
teashop apprentice
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Cherry Blossom Strangler
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Lovebirds Dried Tea
Lovebirds Spare Tea
Proper Monocle
Advisor Collar
Well-to-do Sable Spats
Lovebirds Tea Tray
Sakura Lei
Refined Highnoon Vest
Sweet Towel
Heatherbed Lily



Scene: Roadside Tavern


30.27 m
20.03 m
8767.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 29, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



Aen's Teashop Outpost

A tea stand is located on the far west edge of the beach, immediately identifiable by the bundles of fragrant herbs tied to the structure's wooden frame and the teacups hanging on hooks from the sign on top. The fresh water rushing down the waterfall and towards the sea provides a source of cool, clean water ready to be fashioned into tea. A teapot sits on a grate over a small fire pit located between the stand and the sea, steaming steadily before it begins to whistle. Beside the stand, a seating area has been constructed for visitors to relax and enjoy their tea.

In contrast to the tranquil atmosphere, Aen is a whirlwind of activity - he expertly measures tea leaves into the teapot's built-in diffuser before putting a fresh kettle on. He takes orders from two repeat customers, clearly memorizing them, as he doesn't take the chance to write anything down. Another patron's empty cup hits the counter, and it's tucked in a busbin underneath a split second later with a flick of Aen's tail. Right at the two-minute mark, he spins around and pours from the steeping kettle into a row of cups lined up lip-to-lip - and not a single drop spills.

The dragons ahead of you in line rattle off their orders to Aen, who accepts them with a curt nod before returning to his flourish of activity. Next, it's your turn - the tea server turns expectantly to you, awaiting your order.

Aen | he/him | teamaker's apprentice | young adult

Aen serves as an apprentice to the eccentric teashop owner Thyme. The serious young Imperial doesn't share his mentor's love of gossip, though. Regardless of their endless banter and heated arguments, Aen holds a deep respect for Thyme, and the elder truly cares for his apprentice. When you spend most of your time together, behind the cramped counter of the subterranean's best if you actually like each other! Though he wasn't sure what to make of the other dragon at first, Aen soon became friends with Thyme's second apprentice, Esau.

Aen's favorite type of tea is matcha - the plants are notoriously difficult to maintain, and only a small amount of the highest quality product can be harvested from each plant, so it's a rare treat for him. Most often, when he gets a craving, he'll travel down to Churnscar Wharf - but there's no guarantee anyone's selling matcha, let alone matcha good enough for Aen. He quite likes the other green teas, but matcha is best. He must keep his enjoyment to himself, though as his mentor doesn't care one bit for tea with such a tedious preparation.

While he'll choke it down to appease polite company, or recommend it to a customer, Aen detests mint tea. He'll breathe through his mouth while preparing it, just to avoid the smell tainting his palate.


After hearing the news that his family would be working together to host a reunion, Aen asked his mentor for help preparing some extra-special teas to serve during the event. The two worked together to create a new blend with a twist of citrus, and set aside a good portion of their existing inventory to have on hand for the reunion. Next, Thyme helped Aen set up a little tea stand on the beach, and taught him how to heat a kettle over an open fire without burning the tea inside - all while darting around and distracting him with new orders.

By the end of the day, Aen was a master at multitasking, and knew what to do if he ran out of tea leaves or if the sea breeze threatened to overtake his pit fire. It was almost worth Thyme teasing him the whole time...regardless, Aen was looking forward to showing off his teamaking skills, and especially to debuting the blend he created!

