Level 25 Banescale
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.
6.08 m
4.66 m
823.26 kg
Jaguar (Banescale)
Jaguar (Banescale)
Butterfly (Banescale)
Butterfly (Banescale)
Flameforger (Banescale)
Flameforger (Banescale)
Eye Type
Level 25 Banescale
Max Level

- none
- none
Wandering Scout (and vigilante)
(Testing, quick first draft) One of the first Banescale to hatch, Flare is a lot younger than most of the clan members. However, she happens to be the most experienced with battles, and the first person that the others go to if they need combat advice or perhaps, just someone to talk to. When not in the lair, Flare prefers to patrol the clan’s territory quietly, or forage for anything useful. Not many outside of the clan have seen her, but visitors may occasionally feel like they’re being watched (which honestly is normal for Clan Skylark) especially if they get too close to the clan’s borders or an important location. If Flare doesn’t want to be found, even the clan has a hard time finding her due to her unusual ability. It’s impossible for most creatures to detect her, unless they know what they’re looking for. Despite being approachable, Flare keeps most people at a distance and is quite solitary. She sometimes vanishes for months, presumably to wander or visit her home flight, but the clan expects little of her. Without fail, she usually returns for any important events, and everyone has grown used to seeing a mysterious pile of food or scavenged items left outside their lair, or the hatchlings excitedly trying to play hide and seek with ‘the Banescale with the glowing eyes’. |
Elemental Zodiac Familiars |
When the Banescale eggs were revived, Flare and a small group of hatchlings teamed up to explore the Ashfall Waste together. Rather than immediately retreating from their ancestral home, the flock built a small, temporary lair and set out to search for any hidden treasures or additional songs their elders might have left behind.
Of course, the sudden appearance of a new dragon breed plus the magical signature from the lava that had awoken them brought many other dragons and beastclans to the area, curious about what had happened. At first, the flock were suspicious of the newcomers, but Flare soon found a friendly pair of dragons that were travelling through the area and after observing them, decided to try asking them for help. Even with the songs their elders had left them, information on how to survive was scarce, and the hatchlings needed any aid they could get. Rather than helping them briefly and then moving on however, the travelling dragons chose to stay and even adopt the hatchlings until they could comfortably fend for themselves.
And so, the group would have stayed safe for a while, were it not for the interest in the lava getting out of hand. The caves they once called their home became quiet, and then, locked down by newer dragons. Dragons that didn’t take too kindly to supposed trespassers on the territory they had just claimed. When Flare’s group refused to leave, these dragons at first tried to chase them out themselves, but then, resorted to something worse. They enlisted the help of some Ice Gaolers that were looking to investigate if the Banescale were still a threat.
Flare didn’t know what happened to her flock when she returned from scavenging one day and found the walls of the lair coated in ice and no-one, not even their kind parents in sight. She spent days looking for them, even trying to follow the aggressive dragons. Through several near misses, she soon discovered she had the ability to control smoke, and even turn her own body into it.
Even this ability wasn’t enough to track down her flock. She did however, reach a better understanding of why they had vanished. Furious that they had failed to reach the Magmablood Rebuke as it formed, the Forgemasters of the Fire Flight had chosen to seize any land or territory close to the island, and that included the caves the Banescale had once been trapped in. Flare was of course furious, but unwilling to reveal herself to any of the sides involved in the war.
Some of the Fire clans now mutter about a ghost or spirit lurking around any sites of conflict, observing constantly, but occasionally, stepping in to save a cornered blacksmith, leaving food for those who need it, and thick smoke covering the campsites of any Forgemasters. Most of the time, no-one is harmed, but a few Forgemasters have gone missing.
Presumably, this is what Flare continues to do when she leaves Clan Skylark. Not that anyone has learnt about it.
Notes: -Friends with Kaela, Arwyn, Kymani and Scipio, doesn't have any rivals or enemies in the clan (as yet) though she was very wary of Faolan at first and things are slightly awkward between them. They still get on though. -Does not like Kira, out of 'please stop asking me for scales and Banescale knowledge or how my powers work'. If Kira approaches her, Flare literally fades away into smoke right before her eyes to avoid talking to her. -Can sometimes spawn Smoke and Steam Gyres. When the number reached twenty, Scipio gave up on taking care of them so now Flare has to pick up all of her spawned birds before she travels anywhere. She ends up finding homes for them with Fire clans. -The reason why she stays with the clan is partly because she feels that she has to repay them for saving her from bandits that one time, plus they're just kind of cool and it gets lonely being by yourself all the time. |
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Exalting Flare to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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