecko Striped Crecko Sunset Buttersnake Velvet Buttersnake Ridged Crocoturtle Juvenile Crocoturtle Aster of Starfall Marigold of Rot Peony of Rockbreaker Band of Companionship Venom Ring Snowdrop of Crystalline Violet of Trickmurk Daffodil of Mistral Evolving Amphithere Wetland Amphithere Lily of Greenskeeper Boneseeker Spinal Sorcerer Bone Sage Sproutroot Sentry Carcass Custodian Boneyard Patroller Infected Scavenger Ossein Scavenger Veteran Bonesmith False Frond Irate Planter Leaftail Lizard Enamored Leaftail Barkbite Strangler Flared Strangler Dunking Wildclaw Toy Water Dipper Posable Model Articulated Everlux Figurine


Herpetological Modern Genes:

Primary Gene: Boa Primary Gene: Python Primary Gene: Skink Primary Gene: Vipera
Secondary Gene: Saddle Secondary Gene: Morph Secondary Gene: Spinner Secondary Gene: Hypnotic
Tertiary Gene: Gecko Tertiary Gene: Scales

Herpetological Aberration Genes:

Primary Aberration Gene: Boa Primary Aberration Gene: Skink Primary Aberration Gene: Vipera
Secondary Aberration Gene: Saddle Secondary Aberration Gene: Spinner Secondary Aberration Gene: Hypnotic
Tertiary Aberration Gene: Gecko Tertiary Aberration Gene: Scales

Herpetological Aether Genes:

Primary Aether Gene: Boa Primary Aether Gene: Python Primary Aether Gene: Vipera
Secondary Aether Gene: Saddle Secondary Aether Gene: Morph Secondary Aether Gene: Hypnotic
Tertiary Aether Gene: Gecko Tertiary Aether Gene: Medusa Tertiary Aether Gene: Scales

Herpetological Auraboa Genes:

Primary Auraboa Gene: Boa Primary Auraboa Gene: Python Primary Auraboa Gene: Rattlesnake Primary Auraboa Gene: Vipera
Secondary Auraboa Gene: Saddle Secondary Auraboa Gene: Morph Secondary Auraboa Gene: Diamondback Secondary Auraboa Gene: Hypnotic
Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Gecko Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Medusa Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Scales

Herpetological Banescale Genes:

Primary Banescale Gene: Boa Primary Banescale Gene: Skink
Secondary Banescale Gene: Saddle Secondary Banescale Gene: Spinner
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Gecko

Herpetological Dusthide Genes:

Primary Dusthide Gene: Skink
Secondary Dusthide Gene: Spinner
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Gecko Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Dewlap Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Pachy

Herpetological Everlux Genes:

Primary Everlux Gene: Python Primary Everlux Gene: Skink
Secondary Everlux Gene: Morph Secondary Everlux Gene: Spinner
Tertiary Everlux Gene: Gecko Tertiary Everlux Gene: Scales

Herpetological Gaoler Genes:

Primary Gaoler Gene: Boa Primary Gaoler Gene: Skink
Secondary Gaoler Gene: Saddle Secondary Gaoler Gene: Spinner
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Gecko

Herpetological Sandsurge Genes:

Primary Sandsurge Gene: Boa Primary Sandsurge Gene: Python Primary Sandsurge Gene: Rattlesnake
Secondary Sandsurge Gene: Saddle Secondary Sandsurge Gene: Morph Secondary Sandsurge Gene: Diamondback
Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Gecko

Herpetological Undertide Genes:

Primary Undertide Gene: Boa
Secondary Undertide Gene: Saddle
Tertiary Undertide Gene: Gecko Tertiary Undertide Gene: Medusa Tertiary Undertide Gene: Scales

Herpetological Veilspun Genes:

Primary Veilspun Gene: Boa Primary Veilspun Gene: Skink Primary Veilspun Gene: Vipera
Secondary Veilspun Gene: Saddle Secondary Veilspun Gene: Spinner Secondary Veilspun Gene: Hypnotic
Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Gecko Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Medusa




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Exalting Flandres to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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