
Mother of Bubbies
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Aether
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Glitter Bug


Scene: Pillow Palace


4.26 m
6.81 m
529.93 kg


Primary Gene
Cinder (Aether)
Cinder (Aether)
Secondary Gene
Butterfly (Aether)
Butterfly (Aether)
Tertiary Gene
Lace (Aether)
Lace (Aether)


Mar 07, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245



Mahalath hails from the Shrieking Wilds, deep in Nature’s lands. She is a loving dragon with a calm demeanor and loads of patience. Her voice is rich and strong, with a deeper tone than her size might lead one to believe. Her parents are deities of the desert and of tea ceremonies’ so as a result she grew up with a high tolerance to heat and a wealth of knowledge about the proper brewing and serving of tea. Mahalath’s father always told her that her eyes reminded him of the color of the purest leaf tea steeped to perfection. Together with her father Pylos she helped to cultivate the tea plants. Meticulously pruning, watering, and drying the cuttings to avoid mold and rot. This experience instilled a love of watching things grow in her. With her mother Rah, Mahalath learned the ways of the desert. That even in what appears to be the most inhospitable places there is life, and to respect the power of the sun. Mahalath would spend hours in the deep desert with her mother, watching the creatures there live their lives. Under their tutelage, she became a well-rounded dragon with peace in her heart.


When the time came for her to leave her parents and make her own way in the world, her father sent her off with some of their best quality tea, and her mother with a promise that the sun would always look after her, even when they no longer could. Mahalath travelled around Sornieth for a while, trying as many new and exciting things as she could. She scaled the Cloudscrape Crags for the thrill, scoured the Driftwood Drag for new breeds of tea plant to send back to her father, and took her rest in the Zephyr Steppes to recharge.


After a long time travelling, Mahalath had begun to feel a bit homesick, particularly for her parents. She heard from dragons that she met during her travels that she should visit the Moonportal in Light’s lands and had decided that would be the last stop on her tour of Sornieth before returning to the Shrieking Wilds. Mahalath wandered the field near the massive arch, examining it from every possible angle. As she was craning her neck upwards, she was blinded for a second by the intensity of the sun and she collided with a dragon who was flying by.

Mahalath landed firmly on her butt, blinking rapidly to try to get the spots in her vision to go away. She cursed herself mentally, mortified that committed such a basic faux pas. When she looked up to apologize to the dragon she collided with, the first thing she saw were two huge, yellow eyes looking down at her with a warm kindness that was accentuated by the bright spots that were still flickering across her vision. She thought, briefly, that she might have hit her head harder than she thought when she noticed that the eyes staring down at her had swirly pupils. The dragon they belonged to offered her both of his paws, which she grasped firmly as he pulled her upright. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going, I hope you aren’t hurt!” he exclaimed with dismay, looking her over for signs of injury. His voice was smooth and resonant, sounding like it came from deep in his chest and amplified on its way up his long neck. Mahalath sputters, trying to find the words for a response. The dragon interrupted her thoughts by gasping upon finding a small but deep cut on Mahalath’s right paw pad, likely from landing on a sharp rock. He shoved his paws into a bag he had around his waist and pulled out a small vial of water, a packet of ointment, and a bandage. He gently took her paw in his and turned it pad-up, uncorking the vial of water and poured it over the cut, washing it clean. Then he swiped a claw through the ointment, applying a generous amount to the cut, which he then bandaged firmly but not tightly enough for her to lose bloodflow. She watched him the entire time, fascinated by how efficiently he applied the bandage. “Thank you very much.” She finally says, finding her voice again. “It’s the least I could do, since I caused the hurt in the first place.” The dragon replied, his striped antennae drooping in sadness. She hated to see the dragon take the blame for her mistake. “No, the fault is mine. I was the one who wasn’t looking where I was going. My name is Mahalath, I’m visiting the Moonportal. Do you live near here?” She asked, hoping to get more information about him, as she was crushing a little on the dragon. “Hello Mahalath, I’m Gorebash! Yes, my family and I live nearby. I was on my way to meet…” Gorebash is cut off by a pastel purple Spiral flying over to him and landing on Gorebash’s back. “Dad.” The Spiral said flatly.

Dad? Oh no, he’s got a mate… Mahalath let out a quiet, almost imperceptible sigh, sad to think that she couldn’t indulge her little crush more. “I should probably go, I’m sorry to have kept you from your family.” She said and turned to go. “Hold on, would you like to join us for a meal?” Gorebash asked with a wide smile. “My son Chronicle is excellent at finding the best treats. I’m sure he’s found us more than enough to share.” Before accepting, Mahalath looked at the Spiral peeking over his father’s shoulder. When she made eye contact with him, she felt overwhelmed with such a crushing sadness. His large yellow eyes were similar to his father’s in size and color, but lacked the warmth. His eyes almost seemed to suck her in; she felt her breath catch in her chest. Gorebash cocked his head, confused by her body language. “Are…are you alright?” he asked as he walked a bit closer to her. Mahalath broke eye contact with the Spiral, a bit shaken. “Yes, I’m fine! I’m sorry, I’m not sure what came over me. It must be the sun.” She paused for a second. “I’d love to join you for a meal.”


