
Lore Keeper
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Imperial
This dragon cannot breed until Jul 17, 2024 (19 days).
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Personal Style


Plague's Charm
Infectionist's Emblem
Red Mantle
Incense Mantle
Plague Tome


Accent: Voodoo


Scene: Plaguebringer's Domain


19.74 m
20.68 m
6285.18 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 29, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level


Aged Tome Feline Triskull Red Linen Fabric Scrap Spade Tail Nickel Cat Figurine Long Form Poetry

Iskarioth is the clan´s ritualist and lore keeper. He is revered for his kindness, and keeping things secret from Bloodsurge should a dragon make a mistake. This makes it all the worse when a dragon does defy him.

His wrath is ruthless, many unsure where the blood begins and markings end. They do rest assure keeping him happy will make everyone else happy, and they will gain good fortune and deeds in return.

The elders in the clan know it best to not trust him completely. His opinion of the clan so often fluctuates and sways, and it is never easy to tell when your confession and bragging is untrue to the Plaguebringer´s will. Worst case scenario, Iskarioth will make sure you will never be exalted.

-Original art by Bogleech
About the clan

1. What is the name of your clan?
Bloodsurge's clan of Naxxar.

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
Clan, more closely alike a warband.

3. How did the name originate?
Bloodsurge is the flagship of the clan, and runs it strictly and as according to her rule. Her prominence grants her as the leading figure of the clan. Naxxar is the name of the grounds they live on, which was used by the previous owners.

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
It is a dictatorship first and foremost. Whereas Bloodsurge holds absolute power, the ritualists are the closest associated with the exalted and the Plaguebringer's heeds.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
Though Cancer does his best to manage the clan's coffers, whatever income they receive is very quickly spent.

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Living beings and biological matter hold great value, as they can be sacrificed to Bloodsurge, the Plaguebringer, or the grounds they stand upon. Though in typical Plague fashion, bones fatigues and armor of the fallen are eagerly traded between the clan.

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
The clan is centered as a military organization, and focus their resources on training warriors. However, some might take up crafts should they find a way to make it possible. Any goods they produce are reserved first for use by the clan itself.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
They trade only if completely necessary, but the poor quality of most of their products makes it hard to strike any set deals.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
Most living beings, Bloodsurge is bad at making friends.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
They ally themselves with whoever thinks their methods are ok. Which is a stretch.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?
Any treaties would be handled carefully with contracts, as they are very distrustful. Some treaties may be sealed by the power of might and blood.

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
They are treated as wildlife, some of the clan keep them as pets.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
Very few live long enough to be considered "members". Though any that can stand their ground and survive, may thrive in the clan as a dragon's pet.

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
They would show distaste, or be curious about their actual taste. A true integration would be truly difficult.

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?
Before Bloodsurge came to power, the serthis were considered the clan's arch enemies. However, with changing relations to other dragon clans, the serthis are covertly used as informants. This relationship does not stand for long however, as Bloodsurge certainly wishes to exploit them at every opportunity...

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
Yes. But the dragons also understand the beastclan are often vastly smarter. Underestimating one can ruin the day for an unobservant dragon.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?
The dragons of Bloodsurge's clan have to be versatile. Critters usually reserved as food, may be repurposed or kept for alternative uses. For example, keeping maggots and beetles to clean bones for preservation.

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
The clan only celebrates two holidays, the Riot of Rot and Greenskeeper Gathering. The other elements are shunned upon in the Plaguebringer's greatness, but the nature flight gets a unique, special anti-celebration.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?
The Riot of Rot is a Huge Deal(tm). The month prior to the festival is used to prepare for the celebration. The clan will go en masse on raids for resources. Anything and all that can be used is taken, which they bring back to the clan. The raiding process repeats again and again, relentlessly until the week the Plague festival begins. It is the one time of the year where the clan declares peace for the duration of the holiday.

The festival is open to whoever would be invited. Which is not many, but they are included in what is a surprisingly pleasant event. There is drinks and food to go around, the amount equal to the success on their raids. In the prior raids, dragons could take the opportunity show off their prowess, which may grant them admirations and potential lovers in the festival week. Or make connections in the period where the struggle for survival is for once lifted.

This does not mean Bloodsurge forgets to enforce her discipline. Formal duels are arranged between aspiring leaders and warriors alike, where their honor and repute is on the line. It is an important time, where the clan's dragons are at their strongest.
Holy rituals are held, and hatchlings born during this time are blessed and heralded with higher expectations.