making a new friend at the reunion wrote:
pandakitty1 wrote:
Two Spirals descended from the clouds, the sun reflecting on their bright scales into the eyes of onlookers. Both had a variety of baskets and satchels wrapped around their bodies. The red Spiral was grinning with unbridled enthusiasm, but the pink wore a mild frown.
"Mom, what did you drag me all the way here for?", Orpheus said while flapping his wings just enough so that he floated still in the air.
Phoebe snorted. "I didn't drag you here. I think you need to get in touch with your family more. You're missing out on a lot." Phoebe turned to land, but Orpheus stopped her.
"But the event doesn't start for another half-moon, so there's barely anyone here... Your cousins are still sitting on their tails back home"
"Our cousins, Reverie and Ashma, aren't here because they don't need to be. We're setting up, you dummy." Phoebe said affectionately, "Now, let's go talk to that dragon down there." Before he could say anything, his mother had already landed on the beach.
"Hi, Phoebe. I'm also Phoebe. I've got stuff for drinks... Oh, I got it, thanks... Oh, don't worry about it. Just point me to where, and I'll set everything up. My son, Orpheus here, will help", Phoebe spoke. More quietly, she said, "The set-up won't take as long as he thinks. When we're done, I'd like him to be busy and socializing. Could you find him a job, please, preferably one where he can make a friend? I don't want him to be lonely at the reunion."
perfectoranges wrote:
Phoebe is beyond delighted to meet a relative with her same name, so it takes a few minutes of chatting before she's willing to direct Phoebe to one of the booths that run the length of the beach. Or, that will once they're fully constructed. It's on the list, she explains. Even though they're not yet set up, all the components and instructions needed to build the booths are in the crates stacked on the sand.

"Perhaps Dallion would appreciate some help setting up tents?" Phoebe replies to the other Phoebe's muttered inquiry. "According to my list, the lodgings in the caves have already been taken care of....Otherwise, Aen may appreciate a helping hand in crafting his tea blends. Like Orpheus, he's also quite...what's the word? Aloof."
pandakitty1 wrote:
Phoebe nodded. "Good idea about him and Aen. He's already got some experience with making drinks, so it should be a piece of cake. Thanks."
For the next few hours, Phoebe and Orpheus set up shop. Not without some stepped-on tails and angry remarks, the pair had pulled together a little booth. It was Phoebe-colored with dashes of glitter that shined when the sun hit it just right. The fermented fruit juices and colorful candies stayed by an ice block, haphazardly crafted from Phoebe's limited ice magic, to keep it cold until guests arrived.
Phoebe rested on the sand after it was all finished. Orpheus floated above her, checking the angle of the sun every few minutes.
"So what now?", he asked.
"So now, I have a job proposition for you."
"Oh great". He turned his head away and folded his arms tight against his chest.
"Oh, come on. I think you'll like it. You would be working with tea this time around, and I think you'll get along with your tea buddy. Talk to Phoebe when you're done with whatever you're doing. Ok? Or just consider it, pleeease!"
Orpheus did consider it. Doing nothing at all would be boring, but he's familiar with boring. Boring is like an old friend to him. To experience something so new as a dragon from so far away, a possible friend, would be a little scary but at the same time exciting and interesting. Would he prefer boring over this excitement? Probably not. So he made his way to where the other Phoebe stood and awkwardly asked about the job opportunity.
perfectoranges wrote:
With a knowing smile, Phoebe points Orpheus towards a booth with the same general structure as the one he just finished constructing. It's located next to the river, where the fresh water rushes past between a waterfall and the sea. It seems Aen has only just finished putting it together; crates of supplies are scattered around the sand, waiting to be unpacked. Compared to the detailed decor Phoebe added to her stall, this one is quite plain; the only decorations Aen has added are bundles of fragrant herbs that hang from the structure's wooden frame.

Aen dips a blue-and-white painted kettle into the river's cool running water before pulling it out to set atop a low flame in a pit in the sand. It's at this point that he looks up and notices Orpheus approaching.

"I just put the kettle on, so it'll be a few minutes before I can serve anything," he says as he turns to unpack a crate carrying glass jars of dried herbs.
pandakitty1 wrote:
"Oh, no. That's not--" Orpheus flicked his tail, nervously. "I actually want to help you." Orpheus cracked a smile, hoping to ease the awkwardness he had just created.

"Well, Phoebe said that I could help you." Orpheus flew to the side of Aen and offered out his hand to help with the crates. "Oh, I'm Orpheus, by the way. I figure I should tell you that before you-- like give me a weird nickname-- or something", he chattered on, hoping that Aen would understand how much Orpheus was trying.
perfectoranges wrote:
Aen returns Orpheus' smile with a small one of his own, and plunks a glass jar into his outstretched hand. Dried flower blossoms tumble around inside.

