
Level 11 Fae
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Longneck Magi
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Twice-Dyed Cowl
Blue Birdskull Legband
Cloak of the Cosmos



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


0.65 m
1.46 m
2.04 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 08, 2013
(11 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Fae
EXP: 15991 / 34264
Mana Bolt
Rune Slash
Glass Hybrid Fragment
Glass Hybrid Fragment


NOTE: This bio is several years old and out of date.

RANK: Arcane Mage, Council Member: Head of Beast Folk Relations

PERSONALITY: Rehu is a surly imp of a dragoness that hates any dragon that isn't a Fae, but has a soft spot for the Beasts races - unlike most dragons. Consequently, she serves as the head of Beast Folk Relations, acting as an intermediary between her clan and the local Beast Clans in order to keep hostile incidents to a minimum.

Despite being completely insufferable to be around most of the time, she keeps her position on the council because she's the daughter of the previous leader and there is no one who can do her job better than she can.

With Other Dragons
Unlike her parents, she detests interaction with non-Fae dragons and would stubbornly refuses to learn alternate methods of communication unless she absolutely had to. In her youth, she would outright ignore or mock any dragon that did not 'speak' Fae. Her frustrations with her clan's open attitude has led her to leave multiple times in the past, but she always returned soon after. She has become more open-minded as she matured, but old prejudices die hard and she still tends to spout insensitive remarks on occasion.

Family and Friends
Her parents' earlier neglect has led her to have a poor relationship with her mother and she only tolerated her father to improve her skill in the arcane arts. When she was younger she wanted to become a master mage, so she only took mates out of a desire to find a proper successor rather than love or true desire to be a mother. As a result, most of her children either want nothing to do with her or have a very rocky relationship with her.

Though she doesn't get along with other dragons, she does seem to like the Beast Folk and familiars. The lack of such a drastic difference in size was probably a contributing factor. The only real friend she has is her companion Kaja, a Longneck whom she is training in the Arcane arts.

Belief and the Arcanist
She is a proud and passionate welder of the arcane arts, but her opinion of her patron god is complicated. She dislikes the Arcanist for being just another 'unnecessarily complicated' large dragon, but she respects his power and wisdom. She also can't stand the Starfall Celebration, though she'll say it's because she can't stand staying up late to stare at stars every year, in truth it's because looking up at the endless expanse of space reminds her just how small and insignificant she really is.
Kaja Telthorn
Personality: Kaja dislikes dragons due to the gods' favoritism shown towards them. All dragons have a god to represent them, deities that look like them but there is no one to represent the "lesser" creatures. She only trusts Rehu because the dragoness does not treat her as a mere pet, but as an equal. Though she is Rehu's apprentice, Kaja occasionally takes on the role of a pseudo-mother figure and can be the teacher as much as the student at times.

She is a calm and observant thinker, pragmatic and careful in her actions, but sometimes prone to obsessive perfectionism.

Bio: Her seaside village was constantly harassed by a local guardian dragon and none of the Long-Necks of her tribe were able to stop them as none were castors or physically capable. Desperate to find someway to defend her home, Kaja reluctantly left to train in the arts of the Arcane.

Whilst on her journey, she met a young Rehu, about to be killed by a much older male Fae. Having no qualms against hatchlings, the teenaged Kaja lept in and beat the drake with her staff until he flew off. Rehu, not wanting her parents to know that she wandered off, promised to train Kaja as long as the long-neck made her return to the lair as discreet as possible. Kaja returned Rehu to the then-empty cavern and they would meet on occasion as Rehu completed her lessons. In time, Kaja returned to her home village and moved them all near Rehu's clan in the Crystalspine Reaches.

Though Kaja aged over the years and is close to perfecting her craft (as much as her kind can anyway) Rehu is only now entering her young adult years and will outlive Kaja by many lifetimes. Knowing this, Rehu has volunteered to help train generations of Magi long after Kaja's death.
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Exalting Reha to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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