
Level 1 Gaoler
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Banshee Brooch
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Gaoler
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon


12.2 m
7.48 m
10967.83 kg


Primary Gene
Ripple (Gaoler)
Ripple (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Current (Gaoler)
Current (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Thylacine (Gaoler)
Thylacine (Gaoler)


Feb 17, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


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Lightweaver Marble Bust Rusted Treasure Chest Candle Cascade


Heavy footsteps break up the silence of the night, a group of downtrodden dragons wandering in the dark in search of refuge, if only for a day. There was no leader; the last one to head the pack took half the supplies and disappeared, but they could not stay in one place and hope for a miracle. With nothing but the stars to guide the weary travellers, they kept moving, even as their limbs grew heavy with exhaustion.

The shuffling stopped, then slowly, they turned their heads up.

They'd arrived at what looked like a large cathedral, carved into the side of a cliff. Big stained glass windows sat high on the front wall, on either side of the entrance. A low murmur of hesitancy washed over the group. Yes, it had a roof, but there was no door to close, wouldn't it be as cold as simply sleeping on the ground? They all knew it was better than nothing, though at least pretending to argue over it made them feel like they had a choice. Without one true note of protest, they made their way inside, eager to lie down and rest.

It was pitch dark in the building. What bare little light the stars had afforded them outside did not reach in here as they stumbled over rubble and debris. Dust covered every inch of the room, which was announced with several sharp sneezes, echoing across the stone walls for emphasis. Though it was dilapidated and abandoned, it was good enough to settle in for the moment, and every dragon soon found a spot to curl up in.

Except one.

A small Gaoler whose fur was black as soot, arguably the weakest among them, was restless. He couldn't stop thinking about what was next. Was this merely a stepping stone in a longer journey? How much longer, how many more towns they simply 'pass through' until they find a real home? He couldn't stand it. He wouldn't stand it, to see the rest of these dragons wake up and continue to shuffle on, simply moving place to place with no end in sight. With shaky legs, he moved further into the room, bumping against a step he hadn't seen. As he ascended these stairs, his eyes began adjusting to the lack of light, and when he reached the top, he paused at the sight.

A giant statue depicting the Lightweaver stood against the back wall of the grand cathedral hall, her wings outstretched and arms held out. Someone before had placed a large candle in her palms, the dried wax dripping through her fingers. It took a long moment for him to realize he'd been holding his breath, carefully letting it out before moving closer. This place suddenly felt much more meaningful, or perhaps he simply hadn't felt the energy before, as he stood there under her gaze. Even carved out of stone, she seemed to glow.

It all washed over him quite suddenly; his emotions swelled up in his chest, threatening to flow out of his eyes if he did not find some other means to let it out. "Please," he quietly begged to the statue, voice straining to not stir the others. "Please take us under your wing. We've gone miles without food or shelter, and I fear we might not find a place to truly settle before we become too tired to keep going. I've nothing to offer but a life of service, but I would give anything to keep all of us safe."

The statue was silent, cold stone eyes giving no answer to his pleading. He shivered, a cool night breeze blowing through the open arch and across his back, leaving a blanket of chill over the rest of the dragons as it passed. With a sigh of defeat, he closed his eyes and bowed his head. His request had gone unheard.

Something fell onto his head. It was just heavy enough to be noticeable, but it did not act like a normal, solid object. It was warm, and he felt as it slid down into his fur, making contact with his skin. When he looked up again, the candle sitting in the statue's hands was lit. It was barely more than a flicker, but it softly illuminated her face, bringing the details of the carving into focus. It really seemed like her eyes were glowing. Tentatively, he stepped forward, holding his head directly under her hands, and the dripping wax. He closed his eyes again, not entirely certain what it meant, but hoping this was what would help him protect the others.

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Sleep had not been restful for the dragons sleeping on the cold stone floor. They had only gotten a few hours, if any, but they all knew they had to move on. Or rather, almost all. As they began to stir and start a head count, they found one dragon missing, though it wasn't long before they found him again. At the top of the steps, the little black Gaoler stood tall. Though they could not tell for certain in the dim light, he seemed different somehow.

"For too long, we have traveled in search of a home; a home we lost, and cannot reclaim. We've been looking for remnants of our past in the places we visit and the dragons we meet, and when we do not find it, we move on. But that ends here! We cannot truly move forward if we still have our claws sunk into the idea of our past. In this old place; a relic of someone else's history, we can start again. The ground beneath our feet is rich and we can dig our roots in without fear that they will be torn up. If you are tired of never knowing where you'll next lay your head, then stay, and rebuild with me. But if you have any doubt that this place can be your permanent home, then keep going, and I wish you luck and safe passage."

Not one dragon moved. The room was still and quiet, as though they'd all been turned into statues. There was hesitation; should they listen to him and take the risk? But as the sun rose behind them, light poured in through the stained glass windows, and they saw the transformation that had taken place. A glistening golden wax had covered his head and ran down his back, leaving streaks on his sides and pooling at his claws. But the most fascinating part was his wings, shining like pure gold in the light of dawn.

Suddenly they began looking around, noticing what they had not seen the night before; giant murals decorated the walls, painted right onto the stone and only gently faded from time; shelves of ancient books and cases of artifacts, some tipped over but most still in tact; and the giant statue of the Lightweaver behind the Gaoler, posed to protect the inhabitants of the cathedral. One by one, the other dragons stood taller, moved closer til they were gathered at the base of the steps. A small voice spoke first; ”I’ll stay.” And without pause, the rest followed suit, a united front.

We will stay.

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