"Chamomile," Aen confirms. He points to a spot below the stall's counter; shelves are built in to hold product, and a few jars are already lined up in what seems to be alphabetical order. None of the jars are labeled, though, so it's up to the teamakers to know their ginseng from their ginger.

After a few minutes of unpacking, the kettle begins to whistle, and Aen trots over to take it off the flame. He rummages in another crate and pulls out two teacups to set on the counter.

"What's your favorite kind of tea?" he asks Orpheus.
pandakitty1 wrote:
Orpheus paused for a moment. The truth was he didn't drink much tea. He preferred coffee or just plain water. However, he remembered that his mother let him drink a type of tea when he was young, before she let him drink coffee and way before she let him drink the beverages served at the tavern. But what was the name of that tea? He puzzled.

"Do you have masha, like the green tea?" He hoped that was right, which it was probably not. Orpheus didn't know why, but he wanted to impress this dragon. Tea knowledge seemed like the way to go, but Orpheus knew he didn't have much of that... He didn't know what he would do.
perfectoranges wrote:
"Oh- you mean matcha?" Aen asks, his expression startled before it turns sheepish. It's clear he wasn't expecting this answer; he seems to be quite thrown off. "I do have some, but it's not from the teashop..."

Instead of grabbing something from one of the crates, he reaches into a satchel slung around his waist, and pulls out a little wooden container with a whisk tied on with twine. Orpheus watches as Aen sidles up to the counter and begins to prepare the drink.

"My mentor isn't a fan of matcha, which is saying something - he likes all kinds of tea, even mint cactus -" Aen makes a sour face - "- as long as it's prepared properly. But for some reason, he doesn't like matcha, so he doesn't serve it at the teashop. I suppose I's prepared differently than other teas, so maybe it would be too much of a departure from what he and the customers are used to. But it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of it, of course! Just...decreases it. I have to go all the way down to Churnscar Wharf to buy it, and the merchant isn't always there when I have a craving..."

Aen finishes whisking the powder into the water, tilting the cup to make sure no residue is left, and pushes one cup across to Orpheus as he tidies up his tools before returning them to his satchel.

"Go ahead, take a sip! I'd love to know what you's been a long time since I've had it prepared by someone else, so I hope I've been doing it right," Aen rambles on, his aloof persona seemingly dissipated. Maybe tea talk really is the way to go to get this dragon to open up!
pandakitty1 wrote:
Orpheus was embarrassed at first for getting the name wrong, but hearing Aen light up about tea soothed his embarrassment. He picked up the teacup delicately, so as to not spill it, and smiled a very genuine smile, the most genuine he's made this entire day.

He took a sip, and mouth agape, his upper body practically drooped over. That's better than I remember, he thought. He cleared his throat and regained his original rigid posture.

"It's amazing. Thank you." He gazed at the warm tea that sat in the palms of his hands. It seemed that he had finished talking before he opened his mouth again, "You know, my mom used to buy me matcha tea every so often after my lessons. It was always a treat for me. We would go to a coffee shop in our clan. My mom would gossip with the owner sometimes while I drank my tea, but the focus was usually on me." Orpheus took a long sip of tea. "My mom and I have always been close. Sometimes, though, I feel like I'm not treating her how I should. She's made so many sacrifices for me and has been so supportive, yet I find every single flaw in all of her plans. And even though she doesn't seem to care, I feel like I should be doing better. You know what I mean?"

Orpheus couldn't believe he had just opened up like that. "I'm sorry. You didn't need to hear all of that." He put his tea on the counter and turned his back towards Aen, hoping to forget about that interaction.
perfectoranges wrote:
Aen looks quite proud as he watches his cousin visibly enjoy the tea; in between sips of his own, he listens to Orpheus with a calm expression. When Orpheus turns away, Aen sets his teacup down on the counter and speaks softly, haltingly, as if he's unused to giving others comfort in such a way.

"I don't know your mother enough to say for certain, but I imagine she wouldn't have invited you to come along if she were truly bothered by your attitude. And I must say, criticism is plenty important in any field of work; if you hadn't liked the matcha, I'd appreciate your honesty far more than empty platitudes." He pauses and regards his own teacup, which is a few short sips from being empty, with a faraway look in his eye.