Nature on the other hand, is subject to experience a prolonged hate crime during the Greenskeeper Gathering. The clan goes to a tremendous length to ridicule the element, including burning the banner of nature before the Wyrmwound... As dipping it in the Wyrmwound would be disrespectful to the Plaguebringer.
Each year, the clan is challenged to come up with new creative ways of making a fool of the nature flight. The nature dragons are expected to revel in this equally, as even the slightest ounce of hesitance is followed by more ridicule and harassment.

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
Plague dragons are almost exclusively respected. Dragons from other elements have to prove their merit. Nature dragons especially so, especially after the events the Seedscar.

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Yes, but good luck.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?
All dragons can do elemental magic, the intensity which can be trained.
The magical world of Sornieth is rampant however, some dragons finding ways to control other aspects, or even other elements to a degree.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
No. But factors like proximity to their element, training and age, will affect the power of it.

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?
Absolutely, many items are enchanted or cursed already in the game. A specialized dragon can spend time and magic to enchant the world around them. Curses may have conditions too.

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
Learning new spells would likely require formal education in its casting, but this might change for each dragon and how they learn their magic. Some spells like casting runes, circles and miracles might require more work beforehand. Or spellcasters carrying tomes from which they cast from, rather than memorizing them all. It depends for each case.

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Yes, particularly the closer to one's element a dragon resides. Magically enhanced items like runestones and related elemental artifacts could as well.

29. Do dragon have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)
No, but certain spells might be weakened if their element is not present. A summoning water spell in the heat deserts of the Earth Flight might be hard to pull off.

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
All dragons accumulate magic, but only spellcasters will know how to use and accumulate more of it proficiently. As per the lore, the age of a dragon affects the strength of their magic as well.

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
A non-water dragon can be a seer, but will need hard work, magic and still never achieve the scrying precision of a water dragon.

32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
Yes, they work in the Leachate as scientists and researchers. The ritualists are also adept in their academic fields, but rarely take on apprentices.

33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
If neither the scientists of the Leachate nor the ritualists can understand the magic at hand, it would certainly be powers beyond their capability to handle. The ritualists are responsible for advising in the arcane knowledge, or figure out how.

34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Limited to their element, yes. Earth dragons shaping stone, nature dragons summoning vines etc.

35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
Yes, but they need to specialize in it.

36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
Yes, but it is mostly up to the dragon's fighting style.

37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Yes, the Plaguebringer.

38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
Worshipping anyone but the Plaguebringer is frowned upon, but none are persecuted for it. Save the Gladekeeper...

39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
Generally, no.

40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
Only the word of the Plaguebringer is allowed to be spread. The ritualists are responsible for spreading her word, and holding prayers in her favor.

41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
It is very noble.

42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave?
Dragons showing great prowess in battle are usually chosen to serve before the Plaguebringer. A formal ritual is held in their honour, conducted by the ritualists. Treasure exchanges claws with great deference to the exalted, and a chant to the Plaguebringer is the last thing the exalted hear as they leave the clan at last.

43. Where would one go to be exalted?
The Wyrmwound. (Yeet into the soup)

44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
Everyone is expected to worship the Plaguebringer.

45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?

46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
They are keenly awaiting news of his whereabouts... mostly for when they should celebrate his defeat. During the Unfathomable Odyssey, Toxic was sent to keep an eye on the search.

47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
Moth is exalted, but was sent to assist the clan. She is considered exalted and is treated as such. While her return from exaltation is for honorable reason, a dishonorable discharge would be heavily frowned upon.

48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
Dragons might be sacrificed, usually captured enemies. The ritualists follow a set of rules which must be followed for each ritual, but the subject of the sacrifice and method is often different.

49. Are any breed more liked or disliked than any others?

50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
Some might, but not particularly no.

51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
Canon sizes, with few exceptions.

52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
It is up to the individual dragon.

53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
Dragons can fly, but certain breeds like Snapper dragons have difficulties.

54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
Yes, unless otherwise is specified.

55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
Though not able to produce offspring, developing romantic relationships are still possible.

56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
They generally mingle.

57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
Finding new dragons is not new, but their origins are concerning many. Regardless, it is more potential spawn for their clan.

58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
Generally no, unless specified.

59. What about the Obelisks?
Obelisks were included in a similar manner, the clan surprisingly inquisitive and curious of the breed before they became like one of their own.

60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
Yes, but they are mostly done by said breed and their close friends.