Mahalath had not been misled. Gorebash’s son Chronicle really did have a grand assortment of treats, and far too many for just three dragons, or even four. She learned that Chronicle and the other Spiral, Caladorn, were Gorebash’s sons and that they lived together in a lair near the Moonportal. They were the last two that were still living at home, and that the rest of Gorebash’s prodigious lineage had moved on to other lairs or to the service of various deities. She also learned, with no small degree of sadness, that their mother and Gorebash’s mate TigerFly had been exalted to the service of the Lightweaver. That must be why Caladorn is so distraught. Mahalath felt guilty for her attraction to Gorebash and decided not to pursue those feelings any further. She initially made an effort to converse with Caladorn, but he was sullen and unresponsive. Gorebash and Chronicle exchanged knowing looks - there was a silent hope between the two that even if he was unwilling to speak to them, that maybe Caladorn would be willing to speak to her. Mahalath could tell that he did not want to engage with her, so after her first attempt, she left him in peace. At the beginning of the meal Caladorn was extremely stiff and his face held a look of suspicion. But when Mahalath did not try to make him speak to her, he visibly relaxed, if only a little. By the end of the meal, Caladorn had directly answered the question Mahalath had asked him earlier and appeared to be at least vaguely interested in what she was saying. It was getting late, so she thanked the family and excused herself for the night. She returned to the lodgings she had taken up for her stay, but sleep didn’t come to her that night. She laid awake thinking about Gorebash: how handsome his striped antennae were, how kind he was to her, how much the family loved each other, and how much Caladorn appeared to be suffering. She vowed to herself right then that she would search Sornieth for something that would ease Caladorn’s suffering. Her parents had raised her to leave the world a better place, and she felt compelled to attempt to help this dragon.

She wanted to make him smile, just once.


The next day she began her travels again – this time with a new purpose. She began in Lightning’s lands. Mahalath moved quickly through the electrified dunes of the Charged Barrens, dodging the massive arcs that threatened to do more than make her fur stand on end. She placed some sand from the dunes in a small mechanical lantern, and captured some of the lightning in it, creating a miniature version of the Barrens. She brought this gift back to Caladorn, who accepted the gift, but did not smile. Unphased by the failure, she travelled to Flotsam Town and gathered a good selection of colorful and uniquely shaped shells. She brought these back to Caladorn, who still did not smile. Mahalath spent many months finding things from all of the regions of Sornieth and bringing them back to Caladorn. He never smiled. This did not phase her, as she was determined and wanted so badly to make a difference. Gorebash was always delighted to see her coming across the field to their lair, as they had started to become very close. And despite never smiling, Caladorn and Chronicle were also pleased to see her. She would share tales of her travels which would captivate the Spirals. She would stay with the family for a day or so, before setting out again on her travels. Gorebash found himself missing her when she was gone, and his sons had begun to notice that their father was much happier when she was around.

Eventually, failure after failure, Mahalath was out of ideas - all except one. She asked Gorebash if she could use his kitchen, which he gladly told her she was free to use. Mahalath unpacked the tea set that she had been given by her father when she left home and set it up for a service. The set included two rounded handless cups with a rich green glaze and a simple forest illustration, a matching tea pot, a small brass hand bell attached to a mahogany stick that rang with a surprisingly deep tone, and a mahogany tray inlaid with round designs made of bone. Before she began the service, she centered her thoughts, and focused on her objective – ease suffering. She took the two cups to the entrance of the lair, just as the sun was setting, and held them up so that they would absorb the last light of the day when the stars were at just the right position in the sky. Then she heated the water until it was at a rolling boil before she took it off the heat and let it set for exactly 10 minutes, as she was trained. She placed the very last of the loose-leaf tea from her home into a steeper and dropped one into both the cups.

Mahalath had invited Caladorn to come to the kitchen around this time, and he arrived as she was ready to pour the water. “Please have a seat Caladorn.” She said, motioning to the side of the table away from the stove next to the large window, through which the sun would be pouring its very last rays. He curled his lower body up in a heap and sat while Mahalath picked up the steaming tea pot with her paws and held the hand bell with her second set of hands. She stood in front of the table and slowly began pouring the hot water from the pot into the cups. The water came out so smoothly that it almost looked like magic, not a single disruption in the stream. The water did not splash as it hit the cup, even though Mahalath was slowly raising the height of the pot. As she poured, she rang the handbell in a very specific and odd rhythm. The bell ringing combined with the wave of steam rolling off the cup seemed to interest Caladorn, who watched Mahalath curiously.