"I haven't seen my parents in many years, but there's no shortage of parental love in my life...still, there's nothing quite like connecting with someone who's known you since birth. I'd think if you told her what you told me just now - reflecting on how things used to be, and how they've changed - she might have some thoughts to share from her own perspective. I'm not well equipped for conversations such as these, but your admission is far from the most shocking I've heard from customers at the tea bar." Aen chuckles lightheartedly, hoping his attempt at bringing Orpheus' mood up was a success.
pandakitty1 wrote:
Orpheus peeked over his shoulder at Aen. "You really think I could talk to her?", he asked. He wasn't used to opening up, and he definitely wasn't used to receiving advice. I will try my best, he thought.

--Phoebe and Orpheus alone (excuse me for making it unnecessarily long)--

He finished his tea before finding his mother by the creekside, washing colorful glasses in the cool water. Phoebe looked up and smiled at him as he approached.

"Mom, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, honey."

I-I uhm." Orpheus didn't know what to say.

"Orpheus, you can tell me anything", Phoebe said. Orpheus paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I was thinking about when I was a kid; we were so close. We always put each other first, but now I feel like things are a bit too far from that now. And I feel I'm bitter towards you and find faults in everything, and I just feel bad, but I don't want you to be mad about it, and--and--"

"Oh, honey. Don't feel bad. I'm not mad at you about anything. Come here." Phoebe pulled Orpheus into a hug before pulling away, "Your grouchiness is not a bother to me. Your ability to find faults actually helps me sometimes. And I don't think we've lost any of the closeness between us. Perhaps, it's just a different kind of closeness. I mean, unless there's anything I need to do?"

"You're right. It's okay." Orpheus sighed. "Maybe I don't need to worry about anything."

"I love you, Orpheus." Phoebe brought him into another hug. "I'm so proud of you for telling me how you feel."

"Thank you, Mom. I love you too." Orpheus buried his head into his mom's neck.

--Orpheus and Aen, finally again--

Orpheus helped Phoebe finish with the dishes before returning to Aen's stall. By this time, the sun was nearing the horizon.

"Thank you, Aen. I don't think I could have done this without you", Orpheus was telling the truth, "Oh, yeah. I kind of ran off earlier. Sorry about that. Is there anything I can help you with?"
perfectoranges wrote:
When Orpheus returns to the tea stand, Aen is finishing up organizing the last crate of tea ingredients. The shelf behind the bar is almost fully stocked; some ingredients are best when fresh, so he plans to fetch them just before the reunion begins. Aen brushes the counter free of some errant grains of sand with a thoughtful look as as Orpheus speaks. After a moment of silence, he replies.

"I think I'm all done here, at least for today. But I'd be happy to welcome you back if you'd be so kind as to offer some help during the reunion...since you clearly like doing dishes." He gives a knowing smile, and Orpheus realizes he must've seen his encounter with Phoebe from a distance. Somehow it doesn't make him feel embarrassed, though, to know Aen witnessed him in a moment of vulnerability.

"Or," Aen continues, "maybe you could bring Phoebe over for a cup of matcha. It's not on the menu for the rest of the guests, but I think I can make an exception for you two!"
pandakitty1 wrote:
During the feast, Orpheus darted from Phoebe back to Aen back to Phoebe and back to Aen again, as they prepared refills. Finally, Phoebe urged him to work with Aen for the rest of the evening, and so he did.

"How's your day been?" he asks Aen, hoping this is a good way to start a conversation.
perfectoranges wrote:
"...Busy," is all Aen can has to say as he pours the last cup of green tea from the teapot in his hands. "Excuse me - I'll have to get a refill, no one wants to drink the dregs." That's virtually all the conversation Orpheus and Aen are able to have during the feast; they see plenty of each other as they rush up and down the table, providing refills and fetching empty cups. After the feast, there's a second, smaller feast exclusively for the chefs and other volunteers, with fresh dishes that have been set aside and kept warm for the duration of the main event.