61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
Up to the individual dragon.

62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
No, they are more concerned about their list of offspring.

63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
There are disabled dragons, but they are required to pull their own weight. A too severe disability can end badly for the individual. Being able to thrive despite their limitations may be recieved with admiration.

64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?

65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
They reach human intelligence, despite what they might seem like sometimes.

66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
The clan is very bare bone, but the scientists of the Leachate sometimes present some technological wonders. Most else is driven on magic, or not at all.

67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
Good luck farming. Some dedicated dragons can grow specific things in small amounts. Most dragons need to forage and hunt.

68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
Keep and hatch them ::)

69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
There was an attempt at ambassadors. That went pretty bad. They do not bother with representatitves for the most part, when they can simply show up with a warband in person.

70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
Generally not.

71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
While it is of great importance, it suffers from being mostly symbolic than functional. The castle Perdiciun maintains itself, made from flesh. Any dragon-made structures are usually temporary or easily destroyed, making the clan a constantly changing place that is never twice the same.

72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
Whatever that can not be taught with a hands on angle, is usually not taught in the first place. The ritualists might for several reasons train a dragon in formal educations, and conduct sermons for pledge to the Plaguebringer. Most of the clan can not write or read.

73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
While warriors are considered most highly, and as commodity, the scientists of the Leachate are vital in the pursuit of science. As well are the broodmothers, who have the important task of successfully hatching the clan's eggs.

74. Does your clan have a library?
Small, enchanted and not for public use, whatever that is written is carefully kept to the ritualists and scientists.

75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
There is a single dedicated cook, she refuses to make food for the clan. Anyone under the generals are considered servants, or whatever other role they are given.

76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
There are several cells in different locations with unique purposes.
One can be imprisoned for many offenses, or not being strong enough to escape. The system is not fair.
The victim is usually imprisoned for whatever duration Bloodsurge feels for.

77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
While there is little justice for any one dragon, a fight of might can save oneself. The trials are usually set up to ensure death, a dragon able to walk away has earned their continued heart beat.

78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
Light punishment is being alive. Serious punishment is being left alive.

79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
Generally no.

80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?

81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?

82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
Blood and Surge, respectively.

83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
The clan fears and hates the shade...but there are perhaps some shade-touched dragons.

84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
Very secret!

85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
They try not to think about it.

86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
The most common of attires are rags, fatigues armor and bones. Being able to wear a coherent, "clean" garment is considered high status. As they would catch a high price, and thus become a target, most use only the rags at their disposal. Or purposefully dirty the garment to destroy its worth.
The most used garments are decorated with plague symbolism, or for practical use or bindings for their wounds. A dragon with free time can craft quite elaborate, personal piece to decorate their war gear with. Skulls and scavenged armor is very trendy and admired.

87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
While most of their nutrition is sparse and far between, dragon flesh is consumed when nothing else is available. Rotten or fresh, it does not matter.

88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
Using plague-specific terms are common. "Bloody hell" is about the same as saying great heavens.

89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
The clan does not have much in the written department that is not directly clan business or tomes for the Plaguebringer. At times, tales are written, but objects of entertainment is usually reduced to a piece of femur on a good day. One might fashion idols or crafts such as a Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy, but they don't bother with it for the most part.

90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
They would probably think it was cool, but the lack of access to the technology and culture would probably make it useless to them.

91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
The dragons usually make do with whatever is available. Though with access to materials and knowledge, they could make anything. The clan is usually reduced to living near feral, but one can sometimes find ingenious solutions and sometimes "normal" objects.

92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?

93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
Yes, but its vaguely explored.

94. Does spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
Yes, and at times become very annoying.

95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
Generally not. Some might try to conjure them with magic.

96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
Yes, there would be.

97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
Yes, but no such thing as an anthem.

98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
When they grow old enough, hatchlings can try to escape the clan. Or stay in Bloodsurge's service to one day be exalted.

99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?
Yes, being picky is deadly.

100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new?
These changes are caused by magic items. The enchanters' skill determines how the item works.

As per his role, Iskarioth was expected amongst the lower ranking of the exalted dragons of the Plaguebringer from time to time. It was very crucial, as he served a sacred purpose of keeping a close network between the military, governing and civilian sections of the plague clans. Of course, and as always, he was in a bit of trouble.

"Thirteen clans… Thirteen!" A foetid bogsneak slammed his tail against the swampy ground, bugs running away from the assailant. "You must understand it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to keep common grounds with Bloodsurge’s clan…"
Despite the hostility, there was a very good understanding between the two of the dragons. The imperial calmly writing in his tome that he kept close at hand.

