
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 50
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Shadow icon
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Female Nocturne
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Contrast Rogue Wing Guard
Silver Lei
Contrast Rogue Bracers
Black and White Flair Scarf
Tanned Rogue Footpads




3.74 m
7.08 m
592.81 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 30, 2020
(4 years)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Shandora Black
Occupation: Spy

Personality and Mindsets
Shandora, although her kind is a mimicking species, does indeed have a personality of her own deep down. She is a copier and uses that to better her career as a spy, but she also takes pieces from dragons she has met over the years and put them together to create her own personality or personalities. She has many faces, whether they were chosen by her or not. She has a dissociative disorder called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID, previously known as multiple personality disorder). In order for this disorder to happen she had to have gone through life threatening or traumatic experiences, whether she witnessed the victim or was the victim in trouble.
Her main personality, Sandra Black, is only seen within her clan, the Azurewinds clan. She is a listener and a trooper. She is creative and resourceful and often helps with countering the information she gathers when it comes to a fight or war. She is good at spotting things the average dragon does not. She points these things out and this often helps her clan's leader plan out various things. She is considerate and doesn't ask for much at all. She only wants a shelter and food on her table and is rather fine with just that.
Her second personality, Bludsunder Contour, is an assassin with no heart for her clients or whoever gets in the way. This personality is violent and unchecked and he can become often scary in a bad situation. **** this one off and he will show you no mercy. He is more likely to rip you apart emotionally to the point you no longer function before he rips you apart physically. Thankfully, it takes a lot to **** this stone cold personality off. He is mostly just a butthole.
The third personality is Lady Violorosa, a wealthy nocturne who is known to be wonderful with diplomatic situations. She is quite sweet and talks quite a bit when you acknowledge her wish too. She is in love with another dragon but keeps her crush to herself. She is formal and respectful to everyone. She wears lace most of the time and lives traveling from clan to clan. She wears a white mask in order to hide her face from view. After this personality's "husband died" she has hidden her face ever since in eternal grief. She is sad, but pure.

She has a dissociative disorder called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID, previously known as multiple personality disorder). In order for this disorder to happen she had to have gone through life threatening or traumatic experiences, whether she witnessed the victim or was the victim in trouble. As a hatchling she witnessed an attack on one of her best friends that nearly killed him. The dragon that attacked him was a Wildclaw, the school bully, and was a vicious creature. His name was Throatcut. She had been imagining fighting back against Throatcut for so long that when she fought back, mimicking his personality and ruthlessness, it actually made an alter in the long run. The Alter was male and named Bludsunder Contour. The personality had named himself and he identified as a male wildclaw. She fought the bully many times and never remembered doing so (since each personality has their own set of memories), but she was able to defend her hatchling friend.
Bludsunder doesn't come out unless she feels threatened or out matched.
When she left her previous clan to find a new clan she went into another clan of the water flight. She met a handsome guardian there and she instantly fell in love. She would watch from the shadows, having only bumped into him once, observing his behavior and the women he often liked, which were the fancy, formal, wealthy type. She went up to him in private one time and he turned out to be a very scary dragon when alone with females that aren't his breed. Lady Violorosa was the alter to help block those memories of nasty rejection and discrimination.
Lady Violorosa only comes out when she feels like she is being talked down too or fears being rejected by someone or a group of someones. Lady Violorosa also helps her cover up when on certain missions.
When she came to Azurewinds clan after running away from the water flight clan she came here and met Illusionary, who was a spy and an assassin. Although Illusionary didn't speak much, she learned to understand Illusionary simply through body language and expressions. Some say they are close enough to be able to read each others' minds simply by looking into each others' eyes. Others say they simply talk in secret and that it is one big act. But nobody can be for certain what it is. Illusionary helped her center herself and become Shandora Black, able to develope herself more rather than Bludsunder or Violorosa as her personality. She still does have her personalities, and with help from her Therapist, Kya, she is able to focus on herself and work with her alters as one instead of against them. They do not have the ability to help her get her memories back in order to become one dragon, like how she is meant to grow up, but they are able to help her come to peace with it.
Shandora Black is the main personality and the host of the DID system.


Illusionary - Best Friend - Illusionary and Shandora are partners in crime and work well with each other. Since Shandora is always mimcking her way of life Illusionary finds it easier to work with Shandora. She even sees Shadnora as a little sister when she feels open enough to the nocturne. Shandora looks up to Illusionary and does her best to mimic Illusionary to be as close to her as possible. She doesn't remember her own voice so using one without moving her mouth is so much easier then speaking. So body language and hand signs are more comfortable for them both to communicate. Even though ASL is the main communication method, Illusionary is comfortable enough when completely alone with Shandora to open up and speak to her with her own voice.

Kya - Therapist - Kya is doing her best to help Shandora see her condition as healthily as possible. Shandora was not aware of her condition being an actual thing instead of what she thought was just bad memory. Now that Shandora realizes her disorder is real, her and Kya have made a lot of head way on helping Shandora learn to live with DID, even though they don't have all the proper training and techniques in order to complete the process of getting Shandora's memories back. Kya has managed to get Shandora in a place where her day dreaming doesn't affect her alters or gain her any new ones and so that Shandora can recognize when and how her alters are triggered to avoid having them take over too much, but also working with it in a way that benefits the system.
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Exalting Shandora to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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