"As I was saying," Aen says in between bites of fig-stuffed turkey roast, "It's been busy. I'd hoped to have more time to attend the events like last year, but with the tea stand's popularity I've barely been able to get away to eat and sleep. Not that that's a bad thing - I'm glad it's gone over well, quite the difference from last year." He takes another bite, chewing thoughtfully.

"How have you been faring? Enjoying the events?"
pandakitty1 wrote:
"I've enjoyed the reunion a lot more than I thought. I didn't think much of it when my mother mentioned it to me originally, but I can say that I was presently surprised." Orpheus looks down at his claws, an unconscious grin spread across face. "I only really attended one event other than the feast, but it was still a lot of fun. I feel like you can enjoy the reunion even without the events. Hmmm?" Orpheus took a sip of the matcha tea Aen had prepared for him and gnawed on the ant clusters on his plate.
reuniting with an old friend at the reunion wrote:
AndromedasHeart wrote:
Esau skitters through the dragons gathered on the beach. He cradles a unique cup to his chest, it having a lid fastened tight to keep the drink inside warm. Then he spots it-through the sea of wings was a stand with unmistakable teacups hanging from it, two very similar teacups were tied snugly along his tail. His cousin had set up near the base of the waterfall, attracting quite the throng of dragons.

Esau's shoulders relaxed as he made his way towards the tea stand. He inched around the crowd until he could see Aen working, fast and punctual as ever. He had no idea how his cousin handled this kind of workload without breaking a sweat, but Esau hoped he wouldn't mind a little help.

He carefully set his cup in a safe spot out of the way before ducking under the imperial's wings to grab the busbin full of dirty teacups. Aen jumped in surprise but Esau simply grinned at him before carrying the cups to the river to wash. The stand was, evidently, popular and both dragons had their talons full for awhile. But eventually, there was a lull in customers and they could take a break. "I can't believe how busy this place is already," Esau laughed breathless, claws fidgeting with the cup he had brought, "But it's really nice to see you again! I've-um, been experimenting with some tea blends and wanted to see what you thought? I just brewed this one this morning," He explains holding the cup out to Aen.

(It's a green tea infused with Jasmine and Pomegranate, with a strange, sweet flavor thats somewhat unusual)
perfectoranges wrote:

Eager for a break in the form of his favorite beverage, Aen reaches out to take the cup from Esau.

"Still warm," he remarks, a little surprised. Though given the heat of the day, it really wasn't that unbelievable. Aen lifts the cup to take a sip, and his brow furrows the way it does when he's annoyed. Esau's stomach lurches - until Aen lowers the cup again, and he sees what the problem was.

"There's a lid," Esau says in the exact tone he would use to tell a customer 'sorry it burned your tongue, but tea is supposed to be hot.'

"I can see that," Aen replies flatly. Once the lid is removed and safely out of the way, he brings the cup to his lips, his eyes flicking to look at Esau before they're obscured by the rim of the cup. The familiar flavor of green tea hits his tongue, colored with two flavors distinctly different, though not unwelcome.

The cup leaves his mouth, but Aen's eyes are squinted shut. "Jasmine," he says, holding up a finger as if to shush Esau. "And...don't tell me..."

Esau waits, a smile spreading across his face.

"Pomegranate!" Aen finishes, opening his eyes and matching Esau's smile with a proud grin of his own. "Did I say I'm glad to see you? I'm glad to see you."
AndromedasHeart wrote:

Esau felt relief pour over him as he grinned back, "I'm so glad you like it!"

The sound of the rumbling waterfall behind them mixed with everyone's talking and laughing. Despite how busy they've just been, Esau felt surprisingly tranquil (especially after slipping into his old routine when he had worked at Thyme's shop).

He looked up at his cousin, "What have you and Thyme been up to? Besides, y'know, being busy with the shop and everything," he added with a laugh.
perfectoranges wrote:
"Since you left, it's been a lot of the same - more down time, though, meaning more of a chance to get away for awhile," Aen says, subtlely tapping the satchel on his belt that Esau recognizes as holding his matcha canister. "And, of course, time to get everything all set up for the reunion - my tea stand was a much smaller operation last year, if you can believe it."