"Why?" Iskarioth asked, inquiring gently as to not provoke them. "I thought we all agreed we vouch for the survival of the fittest. Your new recruits are born of blood and war and pestilence, exactly as is Her will. Surely those defeated are so sore of the defeat they can not comprehend it."

The bogsneak looked at Iskarioth, and the black skydancer next to him. The ritualist Mardikan, she was more open than the devilish attitude of the imperial dragon. Although the skydancers present here could sense their true emotions, only Mardikan was attuned to the carefully kept colleague of hers. They were adapted to condone absolute war in the name of the Filthy One, and had grown to reflect that as well.

He cleared his throat, raising his fans to accentuate is point. "Our opinion matters little in the face of public opinion. One thing is to trifle with a clan such as the one you keep. If they wished not to be victims, they would settle on the far fringes of the Ice flight. I am talking about that monstrosity you call a leader…"
All eyes were on the ritualists, and the more receptive skydancers could sense Iskarioth was trying to come up with a reply.
The bogsneak understood, continuing before either could make a reply.

"Many report now she is near reduced to *liquid* at defeat, and yet again and again she rises anew. The clans are decimated by this entity, and full aware she is granted the blessing as a great follower of the Plaguebringer. What are we to tell them, that this monster is not an undea-,"
"I can assure you she is not." Iskarioth interjected, looking carefully at the crowd assembled. "She is perfectly alive, as is expected of any zealot of the Filthy One."

"Nonsense." A guardian dragon said, heavy battle-plate and chains scraping against each other as he took the center stage. His voice was become so hoarse, they were surprised he could still speak so loud.
"What dragon can escape death by the perils she has suffered at this point?! Parts of her body is not even connected! She is bleeding a sea for every move! How can such a being exist and yet stay true to Her?!"

Mardikan knew they were becoming hostile, the next words would likely decide wether they still had a clan or not. She gestured to Iskarioth, then spoke loud and clear. "I do believe it is time."
Iskarioth smiled, looking over the crowd. He could let Mardikan speak, but he was going to take the word for her sake. If they did not like their opinion, it would be Iskarioth who had to deal with the consequences. Mardikan was essential in dealing with the clan, and was their only hope in keeping it together should they lose their flagship now.

"Have you not considered, that our dear clan leader, Bloodsurge, is not a dragon anymore?"
Iskarioth spoke confident and testing, carefully looking at the exalted and lesser’s expressions. They were not happy, but kept silent.
"The Plaguebringer have bestowed upon our clan many gifts for our devotion. She must be well aware the scourge in her backyard is so mutated as it is. For one who has fought so much, endured so many, strides on and clings onto life with an undying rage, would She not bestow the greatest gift of all?"

The guardian dragon rose up, his roar somewhat choked in his fervor. "The Filthy One has not, and would never, make a dragon immortal!" His words arose a silent churning murmuring among the gathered. Iskarioth kept his composure, knowing exactly how to defend this.
"Of course she would not. What a dishonorable gift for someone who is fighting so hard for her belief. You must be more cunning, and realize what the Filthy One has granted is a curse." He said, a thin smile spreading on his face as he continued.

"Bloodsurge must be a mutated parasite. A being created to forever be in pain, to grovel and claw for every little chance she has to die in Her name. Perhaps she is a key, in the mystery of how our elemental acolytes are created. Perhaps it is but an abomination, or a tool to test new diseases and weapons of war. But I can assure you, that creature," Iskarioth took a pause. Looking patiently over the crowd to let them think of his suggestion.

",is not dead. A heart still beats, and a soul churns in that putrid machination we call Bloodsurge"
The guardian snuffed, when the bogsneak slammed his heavy tail in the ground once more. "This dispute becomes yet again more convoluted, but it will do to keep the clans assured they are not cheated of their belief. This matter, however, is not finished…"

Iskarioth bowed his head, putting a claw before his chest in respect. Mardikan bowed as well, doing that funny thing of hers were she spread her wings and and leaned back.
"We work only in Her name. Should we see fit Bloodsurge is an abomination to be slain, we shall make it so."

Mardikan could tell the crowd was more slightly more content. The bogsneak continued the conversation on to other matters. She did not need to see Iskarioth's face. They both knew they could not keep this up forever. But for now, they would control the clan for another day.
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Exalting Iskarioth to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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