“Look into your cup, Caladorn.” With smooth, practiced movements, she continued to ring the bell as she poured the water into his cup. Caladorn looked confused, but did as he was told, and stared into the cup as the water flowed into it. Mahalath spoke “See how the water flows around the steeper? It does not drown it - but buoys it up.” As she said, the steeper was not dragged down to the bottom of the cup but floated on top. The water began to change color as the tea leaves steeped. At first, Caladorn thought he was imagining things when he saw images in the shapes of the tea. He saw forms that looked like a Spiral surrounded by what felt like a multitude of Spirals. All of the Spirals were utterly dwarfed by a massive dragon-shape that was sitting beside them. As he looked closer at this shape, the sun’s final rays came filtering through the window and struck Mahalath whose body lit up with a beautiful golden glow. Her horns, tail tip, nails, and even between her belly scales glowed with an impossibly ethereal golden light. The strength of this light even seemed to scorch her paws black. The light lit up the entire room, before the massive dragon-shape in Caladorn’s cup appeared to lift its head, and suddenly all of the light rushed into the cup. Caladorn was confused, and even a bit scared at what was happening. The sound of the bell ringing faded out, and his fear melted away into pure shock when he glanced down into his cup again. The water had become a window into a strange looking place where many Spirals were crowded around the massive dragon-shape.

It was his mother, TigerFly, and all of his lost siblings. They were together, in their service to the Lightweaver, and they looked happy, healthy, and safe. Caladorn was shaking so hard, and he couldn’t stop. The image of TigerFly turned her head towards him, seeming to notice that he was watching, and snaked her head closer. Now Caladorn was only able to see her massive eye, which stared back at him from his teacup. The eye radiated love and joy and looked at him with a warm regard. Huge tears bubbled out from his eyes and threatened to fall as he grabbed the cup with his shaking paws, trying to reach TigerFly through the cup. As his tears fell, they disrupted the image, which slowly faded. Caladorn openly wept into his cup, which was now just a pleasantly hot cup of tea. Mahalath quietly placed the bell in its place on the serving tray and reached over to Caladorn, steadying his paws before he dropped the cup. She gently lifted the cup to his lips “Drink, you’ll feel better.” Caladorn took the cup from her and drank the tea slowly, and just like she said, he did feel better. Mahalath drank her own tea as they sat in silence. She wondered to herself if what she had done would do any good, or if she had only added to the poor Spiral’s suffering. The tea ceremony was meant to show the dragon what he needed, but she was unsure. When Caladorn finished his tea, his now-steady paws placed the cup onto the tray, and he looked up at Mahalath. He smiled, and so did Mahalath. Gorebash was thrilled when he saw his son smile for the first time in a long while. He couldn’t stop the tears that welled in his eyes as he flew into the kitchen and snatched his son up in a tight four-armed hug – Caladorn’s favorite kind of hug. Mahalath gathered up the tea set, and not wanting to intrude, she packed up and started to leave the kitchen. Gorebash and Caladorn both stopped her and dragged her into their now very confusing many-limbed and noodle-bodied hug. Mahalath hadn’t felt love like this since she had left home, and it felt good. It got even more confusing when Chronicle saw the hug and joined in, and now all four dragons were hopelessly tangled up. It didn’t matter though, all that mattered was the joy being expressed -everyone was so happy that Caladorn was doing better.


Mahalath had grown extremely fond of Gorebash and his family during her secret quest, but she didn’t think that they felt the same way. So once the dragons managed to untangle themselves from their hug, which took quite a bit of time and concentration, she started to bid them farewell. To her surprise, Caladorn’s smile turned quickly into a frown. “You’re leaving?” he asked. Mahalath blinked “I was going to return home to the Shrieking Wilds, I think it’s time I settled down. I’ve been travelling for a long time.” She explained, hoping Caladorn would understand. He gave her a funny look “Why don’t you stay here with us? Our lair has plenty of space, and we like you.” He said, motioning to his brother. “Dad likes you a lot too.” He adds, shooting Gorebash a mischievous look. Gorebash flails his second set of arms a bit, very flustered. “Caladorn! Please excuse him, I’m not sure what’s come over him…” Mahalath laughs, extremely amused by Caladorn’s bluntness and Gorebash’s mortified reaction. “I…would be happy to stay. If you’ll have me.” She responds, once she manages to stop laughing. Gorebash’s face lights up. “Really? Of course! We’d be delighted for you to stay.”

And stay she did.


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