Now finished with his cup of green tea, Aen relaxes, enjoying the chance to sit still for awhile.

"I'm certain the customers will surge again once the seasons change - something about the cold weather elsewhere always causes dragons to flock to the tropics. But enough about us here - what have you been up to? Planning to open your own shop, yet?"
AndromedasHeart wrote:
Esau laughed nervously, "Oh, no no no, that would be way too much pressure," though imagining it, it wouldn't be all bad...creating new blends for any dragon to try...the pride of having a shop that was his... "Not in the near future anyway."

He let himself relax as they talked, "I'm just fine with experimenting with new flavors for now. I've mainly been using green tea as bases, so I next I want to branch out to some other kinds. My-um, my friend Mira has been taste-testing for me," his said, face growing a little warm

Esau was not the biggest talker during his apprenticeship, but Aen remembers that name being mentioned a few times. He had talked about being dragged into her mischievous chaos, but he had always been smiling while telling those stories.

"She gives me good feedback, but she's not allowed in the kitchen anymore. She keeps asking me to brew random plants she finds in the forest, half of which have been poisonous so far," He said, rolling his eyes fondly.
perfectoranges wrote:
"Well, you and I both know you've got the know-how to open up a shop - experience matters, but that you can always gain along the could always talk to - or write to - Thyme if you wanted to do such a thing, he'd have more advice in the way of managing a business." Aen shrugs, choosing to drop the subject for the time being.

He listens contently as Esau describes his process of experimentation, interjecting once in awhile with suggestions. "It might be worth experimenting with berries more often - the non-poisonous variety, of course. I imagine they grow quite well in the Reedcleft Ascent."

"Did you bring any guests along? I'm afraid I might not recognize Mina if I saw her."
AndromedasHeart wrote:
Esau ducked his head at Aen's praise, feeling embarrassed and proud at the same time. It was nice to know that if he ever wanted to try to make his own shop, he'd have two great dragons behind him.

"No I didn't bring anyone with me," He responded, "I invited Mira, but she had something else going on..." Esau trailed off, obviously disappointed.
perfectoranges wrote:
"Well," Aen strokes his beard thoughtfully. "Even if Mira wasn't able to attend, that doesn't mean you can't bring a little token back for her. Have you visited the vendors' stalls?"

Esau hadn't, since his first objective upon arriving had been to seek out his friend. "Maybe later..."

Later does indeed come, and after munching on some absolutely delicious treats from one of the food carts, Esau browses the stands selling apparel. He ends up picking out a pair of trousers for Mira, ones that seem like they'll match the vest she's so fond of, and he even finds something for himself - a shirt just like the uniform he'd worn while working at the Twilit Teashop!
AndromedasHeart wrote:
On the last day of the reunion, Esau and Roland had their run of the beachfront, exploring everything they could together. He did his best to find Aen during his breaks, the pair laughing and swapping new tea ideas.
pre-reunion correspondence wrote:

Esau -

As I'm sure you're aware, my family is beginning to prepare for this year's family reunion. All the excitement and reminiscing led me to recall what a joy it was to visit with you last year over a lovely cup of tea. I hope you're not neglecting your craft...I've included some fresh-picked flowers, perhaps you can dry the leaves and create something new with them?

I look forward to having an opportunity to visit with you again in October.


Sunrise Hibiscus Frosted Violets Bluelipped Thresh
pre-reunion correspondence ii wrote:

Dear Aen,

I have been busy and unable to write much, but receiving letters from you is always a delight. I unfortunately have been neglecting my work a bit, but only because I'm happy to announce I now have three beautiful daughters, and I have another clutch of three on the way! They are nearly ready to find their own way into the world and I couldn't be prouder. I must admit caring for little hatchlings did not come naturally to me at first, but it has inspired me to try a few new recipes. I've now been experimenting with honey and mint to help sooth any little one's upset stomach.

I cannot wait to see you again this October, and please tell Thyme I said hello.

Honeycomb Fragment Spearmint Heatherbed Lily

Sunset -> Begonia -> Capra -> Aen
Cherry Blossom Caterpillar Magic Carpet Cherry Blossom Strangler
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